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Weekly Journal

Regular evaluation updates are required with every unit. Please remember to
take photos and get behind the scenes footage as you film. You might find it
easier if you note down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week you worked on your research

What have you been asked to We have been asked to research a topic to make a
do? documentary on and choose a style to go with it.
Practice with lighting and sound and setting up
interviews for when we do the real thing next week.
Then film our own interview in our group to practise
and see what we need to improve on. Contact
people who we want to interview next week when we
start the filming. Also we have to put together a pitch
to perform to the class describing about our
documentary and trying to convince them to watch
What are you producing your Fashion and how people are judged for what they
documentary on and why have wear just because it is different from the “normal” and
you chosen this topic? how fashion is used by the youth to express ourselves
and feel unique. We feel this would relate to the youth
which is who it is targeted at, this is because almost
everyone in today’s youth will have been judged
about something they have worn at some point and
we feel like it stops people from expressing themselves
like they used to be able to back in the 80’s for
How have you divided the Jacob and Juras – Primary research
research amongst your group? Rachel and Freya – Secondary research
What research have you We did a survey and posted it onto our social medias,
completed this week and what we learned that a lot of people have the same views
have you learned? on Fashion and how people are treated because of
it. For example 70% of people feel they wear a
different style of clothes to their friends and felt
unique. However a lot of people would agree that we
all have the same style and maybe this shows some
naivety in our generation. It could also show that
people want to be different but can’t be because
they are scared of being judged.
How did making infographics help They made it easier to understand and quicker to
you to process your research? read. They are also more interesting than just reading
text off a page as they include pictures and bright
colours. For the infographics we made 2, one had the
facts and statistics from our primary research survey
layed out in a simple easy to read way. The other had
facts and statistics from our secondary research which
we found from online and again layed out in an easy
to read way on our infographics. I feel that by laying it
out like this it will appeal more to our target audience
in the youth as they tend to like things easier to
How did you find your first pitch? I think it went well but we could’ve been more
What do you feel went well and organised as a group and rehearsed the pitch and
what could have gone better? our lines etc. We had a slide show on in the
background which was only used for pictures and
visuals with titles explaining what was being talked
about that section of the pitch. We each read 2 slides
and had bullet points on a piece of paper which we
expanded on. We also collected feedback at the
end which the most common improvement was
organisation, however the rest of the feedback was
relatively good gaining a 7/10 on average.
Are you on track for this week? If Yes.
not, how far behind are you?
What work do you need to I need to start putting everything on my website and
complete outside of lessons to making it all look nice and well layed out so that the
stay on track? user stays on the website and views more pages. I also
need to print all the feedback onto my website so
people can see the actual results.
Week 2 This week you worked on your planning and

What did you learn from your We learnt that planning would help massively with the
planning? How has it helped you Speed of or production being made. We also got a lot
to progress your idea? of feedback from our target audience which will help
us to know what they want to see in the
Documentary. This also means that we will be able to
make the documentary more appealing to our target
audience and therefore they will be more likely to sit
through and watch the whole documentary. We also
spread out the planning through the group to make it
quicker and more efficient in the whole documentary
making process. We made sure we knew exactly what
we were doing and when and where we were doing it
every day so that everything ran smoothly and we
were able to get it completed relatively quickly.
What interviews did you set up We didn’t set up any interviews we just did vox pops
and how do you feel they have around reading, they added by making it easier to
added to your production? understand and it also makes the documentary more
personal as it has other people’s opinions in it. We also
thought it would make the documentary less biased as
we don’t get to chose who to interview so therefore
we cant just chose someone who will say what we
want them too. This means that the opinions and
answers we got from our questions were raw and
honest and this provides us with way more information
as we don’t know anything about the person. This
helped the documentary to flow as we had them
every now and then, this is so that the viewer is
interested in what the other person has to say about
fashion and therefore if we have them regularly the
viewer will feel more like they want to keep watching.
What issues did you have when We didn’t have any issues as we made sure that all of
planning and filming your our planning was done in as much detail as possible
production? How did you so that when it came to filming and editing all of it
went very smoothly. This is because spread out the
planning through the group to make it quicker and
more efficient in the whole documentary making
process. We made sure we knew exactly what we
were doing and when and where we were doing it
every day so that everything ran smoothly and we
were able to get it completed relatively quickly. All of
the people we planned to interview turned up so in
that area there were no problems, they also gave
really good answers which we were able to put in our
overcome them?
How do you feel you are working I feel we are working very well as a group as everyone
is given separate jobs which helps it get done faster
We made sure we knew exactly what we were doing
and when and where we were doing it every day so
that everything ran smoothly and we were able to get
it completed relatively quickly. All of the people we
planned to interview turned up so in that area there
were no problems, they also gave really good answers
as a group? What were your roles which we were able to put in our documentary.
and responsibilities?
How much work did you I did the production schedule at home.
complete outside of the lessons?
Are you on track for this week? If Yes
not, how far behind are you?
What work do you need to None
complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?

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