School Newsletter 1

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By: Pa Da

something incredible
is waiting to be
known.” - Carl Sagan

Many people believe there are other humans living on other

planets and some believe in aliens. NASA scientist wasn’t sure if
there were other planets until two years ago a scientist looked “I think the Earth and
through a powerful Kepler space telescope, they found over 1,000 everything around it is
planets. With that evidence now astronomers believe the galaxy is connected- the sky and
the planets and the stars
filled with billions of planets. (Lunau) Scientist never really
and everything else we
believe that our galaxy possibly have life on it because they didn’t
see as a mystery.” - Marion
have proof until a NASA scientist saw it for himself. I believe that Cotillard
there is life on other planets. There’s no way that there are
billions of planets and have no life on it. And, space is HUGE,
meaning there’s gotta be life on other planets and we can’t be the
only one. Also, some people believe in aliens and there are proof
that could be real or fake.
Scientist find life on other planets by searching for liquid
water, solids or liquid surfaces. What scientist know is that
carbon-based is a form of life, so, if there’s water then it’s possible
that planet has life because there might be existence of carbon-
based life. NASA is on the search for other life in the Solar System
“It’s quite likely that
but most people think that searching around other stars will have
a better chance of finding life. Finding life on other planet is a plants and solar
huge question that NASA can’t find the answer to because it systems like ours
involves a lot of research and a lot of money. Scientist are forced to could be forming in
use planet finder to carefully search for more stars and hopefully other galaxies in
great numbers.” -
1 Sandra Faber
beyond our Solar System. (Unknown).
For the past years scientists found 21 planets that might have life. An Astronomer,
Kevin Hand, believe that in the next 20 years
they will find out whether we’re alone in
the universe or not. NASA will be looking
out for chemicals, oxygen and water on
other planets which will be clues if there’s
life. While they look for those clues, it’s
possible that planets outside of the solar
system may have different signals (Seidel).
Scientist who found the three Earth-like
believe that might be a sign of alien life.
The three worlds were located just 40 light
years away which is pretty close. But, just
because they look like earth doesn’t mean
they have water. (Feltman)
Scientist are also focusing on aliens.
There was a two-day conference with experts
talking about whether aliens exist, an idea of what they might look like and ways they
can communicate with them.
“Professor Drake devised an equation nearly 50 years ago for calculating the potential
number of planets in the Milky Way galaxy suitable for life” according to Steve Connor.
Although nobody has detected life before that doesn’t mean scientist are going to give up,
this topic is way too important to throw away (Connor).
There’s a theory that life didn’t survive on other planet and it’s probably the reason
why finding life is difficult. The universe is filled with many planets, but most believe
they’re aliens and not other humans beings or so. Life is hard to form. So, if a life is
slowly happening, there’s a chance of it not surviving because of how slow it is. But, if
there was life on another planet, then where are the fossils? That’s another theory
In my opinion I think life on other planet does exist. The galaxy is enormous and
there’s no way we’re the only ones in it. There are some proof that aliens exist but we
don’t know whether they’re real or not unless we see it ourselves. For scientist finding
life is difficult because not every planet is the same as ours. So, trying to find water or
solids is a clue of life unlike other planets because they might have different clues. This
is important because if there is a planet that doesn’t have life on it anymore then we can
possibly move there (if that’s possible). But the bad thing is, what if that planet isn’t safe
and doesn’t have the right oxygen for us?


Lunau, Kate. "Planet Hunting." Maclean's, Jan.

2013, pp. p. 44. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Connor, Steve. "Is Anybody Out there?" The

Independent (London, England), 26 Jan. 2010,
pp. 14. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://

"Search for Habitable Planets should be More

Conservative."SIRS Issues Researcher, 12 Dec.

Feltman, Rachel. "3 Earth-Like Planets might be

Scientists' Best Chance at Detecting.."
Washington Post, 03 May. 2016, pp. A.16. SIRS
Issues Researcher,

Thomson, Jason. "Are we Too Late to Find Alien

Life?" Christian Science Monitor, 22 Jan. 2016,
pp. n/a. SIRS Issues Researcher, https://

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