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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

1) Cari rumus

a. Rumus Present Past Tense

Positif (+) : - Subject + verb 2 + object

- Subject + to be (was/were) + adjective/adverb

Example : - We attended the festival last week

- She was absent yesterday

Negatif (-) : - Subject + did not + infinitive verb + object

- Subject + was/were + not + adjective/adverb

Example : - We did not attend the festival last week

- She was not absent yesterday

Interrogative (?) : - Did + subject + infinitive verb + object?

- Was/were + subject + adjective/adverb?

Example : - Did they attend the festival last week?

- Was she absent yesterday?

b. Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Positif (+) : Subjek + had + verb 3

Example : They had studied

Negative (-) : Subjek + had + not + verb 3

Example : They had not studied

Interrogative (?) : Had+ subjek + verb 3?

Example : Had they studied?

2) Buat Kalimat

a. Present Perfect Tense

1. We watched football yesterday afternoon.

2. He was ill yesterday.

3. He crashed into the tree last week.

4. What did She do last week?

5. They did not come today.

b. Past Perfect Tense

1. He had ate

2. They had not ate

3. We had not been way

4. He had not slept

5. Had they ate?

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