Sizing of Battery

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Sizing and applications of battery energy

storage technologies in smart grid system: A

Cite as: J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019);
Submitted: 02 October 2018 . Accepted: 21 January 2019 . Published Online: 08 February 2019

M. Sufyan, N. A. Rahim , M. M. Aman, C. K. Tan, and S. R. S. Raihan

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); 11, 014105

© 2019 Author(s).
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

Sizing and applications of battery energy storage

technologies in smart grid system: A review
Cite as: J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866
Submitted: 2 October 2018 . Accepted: 21 January 2019 .
Published Online: 8 February 2019

M. Sufyan,1 N. A. Rahim,1,a) M. M. Aman,2 C. K. Tan,1 and S. R. S. Raihan1

Higher Instituion Centre of Excellence (HICoE), UM Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC), Wisma R&D, University
of Malaya, 59990 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan


Dynamics of the world are changing, and people are preferring low cost and reliable power throughout the day. The addition of
renewable energy to the existing system is also one of the ways to provide reliable and cheap electricity. The existing bottle neck
in transmission lines, continuous contamination of the environment due to heavy reliance on fossil fuels, and the highly
fluctuating cost of fossil fuel are few reasons for the widespread use of renewable energy technology. Energy storage
technologies are the need of time and range from low capacity mobile storage batteries to high capacity batteries connected to
the intermittent renewable energy sources. Selection of different battery types, each having distinguished characteristics in
power and energy, depends on the nature of power required and delivered. This paper presents a detailed review of battery
energy storage technologies pertaining to the latest technologies, benefits, sizing considerations, efficiency, cost, and recycling.
An in-depth analysis in terms of advantages and limitations between the different types of batteries is discussed and compared.
In terms of microgrid application, the economic benefits of battery sizing using optimization and probabilistic methods provide a
potential solution during the design stage by taking into account various factors affecting the sizing of the battery such as the
degradation rate, reliability, and battery placement. This paper ends with the discussion on the recyclability of these batteries
and their impact on the environment.
Published under license by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION the challenges of sustainable, economic, and reliable electricity

Currently, the dominant source of energy for power gener- by installing renewable energy sources at a higher level.
ation and transportation is fossil fuel. Most of the countries are A smart grid provides the solution to revolutionize the elec-
depending upon the imported fossil fuel, and therefore, the tricity grid and improve the power delivery in an efficient man-
countries need to face financial instability when the price of ner. The smart grid transforms the current grid into the one that
fossil fuel changes in the international market. According to the functions more responsively, economically, and cooperatively.
Energy information agency (EIA) report, a substantial increase in The National Institute of the Standards and Technology (NIST)
oil prices will be observed in the next two decades.1 As such, describes the smart grid as a system with the capability to inte-
government and energy companies are taking steps to move grate communication and computing technologies as well as
towards the priceless Renewable Energy Sources (RESs). services into power system infrastructure.2,3 Figure 1 shows the
Greenhouse gas emission will be reduced by replacing fossil transfer of electricity from the power plant generators to the
fuels with RES and leads to growth in the industrial sector. customer end in a smart grid power system. The flow of electric-
However, RES will present challenges when integrated with the ity and communication between the generation, transmission,
existing system due to its intermittent nature. As such, a battery and distribution (T&D) utilities and customers is also shown in
is considered an important component to suppress the inter- the diagram. The generation part consists of fossil fuel genera-
mittent power delivery from RES. In contrast to the conven- tors, renewable energy sources, and battery storage systems.
tional grid, a modified electrical system is required to overcome The data centre units manage the generation part remotely

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-1
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 1. Flow of electricity in a smart grid system with the control unit and PMU. Reproduced with permission from Hossain et al., Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 60, 1178
(2016). Copyright 2016 Elsevier.7

through their intelligent nodes installed at different locations. mechanical energy storage (pumped hydro storage, flywheel,
Phaser management units (PMUs) are also installed inside the and compressed air energy storage), electrical energy storage
control centre by which the operator can measure grid stability [super-capacitors (SCs) and superconducting magnetic energy
in the case of any fault. The customer section contains the intel- storage], electrochemical energy storage (battery), chemical
ligent building, electrical vehicles, household, and batteries to energy storage, and thermal energy storage technologies.11
store excess energy for later use as per customer require- Figure 2 shows the classifications of energy storage systems.
ment.4,5 In a smart grid network, RESs are safely plugged into Some of the types will be explained in detail.
the grid and additional power is provided by the household This paper presents a detailed review of the battery energy
distributed generation and battery storage. The smart grid will storage system (BESS). This paper is organized as follows:
enable the consumers to manage the energy consumption and Section II presents the benefits for energy storage systems, and
cost. This will benefit the utility companies through increasing Sec. III gives a detailed review of battery storage technologies
security, reducing peak loads, and lowering the operational and other types of energy storage systems. A review of hybrid
costs.5,6 energy storage systems is provided in Sec. IV. The battery
However, the smart grid also brings upon many challenges energy storage sizing methods and the factors affecting the siz-
when the integration of fuel cells, photovoltaics (PVs), wind ing of battery storage are discussed in Secs. V and VI, respec-
energy, and battery storage are considered.7,8 The energy stor- tively. Finally, recycling of battery storages and their impact on
age system (ESS) plays a leading role in increasing the penetra-
the environment are discussed in Sec. VII.
tion of renewable energy sources due to its continuous support
to the power grid in the fulfilment of load demands in terms of
regulating power system frequency and upgrading the transmis-
sion line capability. ESS minimizes the fluctuations of renewable Electricity storage and technologies that have the capability
energy and stores the additional power when the generation is to reduce peaks and smooth the power are crucial elements of
high so that the energy can be used during peak load hours.9 the future power system network. ESS can be the solution to fix
ESS also improves the efficiency of the power system by mitigat- the aging power grid, bridging the gap between the utilities and
ing the grid congestion.10 In general, ESS can be classified into customer’s demand. They have become a critical tool for

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-2
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 2. Classification of energy storage systems.

increasing consumer comfort, reducing electricity bills, and Some benefits of the energy storage system in microgrids
earning revenue. and smart grids are presented as follows:
The storage device allows the consumer to not only store
energy for a longer duration of time but also save the consumer’s A. Peak shaving
money by charging the storage devices during off peak hours
Peak shaving is the technique to reduce the consumption
when the price is low and uses them during peak hours.12 This
of electricity when the demand of electricity is at peak, usually
increasing importance of energy storage devices has forced the
during the daytime in summer and the night time in winters.
researchers to put great effort into achieving high efficienct and
Utility companies now have different pricing tariffs based on the
cost-effective storage device. However, there are many other
demand at different times, with high price during peak hours.
factors associated with the energy storage devices, which
This variable tariff has helped the utility companies to achieve
include energy storage capacity (MWh), power capacity (MW),
economic dispatch during peak hours. Organizations with high
device cost, and maintenance cost. The charging and discharging
electrical consumptions find peak shaving an attractive option
process of the storage devices requires adequate control strate-
due to its pricing.
gies to perform reliable operation of grids even during the peak
Peak shaving can be done by several ways. One of the
demand.13,14 Consumers may reduce the energy consumption of
options is to reduce the consumption during peak hours by
thermal loads such as air conditioners, water chillers, and water
turning off unnecessary equipment and install thermostats. A
heaters, which results in saving the electricity during peak hours.
couple of other options include the use of generators to meet
Microgrids are small part of the power system that allows
the power demand during the peak time. The other option is to
the smart grid to function properly. Microgrids play a vital role
install storage devices and solar panels that may help in reduc-
in the integration of smart grids to the existing network and
ing power demands as these are effective during peak hours
consist of distributed energy resources and loads that are grid
when the demand is high.
connected or operated in the islanded mode. They generally
A self-consumption energy generation technique for peak
produce energy with renewable sources, making power systems
shaving is studied in Ref. 17 where community based centralized
reliable, economical, clean, and protected. ESS in microgrids is
storage units are analysed to share power within the commu-
used to retain the power balance between the load demand and
nity. The self-consumption ratio rises more for the case without
generation, which ensures the regulation of frequency and grid
the storage unit compared to the case with the central storage
voltage. Selection of different energy storage units, each having
unit. The storage unit is hardly used in winters due to low PV
distinguished characteristics in power and energy, depends on
power production. However, the storage unit increases the
the nature of power required and delivered, but the most com-
yearly revenue and reduces losses by changing from individual
monly used units in microgrids are super-capacitors (SCs) and
household to the centralized unit. The extra revenue can be
batteries. Super-capacitors have high power density and low
used for the community expenses and the maintenance work.
energy density, and so, they are used in applications to support
the fast-transient power demands. In contrast, batteries that
have high energy density and low power density which can be B. Home energy management
active for longer durations and are used to support slow tran- Battery storage is deployed in the houses as a source to
sient power demands. Hybrid energy storage systems having provide power supply during power interruptions. The batteries
both high energy and power density are deployed to support are often used with uninterruptable power supply (UPS) to pro-
the slow and fast transients together.15,16 tect the equipment during the times of high spikes or low

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-3
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

voltages (LVs). Moreover, energy tariff implemented in many E. Transmission and Distribution (T&D) upgrade
countries can help residential customers to store energy when deferral
the electricity price is low and then utilizing the stored energy
Energy storages are deployed in the transmission system to
during the high tariff period. A home energy management model
defer the equipment upgrades of T&D due to the increase in
is examined in Ref. 18 to minimize the electricity price of the
power demand or to extend the life of T&D equipment. ESS pro-
household by shifting the timings of the electrical and thermal
vides economical alternatives to develop new infrastructure
appliances of the house base on the electricity pricing value. The
(substations and feeder), which poses challenges concerning
author discusses the home with self-energy generation and
local communities, future demand growth, capital investment,
storage units, which interact with the main grid for the
and massive time requirement. The T&D system may require
exchange of power. Within the home, the energy consumption
energy storage for small portion of the year during the summer
pattern examines the probability of activity and social random
days when the demand exceeds equipment’s capacity. Thus, ESS
factors like weather and the environment for the electrical and
is beneficial in increasing the equipment life, provided that
thermal household appliances. In addition, the energy schedul-
equipment operates at the rated capacity and temperature. This
ing problem is modelled as Mixed Integer Linear Programming
helps in reducing the ground fault incidents in the underground
(MILP) to get the optimal power dispatch. The optimal size for
the storage device is obtained to enhance the supply and
demand by saving the extra energy.
F. Frequency regulation
C. Load levelling Electric power systems face problems like frequency
Load levelling involves the process of storing energy when deviations and voltage variations due to the uncertainty in
the system load is light and delivering back during the high wind and PV output power depending on the location of
spikes of loads. Flexible Alternating Current Transmission installation, weather conditions, and season of the year.26 The
System (FACTS) devices and battery energy storage systems power fluctuations of these renewable sources in the islanded
(BESSs) are examined in Ref. 19 to mitigate the voltage rise and mode may result in the disconnection of a large area. The grid
the load levelling problem. The smart voltage source inverter codes in European countries have been modified to provide
(VSI) having the capability for the reactive power compensation dynamic grid support such as frequency control and fault ride
using the variable power factor is used for high penetration of through (FRT) during voltage sags. The ancillary service mar-
PV in the low-voltage (LV) network. The control method mini- kets are providing system services like frequency regulation
mizes the communication between the static synchronous in many countries. The fast response time of BESS compared
compensator (STATCOM) and PV units. During the high PV pen- to other storage devices makes it a more effective way of
etration of up to 30%, the overvoltage issues are mitigated using supporting system frequency. Moreover, the charging and
the proposed control method even at the farthest point from discharging operation of the battery delivers the regulated
the distribution transformer. Thus, the control method is cost power to the grid in less than 20 ms.27 The power block of the
effective because the controller can be installed only at the criti- battery storage system includes converters, filter circuits,
cal points rather than installing at all the testing points with a and control systems. The frequent change in active and reac-
conventional controller. tive power supply improves the frequency control capability
and delivers fast active power by implementing the effective
D. Power fluctuations control strategy.28
Energy storage systems have been very effective in reduc-
ing fluctuations by shifting the load from the peak periods to off
G. Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT)
peak periods. However, with the rapid increase in the load
demand and penetration of renewable sources, the distribution Photovoltaic systems connected to the network are devel-
system faces many challenges of power fluctuations, voltage oping at a very fast pace and will soon be a large part of the
stability, and immense power losses.20–22 power generation in some regions.29 With more grid-connected
The authors in Ref. 23 propose methods for smoothing the PV systems in the medium voltage network, the higher penetra-
power fluctuations by using two load forecasting methods. The tion level in the grid will cause stability and reliability issues, par-
Complex-Valued Neural Network (CVNN) predicts the 24-h load ticularly under the voltage problem.30 Thus, grid codes are
data, and the series parallel forecasting method predicts the being released by the transmission system operators for PV
load data 20 min ahead. The primary objective is to achieve sources that are connected to the low or medium voltage net-
smoothing and peak shaving for which CVNN performs the opti- works with Low Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) capability.
mization technique to follow the state of charge (SOC) trajectory Furthermore, grid codes require the injection of reactive cur-
of BESS. The distribution grid load curve experiences some rent during such faults. The switching losses increase with the
unsuitable charging and discharging of BESS, which increases injection of reactive power, and to compensate this, the system
the complexities due to inaccurate forecasting. Thus, the series must draw active power. Moreover, the DC voltage falls in the
parallel method performs smoothing of the load curve by dump- system during the severe faults. The energy storage can support
ing the load stochastic fluctuations due to high PV penetration. the voltage level to stabilize the system during such faults.31–34

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-4
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

H. Loss minimization unpredictability of RES. The demand response is defined as

The radial structure of the electrical distribution system the change in the energy consumption by the consumer from
having a large current to voltage ratio results in high quantity the normal load as an incentive provided by the utility compa-
of power losses in a distribution system. These power losses nies or change in price of electricity during peak hours to
can be minimized by the reconfiguration of systems like opti- maintain the stability and reliability of the system.45,46 Energy
mal allocation of distributed generators and shunt capacitors storage due to its prominent features is the ideal candidate for
and placement of renewable energy sources.35,36 The utility managing the residential demand response where the demand
companies are intended to place the distributed generators, and supply are controlled by households.47 The benefits from
e.g., PV system near to the distribution load to reduce the the demand response programs are not limited to the con-
power flow, minimize losses, and provide stability to the sys- sumers in terms of saving bills. But they are extended to utility
tem in terms of avoiding voltage disturbances. Power loss in companies where reliability is increased by modifying the load
each branch is the measure of squared value of current flowing shape and improving market performance.48
into the branch, and energy storage shifts some of this current A demand management response is studied in Ref. 49
to a low demand period decreasing the resistive losses. The where the primary objective is to provide the energy with rela-
energy storage placement in the distribution system can also tively low price and without sacrificing human comforts. A con-
result in power loss minimization. The energy loss within the trol algorithm for the electricity demand response of a smart
storage system due to the power conditioning unit and internal house is proposed. The algorithm uses local battery storage as
resistance loss during the charge discharge processes can be an additional supplementary source to manage the electrical
minimized by managing the efficiency of energy storage.37–40 operation on the basis of hourly electricity price. The algorithm
Moeini in Ref. 41 discusses the power factor based method charges the battery during off peak hours and discharges during
to minimize the losses during charging and discharging. A multi- high demand hours. Furthermore, it manages the temperature
objective genetic algorithm (GA) technique is proposed to find of the room to optimize the electricity consumption if the house
the optimal tuning of the power factor to save energy through- total power consumption exceeds the defined level. A daily
out the year. The power loss of the system decreases even in the reduction in electricity price is observed by deploying the stor-
charging mode by allocating the energy storage appropriately. age device and managing the power consumption efficiently.

I. Reliability improvement L. Electric/hybrid vehicles

The variability in wind and solar power may deteriorate the Battery energy storage is extensively used in transportation
reliability of the power system. Energy storage can provide the applications to provide power such as electric and hybrid
required reactive power to improve the reliability by providing electric vehicles (EVs). BESS with high energy density and fast
the voltage support. A charge/discharge schedule of BESS is charging/discharging capability is well suited for EVs. Super-
designed in Ref. 42 to reduce the line losses of the photovoltaic capacitors are also utilized in transportation during high power
connected distribution system. The fast response time of BESS peaks for short durations when the BESS fails to deliver. The effi-
allows the charging/discharging to be scheduled on an hourly ciency of the EV is increased by incorporating a hybrid energy
basis depending on the intermittent nature of PV and load varia- storage system (combination of SC-battery) which stores the
tions. A mathematical model of the battery storage is imple- energy during braking. The phenomenon of regenerative brak-
mented to determine the scheduling process using the genetic ing energy is dominant in city buses. SC delivers this energy for
algorithm technique. The authors further emphasize that the acceleration purposes, while the battery can be used for air-
battery scheduling can improve the reliability and provide the conditioning, heater, or electronic appliances.50,51 Therefore,
voltage support to the system. hybrid storage with high power and energy density and long
calendar life can improve the performance of EV and increase
J. Reserve application their penetration in the market. However, the range of the EV is
Energy storage can provide reserve facility to respond to a major issue due to the high time consumption in charging the
the forecast error of renewable resources. These reserves can energy storage, and thus, adequate charging infrastructure
be utilized to solve the contingency issue due to the rapid should be developed.52
increase in generation or the sudden fall of load demands. The Table I summarizes the benefits of energy storage with the
response time of the storage system for this kind of support is specific characteristics and suitable technology preferred.
very fast and may last for some hours.43 The storage system bal- III. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGY
ances the supply and demand of the electricity when the actual (ELECTROCHEMICAL)
demand rises above the forecasted demand. Flow batteries due
Although Fig. 2 divides the energy storage technologies
to their short response time and high capacity are heavily used
into six subcategories, this section will only concentrate on the
for this application.44
electrochemical type of battery storage technology. Batteries
are the most widespread and oldest of all the energy storage
K. Demand response technologies.53,54 This electrochemical device uses chemical
The demand response programs have been deployed energy to deliver energy in the electrical form by undergoing
in a large extent as the possible solution to overcome the electrochemical reactions. They are manufactured in a variety of

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-5
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

TABLE I. Overview of benefits with the characteristics.

Characteristics power requirement, response time,

Benefits and storage/discharge time43,58–61 Energy storage technology References

Peak shaving 100 kW–100 MW, seconds to minutes, and 1–10 h Lead-acid, Li-Ion, and Vanadium Redox Flow 17 and 62–64
Batteries (VRFBs), fuel cells, ZnBr, NaS, and NiCd
Energy management <1 MW, milliseconds to seconds, and 2–10 h PHS, NaS, ZnBr, VRFB, Li-Ion, and flywheel 65 and 66
Load levelling More than 100 MW, minutes, and up to 10 h Lead-acid, SMES, Li-Ion, PHS, CAES, VRFB, ZnBr, 19 and 67–69
and fuel cells
Power fluctuations Few hundred kW, milliseconds, and few seconds Flywheel, SMES, super-capacitor, and VRFB 20, 22, 70, and 71
T&D upgrade deferral 10–100 MW, seconds, and 1–10 h PHS, CAES, VRFB, and fuel cells 24, 72, and 73
Frequency regulation 1–5 MW, milliseconds to seconds, and few minutes to 1 NaS, Lead-acid, NaNiCl2, NiCd, ZnBr, and super- 74–77
Low voltage ride through <10 MW, milliseconds, and few seconds to minute Lead-acid, NaNiCl2, Li-Ion, NaS, and super-capacitors 71 and 78–80
Loss minimization 100 MW, milliseconds, and few seconds SMES, NaS, ZnBr, VRFB, Li-Ion, and flywheel 35, 37, 41, 62, and 70
Reliability improvement 1 MW, milliseconds, and few minutes to 5 h Super-capacitor, SMES, lead-acid, VRFB, and NaS 42, 43, and 62
Reserve application 1–100 MW, few seconds, and minutes to few hours CAES, flywheel, VRFB, ZnBr, fuel cell, NiCd, and 81–83
Demand response <1 MW, seconds, and 1–10 h Li-Ion, VRFB, ZnBr, flywheel, and NaNiCl2 43, 47, 58, and 62
Electric/hybrid vehicles 50 kW, milliseconds, and minutes to hours Li-Ion, lead-acid, super-capacitors, and fuel cells 50, 52, 84, and 85

sizes and chemistries depending on their applications with the reactions between nickel (Ni) and sodium chloride (NaCl)
power range of few Watts to several MegaWatts. The efficiency stored at the positive electrode. The negative electrode is
of battery storage varies from 60% to 90% depending on their filled with sodium. The electrolyte beta-alumina ceramic
operation and type of battery. Some of the types of battery stor- separates the electrodes and serves as a conductor for
age technologies are discussed in this literature.55–57 sodium ions.

A. Sodium Sulfur (NaS) battery

Tokyo Electric Power Corporation (TEPCO) discovered
sodium sulfur batteries in 1983, and they have been used in
many of the power system projects in Japan and other countries.
The positive and negative electrodes of the battery contain sul-
fur and sodium in its molten form as shown in Fig. 3, respec-
tively. During the discharging operation of batteries, sodium
from the negative electrode is oxidized in beta alumina tube to
become sodium ions. The sodium ions combine with sulfur to
form sodium pentasulfide, which is not immiscible with sulfur.
The sulfur is consumed separately, and the remaining mixture is
converted into sodium polysulfide with large quantity of sulfur.
Due to its lower cost and high energy density compared to other
battery storages, NaS is widely used in electrical utility distribu-
tion grids and wind power systems. The high energy density
ranging from 151 to 170 kWh/m3 allows the battery to last longer
with a cycle capability of 2500 cycles with a depth of discharge
(DOD) of 90%. The discharge period can further be increased if
the efficiency of the battery is greater than 85%.86,87
The charging and discharging operations of the NaS battery
response fast within few milliseconds, which makes it capable
for use in microgrid power regulations. They are produced
abundantly in larger volumes because of low cost and minimal
maintenance. However, there are some reliability issues at high
temperature and risk of operational hazards such as exposure of
sodium to water, which is combustible.88

B. Sodium Nickel Chloride (NaNiCl2) battery

FIG. 3. Schematic of the NaS battery. Reproduced with permission from S. Hameer
Sodium Nickel chloride (NaNiCl2) batteries store energy and J. L. van Niekerk, Int. J. Energy Res. 39(9), 1182 (2015). Copyright 2015 John
by going through electrochemical charge/discharge Wiley & Sons.92

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-6
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

NaNiCl2 battery energy storage has been used in the indus- The normal operating temperature of VRFB is quite low as
try over the last few years and is mainly found in electric compared to those of sodium batteries which are 10  C–40  C. If
vehicles and stationary and railway backups.89,90 Their energy the temperature exceeds 45  C, cooling systems are required.
storage capacity ranges from a few kWh to several MWh. The The efficiency of the battery has been reported to be in the
most common battery sizes are between 4 and 25 kWh depend- range of 75%–85%, while the power rating is from several
ing on the application. They have a high temperature range of kiloWatts to few MegaWatts. The low-cost feature of the battery
270  C–350  C and are more efficient than sodium sulfur batter- and its ability to deep charge have made it possible to be used in
ies (80%–95%). pumps, sensors, and power management applications.94
The harsh environment and diurnal temperature variation
do not affect the performance and durability of NaNiCl2 batter- D. Zinc Bromine flow battery (ZnBr)
ies as their internal temperatures always remain within their The zinc bromine battery shown in Fig. 5 comprises two
range. Due to these high temperature resistance and flexibility, different electrolytes flowing in two electrodes, catholyte (posi-
these batteries are used in residential and commercial buildings tive terminal) and anolyte (negative terminal) separated by a
for time shifting applications and uninterruptible power micro-porous membrane. The charging process involves the
supplies. They are also used for peak shaving purpose in distri- reduction of zinc on the anolyte in the form of a thick film,
bution grids and smoothing and optimizing renewable energy whereas the oxidation of bromide ions to bromine is done at the
generation.91 catholyte. The catholyte contains organic amine, which converts
bromine into bromine oil that becomes residue at the catholyte
C. Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) tank. The discharge operation is a reverse process to that of
A Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) is a type of flow bat- charging, i.e., the oxidation of zinc to the Znþ2 ion at the anolyte
tery that has V4þ/V5þ in the positive electrode and V2þ/V3þ in releases electrons and at the catholyte bromine reduces to
the negative electrode. These materials are always present in bromide ions.94
the electrolytic solution during operation. During the charging The operating temperature of the battery is below 35  C,
process, the V3þ ion is converted into the V2þ ion at the negative and active cooling systems are required if temperature is raised
electrode and the V4þ ion is converted into the V5þ ion at the above it so that the bromine compound remains stable. These
positive electrode by absorbing energy to convert from electri- cells are expensive due to the high cost of the membrane. The
cal to chemical as shown in Fig. 4. During the discharge process, battery efficiency is reported to be 65%–75%. However, among
the V2þ ion is oxidized to the V3þ ion, releasing the electron in the flow batteries, the zinc-bromine battery has the highest
the external circuit at the negative electrode, whereas at the energy density.
positive electrode, V5þ accepts electrons from the external cir-
cuit and reduces to the V4þ ion; thus energy is converted back E. Lithium ion (Li-Ion) battery
from chemical to electrical. The exchange of hydrogen (Hþ) ions Lithium ion batteries have high energy and power density
maintains the charge neutrality between the two electrodes. and are used in a wide range of applications mainly in portable
The diffusion of the Hþ ion may occur with loss of energy, but electronic devices, medical equipment, and electric and hybrid
due to the presence of vanadium on both electrodes, there is no electric vehicles. The thin, insubstantial, and robust characteris-
loss of energy.93 tics of lithium ion cells make them dominant over batteries.

FIG. 4. Schematic diagram of the

Vanadium Redox flow battery. Reproduced
with permission from Luo et al., Appl.
Energy 137, 519 (2015). Copyright 2014

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-7
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 5. Schematic of the Zinc Bromine

flow battery. Reproduced with permission
from Schneider et al., RSC Adv. 6(112),
110549 (2016). Copyright 2016 The Royal
Society of Chemistry.98

These cells consist of carbon-based compounds at the anode, F. Lead acid battery
and the cathode is filled with the oxide/phosphate layer. The Lead acid batteries are the oldest and cheapest energy
batteries have high efficiency with a minimal discharge rate of storage among the battery storage devices. They are still used in
5% per month with a lifetime of above 1500 cycles.95,96 many household applications due to their low cost, high matu-
Excessive research has been carried out on the materials of the rity and reliability, fast response, and greater lifespan.97 They are
electrode and the electrolyte, and it has been reported that not the best in high energy and high-power applications but still
nanowire silicon-based lithium batteries can produce electricity can achieve the efficiency up to 90% with a low discharge rate.
ten times more than that of the current battery. Lithium batter- Figure 6 shows the lead-acid battery consisting of lead oxide
ies are temperature dependent, and their lifetime can be and metallic load at the positive and negative electrodes,
reduced due to high temperature. However, the high cost of the respectively, with the electrolyte solution of sulfuric acid. The
batteries is the main drawback that has to be overcome in the main disadvantage of this battery type is the necessity of peri-
near future by finding adequate electrodes and effective fabrica- odic water maintenance and vulnerable response at high
tion techniques.72 temperature.72

FIG. 6. Structure of the lead acid battery.

From Oberhofer and Meisen, Energy
Storage Technologies & their Role in
Renewable Integration. Copyright 2012
GENI. Reproduced with permission from

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-8
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
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G. Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) battery materials for both the electrodes. The specific energy of sym-
Nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries are dominant over other metric capacitors is 6 Wh/kg with high power performance
nickel-based batteries and are commercially produced since compared to asymmetric design, which has the specific energy
1900. They use nickel hydroxide for the positive electrode and nearly up to 20 Wh/kg.109 The super-capacitors with a pro-
cadmium hydroxide for the negative electrode, while the elec- longed life cycle, immense power density, and better reliability
trolyte is the aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide and lith- are attractive in the market and are high in demand in portable
ium hydroxide.100 NiCd batteries have high energy density and a electronics and medical devices. They have been deployed in
electric and hybrid electric vehicles and other transportations
longer life cycle as compared to lead acid batteries with low
because of their fast response time.
maintenance service. But the cost of the battery is 10 times
The most important challenges in the production of super-
higher than that of lead acid batteries, which has become a
capacitors is their high cost and ability to achieve high energy
major drawback in large scale production.101 Beside this, the
density.110 However, asymmetric super-capacitors with an aque-
toxic chemicals used in the battery present health risks for
ous electrolyte can offer opportunities for develop low cost bulk
humans and it is also environmentally harmful.102 For this rea-
energy storage with high energy density. They are better suited
son, research is carried out to make this battery environmentally
for grid applications due to the extensive charge duration of
friendly. The alternative solution is the use of the nickel metal
approximately 5 h each.
hydride (NiMH) battery which does not contain toxic chemicals
The efficiency of super-capacitors is very high (95%) as
like cadmium. However, the energy density of NiMH batteries is
compared to that of other electrical energy storage devices111
25%–30% better than that of NiCd, but the fast self-discharge
with a high lifetime of around 10 years. Table II shows the com-
rate is a major concern for future energy storage.103,104
parison of technical characteristics of different energy storage
technologies discussed above.112,113
H. Others
Super-capacitors/ultra-capacitors are a family of electro-
chemical energy storage, which have gained much attention in HESS is the combination of two ESSs in which one storage
recent years as the demand for fast energy storage systems has has high power density, fast load fluctuations, and high effi-
increased. SCs have replaced Li-ion batteries in many applica- ciency during transient, longer lifetime, and fast response time,
tions because of the lethargic charge/discharge issues and the while the other storage covers high energy density having a
short lifetime of the latter.105,106 Super-capacitors shown in Fig. discharge rate comparatively lower.114 The most commonly
7 have the same working principle as the normal capacitor, used HESS is the battery that has high energy density, reliabil-
which is to store energy. In contrast to dielectric materials in ity, and modularity mixed with super-capacitors, which over-
normal batteries, SC uses the electrolyte solution which sup- comes the battery deficiencies of low power density and low
ports ion movement between the electrodes, resulting in huge cycle life and increases the overall efficiency of the system. The
energy density and substantial capacitance compared to other hybrid energy systems can be connected in seven types of
capacitors.107,108 structures which are subdivided into two main categories of
Super-capacitors are of two types; those having symmetric direct and indirect connection structures. DC-DC converters
designs where the anode and the cathode are of the same mate- and DC-AC inverters are used to connect the batteries, super-
rial and the other with asymmetric design having different capacitors, and motors to the DC bus. In direct connection
structures, the batteries and super-capacitors are directly
connected to the DC bus without any involvement of convert-
ers (DC-DC and DC-AC), whereas batteries and super-
capacitors are connected to converters and then to the DC bus
in indirect connection structures. Figure 8 shows direct and
indirect connection structures. The main benefits of hybrid
energy storage are cost reduction, increase in system effi-
ciency, greater storage capacity, and longer lifetime.115–117
HESS applications have been reported in a number of liter-
ature studies, where batteries with super-capacitor hybrid stor-
age and batteries with fuel cell hybrid storage are applied in
electric vehicles.118 Electric vehicles use HESS to meet the
demands of high energy and high-power densities and also due
to its small size and weight. Hybrid storage is able to perform
peak shaving and stress reduction on other storage devices and
public grids. HESS is also used in renewable energy systems
with battery/hydrogen combination and in solar parks.119–121
FIG. 7. Schematic diagram of the supercapacitor system. Reproduced with permis- To achieve maximum economic benefits from the storage
sion from Luo et al., Appl. Energy 137, 520 (2015). Copyright 2014 Elsevier.58 system, optimal sizing is an important factor of the battery that

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-9
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

TABLE II. Comparison of technical characteristics of energy storage technologies.112,113

Specific energy Specific power Self-discharge Power cost Energy cost Power rating
Technology (Wh/kg) (W/kg) Efficiency (%) (%/day) Cycle life ($/kW) ($/kWh) (kW)

NaS 150–240 150–230 75–90 0 2500 1000–3000 300–500 50–34 000

NaNiCl2 100–120 150–200 80–95 0 >2500 150–300 100–200 50–8000
VRFB 10–25 166 75–85 Low 12 000 600–1500 150–1000 30–3000
Zinc-bromine 30–50 45 65–75 Low >2000 700–2500 150–1000 50–2000
Li-Ion 75–200 150–315 85–98 0.1–0.3 1000–10 000 175–4000 500–2500 0–100
Lead acid 30–50 75–300 70–90 0.1–0.3 500–800 300–600 50–200 0–20 000
NiCd 50–75 150–300 60–70 0.2–0.6 2000–2500 500–1500 800–1500 0–40 000
Super-capacitor 5–20 500–5000 95–98 20–40 >50 000 100–300 500–3000 0–300

should be known. The calculation for the optimal size of the bat- consider the energy storage system and real time thermal rating
tery is a complex task because efficiency of the battery, its life- (RTTR) to address the optimal sizing problem for the application
cycle, and electricity tariff are all dependent on battery sizing. of peak shaving in distribution networks. A reliability metric
This task becomes more complicated when integrated with the known as Expected Energy Not Supplied (EENS) has been used
renewable energy source due to the uncertainties, which has a to quantify the appropriate size of ESS. Extension of RTTR in the
direct impact on load demands and energy prices. Probabilistic sizing method provides greater benefits on the distribution net-
and stochastic approaches have been reported in the literature work security of supply compared to ESS individually. However,
for the sizing of BESS. The former is used when integrated with the inclusion of RTTR increases the size of ESS and high energy
renewable energy sources due to its fluctuating nature, while to power is attained.
the latter is used when storage devices are connected with the Bludszuweit127 studied the cost benefit analysis for ESS
load.122–125 sizing to reduce the forecast uncertainty. The method estimates
the uncertainty as a function of ESS size by studying the forecast
error statistical patterns and state of charge (SOC) to quantify
A. Probabilistic methods unserved wind energy. Energy storage power and capacity can
A probabilistic approach for the optimal sizing of ESS has be reduced by having small quantity of unserved energy,
been discussed in Ref. 126 which takes into account the demand whereas the inclusion of forecast error increases the size of
variability, reliability, and energy-power limits. The authors energy storage.

FIG. 8. Schematic structures of hybrid ESS (a) direct connection and (b)–(d) indirect connections.

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-10
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Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
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In Ref. 128, a probabilistic approach for the optimal energy microgrid in a day is reduced with the initial charge of the bat-
dispatch by considering the uncertainties of solar irradiance and tery being taken as 100% at the start of the day. In addition to
consumer loads has been discussed. Feed in Tariff (FiT) and time this, the immense availability of PV in summer affects the cost
of use (TOU) electricity tariff are taken into account for the con- compared to winter.
sumers to decide the optimal PV array and battery size for the The genetic algorithm (GA) based method to determine the
residual installations. The authors implement the fuzzy method optimal battery size has been presented in Ref. 133. The pro-
to conduct the long-term assessments of battery sizing. With posed method uses the fuzzy expert system to regulate the
identical electricity buying and selling price, the photovoltaic power flow of the energy storage. The GA method builds the
(PV) array and battery sizes are independent, whereas different knowledge base of the fuzzy rules and membership functions. A
tariff marks a great impact on concurrent optimization. lifetime ageing model predicts the lifetime and growth of the
A reliability index known as the loss of load expectation battery. The microgrid cost is also affected by the lifetime and
(LOLE) has been discussed in Ref. 129 to reduce the microgrid sizing of the battery.
operating cost by determining the optimal battery size. The eco-
nomic benefits of the microgrid are justified by providing the
power from ESS to local loads at low price, and excessive gener- There are multiple factors which decide the size of energy
ations can be reduced. The mixed integer programming assesses storage.
the reliability criteria with high accuracy. The larger size of the
battery (more than the optimal) results in high operating cost of A. Battery degradation
the microgrid. The design consideration for the optimal sizing of BESS has
Another similar approach has been addressed in Ref. 122 to to undertake some key battery parameters, and battery degra-
optimize the total cost with energy prices, discount rate, and dation is one of them. Apart from its rated life, there are other
load demand as input variables. The probability density factors which deteriorate the battery capacity.
functions of these random input variables are solved by Monte
Carlo simulation for the effective size of BESS. Furthermore, the
1. Depth of discharge
authors also highlight the importance of TOU tariffs in battery
sizing and allow the customers to sell energy to the grid with Depth of discharge (DOD) represents the amount of capac-
beneficial rates. The analysis demonstrates the important link ity used by the battery relative to its total battery capacity. DOD
between the BESS size and energy price, and the results show is a major factor in the lifespan of the battery as it allows for
the decrease in the profit of installing BESS with the increase in deep charge/discharge cycles. Unlike sodium sulphur batteries
tariff. which can bear 100% DOD, the lifetime of other battery chemis-
tries will be severely impacted by the DOD value. The optimal
B. Stochastic method DOD should be selected to increase the efficiency and longevity
of the battery. The relationship between the lifecycle and DOD
A unit commitment approach for the sizing of energy stor-
is normally presented in a curve which varies across different
age in the grid connected and islanded mode is analysed in Ref.
battery types. A typical curve is shown in Fig. 9 for the lithium
130. The objective is to obtain a cost-effective solution for the
ion battery at a temperature of 20  C.
microgrid with power being exported to the grid during low
load periods in the grid connected mode. The proposed method
takes the forecast error and uncertainties into consideration. 2. Battery lifetime
The optimal BESS size reduces the total cost for the islanded The lifetime of the battery is the most important factor in
microgrid and increases the total benefit in the grid connected the cost operation of BESS. The number of lifecycles a battery
scenario. It is indicated that the lifetime of the battery can be can sustain in its entire life depends on the charging and dis-
increased with the limitation of charging and discharging rates. charging schedule of the battery. The lifetime degradation of the
Nguyen in Ref. 131 discussed the VRB in the microgrid sys- battery is affected by two main factors; the lifecycle aging
tem to be effective in both modes with charging and discharging reflecting the number of cycles that the battery has accom-
rates added as a constraint. Furthermore, the nonlinear charge/ plished and the decrease in battery capacity.134,135 The lifetime
discharge efficiencies are considered as a function of voltage, equation varies with the type of battery used. However, it can be
stack efficiency, and temperature. The independent ratings of extended with a proper selection of the depth of discharge and
power and energy make VRB more flexible for the microgrid cycle depth.
conditions. The dynamic programming-based unit commitment
method is implemented to find the optimum size. 3. Temperature
A heuristic method incorporating particle swarm optimiza-
tion (PSO) is used to find the optimal size of BESS.132 The mix- The degradation of the battery life is dependent on the
mode energy management strategy operates the microgrid at ambient temperature by a phenomenon called capacity fading.
the lowest operating cost by integrating three different operat- It analyses the reduction in the total capacity of the battery
ing strategies. Linear programming and mixed integer linear operating at a certain temperature after it experiences a partic-
programming methods are used to minimize the cost of the ular number of charging and discharging cycles. This phenome-
microgrid under these strategies. The operating cost of the non has been observed at both high and low temperatures to

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-11
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

FIG. 9. Lifecycle curve of the Li-Ion bat-

tery for different depths of discharges.

evaluate its impact on the performance of the battery. The inter- VII. RECYCLING OF BATTERIES
nal resistance of the battery increases at low temperature, Recycling of batteries is a process to reduce the disposal of
whereas battery chemical reaction increases at high tempera- batteries as a waste product. There are heavy toxic chemicals
tures, which degrades the electrodes.136,137 The capacity fading and materials within the battery, and disposal of such elements
percentage changes with the battery characteristics provided as trash may increase environmental concerns and water pollu-
by the manufacturers. tion. Battery manufacturers should be aware of the health haz-
ards of battery waste and have their own recycling centres.
4. Charge and discharge current Europe has been the leading market of recycling services, imple-
Another factor constituting the battery degradation is the menting major projects of energy conversion and growing
charge and discharge currents. The high current during charg- awareness among the people to increase the demand of the bat-
ing and discharging operation negatively affects the battery life- tery recycling process. North America is the second largest mar-
span. The battery capacity also reduces when supplying large ket followed by the Asia Pacific region as a result of stringent
currents due to the increase in the internal resistance. Thus, governmental and environmental regulations.138
charge and discharge power should be limited to specific values Lead acid has the highest recycling market among all the
to avoid the damage of BESS. battery storages due to the high demand of recovered materials.
The high maturity level of lead acid has retained its dominancy
in the market for centuries and will continue to lead the battery
B. Reliability
recycling market till 2021.139 In contrast, other battery storages
The reliability of the microgrid is essential for determining like Li-Ion, Ni-Cd, and Ni-MH are less economical to recycle as
the optimal size of energy storage. The reliability criteria should energy storages, whereas flow batteries and Na-S and Na-NiCl2
satisfy the reliability indices available in terms of generation are not recyclable.140,141
adequacy and economic factors. The energy storage provides The recycling process of lead acid crashes the batteries and
feasible solutions for satisfying the microgrid reliability levels recovers the chemical contents. Lead, after refining, is again
efficiently. Load curtailment and load levelling are viable options used for battery production, and other materials are recovered
to achieve the reliability indices in the microgrid. as scrap. Battery manufacturers are finding ways to give a sec-
ond life to lithium batteries in other applications to overcome
C. Battery placement the dependency on lithium. However, the lithium recovered
Research into the optimal placement of BESS in a micro- from the battery is in small proportion and inexpensive com-
grid is still at its infancy. To minimize the losses and improve pared to cobalt and nickel.142 Lithium batteries used in electric
system stability, energy storage must be allocated appropri- vehicles, when degraded with time, lose performance by reduc-
ately. The optimum location may lead to reduction in the tion of 20% from their initial capacity. The average life of batter-
energy purchased from the main grid, which decreases the ies for electric vehicles is 8–10 years, but these batteries can be
cost of the microgrid. The optimal storage location which can reused as storage for load balancing and other applications.
support the high penetration of RES is selected by performing Nickel metal hydride batteries used in hybrid vehicles are
tests for different scenarios. recycled to get nickel and iron. These elements go through the

J. Renewable Sustainable Energy 11, 014105 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5063866 11, 014105-12
Published under license by AIP Publishing
Journal of Renewable ARTICLE
and Sustainable Energy

electric arc furnace process to get ferro-nickel used in the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

stainless-steel industry.143
The high utilization and presence of domestic and interna- The authors would like to acknowledge the support of
tional companies have increased the diversity in battery the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and University of
manufacturing. Low cost, less efficient, and poor life batteries Malaya through FRGS (FP052-2017A).
are also available in the market, which have a bad impact on the
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