Isaiah Scarborough - Personal Statement

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Personal Statement

I always knew that my purpose on this earth was to inspire people and show people that

there is a way to be as free as possible and be themselves. Last summer my brother told me how

free spirited I am and how I’ve never cared about what people thought of me. I realized this more

when some of my old friends texted me and would tell me how I inspired them to do what they

love, like this one guy I know named Justin said he started dressing and being more free with

who he was because he seen that's how I was. Others stopped following after others and started

thinking for themselves, and found better ways to use their skills and knowledge for the subjects

they like to do. I feel like I’ve always had affect on people to be themselves and not have to be

closed minded about the world and life itself. I have always been a futuristic thinker and have

always been in my own mind as a kid because I was always outside so, I was able to see the good

and the bad things about the world that I would imaginate how life would be like when I was

older and I carried this with me to remind myself the person I was and who I will become. My

biggest conflict with life so far was coming into high school.

My conflict started because I always had a positive mindset that I would like highschool

because I am a very sociable person until I realized that the older you get the more conscious you

get about not only the people around you but yourself. I starting becoming stressed out and

overwhelmed about my situation outside of school and on top of that school wasn’t helping at all

with all of the work and requirements I had to meet. My conflicts outside of school were more

mentally than physically. I was focused so much on the past and what I didn’t have that I was

over crowding my mind with negativity and it was draining who I was. So the way that I

confronted my conflicts were not the best, but I don’t regret anything I did. I wish I could’ve
took the time out to think more about the situation before I took action. The way I dealt with my

conflict was dropping out of school and getting a job until I felt the need to go back and finish. I

finally told myself I had enough of just working and being in the streets, so I made a promise to

my mother that I was going to come back to school during the fall to finish out my last year even

though it’s not the school I wanted to finish at. I’m glad that I get to finish and graduate on time.

I also started getting back into music because that is something that I love to do and I work hard

for, so I can accomplish being a successful musician.

This life experience has taught me a lot about myself and the strength that I have as an

individual. I can say that I am more open-minded and caring about the things that I do now and I

push myself to do better than I ever have before. I am in a much better space then I was the first

few years in high school. This last year has been good so far. I keep a low profile and try to

handle situation better than I did when I was at my old high school. I am also doing much better

academically because instead of work being thrown at you it’s more eased on to students which

gives us less stress. I have changed and I am glad for this change.

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