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Sovereign rules over natural resources and responsibility capabilities and differing responsibilities of individual

not to cause environmental damage: countries in addressing climate change.

The right of peoples and nations to Multilateral treaties are treaties between 3 or more
permanent sovereignty over their natural wealth countries. Bilateral treatiesare treaties between two
and resources must be exercised in the interest of their countries. HeinOnline contains
national development and of the well-being of the people both multilateral andbilateral treaties.
of the State concerned.

International organizations are bound by the treaties

Principle of preventive action which constitute them. Nointernational
organization can create its own powers and
The pollution prevention principle should be competences. These are defined by the will of the
differentiated from the duty to avoid environmental harm. Member States, as a rule through international treaties.
Under this new rule, a state may be under the obligation International organizations must act within the
to prevent damage within its own jurisdiction." framework of these treaties.

Principle of co-operation
Customary international law “... consists of rules of law
The cooperative principle is a principle of conversation derived from the consistent conduct of States acting out
that was proposed by Grice 1975, stating that participants of the belief that the law required them to act that way.”
expect that each will make a “conversational contribution (Shabtai Rosenne, Practice and Methods of International
such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the Law 55 (1984)). The elements of customary international
accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange.” law include:

 the widespread repetition by States of similar

international acts over time (State practice);
Principle of sustainable development
 the requirement that the acts must occur out of a
The ultimate objective of establishing the concept of sense of obligation (opinio juris); and
sustainability as anorganizing principle is to foster a well-  that the acts are taken by a significant number of
functioning alignment between individuals, society, the States and not rejected by a significant number
economy and the regenerative capacity of the planet's of States.
life-supporting ecosystems.
Judgments of International Courts and Tribunals

Precautionary principle
they are binding upon the parties in accordance with the
the principle that the introduction of a new product or principle of res iudicata; and that the courts or tribunals
process whose ultimate effects are disputed or unknown giving them are independent of the control of the parties
should be resisted. It has mainly been used to prohibit the
importation of genetically modified organisms and food. A standing international body with all the characteristics
of a court may yet be called a tribunal (eg International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea [ITLOS]); while a body of
arbitrators established by a bilateral international
Polluter pays principle
agreement to resolve a specific dispute may, if the parties
The 'polluter pays'principle is the commonly accepted so wish, be called a court of arbitration
practice that those who produce pollution should bear the
costs of managing it to prevent damage to human health
or the environment. UN General Assembly Resolution No. 1803 on
Permanent Sovereignty

The General Assembly adopted resolution 1803 (XVII) on

Principle of common but differentiated responsibility
the “Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources” on
Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and 14 December 1962 by 87 votes in favour to 2 against, with
Respective Capabilities (CBDR–RC) is a principlewithin 12 abstentions. The resolution had resulted from the
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate General Assembly’s focus on, firstly, the promotion and
Change (UNFCCC) that acknowledges the different financing of economic development in under-developed
countries and, secondly, in connection with the right of in 1968, and the convention was adopted at its second
peoples to self-determination in the draft international session the following year.
covenants on human rights. The convention applies only to written treaties between
states. The first part of the document defines the terms
and scope of the agreement. The second part lays out
the rules for the conclusion and adoption of treaties,
Stockholm Declaration including the consent of parties to be bound by treaties
and the formulation of reservations—that is, declining to
United Nations Conference on the Human
be bound by one or more particular provisions of
Environment, byname Stockholm Conference, the
a treaty while accepting the rest. The third part deals
first United Nations (UN) conference that focused on with the application and interpretation of treaties, and the
international environmental issues. The conference, held fourth part discusses means of modifying
in Stockholm, Sweden, from June 5 to 16, 1972, reflected or amending treaties. These parts essentially codify
a growing interest in conservation issues worldwide and existing customary law. The most important part of the
laid the foundation for global environmental governance. convention, Part V, delineates grounds and rules for
The final declaration of the Stockholm Conference was an invalidating, terminating, or suspending treaties and
environmental manifesto that was a forceful statement of includes a provision granting the International Court of
the finite nature of Earth’s resources and the necessity for Justice jurisdiction in the event of disputes arising from
humanity to safeguard them. The Stockholm Conference the application of those rules. The final parts discuss the
also led to the creation of the United Nations Environment effects on treaties of changes of government within a
Programme (UNEP) in December 1972 to coordinate state, alterations in consular relations between states,
and the outbreak of hostilities between states as well as
global efforts to promote sustainability and safeguard the
the rules for depositaries, registration, and ratification.
natural environment. It was necessary for 35 member states of the United
Nations to ratify the treaty before it could go into effect.
Although it took until 1979 to secure those ratifications,
Brundtland Report more than half of the UN members had agreed to the
convention by early 2018. Even those members that had
In 1983, the United Nations Secretary-General invited not ratified the document, such as the United States,
Norwegian prime minister Gro Harlem Brundtland to chair generally followed the prescriptions of the agreement.
a World Commission on Environment and Development.
Concern about the acute pressure of population growth,
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the
modern technology and consumer demand on the
Ozone Layer (a protocol to the Vienna Convention for
planetary fabric had been smoldering away since the
the Protection of the Ozone Layer) is an international
1970s. Now a new generation of environmental worries -
treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out
global warming, deforestation, species loss, toxic wastes
the production of numerous substances that are
- had begun to capture scientific and popular attention.
responsible for ozone depletion.
The world's natural resources were being rapidly
depleted, often in the name of development, but the
poverty this development was supposed to correct was as
widespread as ever. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement
between industrialized nations to lower greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. It is named after Kyoto, Japan where
the agreement was drawn up in 1997 at the United
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
an international agreement governing treaties between Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
states that was drafted by the International Law (UNFCCC).
Commission of the United Nations and adopted on May
23, 1969, and that entered into force on January 27,
A convention governing international treaties was one of
the first efforts undertaken by the International Law
Commission, and James Brierly was assigned as special
rapporteur in 1949 to address the subject. After his
resignation in 1952, each of his successors began the
work anew. Sir Humphrey Waldock, appointed in 1961,
produced six reports from which the commission was
able to create a draft to submit to the UN General
Assembly in 1966 with a recommendation that a
conference be convened to conclude a convention
based on the draft. The conference held its first meeting

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