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REG N.O. : TEC/DPA/MU/004/09.

A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for diploma

in public administration

TITLE: Impact of Ethnic Conflicts on National
Stability and Development.
I KAMAU ERICK KAHURA declare that this research is my original work
and has not been presented to any other education institution for examination.
Declare that any secondary source of data used in this research has been dully



This research is dedicated to my greatest role model, best friend and dad
Mr.Kamau Mundiah{who passed away while doing my K.C.S.E.]His dreams,hopes
and aspirations for a great future for his family live on...............
Also all those who suffer as aresult of ethnic conflict.
It has been an audacious attempt in my effort to understand the impact of
ethnic conflict on national stability and development in kenya;in my research
I have inccured interectual debts from many people who have given mentorship
support, encouragement, comments and suggestions I received from them.
I thank the almigthy God for his care and grace through this challenging
period of my life.Secondly I wish to record my gratitude and thanks to my parent
Mr.kamau &Teresia for bringing me in this world.Am also greatful to T.E.C.
Institute for according me the oppotunity to participate in pursuing this course.
My sincere gratitude goes to my Research Supervisor Mr. Richard Wafula,
for his thorough and incisive guidance through the entire research.also to
my lectures Mr.; Ndemaki Mandila, Kenyatta, Arron Wambua ,Eliaz Mabwai,Alex
Mulwa ;Mandam Muema,Purity,Elizabeth and Pennina for their helps in various ways.
Thanks sincerery to my friends Derric Kamanda, and cousin kahura who
Gave me valuable insights into translating my ideas coherently and enriched
them in various ways.
My heartfelt thanks to my mum Teresiah Kamau and aunt Rosemary Kahura for
their financial support, encouragement and inspiration,without which I would not
have participated in this course.
Finally I wish to acknowledge my social partners in the research; my girl friend Rose
Wangeci, who motivated me and for her love and encouragement. Thanks also to
Bro.oliver, Edwin and James; cousin. kahura, nyambu, njeri for their unwavering support
throughout this course.
1.0. Introduction
1.1.objective of study
1.2.purpose of study
1.3.importance of study
1.4.problem statement
Ethnic conflict has been in the likes of an ugly horrific night dream from when
you wake up in a chilling childish scream.Many people are rudely shocked at
what have happened;solid and good building reduced to ashes,shops torched and
completely empited the stocks,human bodies burned to stumps and slashed to
pieces and left for dogs and insects to feed on.People displaced and jammed in
tents in open grounds and mass-fed like refugees in their own country.
Ethnic conflict encompasses all forms of small and large scale acts of violence
between and among different ethnic groups in which ethnicity plays a casual
role in the conflict [sambanis2001] in this way, a bar room brawl between people
of different ethnic groups that erupts over accusations of cheating in a game
of billiards is not a form of ethnic conflict. It refer to conflicts which in the real
sense have been conflict over resources, political violence and class conflicts
Among other grievance.

Ethnic conflicts pose a major threat to peace and stability in 21st

century. It is responsible for the dealing at millions of people around
the globe, as well as the rape, torture and improvement of millions
of people.

Inspite of the world being in the era of globalization, ethnic conflict and communal
violence persists which affect the national development and stability. According to
“Nyamnjoh”it seems to be ‘Flip side of globalization “The recent trend is that ethnic
communities which previously lived together they now turn against each other leaving
behind lots of destruction among the people.
The historical origins of ethnic conflicts can be traced back to pre-colonial eras; we
cannot deny the importance of the present social economic factors. At the root of
ethnicity ties the question of economic security .Open ethnic question arises between
privileged ethnic groups who have benefited from further regions. This contributes to
political tensions because each group feels it can only win if other loses.
The recently ethnic conflicts which rocked the country in 2007/2008 raise fear and
apprehension in Kenya. It unfolded along ethnic bases. As the guardians made the
country states observers of the violence following 2007 December elections have often
referred to the violence as in contrast to an otherwise politically stable and peaceful
It led to death of more than thousand, hundred of property and investments were
destroyed and shocked the foundation of this nation. It heightened ethnic suspicious and
generates a political and humanitarian crisis that left Kenya at the brink of tribal war.
Because of its speed and scales, it came as a surprise that many Kenyans and
international community. It empted even before president Kibaki was declared winner of
elections, but it increased in scale after final environment of presidential elections.
However it is worth keeping in mind that most important political activities throughout
Kenya’s history as an independent state have been framed along ethnic woes
The period has been associated with inter-ethnic conflicts in Nyanza, Rift valley, Western
and coast Province.
The tradition that violence may arise prior and after General elections have made “Ethnic
conflict.” a very sensible yet an important topic for, debate aimed at making policy option
for management of conflicts. Whenever this issue is raised there is often fear, confusion
and skeptsim within the government, opposition and within the public document.

However in 2002 there were no ethnic conflicts after election .There was peaceful
handover of power. This successful change of regime was said to have made Kenya a
democratic camp. Kenya also received a lot of praises from European countries and
African nation and was referred as a “An icon of peace and stability in Africa,” All these
praise were watered down by 2007/2008 post –election violence which was considered
the worst experience since independence. The violence put Kenya from violence and
chaos which weakened and undermined the national development and stability.
It is this event of ethnic conflicts which made me to do this research which shows
correlation between ethnicity, development and stability in Kenya. The research is based
on both library and field research .As the title explicates issues related to ethnic conflicts
and their impact in national development and stability.
Objective of the study
The objective of the study is to carry out an inquiry into the impact of ethnic conflicts on
stability and development of Kenya between 1991 to date.

Purpose of Research
Purpose of this study was to generate information on implications of past and recent
ethnic conflicts on the national stability and development.
It was to generate strategies for investigations as well as strategies for managing
as well for mitigation of conflicts.
To determine the root causes of conflicts in Kenya.
I wanted to gain some understanding of ethnic conflict and how it affects the national
development and stability.
I aim to contribute to a body of knowledge concerning ethnic conflicts which have
ensured in Kenya since 1990’s whose reality cannot be ignored.

Limitation of the study

Ethnicity is a concept that faces numerous interpretations and requires careful selection of
context and content. I avoided this by avoiding going deep into various discussions
without easily getting to the point.
Availability and Access to literature sources .There are few documentation about
ethnic conflicts in Kenya between 2002-2007.I acknowledged that to some extent it is
because of relative ethnic cohesion in Kenya.
Time limitation
Time limit allocated for the study and data collection was not enough to give ample time
for me to interact adequately since I was writing this research while m still continuing
with my studies.
There was insufficient money for providing necessary nature of the study. This poles a
great change and lenders in depth investigation.
The literature review of this research revolves around issues like ethnicity, ethnic
conflict, magnitude and manifestation of conflicts, impact of conflict and conflict
resolution strategies and other related variables which affect stability and development in
Ethnic conflict refer to conflicts which in real sense have been conflicts over resources,
Political violence and class conflicts among other grievance .This isd because of the
strong mobility force attributed to ethnic group affiliation to continuum of events which
range from articulation of discounted protests,mobilistion sustained violence and civil
war in which ethnicity plays a key role. It can be violent or non violent conflict, but
violent is an acceptable phenomenon which can be avoided as long as right measures are
Ethnicity is viewed as a concept that defines groupings on bases of colour, appearance,
language, race, religion, common ancestry, body structure, and level of education and so
on. It is a scriptive of environment largely based on the myth of common ancestry, belief
systems, physical settlement, groups affiliations and relationship (nyakuri 1992)
According to Tom Mboya (1963) ethnic conglomeration has two functions one is positive
while the other one is negative. Where he argues that the promotion and safeguarding of
the traditional cultural and social practices of a particular ethnic group is vitreous and
extremely necessary in Africa’s search for an authentic culture of its own. He believed in
unity within the diversity of the numerous ethnic groups in Africa
According to Murungi he argues that “We can no longer pretend that ethnicity is not an
important factor in Kenyan politics. It is part and parcel of our historical and social
reality. Ours is basically a peasant society which still retains strong kinship ties. The
family, the clan and the tribe are basic forms of political socialization and characteristics
mode of our political self expression .We cannot avoid this objective fact by reference to
abstract theories of human nature, philosophers or the laws of historical materialism
while external forces have no doubt influenced the democratization process in Kenya, no
meaningful democratic transformation will take place in this country unless we pay
sufficient attention to our internal facts, our social structure, political culture and
economic realities.
Political space of Kenya is highly ethnitised.This phenomenon, however is not the result
of the re-introduction of mult-party politics in early 1990’s.It is a phenomenon that has
historically antecedent that reach back into colonial situation. The colonial government
created ethnicity when they created native reserves for residences of ethnic groups in
Kenya. They also contribute to ethnicity because of the idea of preventing African
politicians from forming national alliance. They struggle for independence heightened
ethnic conciousness.The political parties which were formed were around ethnic lines.
The ethnic inequality within Kenya in terms of extraction and distribution of scarce
resources has been a source of negative competition between those who control power
and those who perceive themselves to have been marginalized. The ethnic mobilization
and sensitization of the supporters is a threat to peace and stability since at no political
there will be equal distribution of resources in a growing economy.
When Kenya gained independence n the problem of ethnicity was not addressed .They
did not even transform state institutions, infact they adopted the colonial system .This is
because police and provincial administration, which stood as symbol of major changes.
All presidents affectively utilized the institutions in same manner colonial administration
The minority groups were convinced that numerically large ethnic groups notably the
Kikuyus and Luo were using the strength to remove Kalenjin from power. Politicians
from the regions exploited the land problems in Rift valley where the Kenyatta
government settled Kikuyu and other squatters in 1965.They demanded for federalism
(Majimbo) whose boundaries would be defined by territorial claims which existed before
colonial rule. This meant that Kikuyu and Luo’s were settled in Rift valley during
colonial period and Kenyatta regime would be evicted back to their ancestral lands. This
resulted in ethnic land conflict between communities and immigrant populations in Rift
valley and later at coast between Mijikenda and upcountry Kikuyu and Luo.
Without an inclusive framework in mult-ethnic policy ,ethnic conflict would continue to
persist in the body politicts.Depending on the analytical inclinations of the observer and
the specifications and dynamic of particular conflict situations, ethnic consciousness
has been attributed variously to emotional power of “primordial givens” cultural ties,
struggle for relative group work, mass based resource competition ,electrical
mobilization, elite manipulation. false consciousness and defective political institutions
and inequitable state policies (diamond 1987:Douinbos 1991).There is however a general
acknowledgement of inherent completing,ubiguity,ambiguity,volatility and fluidity of
the ethnic environment.
According to the book in Ethnic conflicts and Transition to Democracy in Africa the post
conflicts in Africa in 1990’s are the antithesis of the expected and predicted stability
,peace and development that were linked to democratization smith (2000) Lake &
Rothchild (1996).The period was led to destitution of some [people especially who have
suffered the effects of ethnic conflict in various ways e.g. loss of property
,displacement and loss of identity was taken a centre stage in the conflicts (shoop
says)ethnic belligerence being the most prevalent.
President Moi expressed fears that liberalization would lead to fears that liberalization
would lead to greater ethnic conflict Acc to smith (ibid) leaders expressed fear of ethnic
conflicts were excuses to avoid sharing (losing power in a wake of political proralism.Its
comprehensive empirical study on relationship between democratization and political
liberalization establishes that other influencing factors field constant an inverse
relationship exists between political liberalization and ethnic conflict in Africa (abid 32)
Kenya has experienced various forms of violence since 1991.Three major incident of
ethnic conflict are however striking. The first two were in 1991-1994 mainly in Rift
valley province and 1997/1998 in same and some parts of coast province. The third
incident was the recent 2007/2008 post election violence which engulfed the whole entry
and strong ethnic undertones. As a result of this violence more than 250,000 Kenyans
were internally displaced. The 2007 violence empted after the opposition disputed the
outcome of the presidential elections and went ahead to stigate campaign in aim unrest
and violence. They overwhelming and systemically directed particular communities.


Colonial system
At the dawn of independence, leaders ascended to structures of government which were
intended to preserve the colonial administration legacy. They were also adopted western
constitution and ill- trained manpower to make provisions for enlarged nation-state, now
different ethnic communities with variegated interests. Kenya also inherited from British
colonialists’ scarce national resources, inadequate infrastructure, inadequate education
and health facilities and others. The scramble for the scarce national resources and
facilities intensified and ethnicity became the main vehicle through which the dominance
and preservation of power as well as resources could be achieved .Leadership in post
colonial Kenya has used ethnicity to remain in power or settle dispute with their
political enemies.
However in 1990’s ethnic conflicts are seen as product of colonial violence and
occupation .The colonial government drew boundary which put disparate ethnic groups
together ,they created native researchers which signified tribal barriers and isolated in
ward looking communities incapable of integration into longer social units. This led to
creation of ethnic tensions between the privileged loyalist and oppressed rebellion ethnic
groups. The oppressed groups from Kikuyu,Embu and Meru formed KEM to liberate
themselves from oppressive role of the colonialist.
This promoted tribalism.

Ethnic conflict is not all irrational expression of tarstic biological impulses. It is a
political strategy to achieve tangible political and economic benefits. It is about who gets
what, who will benefit and who will lose in purely. Economic struggles for the control of
ownership, distribution and management of resources.Micheal human observed that
democracy in Kenya remains dominant by tribalism.

Political Opportunitism
Archie Mafeje has observed that ethnicity is a social tool used by African elite to advance
their own personal economic and political agenda while pretending to act on behalf of
their ethnic groups. Politicians in Kenya have adduced overwhelming evidence to show
that ethnic conflict are an artificial creation by a few self –centered politicians who are
opposed to development at democratic institutions and culture. The 1992 and 1997
eruption of violence in Rift valley is seen to derive from politicians who wanted re-
introduction of Majimbo (federalism)
When government lose credibility and legitimacy in the public domain, they retreat to
their ethnic bases and use them as quasi military ethnic strategies to defend the status quo
against political change.

Assassinations of politicians and detain

The assassination of Tom Mboya for reasons not known on 9/7/1969 after the death of
Argwings Kodheck, intensified The ethnic animosity between the Luo’s and leaders
were detained without trial created anger to the Luo community .This event led to the
Luo’s to have an anger when president Jomo Kenyatta was wasting Kisumu to open the
Hospital large crowd of Luo’s threw stones to the Kenyatta motorcade and the police
fired at them. This incident made Nyanza not to be involved in the national development
plans.For example the government did not construct Kenya Uganda Highway because it
was passing the Luo land.
The death of Robert Ouko in 1990 also strained relationship between Luo and Kalenjins
leaders.This is a cause of conflict between the Luo’s and Kalenjins in the period of mult-
party elections in 1992.As long three is ethnic discrimination in Kenya and violence
among different communities there will not be peace and national development will
remain behind.
Lack of political parties with national agenda
Colin Leys in article “politics in Kenya the development of peasant society (1971)argue
that “—one cannot help feeling, that in Kenya ,at least the character of politics will for
some considerable time be determined by the fact that pleasantly as a class not yet
reaches the limits of its development and symbiosis between it and the merging urban –
based classes is not full developed either-----this corresponds to the continuing
importance of the clan, as a unit of social organisation, one might say it is characteristic
mode of political expression of the peasantries.” So decentralization has not changed the
social matrix of our society.
The political manifestations of our politicians are limited to immediate local interests. It
is difficult to mobilize local people around broad issues related to the overall
development of the society. They have to be mobilized around concrete local demands
which have been immediate tangible benefits to them.
The inability of political parties to develop an alternative agenda has left politicians to
express local grievances in a highly competitive ethnic political market. Political parties
provide an inadequate institutional framework and operate through formal networks and
inward –looking strategies of their electorate which create ethnic mechanizations and
conflict. Basil Davidson (Black man’s Burden) discusses Africa’s political parties as
Kinship corporations which commit produce a democratic state whether or not they are
political parties. They are principal agents of ethnic politics which have led to terrible
destruction. of Africa.

Organisation of civil service

This is another factor of ethnic discrimination and conflict. The government gave jobs in
the civil service and prostates to the African when we got independence. During the
colonial era African population worked essentially as plantation laborers or domestic
hand for the Europeans. They had hope that independence will bring mobility to them
into higher position of the independence. The government came up with a policy first
describes as “Organisation” then “Kenyanisation” people baptized it “Kikuyunization” in
Kenyatta government.This explained how the policy turned to be ethnicity (Realization)
in the civil service employment.
African leaders have a propensity and use state power to promote their own interests or
those of their own ethnic groups. [Anyang-nyon’go1993][nzongola ntalaja1997] in
Kenya both the government and opposition blame each other for having instigated the
mayhem to gain political mileage.
It is a factor that is clear from press statements, newspapers and others that it played a big
role in causing conflicts.(Task force report NCCK 1992,Mor 1993:Muringi Report 1995)

Misconception of Majimboism and pluralism

Another source of ethnic conflicts in Kenya is introduction of multiparty system in
1990’s had a number of far reaching consequences one of which was the cause of
eruption of ethnic conflict in Nyanza,Rift valley coastal & Western province. Presidents
Moi predicament of the country return to mult party system would result in outbreak of
violence based on ethnicity.
Misunderstanding of Majimbo and general public. Call for introduction of federal system
of government. Based on ethnicity (Majimbo by officials from KANU.The system was to
be based on all ethnic groups to go back to the regions/land which they occupied before
the colonial rule.
The conflicts of 1990’s began when there conventions which were held by Kalenjin and
Kanu politicians like:Hon.Misoi,Hon,Biwot,Kosgey among others. In Mombasa papers
of Majimbo were circulated in 1994 which called for minority ethnic groups to fight for
their rights.

Institutionalized corruption & unaddressed lawlessness

Ethnic conflict raged violence and beastly killings resulted from years of social
economic oppression, unconsumed unemployment and object purely all because of
corruption & unaddressed lawlessness.
In Kenya corruption has engulfed the three arms of government i.e. Judiciary, legislature
and executive. Filtering down all other strata of the society. Hence the criminal mind
takes advantage of it.
Political and ethnic loyalty
According to Akiwumi commission report security forces and provincial administration
were negligence and unwilling to take drastic action to prevent ethnic clashes from
erupting or once this erupted to bring end of them.
Ethnic leaders and politicians were also found to have unsighted the conflicts.

Land and inequality

Kenya consist of 42 ethnic groups in many parts of Kenya they are relatively
homogeneous ethnically problems of inequality and marginalization thus are often
viewed in ethno geographic terms even though inequality between individual of the same
group are sometimes more pronounced than those between different ethnic groups in
geographic areas. studies done have found that presence of large number of ethnic groups
or inequality per se explains large scale violence even though most violence on the Rift
valley have occurred mainly in ethnically mixed sectional schemes.

Material gain
Source Sunday Nation Oct 19/2008.The measure of achievement is found in the
immediate dispending of material gain ,that is consumption rather than production .Few
politically engage population in a decision of how to achieve a longer rate of growth and
sustained development. Ethnic groups in Kenya choose to act in any manner feasible to
protect their communal rationality and realized/perceived material gain. Ethnic groups in
Kenya fight over resources and property such as land livestock pastures and water. The
winners of fight in most cases got what they want more losers loose their property.
Impact of ethnic conflicts
Economic impact
Ethnic conflict have led to many families to loss personal and household possessions as
that houses,granaries,farms,shops and business premises were burnt.
In recent violence which has been witnessed in Kenya led to more than thousand of lives
to be lost, hundred displaced and billions of shillings and of property and investments
was destroyed shook the foundation of this nation. The violence heightened ethnic
suspicious and generated political and humanitarian crisis that left Kenya at the brink of
tribal war. (Daily nation Feb 2008.
Ethnicity has inflicted senior’s damage in Agriculture education and health care services.
The destruction of farms and displacement of rich agricultural area resulted in serious
food strategies in 1993 and 2008.The government of Kenya therefore led to appeal to
international community for food Aid (Daily nation 14, 1993:6) even today agricultural
production is yet to recover.

Social impact
As a report of ethnic conflicts, many people have been left homeless,landless,destitute
injured,dead,abused.As a result of ethnic violence many school group children were
displaced, some dropped out as a result of finance and social –economic challenges
attributes to the violence stricken areas. There is overwhelming evidence that ethnic
conflicted is pre-meditated and systematically directed at particular communities. This
resulted to crisis of culture and identity between the generations of ethnic groups that
fight each other. Some people experience a number of unintended impacts in the
aftermath of being attacked .They included infection with HIV/AIDS, physical injury,
unwanted pregnancy and loss of trust in state agencies. Those who got AIDS as a result
of being raped and being unable to access medical services in time to reduce the chances
of prevention infection. The victims of sexual violence also suffered enormous
psychological trauma. Those people who have been internally displaced have been
compelled to live under harsh and squand conditions in unhygienic camps, churches and
trading centres without proper sanitation and shelters. The health of the victims is
pathetic especially children suffering from malnitrion.
Local children have been psychologically traumatized after witnessing the killing of
relatives, burning of houses and wanton destruction of property.
Those women who were sexually violated (raped) were abandoned by their husbands and
even family members which occasioned family breakdown.

Political impact
During the conflicts judiciary was unable to punish the perpetrators of ethnic violence
due to manipulation by the government.
Ethnic conflict result to coming state of emergency and security zones. In 2008 ethnic
conflict resulted to political crisis which led to the formation of current fraud coalition
government with bloated cabinet. This has made conflict between the principals over

Theories for analysis of ethnic conflicts

Various social sciences theories have been put forward to explain cause of ethnic
conflicts. Some of these theories which also explain the concept of ethnicity include:
Modernization theory
Refers to as the completion theory .It views ethnic conflict as result of mobilization
competition for source resources tied that modernized society (mozafter).
It entails process of nation boundary, which implies shared national characteristics among
social groups and hence increased homogeneity in society at large. This leaves the
mandate of allocation of to the state.
Multifaced approach theory
The research acknowledges the inadequate of any single theory to explain the ethnic
conflicts in Kenya as a highly instrumental and as an interest group that comes in hardy
and different political situations.
The research highlights the perspectives and ideological undermining the relationship
between ethnicity and various institutions. Like state Provincial administration structure
and political parties that engender strategic choices for ethnic mobilization and
cooperation between political leaders and their followers especiary during multiparty
elections in Kenya. On the same post colonial state are well a global .
The design methodology chapter covered limitation pertaining to the study design, target
population sampling, design, data collection and lationals, data collection procedures and
detailed data analysis and presentation. The data of this research was collected from
published and gray literature in the libraries and internet. It went through a long process
of development before the final topic could be identified. It involved analysis of various
academic and non academic documents on ethnicity and ethnic conflict in Kenya. In
particular and its impact on development and stability in Kenya. Information like books,
journals, online newspapers articles and reports was used as secondary source data in this
Research design
According to Mark (2003) a rearcher design is the overall plan for conducting a study in
order to answer a research question. A researcher design can be thought as the structure
of research .Orodhe (2003) defines it as the structure, online or plan that is used to
generate answers to research problem. It constitute the blue splint for the collection,
measurement and analysis of data (Kathari 2003)
The research design is also used when collecting information about people’s option,
habitats or any of the variety in social issues (Orodhe & Kombo 2002)
I employed descriptive design; this is because I found it being more relevant in this field
of study. The method addresses states of affairs as they are; there is appropriateness in
establishing relationship between variables and in facilitating collection of discrete
numerical data from the population which provide feceral descriptive data. This helped to
reveal impact of ethnic conflict on fraternal development and stability. This was
considered the most effective really way for the researcher to administer printed
questionnaires to the respondents .It was easy to generalize the results obtained from the
people on the larger population.
Population and sampling Design
Target population
The respondents will be identified at random to provide representation of stratified
random sampling will be needed. This sampling technique ensures that population is
represented proportionally (Proportional sampling) (Orodhe & Kombo)

Data collection
Both primary and secondary data collected; primary data was collected using
questionnaires which were interviewer administered.Questionares were structured and
comprised of closed ended questions. This was in order to collect detained all around data
which provided a rich based for describing at the variables under considerations. It also
provided sufficient, complete and accurate information without bias to maximize
reliability of the data.
It was easier to analyze such data and hence more economical imigender (2003)
standardized questions were made as a way of operationalizing the conceptual
framework and in accordance with the need to make it possible to measure reactions of
many respondents to a limited set of questions. This facilitating comparison and
statistical aggregation of the data. This enables the forces on breadth and depth (patton
3.6 Data Analysis and Presentation

After the collection of data, all questionnaires were checked for completeness and

accuracy, and the computer’s Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to

generate the various frequencies. This was further analyzed using descriptive statistics

such as the measure of central tendency to bring a more meaningful outlook of the data as

well as putting the various variables under study.

Saunders et al (2003) stated that “Data analysis may be defined as a process for data

collection and analysis of quantative data that involved three concurrent sub processes of

data reduction, data display, drawing and rectifying conclusion. In most cases it is usually

the use of qualitative methods of data collection.” Also the researcher used qualitative

methods to arrange responses from the open ended questions into themes and categories

that further explained the variables in the study.

The data was presented using interactive tools such as tables, bar charts, pie charts and

graphs to make it more meaningful and user friendly.


4.0 Data Analysis Presentation and Discussion

4.1 Introduction s

This chapter presents the data that was obtained from the field research which covered

Nairobi Province then I did random sampling I choose Embakasi,Starehe and

Kamunkunji costituency The data was analyzed in percentages and illustrated by the use

of tables and figures for visual comparison.

4.2 Characteristics of the Respondents

Respondents Gender and Age Distribution
A look at the gender and the age of the respondents revealed that there is a satisfactory

gender balance within the society is not balanced and the with men taking a simple

majority (53%) and the rest (47%) women. On the other hand, majority (88.8%) of the

respondents lie in their tender age bracket of 18-45 years. The dominance of using the

sample is partly explained by the fact that male dominate in the society .This is reflected

in the table 4.2.1 below

Respondents sex distribution Men

100 Women

80 Age 18-45

60 Above 45


1.1 Constituency
1.2 Division
1.3 Location
1.4 Sub location
1.5 Phase
1.6 Occupation
1.7 Designation (Position)
1.8 Number of years
1.9 Name of the respondent
1.10 Gender Male or Female
1.11 Tribe
1.12 Religion Protestant Catholic Muslim
Hindu Tradition
6. Others specify
2. Knowledge of Ethnic conflict
2.1 What do you understand by ethnic conflict?
2.2 In your view do you think it is planned?
3 Personal experiences with ethnic conflict.
3.1 Have you ever been subjected to ethnic conflict?
Yes No

If yes to question 3.1 specify

3.2 How
3.3 Did you take any action after experiencing ethnic conflict?
Yes No

If no to question 3.3 please explain

If yes to question 3.3 indicate

3.4 When you experienced it, did you expect it?

3.5 When did you notice it?


4.1 Why do you think ethnic conflict persist in Kenya?
4.2 What reasons you gave for ethnic conflicts be addresses.
4.3 Can you purpose any local/material recharge for solving inadequate of ethnic
4.4 Ethnic conflicts have been recover since 1991 after the general elections to date what
should be done to recoverance?

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