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Susi Ratna Sari : 1511204017

Dwiky Setiawan : 1511204004

Weni Aprilliani : 1511204053

Asnaini : 1511204018

Jurusan/Semester/Kelompok: PBI 2/Semester 4/Kelompok 7





In many years ago, have been finding a disorder of reading named
Dyslexia. Dyslexia is a language disability. It is also considered a learning
disability. It affects a person's ability to read, write, and spell in accepted ways.
Dyslexia tends to affect the ability to communicate in more subtle ways, too.
For instance, someone with dyslexia may be pretty sure they know another
person's name, but when they say the name, it comes out all wrong. Or, no
matter how much a student with dyslexia studies for a test, the next day he or
she might completely forget the material. Although just as smart as the other
kids in his or her class, it may take a student with dyslexia five times longer to
do homework.
As much as dyslexics have a learning and language disability, they also
have gifts. As we learn more and more about how the mind receives and digests
information, we also learn that everyone's mind does not work in exactly the
same way. While dyslexics may find it hard to express themselves in words
sometimes, they may have a talent for thinking in terms of three-dimensional
pictures. They may have a gift for music or art. They could be phenomenal
gymnasts or great scientists and inventors. They may be very sensitive to the
emotions of others. They may be highly perceptive about other people's
thoughts and feelings.
And in these little papers, we would like to write a few resume
introducing the reader about what is dyslexia? How is it? How treat them? And
what should we do as parent and teacher? We wish this will be useful for us.
1. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading and that can be
characterized by trouble with reading despite normal intelligence.
2. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke definition
describe dyslexia as “difficult with phonological processing (he
manipulation of sounds), spelling, or rapid visual-verbal responding.
3. The British Dyslexia Association definition describes dyslexia as “a
learning difficulty that primarily affects the skills involved in accurate
and fluent word reading and spelling” and is characterized by “difficulties
in phonological awareness, verbal memory and verbal processing speed.”
4. The trouble in dyslexia is included how difficult someone to read, to
spell, and recognized a sound.
5. Commonly, the sufferer of dyslexia will be firstly known when they are
in the school.
6. In other case dyslexia maybe caused by brain damage due to stroke or
atrophy and that called by alexia.
7. The causes of dyslexia are genetic and environmental factors.
8. The signs of dyslexia can be diagnosed by the symptom in many levels,
are common sign in preschool, common sign in grade school, middle
school, high school.
9. Dyslexia Treatment using specific educational approaches and
techniques, and the sooner the intervention begin, the better.
10.Psychological testing will help your child’s teachers develop a suitable
teaching program.
11.Helping a child use several senses to learn for example, listening to a tape
lesson and tracing with a finger the shape of the letters used and the word
spoken can help in processing the information.
12.Children with dyslexia who get extra help in kindergarten or first grade
often improve their reading skills enough to succeed in grade school and
high school.
13.There are several treatment focuses on helping your child:
a. Learn to recognize and use the smallest sounds that make up words
b. Understand that letters and strings of letters represent these sounds and
words (phonics)
c. Comprehend what he/she is reading
d. Read aloud to build reading accuracy, speed and expression (fluency)
e. Build a vocabulary of recognized and understood words
14.What parents can do:
a. Address the problem early. If you suspect your child has dyslexia, talk
to your child’s doctor. Early intervention can improve success
b. Read aloud to your child. It’s best if you start when your child is 6
months old or even younger. Try listening to recorded books with
your child. When your child is old enough, read the stories together
after your child hears them.
c. Work with your child’s school. Talk to your child’s teacher about
how the school will help him or her succeed. You are your child’s
best advocate.
d. Encourage reading time. To improve reading skills, a child must
practice reading. Encourage your child to read.
A. Questions
1. Apa bedanya antara anak dyslexia dan anak yang baru belajar
2. Jika semua langkah-langkah penanganan dyslexia sudah dilakukan
semua, namun anak tersebut tetap tidak dapat membaca, apakah anak
tersebut bisa digolongkan sebagai anak dyslexia?
B. Answers
1. Perbedaannya anak dyslexia punya pemahaman yang sedikit lain, jadi
perlu kerja ekstra untuk memahamkan sesuatu pada anak dyslexia.
Sedangkan anak lain yang baru belajar baca atau berhitung pemahaman
mengenali fisik huruf dan suaranya bisa lebih cepat.
2. Dyslexia bukan karena mereka lambat berpikir tapi karena pemahaman
mereka sedikit keliru, seperti tidak bisa membedakan fisik dan suara
huruf dan mengurutkan angka.

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in reading and that can be

characterized by trouble with reading despite normal intelligence. The trouble in
dyslexia is included how difficult someone to read, to spell, and recognized a
sound. The causes of dyslexia are genetic and environmental factors.
The signs of dyslexia can be diagnosed by the symptom in many levels,
are common sign in preschool, common sign in grade school, middle school,
high school. Dyslexia Treatment using specific educational approaches and
techniques, and the sooner the intervention begin, the better. Helping a child use
several senses to learn for example, listening to a taped lesson and tracing with
a finger the shape of the letters used and the word spoken can help in processing
the information.
There are several treatment focuses on helping your child:
1. Learn to recognize and use the smallest sounds that make up words
2. Understand that letters and strings of letters represent these sounds
and words (phonics)
3. Comprehend what he/she is reading
4. Read aloud to build reading accuracy, speed and expression
What parents can do:
1. Address the problem early. If you suspect your child has dyslexia,
talk to your child’s doctor. Early intervention can improve success
2. Read aloud to your child. It’s best if you start when your child is 6
months old or even younger. Try listening to recorded books with
your child. When your child is old enough, read the stories together
after your child hears them.
3. Work with your child’s school. Talk to your child’s teacher about
how the school will help him or her succeed. You are your child’s
best advocate.

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