Automated Entry-Exit System With Sms

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Automated “Students’ Entry-Exit Monitoring

System” in Biliran Province State University

Background of the Study

Monitoring of students is a vital factor especially in identifying every individual coming

in and out of the university every day. It is a fact that the school is considered a second
home. Students, teachers, and other employees spent most of the time in school. Crimes
like robbery and theft may also occur.

Most schools feel that they are secured by just employing and putting security in the
main entrance gate. Security is at risk because in many cases, outsiders who were not
students or enrolled in the university bypass guards and personnel assigned and manages
to make a way of going inside the school premises. In other cases, even other students don’t
follow regulations and policies like wearing proper uniforms and I.D.’s upon entering and the
can also enter the school without wearing it or sometimes if they forget to bring their own ID,
they try to borrow other students’ Identification Card.

Statement of the Problem


In Biliran Province State University the entry and exit of students and as well as
visitors are monitored manually by the security personnel which leads to poor security of the
university. There are instances when the guards are not aware whether the students have
their own ID or if they are enrolled in a particular semester.

Specific Problems

 Students can enter the institution without ID’s

 Students are not aware in validating school ID
 Parents never knew if their child enters the university or not

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The main objective of the proposed system, is to improve and develop the entry-exit
monitoring system of Biliran Province State University.

Specific Objectives
 To implement school policy with all fairness and without bias among students
 To ensure the legitimacy of students using identification card embedded with a
barcode technology
 To keep the parents updated about the daily entry/exit, notice (i.e. Meetings),
holidays, and school events
o Instant notification of missing students (when a student has not entered
into the university, the parents will be notified and after 48 hours, a
MISSING notification will be sent to the parents
o Improved parent-school understanding

Scope and Limitations of the Proposed System


 Displays information of the student such as Student Photo, Student Name,

Student ID No., Student Course, and Time and Date of Entry and Exit through
swiping their Identification Cards into the barcode scanner terminal.
 Update and validate if the students are enrolled during the semester.
 Monitor the arrival/departure of every student enrolled in the particular semester
or school year.
 Controlled door lock gate terminal to control the flow of entrance and exit of the
 Sending of SMS to notify parent about their children’s arrival and departure in
 Generates and prints report for students’ information pertaining to their entrance
and exit activity.


 Cannot use as the student’s attendance for every subject, it is used only for
monitoring the students who enter the university premises.
 The proposed system is not responsible for the security of the students before and
once the student left the school
 The system does not print reports.
 Monitoring for Faculties and personnel are not included.
 Printing of barcoded I.D. cards.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

 To the Security Management

 To the Proponents
 To the Future Researchers
 To the Students
 To the Parents

Theoretical Framework

Description of the Current System

The security management of Biliran Province State University (BiPSU) is currently

implementing the traditional method in monitoring the entrance and exit of every student.
They check each student’s ID for verification of their legitimacy and also to ensure they
follow the school policy such as wearing of a complete proper uniform. But oftentimes there
are many of the students who do not follow the rules but they still manage to enter the
school without proper ID’s. Some other students take that chance to enter the school by just
borrowing uniforms and ID’s because they are not actually checked thoroughly and that can
result to poor monitoring of students, that can also cause incidents or crime inside the
school. The security personnel experienced difficulty in managing and monitoring the entry
and exit of every person who enters the institution. In general, the existing system for
monitoring the identification and information for every student entering the school needs
improvement not only in human resource but also in implementing the accuracy and
preventing any unwanted problems that can happen in the university.
Description of the Proposed System
The proponents propose to design and develop an automated entry-exit monitoring
system with the innovation of combined barcode, SMS and Entrance Lock Technology which
aims to facilitate a more efficient way in monitoring student’s arrival and departure from the
University. The proposed system can be useful not only for the security guards but also for
parents in tracking their children entrance and exit in the school. The proposed system can
be a means of more accurate monitoring and reduce transaction time than the existing
system because it has the capability to minimize and even prevent the number of students
who do not follow the rules of the university. Those students can now be easily distinguished
through the use of entrance lock by controlling the numbers of student passing time after
time. The SMS features will also help the parents so that they will be notified if their children
are inside or outside the institution. The proposed system will also solve the problems of the
security personnel regarding to those students who borrow ID’s from their classmates just to
be able to enter the school, because the information of the owner of the ID will now be
displayed in the monitor and then security personnel can now identify each student who
enters if he/she is the legitimate owner of the ID.
The proposed system is intended to monitor the entry and exit of students as well as
to track their time in and out activity. There are some problems in the current system which
will be addressed through the proposed system. However, such implementation can also
have limitations but it can be more beneficial not only to the security management but also
for the parents and students. At the end, the system will be equipped with features such as
barcode and controlled door lock innovation which include SMS technology that will be
helpful to the university not only for keeping a regulated policy but also following a more
advanced approach of technology.

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