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Why we use h2so4 in KMnO4 titration?

So in order to provide a strong acidic medium dilute sulphuric acid is added. ...H2SO4 provides surplus H+ ions, to keep the
reaction going And also it acts as a medium which doesn't interfere with the oxidizing agent to keep the quantitative purpose of
the reaction.
Why indicator is not used in KMnO4 titration?
Permanganate Titration EndpointA redox titration using potassium permanganate as the titrant. Because of its bright purple
color, KMnO4 serves as its own indicator. Note how the endpoint is reached when the solution remains just slightly purple.
Why is heating necessary in Standardisation of KMnO4?
Oxalic acid solution is heated before titration with KMnO4 solution because This reaction happens only in certain
temperature. If not heated your Light pink titrated solution turns brown soon and reaction takes longer time.
Why KMnO4 is not primary standard?
Because of its intense colour, the ion serves as its own indicator, so there is no need to add an indicator as is usually
required. Potassium permanganate is not aprimary standard, and preparation of the solution will always cause formation of
solid manganese dioxide (MnO2).
Why is h2so4 used instead of HCl in titration?
Acid is needed to provide the H+ (aq) ions, so that this particular reaction occurs. IfHCl (aq) were used instead of sulfuric
acid, the permanganate ions would oxidise the Cl- ions to form Cl2 (g) and so would not be available to react with the oxalic
What do you mean by primary standard and secondary standard?
Also contains definitions of: primary standard, secondary standard. ... A primary standard is a substance of known high
purity which may be dissolved in a known volume of solvent to give a primary standard solution. If stoichiometry is used to
establish the strength of a titrant, it is called a secondary standard solution.
Why is KMnO4 a secondary standard?
Whereas KMnO4 is secondary solution as its strength changes with time. KMnO4is not obtained in pure state as its crystals
contain MnO2 as impurity. But primarystandard are obtained in pure and stable form. ... So we can't stay the solution
ofpotassium permanganate for long time and is standardised against oxalic acid .
Which indicator is used in Standardisation of KMnO4?
In redox systems, the titration method can be adopted to determine the strength of a reductant/oxidant using a redox sensitive
indicator. Redox titrations involving potassium permanganate are called permanganometric titrations. In these reactions,
MnO4- ions acts as the self indicator.
Why KMnO4 is Coloured?
What is the reason for color of KMnO4? ... Its not due to d-d transition as Mn inKMnO4 exist with +7 oxidation state and it
has no d electrons. Due to charge transfer reaction within the molecule, photons promote an electron from the highest energy
MO orbital in one of the Mn-O bonds to an empty d orbital of Mn.
Why KMnO4 is a self indicator?
KMnO4 solutions are dark purple. When used as a titrant, as soon as the endpoint is reached and the KMnO4- is in excess, the
solution has a permanent pink hue (provided that the solution is initially colorless). Thus KMnO4 acts as its ownindicator.
Why heating is required for oxalic acid in standardization of KMnO4?
Oxalic acid solution is heated before titration with KMnO4 solution because This reaction happens only in certain
temperature. If not heated your Light pink titrated solution turns brown soon and reaction takes longer time.
Why is h2so4 used instead of HCL?
Sulfuric acid is used because it is stable towards oxidation; whereas, for example,hydrochloric acid would be oxidized to
chlorine by permanganate.
Why we use h2so4 in KMnO4 titration?
So in order to provide a strong acidic medium dilute sulphuric acid is added. ...H2SO4 provides surplus H+ ions, to keep the
reaction going And also it acts as a medium which doesn't interfere with the oxidizing agent to keep the quantitative purpose of
the reaction.
Why is oxalic acid used in titration?
The reaction between potassium permanganate and oxalic acid is carried out in an acidic medium because permanganate ion in
the acidic medium is a very strong oxidizing agent. ... The chemical reaction that takes place during titration can be
represented by the chemical equation.

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