Better Alternatives: Objectives & Outcomes

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Better Alternatives

The students, with a partner, will research the negative environmental impact of every day products and
identify safer alternatives.

Grade Level: 11 - 12th

Subject: Environmental, Science
Length of Time: 2-3 Class Periods

Common Core Alignment

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.12.RST.7 -

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.12.RST.9 -

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.12.RST.8 -

- (See note; not applicable as a separate requirement)

Objectives & Outcomes

Using the Internet and other resources, the students will be able to research a product known for its
negative environmental impact, reasons for the designation, and identify realistic alternatives. The
students will also list advantages/disadvantages, costs, and other variables related to the use of the

Materials Needed
One product that is recognized as harmful to the environment for every two students, access to the
Internet, list of questions to explore

Prepare ahead of time: Give a different product to each pair of students: detergent, disposable batteries,
aerosol air freshener, Styrofoam, plastic cutlery, paper cups, plastic water bottle, disposable razor, plastic
bag, incandescent light bulb, sunscreen, anti-bacterial hand soap, deodorant, petroleum jelly. Also, create
a list of questions students must respond to regarding the products such as: Why is the product harmful?
What ingredients are in product? And a wide variety of other questions.

Opening to Lesson
Teacher will display a sample product which is recognized as harmful to the environment (This
product will not be given for the assignment.)
Ask students: How many of you have used this product?

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Accept the responses from students
Ask students: How might this product be harmful to the environment?
Accept the responses from students

Body of Lesson
Encourage students to think about the product’s container while it is being made, following its use,
and the ingredients in the product/container
Following discussion, tell students some of the actual background of the sample used
Ask students how many of the ingredients they are familiar with and which ones they may have
never seen or heard of before today
Discuss the responses
Finally, ask students to think of alternatives for the sample product
Discuss the responses

Guided Practice
Pair students
Distribute one of the products to each pair of students
Distribute list of questions, suggestions, ideas for research
Guide students to the use of the Internet for research and information, recognizing the Internet may
have false information as well, so they must carefully seek the facts
Direct students to research the harm the product causes the environment
Students are to seek the benefits to the consumer as well, for use later on finding alternatives to the
Stress that students need to separate the facts and myths of the product
Once students research the harmful effects, students will now seek alternative products answering
the question: What could be used instead of…to accomplish the same results?
Once completed with the research direct students to prepare a presentation for the class (This may
be optional depending on time available)
Students will prepare a written report or Power Point presentation or similar account of the research
If class presentations are planned, assign time slots for each pair of students

Independent Practice
Give a list of each product used during the in-class assignment, for homework, students will
identify products from their own homes. Using the Internet, students will compare the prices of
each product and what alternatives may cost. Report their findings in writing.

Using the homework findings discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using alternative products, one
may be the extra cost involved, another may be the effectiveness of the alternatives, etc.

Assessment & Evaluation

Assessment page used during optional presentations, assessment of final reports based on research.

Modification & Differentiation

Students work alone, in pairs, research only the negative impact w/o an alternative. No class

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presentation, all written work turned in for evaluation. Use less products, have students research same

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