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Managing Building Adaptation

A Sustainable Approach
course syllabus

table of contents
p2 Introduction & learning objectives

p3 Course overview

p4 Modules & topics

p5 Learning activities & assignments

p6 Assessment

p6 Deadlines

p7 Expectations

p8 Resources & tools

p9 Certificate & license

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

Welcome to this self-paced TU Delft online This MOOC is especially relevant for people
course: Managing Building Adaptation: A who are interested in Real Estate, Project
Sustainable Approach. Thanks for joining us! Management, Urban Planning, Architecture,
In this syllabus you will find everything you Construction, Engineering, and Sustainability.
need to know about the MOOC. The course is taught by a multi-disciplinary
team of instructors and professors. They will
This course introduces you to the challenging guide you through the modules of the course,
management task of redeveloping buildings and we hope you will enjoy learning about
for future use. As a matter of fact, one of the how to manage building adaptations. Have a
biggest challenges that cities face worldwide further look at what to expect from this course
is to adapt the current building stock in a hereinafter.
sustainable way. Therefore, by participating
in this course and adopting your ideas in
practice, you contribute to making our built
environment more sustainable.

learning objectives
By the end of this course you will be able to:

• Understand building adaptation • Apply project management tools that

management as a cyclical process; assist in making decisions about building
• Identify various sustainability challenges
that occur in building adaptations; • Translate design concepts into practical
solutions for sustainable building
• Distinguish between multiple actor adaptation.
perspectives and interests related to
building adaptation;

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

course overview
The course consists of six modules. Module 1 is an introductory module and module
6 consists of a reflection about what we and you have learned during the course. In
between, there are the 4 so-called ‘core modules’. Each of these core modules address a
main theme related to the management of the building life cycle process.

0 Getting started / welcome

In the getting started section you’ll get to know the course structure, get familiarized with
the virtual learning environment, complete your profile, meet your fellow students and
the e-moderator.

1 Introduction to Managing Building Adaptation

Introduction to building adaptation, the sustainability and managerial challenges
involved, the cyclical development process of real estate, and need for management tools.

2 Urban Development Management

Introduction to urban development management, dealing with contextual issues for
building adaptation, such as sustainability policies, real estate markets and location

3 Adaptive Reuse Management

Introduction to the phenomenon of adaptive reuse, focusing on re-design concepts,
highest-and-best-use proposals, and financial viability of transformation.

4 Construction and Project Management

Introduction to construction and project management, dealing with realizing adaptation
plans, making use of organizational structures and smart planning methods.

5 Sustainable Housing Management

Introduction to housing transformation management, including asset management,
maintenance and operations, user preferences, and energy efficiency measures.

Recap of Managing Building Adaptation

6 Conclusion and reflection on lessons learned about managing building adaptation, and the
applicability and transferability of results to other institutional contexts.

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

Each module contains various topics (2, 3 or 4). These topics introduce you to a more
specific subject of each module, and can be considered as the building blocks of each
module. See the table for an overview of the modules and topics that form the course

0 Getting started / welcome

Getting to know the course

1 Introduction to managing building adaptation

Sustainability and Managerial Challenges - Managing Building Adaptation Processes -
Adaptation Proposal BK City.

2 Urban development management

Introduction Schieblock - Urban Development (UD) Policies and Markets - UD
Functions and Stakeholders - UD Plan Schieblock

3 Adaptive reuse management

Adaptive Reuse (AR) Drivers and Challenges - AR Functional and Financial Feasibility -
AR Design and Calculation - AR Risks, Bottlenecks and Opportunities.

4 Construction and project management

Project Breakdown Structure - Project Resource Breakdown Structure -
BK City Project Team.

5 Sustainable housing management

Introduction to Sustainable Housing Management (SHM) - SHM Principles - SHM
Context - SHM Action Plan.

Recap of managing building adaptation

6 Personal Lessons - Building Adaptation Proposal.

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

learning activities
A module in general, and the various topics in
specific, typically can consist of the following
learning activity items:

• Video lecture, in which the topic is • Assignments, in which your knowledge

introduced; on the topic will be tested;

• Case video, in which the topic is

illustrated with real life projects or
an interview;

• Learning material, document and

internet links that support the videos
and assignments;

A module’s topic can contain various
assignments for you to complete, such as:

• Poll questions to compare your own ideas • Sketchdrive assignments to upload your
and context about the topic with other visual work, write a short motivation, and
learners’ give feedback on other learners’ visuals;

• Quiz questions to check your understanding • Self-assessments (ORA) to score your work
of the topic through multiple-choice based on a rubric;
• Checklists to obtain points after you have
• Drag and drop questions to align and locate completed all your work in the module.
certain answers to predefined boxes,
typically these are true or false questions;

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

All modules except module 0 are graded. In
order to successfully complete the course, you
will need to pass 70% of the assignments. The
diagram below illustrates the weight of each of
the modules, and the assignments per module.

Module 6 Module 1
1. Personal lessons 1. Sustainability & managerial challenges
2. Building adaptation proposal 2. Managing building adaptation processes
3. Adaptation proposal BK City

10% 10%
Module 5 Module 2
1. Introduction to sustainable 1. Introduction Schieblock
housing management 2. Urban development policies and
2. Sustainable housing 20% pass: 20% markets
management principles 3. Urban development functions and
3. Sustainable housing 70% stakeholders
management context 4. Urban redevelopment plan Schieblock
4. Sustainable housing
management action plan
20% 20%

Module 4 Module 3
1. Project work breakdown 1. Adaptive reuse drivers and challenges
structure 2. Adaptive reuse functional and technical
2. Project resource breakdown feasibility
structure 3. Adaptive reuse design and calculation
3. BK City Project Team 4. Adaptive reuse risks, bottlenecks, and

In order to make smooth progress with the assignments is July 3, 2019, 12:00 UTC. In
course and to get the most out of it, we order to give you enough time to complete the
encourage you to work on the assignments rubrics of the ORA assignments, the closing
on a regular basis. The final deadline for time for submission of these assignments is set
handing in all assignments except for the ORA 3 hours before closing of the course on July 3.

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

what you can expect from us

This is what you can expect from the
e-Moderators who will guide you throughout
the course:

• Guidance and support on a regular basis. every question, try to solve matters with
Since this is a self-paced course, the your fellow students by contributing to the
e-Moderators will not check the forums discussion forum. By assisting each other
on a daily basis. However, the moderators in solving commonly-experienced course
will check the forums regularly for issues issues we create a sense of community,
with the content and for technical issues. which is part of the experience of online
Since the forum moderators cannot answer learning.

what we expect from you

As an online student we expect you to be an your own work or results of others.
active participant in this course, contributing
to a positive atmosphere by engaging in • Post appropriate content. Content that
meaningful discussions where knowledge is violates the Terms of Service is not
exchanged. Please attend to the rules below permitted.
to make this course a pleasant experience for
everyone! Also have a look at the Collaboration • Be respectful to your peers. We encourage
guidelines and Discussion forum guidelines in debate and discussion but only when
the Course handouts section. this is done in a polite and respectful
manner. We do not tolerate rude behavior,
• Be constructive in your feedback. Learning in condescending or abusive words. Instances
an online community is about interaction. will be reported and removed.
When commenting on work of others be
constructive and whenever possible provide • Keep on track with deadlines. This course is
suggestions for improvement. meant to be a place where you learn with
and from others. In this sense, we’d like
• Be sensitive to your peers’ background you to experience collaboration and peer-
and culture. This is a global forum with feedback, so please make sure you follow
participants with very diverse nationalities. with other participants in order to enrich
Please keep this in mind when discussing the overall learning experience.

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

resources & tools

First, this MOOC makes use of Microsoft Third, this MOOC makes use of the online
Excel. During the course you will sometimes platform Sketchdrive. This is the platform
have to open and fill in an .xls file as part of that we will use in this course to complete the
an assignment. You can use software like 'visual' assignments. It is a platform where you
Microsoft Excel or Apache Open Office for this. can upload assignments and where others can
provide you with feedback within the same
digital environment. Sketchdrive is the only
way to complete the assignments, so keep in
mind that assignments posted on the forum
will not be accepted. In the first week of the
course, a link for the registration on the course
section in Sketchdrive will be available. Once
you have created an account, you will see that
you can do a virtual tour on Sketchdrive to find
Second, this MOOC makes use of Adobe out how it works. It is not very complicated.
Acrobat. During the course you will sometimes Please take this tour to find out how to upload
have to open and fill in a PDF file as part of an your files and how to give feedback to your
assignment. Because of this it is required that peers.
you have a program with which this is possible
(for example Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Managing Building Adaptation
A Sustainable Approach

certificate & license

If you're interested in a certificate you can License
upgrade to a Verified Certificate. These
certificates will indicate you have successfully Unless otherwise specified the Course
completed the course, but will not include a Materials of this course are Copyright Delft
specific grade. Certificates will be issued by University of Technology and are licensed
edX under the name of DelftX, designating the under a Creative Commons Attribution-
institution from which the course originated. NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Generating an ID verified certificate

Verified certificates will be issued a few days

after receiving a passing grade, to all verified
participants who achieved at least 70% of the
total grade. Certificates can be downloaded
from your Student Dashboard (look for the
Download button next to the name of our
Remember that in order to qualify for
a certificate, you must achieve a total grade
of 70% or higher. You can check your grade
at any time under the course’s Progress page.
An ID verified Certificate of Achievement is
available for $49. You can Upgrade on your
edX Dashboard to Verified during the course.
Once produced, a certificate cannot be
reissued, hence it is very important that you
verify the way in which your name appears.
Check that, in your account, your
name is correctly spelled, since it will appear on
the final certificate. Please note that no Honor
Code certificates will be given out by edX for
this course.

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