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From the very early days, Cadbury has recognised the importance of design to promote both its corporate
and brand values. A flexible design policy has evolved over the years to meet the demands of the world-
wide market and changing trends. Designs developed for the company by the Cadbury Design Studio and
by independent design consultancies always reflect the overall quality image which is synonymous with
the name Cadbury.
Design is becoming increasingly important in all aspects of life. Consumers are definitely becoming more
design conscious, demanding that goods are not only functional but are aesthetically pleasing. Lifestyles
affect products and their packs, more people are eating on the move creating opportunities for chocolate
barlines to compete in the snack market.
In company terms, design can be divided into two levels between which there is a natural synergy for
Cadbury - 'corporate design' involving the presentation of the company itself and 'brand promotion'
With increasing trade, world-wide design styles are spreading as the best elements of national design are
blended into global trends. The need for good corporate design and brand presentation will definitely be
enhanced as the marketplace becomes more competitive.
Design developments for key brands are made from time to time to keep presentations up to date, taking
into account changes in fashion and consumer perceptions. In the gift market the pack design is particu-
larly important as chocolate competes with an ever increasing array of attractively packaged goods.

Cadbury Design Studio

The design department at Bournville in Britain has been an established part of the Cadbury operation
since the end of the 19th century. Sophie Pumphery, who joined Cadbury Brothers in 1896, was the first
artist to be employed by the company. However, early design owed a great deal to the creative talents of
Richard Cadbury. An artist by inclination rather than by training, Richard Cadbury was responsible for
creating the first designs for the beautifully illustrated chocolate assortment boxes of the Victorian era.
Cadbury Australia has a large team of designers working on every aspect of the company's design
requirements: pack designs, brochures, sales presenters, point of sale material and corporate identity
With the advent of highly sophisticated technology and computer graphics in the 1990s, the design
industry has changed more than any other sector. The Cadbury design team keeps abreast of the latest
technology and its implication on future possibilities. For example computer graphics are now used to
produce a multi visual display for shelf display pack tests to gauge the potential impact of a new brand
pack design on the shelf, rather than having to test it in situ in store or on a display mock-up.
Design and choice of packaging material are closely interrelated. At Cadbury, the design department
works closely with the packaging development experts to combine the designer's artistic ideas with the
materials and effects available to produce the right pack for each product. There are several important
factors to be taken into account in designing and developing packaging for Cadbury brands:
(i) Cadbury is well known for the good quality of its products, a reputation which must be
(ii) The quality of confectionery is judged by two factors - the appearance of the product
before purchase and most important, the taste.
(iii) Cadbury produce vast quantities of chocolates and sweets which must sell themselves off
theshelves of supermarkets and a wide range of other retail outlets.
Legislation dictates how products must be described, ingredients listed and weight referenced together
with other criteria while commercial requirements demand the inclusion of bar coding. These elements
must be taken into account by the designers, in conjunction with other information including voluntary
requirements such as nutritional labelling, when seeking to meet the marketing brief.
The Cadbury design process operates on the same commercial basis as an outside agency.

Cadbury Design Process

The Brief:
This is the first stage of the Cadbury Design process when the 'customer',
for example the Brand Manager, discussed the requirements for a new
brand design with the designer. It might be a new presentation for an
existing Cadbury brand, an entirely new design concept for a new
product or point of sale material to support a brand promotion.

The designer will then produce either some black and white 'scamps' of
rough ideas to discuss with the customer. Alternatively the ideas may be
presented in colour as a 'marker visual' with numerous alternatives being
devised in order to achieve the best 'finished design' . Designs could also
be produced on computer using an Apple Macintosh which gives the
designer a great deal of flexibility to make subtle changes without
having to prepare a new marker visual.

Once a visual has been produced it may be necessary to produce 'mock-ups' which are visuals made up to
look like the real thing. They are usually very highly finished and may be superior in quality than the
actual final printed design. Mock -ups would be needed if a new product concept or packaging was going
be assessed by a consumer market research group prior to launch or a pack was needed for photography
for inclusion in a seasonal catalogue.

Cadbury Design Process cont.

For part of the specific design process, photography may be required and
this may involve a studio shot or shooting 'on location'.

Art work:
Production of 'artwork' which is the final design, featuring all the neces-
sary text and other information required by the printer, is the next stage
in the process. Artwork is produced mainly on computer and often
involves the scanning of very highly finished illustrations prepared by
hand by skilled artists. Once complete, the printer is given the informa-
tion on a computer disk together with a colour laser for reference along
with the photographic transparencies.

The printer will produce 'proofs' of the item to be printed so that the
Cadbury design team can check it in great detail to correct any errors or
omissions ensuring that the colour matches the specification. Once a
proof has been approved the material will be printed, which in one print
of, for example, the packaging for a Crunchie bar, can amount to over
several million impressions.

Cadbury Corporate Design

Design is a visual means of communicating a company's corporate identity to
a wide range of target audiences. A clear, well planned corporate identity
helps to position the company and set it apart for the competition. To be
successful, a corporate identity programme must reflect accurately the whole
personality of a company and its brands. Reality must always match the
expectations created by the visual elements.
The well established Cadbury corporate design today with the script logo and
corporate colours so prominent on livery, signs, stationery, printed material
and the brands themselves is a visual statement of the Company's authority
Cadbury Headquarters within the confectionery market. Both the design and execution emphasise
the high quality standards extending through every aspect of the Company

The Earliest Steps Towards a Cadbury Corporate Identity

From 1906, Cadbury had painted livery on its delivery vans. But
the first move towards a consistent identity was the registration of
the 'Cadbury Tree symbol' in 1911. Resembling a stylised cocoa
tree interwoven with the Cadbury name, this device was used on
various items such as presentation boxes, catalogues, tableware
and promotional items. It was also imprinted onto the aluminium
foil used to wrap the moulded chocolate blocks.

The Cadbury Tree symbol was used consistently from 1911 until 1939 and
again immediately after the war. Many of the older Bournville workers
and pensioners have vivid recollections of this symbol.
The Cadbury Tree symbol has been perpetuated in the design of the
distinctive logo for Cadbury World, the visitors centre at the UK factory,
which offers visitors a unique chocolate experience.

The Cadbury World Tree


Cadbury Corporate Design Today

Three long established elements - the unique script logo coupled with the glass and a half symbol and the
purple and gold house colours are the key components of the corporate design, the visual expression of
Cadbury Limited today. Benefits of the consistent corporate identity can be summed up as:
• Memorability and distinctiveness
• Assurance of quality
• An established and consistent house logo - a unifying element that helps significantly to
persuade customers to sample a new line.
The complete Cadbury logo is used on company signs, livery, letterheads and brochures.

Development of Cadbury Script.

This is an element of visual identity unique to the company which is based on the
signature of William A.. Cadbury, the son of Richard Cadbury who was Chairman of
Cadbury Brothers. It was first introduced on the transport fleet in 1921 and was
subsequently used on sales catalogues and seal designs on special boxes and
stationery. However it was not until 1952, when the graphic designer Norbett Dutton
redesigned the whole moulded range to be promoted under the Cadbury name, that
the script logo was used across major brands.
The script logo has been modified over the years having been quite fussy initially.
The script is exclusive to the word 'Cadbury'. Official alternatives to the traditional
Cadbury script are those approved for China, Russia, Egypt and the Middle East but
the traditional Cadbury logo must be equally prominent on the pack, sign or other
material where the alternative is used.

The Glass and a half symbol

Initially exclusive to Cadbury Dairy Milk as an advertising device, the 'glass and a
half' symbol became an integral part of the corporate design for Cadbury in the early
1960s. The icon symbolises the goodness, quality, freshness and superiority of
Cadbury chocolate
First introduced in 1928 as a poster and press campaign the 'Glass and a Half of Full
Cream Milk in every half pound' slogan with the picture of milk pouring into the
chocolate bar, must be one of the country's longest running advertising campaigns. It
was not until the late 1970s that the symbol was included on the wrapper.

Cadbury Corporate Design Today cont.

Purple and Gold House Colours
Cadbury regal purple and gold were firmly established as the Cadbury corporate house colours by the
early 1920s. The two colours had been introduced within the product range at the beginning of the century.
When Milk Tray was launched in 1915, purple was used for the pack but it was not until 1920 that the
purple and gold colours were used in the pack design for the flagship brand Cadbury Dairy Milk.
The three elements above form the core of the Cadbury Master Brand identity.

Brand Promotion
Tracing the landmarks in the development of Cadbury pack design
from the very early days, it can be seen that the common thread
running through is quality.
The early Cadbury labels were for the most part clear and dignified,
their designs reflecting the 'quality and superior style' which marked
the Cadbury approach to business.

Early label with 'Quality and Style'

In John Cadbury's day - the mid 19th century, the

type faces available had been designed for
bookwork in an age of elegance and printers were,
in the main, still restricted to one colour. However
the Cadbury labels for 'Fine Crown', 'Genuine
Cocoa Paste' and 'Sir Hans Sloane's Milk
Chocolate', popular items in the extensive range of
cocoa and chocolate drinks, were examples of good
taste and pleasing design.
Sir Hans Sloanes Milk Chocolate

Brand Promotion cont.

Eating chocolate first appeared on the Cadbury listings in the 1840s
and from the outset, the packs were decorative. Chocolate for eating
was a novelty and the packs were designed to tempt the customers to
taste this new product. Two of the earliest pictorial labels were based
on engravings of Victoria and Albert and of the Birmingham Town Hall
which was opened in 1834. Both labels had the Cadbury Brothers
designation and therefore date from after 1847.

Birmingham Town Hall

Tremendous strides in the eating chocolate market were made possible from
the mid 1860s, following the introduction of the cocoa press by Richard and
George Cadbury. Many new kinds of chocolate were produced, not only more
refined forms of plain chocolate in blocks but the first chocolate assortments,
fruit fondants covered with chocolate
At first the chocolate assortment boxes featured small pictures suitable for
children to cut out and paste in their scrapbooks. The pictures, ready printed
in sheets, were sold by European printers. These soon gained popularity with
the Victorians particularly, as gifts, opening up new design possibilities for
the company.
Richard Cadbury introduced ambitious and
attractive designs from his own paintings Richard Cadbury's Chocolate Box
for gift boxes. He used his children as
models and sometimes depicted flowers or scenes from holiday
journeys. Chocolate boxes were designed with their after use very much
in mind, becoming increasingly elaborate. Designs ranged from the
pastoral to the romantic and from the floral to opulent silk-lined caskets
and rich velvet jewel boxes.
Early Chocolate Boxes

The Victorians delighted in these elaborate chocolate boxes and their


popularity continued, although their appearance was transformed to meet


changes in taste, until their disappearance during the second world war and the

period of austerity which followed.


When chocolate boxes returned in the early 1950s their design style was

functional and more suitable to mass production. Although there is still a Early Mass Produced
demand for the special boxes for gift occasions, the extravagant designs of Chocolate Box

the earlier days have totally disappeared.


Brand Promotion cont.

At the turn of the century, Cadbury commissioned a local artist, Cecil
Aldin, to produce a series of posters and press advertisements which are
amongst the finest examples of early advertising. Classics within the
advertising field, these posters were used on sites throughout the coun-
try and the artwork formed the basis of early magazine campaigns. The
earliest ones promoted the virtues of Cadbury cocoa, with illustrations
related to topical events, many quite humorous.

Cadbury Cocoa Poster

The Gorrell Commission Better Standards of Design

Cadbury's design awareness was well illustrated by the company's response to the Gorrell Commission
which was set up the Government in 1931 to promote better standards of design throughout British indus-
try to help combat competition from foreign imports.
The famous artists series of chocolate boxes was introduced in 1932
with illustrations by artists of the calibre of Dame Laura Knight,
Arthur Rackham and Mark Gertler. Unfortunately these did not
prove to be overwhelmingly popular with the British public!

Gorrells designs

Design of Key Brands

Unlike many companies whose product branding is paramount and there is no mention of the company
name apart from the discreet name with the address, Cadbury policy has always been to use the 'Cadbury'
brand prominently on all its products. Cadbury chocolate is the unifying element across the product range
and as such the Cadbury brand represents Cadbury chocolate in all its different forms.
In the 1950s, at the time when the Cadbury script logo was first used on the chocolate bar packs, the
Cadbury name was featured prominently across the range. This policy enabled the lesser known brands to
gain through clear association with Cadbury and its top brand Cadbury Dairy Milk.
In the 1960s, more money was available for product promotion; television advertising was a well
established element in the marketing mix and the strength of the brand was the key. The Cadbury name
was still featured but less prominently.
From the late 1980s "Cadburyness" became an important property for all brands and the Cadbury name
returned to prominence.
Today, the Cadbury brand is the world’s leading international brand in chocolate and is a crucial element
in the pack design for all product packaging.

Key Brands
Every Cadbury brand, for example, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milk Tray, and Cadbury Roses has its own
individual design style and colour which relates to market position and customer perception. Changes in
the design of all Cadbury brands are made from time to time to keep the presentation up-to-date without
sacrificing continuity.

Cadbury Dairy Milk

Cadbury Dairy Milk is Australia's number one seller in the moulded chocolate market.
Launched in 1905, it is a milk chocolate favourite throughout the world. In product
display, pack colour is noticed first, then shape and finally the detail. The Cadbury
regal purple used for Cadbury Dairy Milk packaging is now synonymous with Cadbury
When first launched Cadbury Dairy Milk had a parcel wrap with a pale mauve colour
and red script. The purple and gold colours were established in 1920. Cadbury Dairy
Milk packaging design has evolved over the years with subtle changes to the clearly
defined purple and gold livery of this market leader.
The Cadbury script logo was introduced into the design in 1952 and the final element, the famous glass
and a half symbol, so successfully used in advertising, was incorporated in the 1970s.

Design of Key Brands cont.

To meet consumer demand, a wide variety of presentations for Cadbury Dairy Milk have been introduced
from miniatures for gifts, snack size for the lunch box, 100g, 150g, 250g, chunky blocks to especially
large 400g, 600g and even 1kg and 1.25kg blocks for the gift market. This has resulted in the use of a
number of different packaging styles to suit the particular presentation.

Cadbury Milk Tray

Milk Tray has maintained its popularity in a changing world since the milk chocolate assortment made
with the famous Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate was first introduced in Australia in the early 1930’s.

The name 'Tray' is derived from the way in which the original assortment was delivered to the shops.
Originally, Milk Tray was packed in five and a half pound boxes, arranged on trays from which it was
sold loose to customers.

The half pound deep-lidded box with the traditional purple background and gold script was introduced in
the late 1930’s. Its purple and gold pack was stylish but without frills, positioning Milk Tray as the
assortment for everyday not just special occasions.

Milk Tray has been available in pack sizes of 125g,

250g, 500g and 750g in a single designed pack from
1930 to 1998. In 1998 Milk Tray pack design extended
to 6 new designs, including the heart, stars, zodiac, bow
and teddy bear graphics over all pack sizes. These
graphics emphasise how appropriate Milk Tray is as a
gift at various occasions and reflects changes in
consumer preference.

Design of Key Brands cont.

Cadbury Roses

Roses Designs

Designed to compete in the 'twist-wrap' chocolate market, Cadbury Roses is the current number one boxed
chocolate brand in Australia.
Examination of the Cadbury Roses pack over the years shows that the main changes have been in the rose
itself, the introduction of the Cadbury script logo and in the descriptive label device. Today the key design
features are undoubtedly the eye catching blue packs and tins and the distinctive red and yellow roses.

This range of chocolate bars, includes a wide variety of brands which compete in different sectors of the
snack market. Barlines are very much an impulse purchase so the packaging much be eye-catching to grab
the consumers' attention. The design of the packaging relates to their individual core values, market
positioning, specific consumer appeal and brand personality.

Flake is by far the most unique and luxurious milk chocolate bar in the market place. Its trendy and chic
appearance appeals to a young female market.

Design of Key Brands cont.

TimeOut was launched into the Australian market in March 1995 and was the only successful entrant in
the Top 5, amidst 10 year old established brands.
Amidst the hectic lifestyle of the 90’s, TimeOut is the perfect mental pause to see people through the day.

Cherry Ripe
Cherry Ripe is a unique blend of cherries and old gold chocolate.
The ‘irresistible’ and ‘playful’ appeal of Cherry Ripe places the brand in its own category, no other
chocolate bar is similar both in taste and in character.

Picnic is the fun and rugged product amongst the Cadbury bar portfolio, both in appearance and taste. The
ingredients (peanuts, wafer, caramel, rice crisps and chocolate) make Picnic a texturally interesting eat.
Picnic is widely recognised by its Red and Yellow packaging and all round has an easy going and down to
earth nature, which appeals to a male audience.

Crunchie has been a strong performer in the Cadbury stable of brands in Australia over the last 20 years.
Crunchie can be characterised by its upbeat and gregarious nature. It is a truly amazing product with the
honeycomb centre, which melts in your mouth and provides a great uplifting feeling.

The Gift Market

The traditional gift seasons are Christmas and Easter, with sales of boxed chocolates, selection packs,
novelties and eggs, but there is a whole sequence of celebrations such as mothers' day, Valentine's day or
other potential gift giving occasions.
In this area Cadbury products must not only stand out from the chocolate market competition they must
also compete with the rest of the increasingly innovative gift market.

Christmas is an important chocolate buying time particularly in relation to boxed
chocolates. Thirty percent of all boxed chocolates bought at Christmas time.
Pack designs for boxed chocolates and the ever expanding range of Christmas novelties
must be eye-catching, innovative with different ideas linking with the brand design and

In this the second largest chocolate giving season, Easter eggs make up 10% of all chocolate sales. Within
the Cadbury range there is something for every member of the family.
Design and presentation of Easter gifts is almost as important as the chocolate product itself. The
psychology of matching the presentation of Easter eggs to particular consumer targets is a major consider-
ation and the Cadbury design team are experts in this field.

Easter Eggs for all ages

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