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Chapter V


Summary of the Findings

Most of the student respondents were female in which

they outnumbered the male students; majority of them belonged

to the age group of 17-18 years old. Majority of them have a

weekly allowance of P501-P1, 000. Most of the street food

vendor respondents were male in which they outnumbered the

female vendors; majority of them belonged to the age group of

39 years old and above. Majority of them have been in the

business for 5 years and above, and earns a monthly income of

less than P3, 000-P4, 999. All of the items in the

questionnaire are sold in the university but the most abundant

are kwek-kwek, fishball, kikiam, cheese stick, dynamite, and

hotdog in lumpia wrapper. In addition, all street foods

indicated in the questionnaire are bought by the students but

the most bought product is kwek-kwek. The highly executed

sanitation practice done by vendors is providing spoons or

tongs so hands do not touch food directly while the least

practiced is using hairnets, gloves, and apron and it also

has a grand mean of 3.788 and was interpreted as high

practice. As to the perception of the students with regards

to the sanitation practices of the street food vendors, the


sanitation practices that they are high aware and most seen

done by the street food vendors is providing spoons or tongs

so hands do not touch food directly while the least aware and

seen is the use of hairnets gloves and aprons. It also has a

grand mean of 3.387 which was interpreted as moderately aware.

Hygiene is highly important to both the students and vendors.

Hygiene is important to avoid sickness that can be found in

handling food products and also other diseases. Hand washing

is important to make sure the cleanliness and safeness of the

food they are serving. To avoid contamination, spoilage or

any bacteria that may get into the food. Hand washing is

important before and after the vendors start operating and

selling, preparing the foods and handling the equipment and

utensil they used in the preparation of food to avoid illness

to the customers. Hand washing is also important during every

activity of the vendors. Hygiene is important for the foods

or products are sold or eaten by the consumers. Most of the

respondents answered that in keeping the stall clean the

vendors always clean the utensils and/or equipment before and

after they open the business and after they close the


According to the result of the data gathered by the

researchers it was clear that there was no significant

difference between the sanitation practices of street food


vendors and the perception of grade 12- Accountancy, Business

and Management students of University of Eastern Philippines.

It was because the significance of the study which is -2.03319

was already out of the bracket of the tabular value ±1.2816

with a 0.1 margin of error so the null hypothesis was

rejected. It can be implied that the sanitation practices of

the street food vendors were different from the perception of

the grade 12 students. It was because there are some practices

that were not seen, by the students, done by the street food


Conclusions and Implications

The result of the study rejected the null hypothesis

which means that sanitation practices of street food vendors

have significant difference with the perception of grade 12

Accountancy, Business and Management students of University

of Eastern Philippines.

1. Most of the respondents were female and young who are

not conscious with their health and less concern with

the sanitation of food. They also have a weekly

allowance that can purchase snacks such as street

foods on a regular basis and would likely prefer those


that they consider clean and with a higher price. This

implies that the stores selling goods in a clean

environment is desirable.

2. The vendors selling within the University of Eastern

Philippines are male and old enough to understand what

sanitation is and how to practice it properly in their

business. They have been operating their business

operations for a long time now which means they have

enough experience and knowledge on how to do the

business right. They also gain profits monthly that

are not enough to purchase daily needs for their

family. It implies that they could come up with ways

to make their stalls and products sanitized for the

benefit of both the vendors and consumers.

3. Vendors prefer selling goods that are common to their

target customers who are students. These are products

that are commonly seen in street food stalls anywhere.

It implies that these vendors might not introduce

innovative products to the consumers especially those

requiring a lot of efforts to prepare and would

produce more waste.

4. When it comes to the street foods bought by the

students, they prefer buying and eating street foods

that are common or those that they expect to see in a


street food stall/stand. It implies that if a new

product is introduced to them, they might be skeptical

about it and not patronize.

5. The vendors do sanitation practices in making their

stalls and products clean and sanitized. They think

that their products are free from contaminants and

their stalls are clean. It implies that they would

not do any change in their current practices because

they believe it is enough.

6. The students are observant in their surroundings. They

are moderately aware that street food business do

something in keeping their stalls and goods well

sanitized. They are able to sense that there are

lacking routines in keeping their businesses clean

and sanitized. It implies that these students might

change the recurrence of their purchasing in the

street food stalls.

7. Both the vendors and the students value their health.

They are aware that hygiene is important to be safe

from foodborne illnesses and in having a healthy body.

It implies that the vendors are doing ways on

maintaining sanitation in their stalls. Also, it

implies that these students prefer purchasing goods

from where they think is cleaner and sanitized.


8. There is a difference between how the vendors view

their sanitation practices and how their consumers,

specifically the students, perceive it. The vendors

think that their efforts in keeping their business

clean are enough, but on the consumers’ side it is

not. It implies that the vendors might continue on

doing their practices and the consumers will be the

ones who will distance themselves from the street



Based on the conclusion, the following recommendation was


1. Majority of the respondents belonged to the age group

of 17 – 18 years old, therefore it is recommended that

at their young age, they must be aware and conscious

with the food they eat. They must also eat healthy and

nutritious foods.

2. Majority of the vendors in the University of Eastern

Philippines are male, therefore it is highly

recommended that females must also involve themselves

in such business to make the work clean and smooth.

Majority of the respondents gain profits which are not


enough to satisfy the needs of their families, it is

therefore recommended that they must be more

competitive and innovative to attract more customers.

Also, they must seek other jobs or part-time jobs which

might help to improve their monthly income.

3. Most of the vendors sells products that are commonly

seen in street food stalls anywhere, which are

considered not something innovative and nutritious.

So, it is recommended that innovations be made with

the type of ingredients used to make it more healthy

or to innovate the current offerings in the market.

4. Majority of the students prefer buying and eating

street foods that are common or those that they expect

to see in a street food stall/stand. It is recommended

that students must be careful of the product they are

mostly patronizing. They must involve themselves in

buying healthy, affordable and nutritious foods to

avoid foodborne illnesses.

5. The vendors believe that their practices are enough

not to change it. Therefore, it is recommended that

vendors must consult students, professionals, and

relatives to know the different perception of them

pertaining if the vendor’s sanitation practices are


really enough already not to change it. If ever they

are disagree of that, vendors must ask why and what

are those things to be changed and for the part of the

vendors they must apply the suggestions of the people

being consulted.

6. Since students are said to be observant in their

surroundings and yet they are moderately aware that

street food vendors were not exercising or executing

the proper sanitation practices, it is therefore

recommended that they must scrutinize how the street

foods were prepared and do not just buy street foods.

It is also recommended that the students must increase

their level of observance and awareness.

7. Street food vendors are aware of how important hygiene

is. So, it is recommended that they must allow DepEd

to initiate a food safety program for them to be

trained in hygienic preparation of foods and good

sanitation practices to better safeguard the health

and wellness of students. Partnership between the

Local Government Unit and DepEd is encouraged to

materialize this food safety endeavor as well as

provision of potable water and stalls for the vendors.

The Municipal Health Office should closely supervise


the vendors’ handlers in school to ensure that they

handle food in most hygienic ways.

8. Since there is a difference between how the vendors

view their sanitation practices and how their

consumers, specifically the students, perceive it. It

is recommended that vendors' and consumers'

representatives should be actively involved and

consulted in the formulation process. Control and

monitoring should principally be carried out through

regular presence of adequately trained food inspectors

to provide advice and rectify inappropriate practices.

These actions should be based on the use of risk

analysis methodologies and implementation of Good

Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

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