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Sustainable Energy Technology in-class test 1.

Instruction: Attempt all questions

1. How is it that the concept of sustainable energy technology relates with the concept
of sustainable development? What do you mean by sustainable development?
2. Is there a linkage between energy utilization and economic development of a
country? Explain.
3. What factors force the shift of the energy supply from non-renewable resources to
renewable resources? What are the rewards and the challenges of this shift?
4. What are the important parts of typical liquid heating flat-plate solar collectors?
Discuss with their purposes by using drawings?
5. Explain the band theory for semiconductor and insulator materials. Why we use
semiconductors for photovoltaic cells?
6. Explain the working principle of PN junction? What does it mean by diffusion current
7. Calculate the material heat transfer coefficient, which is used for the construction of
a solar thermal collector having 10 m2 area. The expected solar radiation absorbed
by the collector is 950 W/m2.K with a mean absorber plate temperature of 70oC. The
required collector efficiency is 60% for the incident solar energy over the same time
period is 1050 W/m2.
Sustainable Energy Technology in-class test 2.
8. Discuss the horizontal axis wind turbine components with their functions?
9. Explain and discuss the important parameters that need to be considered
during Wind farm selection?
10.Wind turbine which works by the principle of thrust is installed in height of
40 m, wind speed of 30 km/hr, turbine diameter of 25m, the overall force
coefficient of the turbine of 0.5 Using the density of air at sea level: ρ
=1.225, Calculate the power output? What will be the new power if the height increased
to 80m (Assume forestland roughness factor of 0.25)? (5
11.Discuss the production of Biodiesel? What are the technical disadvantages
of biodiesel for using in the engines?
12.What is the difference between Gasification and Pyrolysis? What are the
main products we expect from these processes?

Sustainable Energy Technology in-class test 1 makeup exam

Instruction: Attempt all questions

13. Renewable energy supply systems divide into three broad divisions? Discuss the
divisions briefly.
14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable and non-renewable
energy sources?
15. Discuss the primary and secondary pollutants in energy related emissions with the
control measures? Which one is more harmful? Why.
16. Discuss the three main solar photovoltaic cell losses.
17. Discuss how electricity is generated using solar thermal power plant?
18. A solar collector having 3 m2 area constructed with a material of heat transfer
coefficient of 12 W/m2.K. The solar radiation absorbed by the collector is 1050
W/m2.K which creates a mean absorber plate temperature of 60oC. Calculate the
efficiency of the collector? Assume the incident solar energy over the same time
period is 1367 W/m2

Model Final exam:

1. What is a Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Source? Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources briefly by
correlating with the issue of sustainability.
2. Discuss the two types of Wind Turbine and their advantages and
3. Explain and discuss the two most important parameters that need to
be considered during Wind farm selection.
4. Discuss briefly the advantages and disadvantages of Hydropower
Energy source. What are the basic design parameters for hydropower
plants? What are component of hydropower plants?
5. What are the important parts of typical liquid heating flat-plate solar
collectors? Discuss with their purposes by using drawings?
6. How electricity generated by photovoltaic cell? Discuss by with
schematic presentation.
7. Explain the band theory for semiconductor and insulator materials.
Why we use semiconductors for photovoltaic cells?
8. Discuss briefly the principle of Binary Cycle Geothermal Power Plants
and compare with Flash Steam Power Plant?
9. What are biomass, biopower and biodiesel energy? Describe the types
of biopower?
10. Discuss the principle of Closed cycle Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of OTEC?
1. a. Derive the equation for the maximum power extraction by thrust
principle for wind turbine using one dimensional BETZ model? Clearly
state the assumptions & show the steps.
2. Derive and show that the maximum possible power extraction by wind
turbine is only 59% of the power contained in the wind using onedimensional BETZ
model? Clearly state the assumptions & show the
b. Wind turbine which works by the principle of thrust is installed in
height of 30 m, wind speed of 15 km/hr, turbine diameter of 20m, the
overall force coefficient of the turbine of 0.7 Using the density of air at
sea level: ρ =1.225, Calculate the power output? What if the height
increased to 50m (Assume forestland roughness factor of 0.25)?
3. A solar collector having 3 m2 area constructed with a material of heat
transfer coefficient of 12 W/m2.K. The solar radiation absorbed by the
collector is 1050 W/m2.K which creates a mean absorber plate
temperature of 60oC. Calculate the efficiency of the collector? Assume
the incident solar energy over the same time period is 1367 W/m2.
4. Calculate the theoretical power output by the hydropower power plant
in KW with the following parameters, the discharge water flow through
the a 2.5 m diameter penstock and a distance of 75 m with a rate of
100,000 L/s, the gross head is 60 m , Friction coefficient of the pipe is
0.004, Intake losses of 2 m, Trash racks losses 2m, Transitions losses
of 3.55 m, assume the overall efficiency of the system are (turbines
and generators) are 85%.

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