2015 BRM User Group Conclave - January 2016 Update

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Votes Score Rank

25 25.12 1

24 24.16 2

23 23.13 3

22 22.01 5

22 22.22 4

20 20.15 6

18 18.21 7

17 17.05 8

16 16.2 9

14 14.23 10

12 12.02 13

12 12.03 12

12 12.26 11
11 11.06 16

11 11.18 15

11 11.25 14

10 10.04 17

9 9.08 19

9 9.09 18

8 8.17 21

8 8.24 20

7 7.1 23

7 7.19 22

6 6.11 25

6 6.14 24

5 5.07 26

Bentley needs to learn the difference between a patch and a re-install; we want patches.

Upgrade script should perform all checks, then all installs. Like a checking pre-script.

Reports need to be stored where they won't be wiped out in a reinstall.

Importing / Exporting Customized Forms

Can we have a warning about time-outs?

Upgrade scripts need to keep user customized data. (User table, registered reports, flex_actions, Paramtrs …

Easier to adjust time-out settings (or instructions on how to change it).

Cross - Sections Tables / Forms / Reports

We should still populate bridge keys on other tables (or make triggers to do it). At least for 5.2.2

Is there a way to protect completed inspections?

Updated Standard Reports (Useful) Including Craig's history report

Clearance Table / Form / Report

Task Scheduler (Eric's demo) (instructions on how we can do it too)

Update Multimedia before / with 5.2.3 (don't break Patty's in the process)

5.2.1 SP4 (preferably a patch)

Incorporate 3-D modeling to inspections (Becky's demo)

An app store for states to share customized forms

Mobile App - simplified input for field collection

Fix Compatibility Mode with IE rolling back to old versions (or provide instructions to fix) and support window

Can we turn tool tips back to a right-click option. (or group or user specific disabling)

Auditing changes to all fields (database)

Support Windows 10

We're still concerned about GUID's.

Support 64-bit workstation version

Tooltip includes navigation path.

Create a Multimedia TAG

Initial Comment

The Taskforce understands that patches are wanted for full release versions (ie. BrM 5.2.2). The
Taskforce will investigate using patches when possible in future minor updates to the software.

The Taskforce is in favor of this enhancement. Note, one caveat is that this is a precheck to catch
common errors, not all errors will be caught.

The Taskforce understands this need, the contractor is currently investigating the best way for
this to be implemented. This would be included after BrM 5.2.3.

The Taskforce understands the benefit of this enhancement. Bentley is currently investigating the
best way for this to be implemented. The implementation schedule for this item is still yet to be

The Taskforce has given approval for Bentley to look into what is causing these timeouts and
understand why & how this reacts differently for each agency.

The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement. Bentley will be investigating a level of
effort for this. One option would be using a 'soft delete' and/or marking things as not active. This
would be an enhancement for after BrM 5.2.3.

The Taskforce has given approval for the contractor to look into what is causing these timeouts
and understand how & why this reacts differently for each agency.

The Taskforce understands the benefit of this enhancement. This could be included after BrM
5.2.3 or potentially funded as service unit work. Implementation of this and other asset types will
be discussed with the DB/API TAG.

A skeleton 'starting point' for BRKEY triggers will be sent out in the next quarterly status update.
The impacts to states implementing this will be discussed with the DB\API TAG.

The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement. The contractor is planning to research
the best way this can be done. Associated items need to be able to be locked down, per the
Taskforce. The users need the ability to choose which fields are locked, not default to all. This is
likely after BrM 5.2.3.

This will be covered as a task for the Reports TAG.

The Taskforce understands the benefit of this enhancement. This could be included after BrM
5.2.3 or potentially funded as service unit work. Implementation of this will be discussed with the
The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement. This will be re-evaluated after the
upgrade of ALDOT to BrM 5.2.2 has been completed.
This item will be discussed as a part of the Multimedia TAG. This will likely not be in the BrM
5.2.3 release
To date, no issues have been reported by the user community as critical to be in an additional
BrM 5.2.1 release.
The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement, currently there is no funding source
for this enhancement and will not be in the BrM 5.2.3 release.
The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement. As a part of the custom form
exporting options mentioned above, users would be able to export specific filters, screens, etc.
and share with other agencies.
The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement, currently there is no funding source
for this enhancement and will not be in the BrM 5.2.3 release.
Windows 10 will be on the roadmap for future support, however no workaround has been
discovered to override IE policies for compatibility mode.
This is unable to be included as a 'right click' option. The contractor is investigating other

The Taskforce understands the value of this enhancement. The contractor is investigating the
level of effort on this issue. This will not be included within the release of BrM 5.2.3.

Windows 10 will be on the roadmap for future support.

The Taskforce understands the concerns about GUIDs but will proceed with the GUID
implementation in order to improve overall performance.

A 64 bit version of the workstation should not be necessary, if this becomes a critical need it will
be investigated. Please note that all 64 bit Operating Systems support 32 bit software, and the
64 bit conversion was primarily for agencies with many concurrent users.

The new forms designer, as a result of the Multi Asset Enhancements should make this process
much smoother.
Mark Faulhaber (KYTC) is leading this - Multimedia TAG. Users will be notified as part of the
Quarterly Status report to join this TAG.
January 2016 Update

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Bentley is currently investigating the best way for this to be implemented. The implementation schedule for this item is still yet

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

This is currently planned for the 5.2.3 release.

A warning will not be displayed, however initial steps to correct this will be addressed in 5.2.3

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Initial steps to correct this will be addressed in 5.2.3

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Completed. Trigger was supplied in the previous quarterly status update

For 5.2.3, the lock down will be changed to only to INSPEVNT columnns, keeping BRIDGE and ROADWAY tables unlocked. Any
A historical report will be provided in 5.2.3, a Reports TAG has been created for future reports. If you would like to join the Rep

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

On-going, the implementation schedule has yet to be determined.

A Multimedia TAG has been created, if you would like to join the Multimedia TAG, please contact Mark Faulhaber. This will be

Closed, future bugs will follow the established bug policy.

The Taskforce is investigating this enhancement, this will be a post 5.2.3 release.

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

The Taskforce is investigating this enhancement, this will be a post 5.2.3 release.

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Reviewed at January TaskForce meeting, refer to previous comment.

Closed. 5.2.2 has has been released and GUIDs have been implemented in this release.

Closed, please refer to previous comment.

Closed, the Multi Asset Enhancements will be in 5.2.3 which will address the fundamental issue.

A Multimedia TAG has been created, if you would like to join the Multimedia TAG, please contact Mark Faulhaber. This will be
e after 5.2.3.

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