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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The main character in this story is Benjamin Button, with whom other
characters like his father, Mr. Roger Button, Hildegarde Montcrief, his wife and his
son Roscoe.
Roger Button and his wife decided to have their first child on a summer day
and that he would be born in a hospital. When the child was born and Mr. Button
came to see him at the hospital, he did not want to believe what he was seeing, his
son was wrapped in a blanket and was a seventy year old. Angrily took his son,
Benjamin, at home.
Benjamin had an uncommon childhood, the person he loved most to be with
was his grandfather. He was never well accepted in school because of his physical
appearance. When he was twenty he started working with his father in Roger Button
& Co, and this time he also started going to sereval fashionable dances. It was at
one of those dances that he met Hildegarde Moncrief, who later became his wife and
with whom he had a son, Roscoe.
As time passed Benjamin was getting younger, which worried him because
his wife was older and tired. So he was annoyed, so he decided to join the army,
where he was very successful and was often promoted. When he returned home he
was received as a hero.
Benjamin continued to grow younger and he felt very unhappy at home, then
began to do other things.
When his son took over the family business, he went to the University where
he was part of the football team, which he was forced to abandon because he
seemed too young.
Benjamin was growing younger and the only thing left was his memories. In
1920, Roscoe had her first child and when he went to kindergarten, Benjamin was
with him. Roscoe's son was advancing into school, but Benjamin had to be
withdrawn from Kindergarten as he was getting younger and became home with his
He remembered nothing, could not remember if the milk was warm or cold,
when it was the last time he had eaten, or how the days passed. Until he even forgot
about everything, he screamed when he was hungry and nothing more.

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