Statistics and Vital Signs

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Statistics and vital signs

The symbols

X _ = + :
multiplied minus/subtracted equals/is plus/added to divide(d) by
by/times from

We say numbers like this: 2.45: two point four five
189: one/a hundred and eighty-nine
956: nine hundred and fifty-six
5,120: five thousand, one hundred and twenty
7,396:seven thousand, three hundred and ninety-six

Cardinal Numbers
Ought, zero Two Three Ten
one hundredtwo hundreds three hundreds one hundred and two

Two thousands three hundreds and twenty eight

Two hundres and thirty two (British)
Four hundred thirty two (America)

3077 3177 901 777

Number 0, read /OU/, pada pembacaan deretan angka, satu persatu seperti nomor telepon
Misalnya :My account number is four one three two six 0 six
Please call seven 0 three 0 five 0 three 0

Kata double dipakai dengan mengulang dua kali angka setelah kata double.
Seven eight double three six two six Seven two eight 0 double three

Kata Nil (British) dan love dipakai dalam skor pertandingan diterjemahkan nol atau kosong.
Persib nil, PSMS three Five –love, service over

 Pembatas angka ribuan yang mengikutinya digunakan koma (,), bukan titik (.).
 Tanda koma diubah menjadi tanda titik dalam bahasa Indonesia.
1,345,890 (Inggris) 1.345.890 (Indonesia)
One million three hundred and forty five thousand eight hundreds and ninety

Tens = puluhan Teens = belasan

Hundreds = ratusan Thousands = ribuan
Millions = jutaanTwenty something = dua puluh sekian

One hundred (and) something = seratus sekian

Two thousand three hundred and something = dua ributiga ratus sekian
Un limited = tidak terbatas

1. Exercise
a. 99 g. 190 n. 333
b. 421 h. 897 o. 1,900
c. 9,002 j. 10,201 p. 789,890
d. 2,900,807 k. 0.09 q. 0.0008
e. 998 l. 999.979 r. 20
f. 88,888 m. 88.888 s. 999,999.999
Ordinal Number
• Diartikan bilangan urut
• Digunakan untuk menyebutkan posisi atau kedudukan
• Indonesia : ke satu, kedua, ketiga
• Selalu diawali dengan kata The.

1st first 6th sixth 11th eleventh 2nd twenty-second

2nd second 7th seventh 12th tuelveth 23rd twenty-third
3rd third 8th eighth 13th thirteenth 31st thirty-first
4th fourth 9th ninth 20th twentieth
5th fifth 10th tenth 21st twenty-first

We use ordinal numbers for dates. 6th July 1975

• Diartikan : pecahan
• Terdapat dua jenis fraction : ordinal fraction (pecahan biasa) dan decimal fraction
(pecahan desimal)
 Pada pecahan biasa (ordinal fraction) : Cardinal number
ordinal number
• One second = ½
• One third = 1/3
• One eighth = 1/8
• Two third = 2/3
• Five seventh = 5/7
• One and one ninth = 1 1/9
• A third = 1/3
• An eighth = 1/8
• Ada juga a half, a quarter (seperempat), three quarter (tiga perempat),
• Kata over yang memisahkan dua bilangan diterjemahkan dengan per
Three hundred and eighteen over nine hundred and twenty = 318/920
Eightty two over ninety two =82/92

• Kata point digunakan untuk membaca lambang titik (.)
• Bila diubah dalam Indonesia, tanda titik berubah menjadi koma.
Point five atau ought point five atau zero five = 0,5
One point two seven five=1,275

2. Exercise
1. 13/25 11. 13.234
2. 1/67 12. 0.99

3. 2 4/8 13. 0.0001
4. 3 1/7 14. 0.3333
5. 1/12 15. 9.98
6. 66 6/7 16. 10.90234
7. 1/15 17. 19.000089
8. 2/8 18. 0.1
9. 101/123 19. 33.765
10. 1/7 20. 6.666

Ungkapan to + the ordinal + power, diterjemahkan pangkat sekian (sesuai dengan angka
• Eight to second power is 64
• Five to third power is 125=53=125
• Seventy-eight to twenty frist power
• What is ten to third power ?
• What is one hundred to forth power ?
• Square = pangkat dua, kuadrat
• Cubic = pangkat tiga
• Three square
• three cubic
• Raise to power = dipangkatkan
• Raised to eight = dipangkatkan delapan

3. Exercise
• 10² 6. 18⁴
• 95⁵ 7. 70⁷
• 10³ 8. 1⁸
• 2⁸ 9. 5³
• 12¹⁰ 10. 25⁴

ROOT (Akar)
• The square root of = akar pangkat dua
• The cubic root atau cube root = akar pangkat tiga
• The square root of 144 is 12
• The square root of 255 is 15
• What is square root of 16 ? It’s 4
• What is the cubic root of 27 ? It’s 3

4. Excercise
• √16 6. √400
• √9 7. √289
• ³√729 8. ³√2197
• √49 9. √625
• ³√1331 10. ³√15, 625

Addition (penambahan)
• Dinyatakan : plus, and, added by

• Misal : Two plus two is four/two and two is four/two added by two is four

Is/equal = sama dengan

Seven hundred and twelve plus one hundred and forty-five is eight hundred and fifty-seven

5. Excercise :
1. 3+ 3= 6. 65,987+989=
2. 78+12= 7. 123+456=
3. 12+12= 8. 98+89=
4. 23+125= 9. 1,235,007+90,675,432=
5. 45+100= 10. 0.23+4.894

Subtraction (pengurangan)
• Diungkapkan dengan : from, take away, minus
• Kata from atau take away biasanya untuk angka-angka yang singkat.
Misalnya :
Four from seven is/leaves three
Seven take away four is/leaves
Six hundred nineteen minus four hundred and seventy is/leaves= 619-470 =

6. Exercise
1. 8-8= 6. 980-7=
2. 90-1= 7. 789,897-231,124=
3. 9-2= 8. 101-99=
4. 44-11-2= 9. 1,001-990=
5. 4848-2424= 10. 3,333,333-901,579=

Multiplication (Perkalian)
• Untuk angka-angka pendek atau sedikit dinyatakan dengan penambahan s pada
angka setelah tanda x. Terjemahannya : kali
Three fours are twelve=3x4
Seven eights are fifty-six=7x8
• Kata times digunakan pada angka yang panjang atau banyak, artinya kali atau
• Makes/is diterjemahkan sama dengan
• Seventeen times three hundred eight-one makes/is six thousand four hundred and
seventy-seven = 17 x 381= 6477
• Three times seventy-one makes two hundred and thirteen= 3x 71=213
• Once forty makes forty= 1x40
• Once three makes three
• Twice thirty makes sixty = 2x30
• Twice forty makes eighty

7. Excercises
1. 789x56= 5. 1x13x34= 9. 2x2x3x10=
2. 146x281= 6. 3x9= 10. 67x1,234=
3. 76x34= 7. 99,021x345= 11. 3x7 =
4. 1x2x3x1= 8. 5x105= 12. 4x10 =

Division (Pembagian)
• Menggunakan kata divided by
Nine divided three equals/is three
Two hundred and sixty-one divided by nine equals tewnty-nine
Ungkapan ..into....goes...diterjemahkan dengan ...dibagi...sama dengan

8. Exercise :
1. 16 : 4 6. 255: 17
2. 126 : 3 7. 1253: 7
3. 598:23 8. 3000:15
4. 1968:16 9. 144:12
5. 84:12 10. 812:28

9. Work in pairs. Complete these calculations. Then practise saying them to your partner.
1. 60 mg ....... 20 mg ............. 3 tablets
2. 250 ml .......2 hours .............125 ml per hour
3. 30 mg ........ 1.5 mg ..........20 mg
4. 100 mg......... 150 mg..........250 rng
5. 80 ml ..............45 ml .........35 ml
6. 60 mg ........... 5 mg............. 12 mg
7. 3 ml ...............5 ml ........... 15 ml _

10. Match the things nurses write (1-6) to what they say (a-f).

1 ml a) kilojoule(s) i) weight
2 kg b) liter(s) H) liquids
3 kJ c) calories Hi) energy
4L d) kilogram(s)/kilo(s)
5g e) gram(s)
6 kcal f) millilitre(s)

11. Choose the correct words in italics.

1 How much / many glasses of orange juice can I order?
2 How much / many apple puree do you want?
3 How much / many milk can I have, Nurse Webster?
4 Can you tell me how much / many calories Mrs Kelly is allowed?

How many, much/many
We use how much and much to talk about quantities How much milk can I have?
we can't count. He doesn't have much time.
We use how many and muchto talk about quantities How many apples can you eat?
we can count. There aren't many oranges left.

A student nurse (SN) is asking a nurse (N) about the clear liquid diet. Complete their
conversation with much and many.
SN: I don't know how (1)..............about the clear liquid diet. Can you explain it to me?
N:Yeah, of course. It's a diet of clear liquids. Patients can digest these easily,so we give it
to them after an operation, for example.
SN: I see. For how (2)................. days?
N:Not more than three days, and then we put them on a full liquid diet. For the clear liquid
diet, patients can drink (3)................. different kinds of liquid.
SN: So how (4)................. do patients drink in one day on this diet?
N: For some patients, not more than 600 ml. We encourage others to drink as much as
SN: How (5) .........................calories in total?
N:Well, it depends. But remember: water, black coffee and tea have zero

Reading prescriptions.
When a doctor writes a prescription he may write "10 x 50 mg tabs" but you
say ten fifty milligram tablets

12. How would you read the following prescribed doses?

a- 6 x 25 mg b- 2 x 0.5 mg c- 2 x 250 mg d- 10 x 20 mg e- 4 x 325 mg

13. Analyze these dosage calculation problems in each of the following situations.
Work with your partner to explain the calculation process:
a- A child who weighs 50 kg was prescribed Metronidazole q. 8 hours x 7 days for his
acute diarrheas. The dose is 30 mg/kg of body weight per day and these tablets are
labelled 250 mg. That is 2 tabs every 8 hours = 6 tabs daily (42 in 7 days)

b- A 6 year-old asthmatic child who weighs 32 Kg was brought in to the pediatric

hospital with a crisis of shortness of breath. He was indicated aminophyline 4mg/kg
dose. Tablets of 250 mg are available. The dose is 128 mg/ day = ½ tab

c- A 10 year-old boy, 40 kg who lives on a farm was admitted to hospital because of

bloodydiarrheas, colicky abdominal pain, and fever of 37º C. As he was diagnosed as
acase of enterocolitis due to ameba, he was prescribed metronidazole 250 mgtab. 30
mg/Kg/day x 7 days. The dose is 1200 mg/day = 4 tabs

d- A child was prescribed 1 fluidram of cough syrup four times a day as needed.The dose
is 1 teaspoon

e- A 2 year-old girl who weighs 20 Kg was assisted because of greenishexpectoration

and nasal secretions. She had a temp. of 38.5º C. She wasindicated amoxacillin 50
mg/Kg q. i.d. The dose was1 teaspoon = 5 ml

Look at the picture and comment to your partner the instrumentand devices you can see.
Match each with its corresponding usage.

Devices and instruments Use

a- Syringe 3 1. To check a temperature

b- Stethoscope5 2. To cover cuts, blisters, etc
c- Scissors 4 3. To inject patients
d- Adhesive tape 4. To cut bandages
e- Thermometer 1 5. To check BP
f- Adhesive Plasters 6. To fix dressing to wounds

14. Use the information above to write definitions expressing what each of the instruments
and devices is used for.
15. Identify the parts of the sphygmomanometer and the stethoscope listed inthe box below.

a- Rubber bladder f- Ear pieces

b- Air pump g- Stethoscope

c- Manometer h- Bell or diaphragm
d- Sphygmomanometer i- Cuff
e- Air tight

16. Match these vital signs 1-4 with the correct definitions a-d.

1 blood pressure a) how many times a person breathes per minute

2 pulse b) how hot the body is
3 rate of respiration c) how many times the heart beats per minute
4 temperature d) the force with which blood travels round the body
17. Label the pictures of medical equipment with the words in the box. What iseach piece of
equipment used to measure? Write sentences.
A stethoscope is used to measure ...

digital blood pressure sphygmomanometer stethoscope Pulse oximeter thermometer

17. Work in pairs. Match the abbreviations on the chart with the words in the box. Which
instruments from below are used to take these measurements? Explain theabbreviations to
your partner.

Example: RR stands for / means... We use a ... to measure / record this.

blood pressure kilograms oxygenpulse respiration rate temperature

oxygen saturationweightpercentage

Patient name: Alberta Riviera

Date/Time BP P RR T Wt 02 Sats Signature
14.10.14 130/80. 75 15 37 71kg 96% Ida

18. Complete the summary with the words in the box. Compare your answers witha partner.

High low monitor observation chart record sign take vital signs

Nurses usually 1.monitor the patient's 2 vital sign several times a day. We 3 take
the information on the 4 chart and 5record it. Medical low high temperature (fever), for
example, or a 8.highblood pressure count, we have to inform the Senior Staff Nurse

Describing readings

19. Match the statistics with the vital signs. Put a tick (√ ) in the correct column

130/85 y
36.8 y
79 y
20 y

20. Complete the descriptions of the vital signs with the words in the box.

Atoneoverper (x2)

1 BP is ................... thirty ...........................eighty-five.

2 Resps are ...................... twenty breaths......................... minute.
3 Temperature is thirty-six........................... eight.
4 Pulse is seventy-nine beats ................................ minute.

21. Put the words in the box in the correct column in the table. Discuss the ways inwhich
each of these factors can affect a patient's vital signs.

Age anxiety lifestyIe stress anger caffeine gender temperature tobacco

Humidity infection

Environmental Social Psychological Physical

Lifestyle Age

22. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
Draw the correct arrow from 1-5 above next to each sentence.

And down stable up up and down vary

1 Her Resps are still .............................. : increase/ rise / go up
2 Her BP is .......................from 160/100 to 120/80. : decrease / fall / go down
3 Her Resps between 25 .................... 30. : go up and down / vary
between ... and
4 Her temperature was ......................... to 38.2. : be stable
5 Her temperature's ........................... now. : go up and down

23. The head nurse of the medical ward is teaching a nursing student how tocheck the
patient's BP. What procedure does a nurse follow? Read the instructionsand arrange them in
the correct order.

- Wash your hands and prepare the equipment
- Wrap the inflatable bag around the patient's arm, five fingers above the elbow and secure
the cuff tightly
- Identify the patient and prepare him/her psychologically
- Put the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the brachial artery
- Close the valve and inflate the cuff (reaching for the highest levels)
- Open the valve slowly and observe the manometer
- Take the systolic and diastolic pressures
- Place the stethoscope in your ears
- Deflate the cuff completely and remove it
- Put the patient in the correct position (sitting, lying on the bed, etc)

24. Mrs Ho's community doctor and district nurse visited Mrs. Ho, a geriatricpatient, who is
receiving treatment for her high blood pressure, when they weremaking house calls. When
the nurse took Mrs. Ho's BP, it was so high that thedoctor ordered an injection.

A- Complete the procedure the nurse followed to inject the patient using wordsfrom the list.

a) Wash your hands and _______________. 1. Remove the needle
b) Identify the patient and _______________ 2. Clean the site
c) Select the site and ___________________ 3. Write your observations in the patient's
d) _____________________ 4. with an alcohol sponge. Palpate it
e) Stretch the skin and __________ 5. at an angle of 900 Prepare the equipment
f) Introduce the indicated dose. 6. Prepare the patient
g) ________________ 7. and make light digital pressure
h) Observe ___________________________ 8. Insert the needle
(i) Wash your hands again and ___________ 9. Observe the patient's reaction

Taking vital signs

25. Read the instructions 1-4 and then Write the correct pieceof equipment and the vital
sign(s) next to each instruction.
1 Could you just open your armpit for me, please?
2Can you just roll up your sleeve for me?
3 Can you give me your right hand, please?
4 Could you relax and breathe normally for me?

26. Nurse Stefani takes Mr Dani'spulse rate. Put the words in order toform sentences. Then
put these sentences into the correct order 1-4.
a) give me / can you / your palm / please
b) per minute / ninety-five beats / that's
c) pulse now / if I can / Mr Daniels / I'll take your
d) I'll put / your wrist / my fingers on

Will+ infinitive for future

We use will + infinitive to make prediction Prediction: You'll (you will) feel better soon.
for the future and to talk about decisions Decision: ,.11 (I will) take your temperature

27. . Use will and the verbs in the box.

Be clip hurt put take write

1 I .................... my fingers on your wrist.

2 I ..................... a second reading.
3 I ........................just .................this little meter to your finger.
4 ................ ?
5 No, it ........................ It ..............................very quick, I promise.
6 I ..................................just .......................this down.

28. Use will and the correct form of the verbs in the box.

Be eat feel hold put roll see take wrap

I 1...................... just .......................... your sleeve up a little. That's good. We 2.....................

apillow on your lap. Can you 3............................ your arm out straight for me? You canrest it
on the pillow. I 4................................. the cuff round your arm. Just relax, that's right.You
5.................................. any pain; it 6 .......................................just 7............... a bit tight around
yourarm. OK?That's 130 / 85. 18 ...................... just .............the cuff off now and then you
can9 ...................................your breakfast in peace! I'll 10..................... you later.

29. Choose one piece of equipments of taking vital signs and write five lines to
explainhow to take one of the vital signs. Then work in pairs and practise explainingto
your partner.


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