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Kindergarten – Walk & Jog

Soldiers and Joggers

I. OBJECTIVE at the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Distinguish one sound on a beat from two sounds on a beat through listening samples.
 Describe one sound on a beat and two sounds on a beat through games and body movements.
 Demonstrate walk and jog through body movements.


 Theme : Soldiers and Joggers

 Concept : One sound and two sounds on a beat
 Context: “Bell Horses”
“Hey, Hey, Look at Me”
“Ragtime Swing” by Betty Colley
“Thumb crossing” by Schaum
“When the saints go marching”
 Materials: Piano, bass drum & snare drum
 References: Rene Boyer Alexander & Margaret Campbelle-Holman (2009) “Share the Music”


 They have knowledge about high and low

 They already know largo and presto tempo
 They can sing in tune



Chant: Good morning children (clapping ta titi ta ta) Chant: Good morning teacher (clapping ta titi ta ta)

Thank you very much for the warm greeting.

We are going to sing Bell Horses.
Do you know the song? No teacher.
Okay, we will learn the song first.
I’ll sing first and you sing after me.

Bell horses bell horses bell horses, bell horses

What time o’ day? what time o’day
One o’clock , two o’clock one o’clock, two o’clock
Time to away time to away

You got it children? not yet teacher.

Okay I’ll sing it one more time

Bell horses (same procedure) Singing (same procedure)

Wow good job children!

Can we sing it together? Okay teacher.

Bell horses bell horses what time o’day? Singing together

One o’clock, two o’clock
Time to away.

Very good!

This is a game song.

Everyone please sit in a circle. Common sit in a circle.

Who wants to be the bell horses? Sarah: me teacher.
Who wants to be the driver? Ted: me teacher.

Sarah and Ted please go to the center.

This is how to do it. Please listen carefully don’t make

noise. I’ll points to those who are behaved.

The children in the circle will swing their body from right
to left while singing the bell horses.

Sarah the bell horse will shake her bell while singing the
bell horses.

Ted the driver will pull the scarf around the waist of the
bell horse.

You got it? Let’s try.

Ready and… Bell horses bell horses…
Can we do it one more time?

Another volunteer for bell horses and driver? Jane: me teacher.

Peter: me teacher.
Okay Jane and Peter. Please go to the center.

Ready and… Bell horses bell horses…

Very good children. Thank you for your participation.


We’ll going to have another activity. It’s called the soldiers

and the joggers.

How do the soldiers march? (show them a sample)

How do the joggers jog? (show them a sample)

I need two groups. The soldiers group stay on the left side
of the table and the joggers group will stay on the right
side of the table.

When you hear this sound (When the saints go marching )

the soldiers will march and if I stop playing the piano you
also stop and freeze.

For the joggers when you hear this sound (thumb crossing)
I want you to jog. if the music stop you also stop and

We’ll try. Listen carefully.

(play the When the Saints) stop

(play the thumb crossing) stop

Good job children.


Please go back to your places. Please sit down.

Okay we’ll have another game. Walk & Jog.

When you hear this sound (playing ragtime swing in ta)

you are going to walk if I stop you freeze. The first one we
see moving is out. Same with jog. When you here this
sound (playing ragtime swing in titi) you have to jog. If I
stop you freeze. The first one we see moving is also out.

Understand children?

Are you ready? Let’s play.

Wow you are all amazing!

Please sit down.

This time we are going to sing the see saw up and down
but we will not do the action.

The hearts are the steady beats. (while children are

singing I’ll point each heart for steady beat.)

Did you notice that not all heart has one sound? Tell me
which hearts has two sound?

We will sing again seesaw up and down but we’ll clap the
rhythm while singing.
Shall we sing it? Ready and…

Very good. This time we will not sing anymore but we will
just clap the rhythm. Okay?

Now we are going to put sticks inside the heart tell me if

how many sounds did you hear in each heart.

Group 1 first. (doing the activity)

Group 2 (doing the activity)
Group 3 (doing the activity)

Thank you children.

Please sit down.

In music we call the one sound – steady beat (ta) it is like

our heartbeat. While the two faster sound is (ti-ti).

This time we are going to do an echo game.

This is how to do it. Watch me. Yes teacher.

Hey, hey, look at me I am clapping can you see. Then you
echo what I am doing. grape
If I say hey, hey look at me I am snapping can you see.
I need a player for the bass drum. The player will just play
ta ta ta ta or 1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4… you are the beat.

Okay, shall we try.

(Chant the hey, hey with the bass drum)

Very good children.

What have you seen on the board? Pictures of grapes and


Can you say grape ap-ple grape ap-ples grape ap-ples


This time we are going to clap grape ap-ples (ta titi) ready

We are going to stomp our right foot (ta,ta,ta,ta) while

clapping the grape apples grape. Ready and…

Doing the chant grape ap-ples grape.

What have you noticed children?

Did you noticed one sound on a beat and two sound on a


Where is the one sound on a beat?

Where is the two sounds.

Great job children!


Today, we have learned the difference between the walk

and the jog. And we also learned that we can make one
sound in a beat and two sounds in a beat.

Matthew 5:8 says Blessed are the pure in heart, for they
shall see God.
We will keep are hearts pure or take good care of our
hearts so that we have a healthy hearts because if we
don’t have a healthy hearts the beat of our hearts will
become faster and if it will become faster we will die.
Taking care of the heart is to eat healthy foods and having
a healthy relationship with our family, friends and with


Please write 1 if you hear one sound and write 2 when you
hear 2 sounds.


 Did I reach my objective?

 Did I present the lesson well?
 Did I use enough materials for the lesson?
 Did I give them enough examples and activities for
them to understand?

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