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Medical marijuana has been the kindly relevant issue worldwide. It has been highlighted by
different states out of knowing its benefits. That legalization of medical marijuana has come
to this point of debate and possibility underscores its relative safety and potential---borne
by decades of studies and safety. But despite its negative and renegade reputation, besides
what studies have shown on short-term and long-term effects, marijuana is far and away
much safer and more benign than any other recreational drug or addictive substance
(including alcohol), causing a thousand times less disease and deaths than alcohol or
tobacco smoking. Stated in this research paper are the reasons and possible effects in
legalizing medical marijuana in the Philippines. It also ought to know the perceptions of
random students in University of Cebu Senior High School Department towards the said
argument. The researchers are to elaborate what is medical marijuana all about.
Keywords: Marijuana, Medical Marijuana, Cannabis, Pot Use


National Institute on Drug Abuse ounce for non-medicinal use. In 1970,

defines marijuana also called weed, herb, marijuana were reclassified with the
pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane, and a passage of the Controlled Substances Act,
vast number of slang terms- is a greenish- joining heroin, LSD and methaqualone as
gray mixture of the dried flowers of schedule number 1 drugs. In recent years,
cannabis sativa. People have different various states and territories have
ways in smoking marijuana, bongs, joints, legalized cannabis for medical purpose.
in pipes, or in blunts. The main
psychoactive chemical in marijuana, An article about a mom with a sick
responsible for most of the intoxicating child was lately reported and his
effects that people seeks, is delta-9-THC. medication has something to do with
The chemical is found in resin produced marijuana as an alternative medicine
by the leaves and buds primarily of the since the doctor’s prescribed drugs are
female cannabis plant. The plant contains too expensive for them. Our country is
more than 100 compounds that are facing a crisis in medication; there are
chemically related to THC, called some disease without cure. Once there
cannabinoids. Cannabis has been used for was a TV report about the doctors seeing
medical purpose as far back as 3,000 chemicals in the plant cannabis that is fit
years ago and was introduced to western to cure the said disease. In other
medicine in 1839. In 1937, the U.S. countries that legalize medical marijuana,
treasury department introduced the peace and order are still obtain. Those
Marijuana Tax Act with a level of $1 per people who needs the plant as a medicine
ounce for medicinal use and $100 per
are given a card that will be the proof of are waving the green flag on medical
using it legally. marijuana.
As noted by other researchers,
Marijuana in the Philippines is medical marijuana could influence
controlled by the black market- and the recreational use by changing perceived
government has been unsuccessful in harmfulness or by changing social
trying to curb its use and distribution. availability an access. However, not all
Many Filipinos have asked to legalize to state laws provided same level access to
legalize the use of medical marijuana, but marijuana. Early MML has provided legal
as of press time, the lobby has been protections to patients to use marijuana,
unsuccessful. Groups like the Philippine but did not provide the legitimate way for
Cannabis Compassion Society supports patients to obtain the marijuana needed.
families and parents who is in need of the Although this law may moderate social
alternative. They work on getting their norms or the perceived harms of use, they
stories out and use these to convince are less likely to expand social access to
legislators that they need access to an marijuana. In contrast, subsequently
alternative cure, which they see in enacted or amended laws that explicitly
cannabis. The successful lobbying of permit legal supply through dispensaries
medical marijuana has encourage 69 or home cultivation are more likely to
house representatives to co-author influence recreational use as marijuana
HB4477. More and more doctors, becomes more widely available. Thus, it is
patients, and citizens have come out to expected that stated with laws allowing a
support of it. It has gained enough greater variety and number of legal
momentum that many hope that one day, access points will have a considerable
the Philippines will become the first Asain larger effect on recreational use that
country to legalize the use of medical states with policies that are more
marijuana. restrictive.

However, other countries also Attaining a reasonable middle

gained bad effect in legalizing medical ground on medical marijuana warned
marijuana. Otherwise, here in the against haste in legalizing it, and instead,
Philippines, the senate does still not encourage funding research on health
approve medical marijuana. Some benefits and side effects. Marijuana might
lawmakers last December 4, 2018 said be the most studied plant on earth. As of
they are open to legalizing medical published studies and reviews in
marijuana here in our local. Senator Juan scientific literature pertaining to
Miguel Zubiri said the substance is used marijuana and its active compounds.
in treating patients suffering debilitating There are already extensive evidence of
conditions, such as epilepsy. benefits for palliative and compassionate
use by patients with grave illness, the
Two years earlier, 70 terminally ill, the elderly, and patients
congressional representatives or 24 with AIDS and its potential benefits for
percent of the House of Representatives, chronic pain, spasticity, glaucoma,
endorsed the original medical marijuana anorexia and nausea, seizure disorders,
bill, which was revised and is now known and myriad of other disease. Even the
as House bill No. 180, or the Philippine church surprisingly has expressed
Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act. support on the use of marijuana for
According to SEAN WILLIAMS, 30 out of compassionate use (Dr. Castillo).
195 countries have fully legalize medical
marijuana. A growing number of nation
Studies on the medicinal properties of patients. This Oath is called the
marijuana have implicated the effects as Hippocratic Oath, named after the Father
helpful in treating glaucoma, nausea, of Medicine, Hippocrates from Greece
vomiting, chronic pain, inflammation, which is still being held by physicians.
epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and more
(Volkow, Baler, Compton, & Weiss, 2014). There have been multiple revisions of
Additionally, marijuana use has been this Oath but all of them lead to one
shown to help increase appetite, positive interest; it is to treat a patient with the best
mood, and promote weight gain in of the physician’s abilities and knowledge.
individuals with cancer, AIDS and other
wasting syndromes (Machado Rocha, Under the Oath, the physician is
Stéfano, De Cássia Haiek, Rosa Oliveira, & promised “to continue with diligence in
Da Silveira, 2008; Volkow et al., 2014). keeping abreast with the advancement of
Recreational marijuana users report medicine”, be that as it may, whenever
reasons for use including the subjective there is a possible cure that may be
effects of relaxation, stress reduction, discovered through the source of anything,
reflection and introspection, euphoria, the physician has to use this.
socialization, aphrodisiac properties, and
general enjoyment of life and activities The Oath also contains a statement
(Osborne & Fogel, 2008). mentioning “I will follow that method of
One way to predict the is to treatment which according to my ability
examine the outcomes of implementing and judgment I consider for the benefit of
medical marijuana. Typically, states with my patient and abstain from whatever is
medical marijuana laws tend to report harmful or mischievous.” In this we can
higher rates of marijuana use than those assume that in relation to medical
without similar legislation (Cerdá, Wall, marijuana, we can put it in the methods of
Keyes, Galea, & Hasin, 2012). Despite treatment. There are many cases to which
higher overall rates of use, Cerdá et al medical marijuana has helped lots of
(2012) found prevalence of marijuana use people in curing their own diseases.
disorders in those 12 years and older was
equal across states with and without legal So know we raise an issue regarding
medical marijuana. Additionally, prior to the Oath itself, if the main goal of the
and after enacting medical marijuana physician or medical practitioner is to do
legislation, there were no differences what is best for the patient; then why do
found in prevalence or frequency of we have a conflicting idea about it with the
adolescent use (LynneLandsman, law? We can say that this drug is
Livingston, & Wagenaar, 2013). This considered to have a bad reputation due to
study also replicated the finding that the people that use it and their actions, us
states permitting medical marijuana use researchers try to look at it in another
had higher overall use both before and perspective.
after enacting laws than those without
medical marijuana. Even though there is a The reason for the legalization of
higher prevalence of dependence in marijuana is to free the medical
Coloradan adolescents, previous findings practitioners from doing the things that
suggest that rate will remain constant they want need to do to their patients. This
frees their will in doing something that
There is one oath that is being they think that will make criminalize them.
followed by every medical practitioner to
base their duties and obligations to their
If you put yourself in their own shoes This acts as the means in order
and you know that this particular drug can for you to follow not just Medical Ethics
be a source for their escape of prolonging but to be able to comply with Human
suffering, should you be called a criminal Ethics. As a fellow human you know the
for doing that act and be charged with a ups and downs and you are limited to what
fine and life imprisonment? We think you can contribute to the life that you have
otherwise. been given to take care of.
Through legalization of medical
In their mode of ethics, it can be seen marijuana, the physician can now be able
that the practitioners that will be to broaden its view in the world of medical
conducting this Oath will be subjected to ethics and to do such acts without a boggle
reliance of knowledge in other experts in in their mind of illegality of the substance.
their fields. They will use information and
experiences by skilled and veteran Republic Act No. 9165 also known as
physicians in regards to what they will be “An act instituting the Comprehensive
doing. Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, repealing
Republic Act No. 6425, otherwise known
According to the Oath, these licensed as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as
practitioners will have to obey the laws, amended, providing funds therefore, and
legal order and decree promulgated by for other purposes” includes the list of
the Republic of the Philippines. The Code prohibited drugs in the Philippines.
of being a medical practitioner is limited Section 2 of Republic Act 9165 also
to the law itself since there are some known as the Comprehensive Dangerous
medical duties that cannot be understood Drugs Act of 2002 states:
in the perspective of the law-makers but
the medical practitioners only. Toward this end, the government shall
pursue an intensive and unrelenting
This Oath however is backed up by campaign against the trafficking and use of
the 1987 Constitution itself and therefore dangerous drugs and other similar
cannot be surpassed by mere acts heroic substances through an integrated system
in trying to save a person’s life. A medical of planning, implementation and
practitioner has no choice but to relieve enforcement of anti-drug abuse policies,
the patient for his suffering if he wishes as programs, and projects. The government
it’s his or her right under the right to life shall however aim to achieve a balance in
contained in our supreme law of the land. the national drug control program so that
people with legitimate medical needs are
The Philippine Medical Association not prevented from being treated with
also describes the mode of conduct that adequate amounts of appropriate
physicians should be conducting to their medications, which include the use of
patients. This is more of their ethical dangerous drugs.
standards in dealing with patients. It is further declared the policy of the
State to provide effective mechanisms or
Getting the facts straight to a proper measures to re-integrate into society
act must be done properly. Thinking about individuals who have fallen victims to drug
the pros and cons are the first step to it. abuse or dangerous drug dependence
Analyze and weigh out for you to be able to through sustainable programs of
feel the right thing to do in cases like treatment and rehabilitation.
treating the patient with medical
marijuana in our study.
Under our National law, dangerous
drugs are deemed and seen as a threat It is clearly elaborated here that
to the security and safety of our State the Philippine government strictly
and its people. They are seen as stands against the idea of any usage
harmful substances that would prove regarding this matter. It is evident that
to be of no benefit to anyone. Hence, the government gives an astoundingly
the construction and formulation of high penalty and extremely grave
this provision is for the sole purpose of punishment with regards to this,
helping the government in its duty to resulting to its strict prohibition. This
maintain and regulate the peace and is also exhibited in the case of People
order of its territory. This includes the vs. Policarpio, G. R. No. 69844,
welfare of our community, and most February 23, 1988 wherein the
especially with regard to the youth. Supreme Court stated that:
These substances, so-called
dangerous drugs, have been It clearly shows here that our
stereotyped and commonly known to government aims to completely
cause psychological and physical eradicate all traces and hints of any
damage to all of its users. Somehow, sort of dangerous drug, no matter their
people have only been provided effect and the situation and matter in
information on their negative sides, which they are being used for. They
but some of these drugs’ other side even resulted to the dealing of the
always seems to be left out and remain highest penalty that could be given
unknown to common awareness. because of these dangerous drugs. It
‘Dangerous Drugs’ is defined has long been established that
under Republic Act 9165 as: Marijuana has been prohibited
(j) because of fear that it is a possible
These include opium, heroin, threat to a person’s life, security, and
cocaine, methamphetamine the state’s peacefulness. Nonetheless,
hydrochloride or "shabu", and other given a situation wherein a physician
drugs that have been proven to have suddenly decides to use it in order to
very negative effects and are cure a patient who is in a fatal and
extremely detrimental to a person’s critical condition and is in immediate
health. The dangerous drugs in need of the drug; will the doctor be
consistence with this law are derived held liable and punished for his
from a convention under the United actions? Or would his decision to use
Nations wherein the Philippines is one marijuana be justified because it was
of its signatories. However, this able to save the life of a patient?
convention does not close its doors to Although it cannot be denied that he
any possible chances where one of may create a proposition for the use of
these drugs may be utilized positively this drug, since it is provided for and
and used for purposes that may prove supported in the aforementioned
to be helpful and beneficial to a person. Section 2 of Republic Act 9165. It was
This aspect and perspective in looking stated that it is the government’s duty
at the concept of these possible helpful to create “balance in the national drug
drugs will be discussed in the next control program so that people with
subsections provided herein. One of legitimate medical needs are not
these drugs is cannabis or more prevented from being treated with
popularly known as marijuana. This adequate amounts of appropriate
drug is defined under Republic Act medication…” Even so, before anyone
9165 as could possibly gain access and
possession of a prohibited drug, one one or more of the following: cachexia
must first file certain requirements or wasting syndrome; severe and
and then get a certification for it that chronic pain; severe nausea; seizures,
would allow its use. Again, what if the including but not limited to those
condition of the patient was critical characteristic of epilepsy; or severe
and between life and death? And only and persistent muscle spasms,
the immediate use of Marijuana could including but not limited to those
save him? associated with multiple sclerosis.
A doctor would still be held liable
for the use of marijuana without any The bill also provides safety
papers even if it was for a positive measures and qualifications for the
purpose and for medical reasons. But usage of marijuana that may possibly
shouldn’t the preservation of one’s life, be effective in helping with the health
and the bestowal of his right to live, be of our community. It also provides the
enough reason to legalize the use of persons who may be exempt from any
medical marijuana? If no person shall civil and criminal liability upon usage
be deprived of life, then a person who of cannabis in certain situations. There
is in immediate need of marijuana are also steps provided in its easy
should be allowed its instantaneous access prescriptions to ensure that it
access without any delay. will not be abused by those who are
House Bill 4477 also known as the not really in need, but at the same time,
Compassionate Use of Medical it can be accessed to those who are
Marijuana Bill is a bill that seeks to really in need of it for their conditions
legalize and regulate the medical use or sicknesses.
of cannabis in compliance with The Compassionate Use of Medical
government policy to balance its Marijuana Bill also establishes
national drug control program and the verifications and registry in order to
regulated use of dangerous drugs for claim the legal use of marijuana. This,
treatment and medication of patients along with its additional provisions on
with debilitating medical condition its certain prohibitions and
s. restrictions with regard to certain acts,
Furthermore, the bill states that may allow a harmony in its factors on
cannabis "has been confirmed to have why it should be illegal yet strictly
beneficial and therapeutic uses to treat regulated. These prohibited acts along
chronic or debilitating disease or with their corresponding penalties
medical condition” that produces and punishments are stated in Section
some of the aforementioned diseases 25 and Section 26 of this bill wherein it
The bill aims to provide a means in is provided that:
which marijuana may be used in a
controllable way that would possibly
prove to be beneficial and non- This bill is dedicated to those who
hazardous to the community. Section 2 are truly in need of it and those who
of this bill provides that: have conditions which cannot be cured
through any other means. It also
Toward this end, the State shall deems marijuana to have certain
legalize and regulate the medical use curing effects that cannot be found in
of cannabis which has been confirmed other medicine. Hence, as Isabela 1st
to have beneficial and therapeutic uses District Representative Rodolfo
to treat chronic or debilitating disease Albano III claims that:
or medical condition that produces
“The bill intends "to provide licensed practitioner is also a citizen of a
accessible, affordable, safe medical state and therefore he/she must also obey
cannabis to qualifying patients." the law. As stated in the Section 3 of the
Civil Code of the Philippines state that:
“Article 3. Ignorance of the law
1. Medical Act of 1959 excuses no one from compliance
The Medical Act of 1959 or therewith.”
Republic Act No. 2382 is an act that
supervises the practice of medicine in The privilege of being a licensed
the country. This act also regulates the practitioner may be taken away when
medical education, and examination one disobeys the Section 24 of the
for registration of physicians. In Medical Act which states:
Section 6 of this act, a medical student
is required to take a subject of “Legal Refusal of a physician to attend a
Medicine, including Medical patient in danger of death is not a
Jurisprudence and Ethics.” sufficient ground for revocation or
suspension of his registration
Provided, that the Board is hereby certificate if there is a risk to the
authorized to modify or add to the physician's life.”
subjects listed above as the needs and
demands of progress in the medical These provisions embrace one of
profession may require. the issues that encouraged the
proponents to study: what if the
Medical Jurisprudence is defined doctor will not use marijuana to treat
as the branch of science and medicine his patient because the drug is illegal
involving the study of scientific and here in the Philippines.
medical knowledge to legal problems.
It is also involved with medical, legal, Furthermore, if marijuana was
and ethical issues. legal, it has a high possibility that it
could be provided for a very cheap and
This means that before the student affordable price. Many unfortunate
becomes a professional, he/she must people cannot come up with ways to
know first the rights, duties and cure a member’s chronic illness or
obligations under the law of medicine. debilitating medical condition simply
because they do not have enough
After the student achieves
money that is needed in order for them
the degree of Doctor of Medicine, he
to be able to provide the proper
must pass the board examination in
medicine. Thousands die each year
order to become a medical
because of the lack of money resulting
to the inability of buying proper
A medical practitioner is medicine. If there is a hint of
defined as one who is lawfully engaged possibility that a cheaper, more
in the practice of medicine. He/she has accessible alternative can be used for
a right to prescribe any dangerous or the same beneficial effects, then why
poisonous drugs in the good faith of should it be made illegal and immoral?
patient while treating his patient. If life, liberty, and security are the
main reason for having laws, then
The Constitution is the law of the assurance of proper care along with
land and everyone must follow it. A the proper medicine should be
consistent with it. Cannabis has been affordable and quality education,
proven to cure such debilitating responsive to the demands of local and
medical conditions under the right international communities. University of
circumstances, so if it could serve as a Cebu commits itself to; Serve as an active
much cheaper alternative to other catalyst in providing efficient delivery of
medicines that are difficult to get hold educational services; Pursue excellence in
of, then it should just be regulated like instruction, research and community
any other medicine. Why should its service towards social economic
proven positive effects be kept from development as well as environmental
the public if these effects, in a way, sustainability; Acquire, disseminate and
could possibly secure a person’s right utilize appropriate technology to enhance
to life and welfare? the university’s educational services.
Moreover. Foster an organizational
culture that nurtures the employee’s
productivity and engagement.

The target informants will be randomly

pick. Regardless to their age, gender,
strand, and social status. As long as they
are willing to be our informants and
Materials and Methods
participant if asked. The questioner is
The study will utilize phenomenology
composed of two categories; the first
design. Stanford Encyclopedia of
contains the personal information of the
Philosophy defines phenomenology as the
participants while the second category
study of students of consciousness as
encompasses questions about their views
experienced from the first person of view.
and knowledge about the study. Different
Springer also defines phenomenology as
structures utilized with the same
the study of human experience and of the
intention; to know if they are on the
way thing present themselves to us in and
positive or negative side, to be aware of
through such experience. Phenomenology
their views and opinions about the study,
is the study of consciousness as
to know how wide their knowledge about
experienced from the first person point of
the said argument.
views. While Meriam Webster states that
phenomenology is the study of
1. Send a permission letter of the
development of human consciousness and
principal office to conduct our
self-awareness as a preface to or a part of
survey here in UC-MC SHS Dept.
philosophy, describes the formal
2. Select random people in the
structure of objects of awareness and of
campus to be the participants of
awareness itself in abstraction form any
the study
claims concerning existence.
3. Set a schedule for the actual
The study will be conducted at UC-MC
4. Analyze the perceptions of the
SHS Department, located at J, Alcantara
Street Cebu City. The said settings
consists of 10 floors with 120 rooms and
2 elevators. University of Cebu’s vision is
to democratize quality education, be the
visionary and industry leader. Give hope
and transform lives. In addition, the
mission of the school is that they offers

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