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- K1 (phylloquinone)
- K2 (menaquinone)

-Vitamin K can interfere with the efficiency of blood clotting medications.

-Symptoms of vitamin K deficiency include easy bruising and bleeding.

- Vitamin K1 is important for regulation of

blood clotting.
- Major sources of vitamin K1 include leafy
green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables
and some fruits especially blueberries.

- Vitamin K2 helps activate proteins and is important for bone

health and disease prevention.
- Vitamin K2 is made by bacteria and found in small amounts in
some fermented foods and animal products. There are very few
plant-based sources. The exception is foods fermented with those
K2 producing bacteria.
-K2 is made by human intestinal flora.
-gut bacteria have the ability to convert vitamin K1 into K2.

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin. Vitamin K1 sources from leafy green

vegetables, cruciferous vegetables and some fruits while Vitamin K2 is
made by bacteria and found in small amounts in some fermented foods and
animal products. Besides that, there is no adverse effect from eating too
much vitamin K. vitamin K2 supplementation also may be beneficial for
heart health, improving insulin sensitivity and bone health. A whole food,
plant-based diet will provide large amounts of vitamin K and keep your gut
healthy for optimal vitamin K2 synthesis and total vitamin K absorption.

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