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________________________________________________________________FM Aleksandar Ranđelović, Training material: Planning___

Harryan – A. Randjelovic
Nis 2011.

2r1k2r/pp2bp2/1qn1b3/3pPppp/3P4/1P3N2/PB2NPPP/R2Q1RK1 w k - 0 15

White to play.

Last move of Black was 14... h5.

Black’s intention is to attack on the kingside, but there may be some

innacuracy in his last move, weakening one square.

What White should do in order to create a strong outpost near

the center, and stop Black's pawns on the kingside?

15. h4!

It is a counter-intuitive move, weakening the kingside where Black is about

to attack. However, there is a more important, strategic point: the f4-
square for the e2-Knight! Whatever Black does, there will be a nice square
near the center for the Knight. It will open the g-file for Black’s Rook, but
with White’s Knights on f4 and f3, and not so many Black’s pieces on the
kingside, plus their King still in the center, it wont be easy for Black to harm
White on the kingside.

15… g4?!

Much better was 15... gxh4! 16. Nf4 Kd7! with unclear game and compen-
sation for the weak squares and pawn structure in view of opened g-file
and possible counter-play on the kingside.

16. Ng5 Bxg5

In case of 16... Rg8 white has: 17. Nf4 Bxg5 (an interesting move would be
17… Rxg5!?) 18. hxg5 Rxg5 19. Qd2 Rg8 20. Rfc1 Qd8 21. Ba3 h4 22. Bd6
Qg5 23. Rc2 with better game.

17. hxg5 Ne7

18. Qd2 Ng6
19. Ba3

And here White has at least slight advantage thanks to many weak squares
in Black’s position, and not so safe King in the center.

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