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Statement of Purpose
This form is required for applicants in the Master’s or Doctoral program ONLY.
Please type in Korean or in English. The statement of purpose must be single spaced with no more than TWO pages, with the font
Times New Roman, size 10. (*10 points)

Goal of study &

o Goal of study, title or subject of research, and detailed study plan
Study Plan

I plan to take master program in Pusan National University (PNU), with Computer Engineering as the major. There is a laboratory
in Computer Engineering of PNU which has focus in developing Internet of Things (IoT). This lab has quite a lot of projects or
research regarding IoT and I really want to join it under the lab’s profesor as well so that I can learn about IoT development.

I am interested in IoT because I think IoT will be the future desired technology and the new era of internet. By learning this, I can
apply my knowledge for the future. In Indonesia itself, internet is growing rapidly. As cheaper as the price of internet and
smartphone, as more as Indonesia becomes one of countries with high internet consumer. This situation makes Indonesia has high
potency to be developed in the field of IoT. Devices in Indonesia may be connected or interacted by internet so that it can
intelligently help people in many sector.

During my bachelor study, I have actually concetrated in Artificial Intelligence (AI) or M achine Learning. I took elective courses
or thesis relating this topic. M achine Learning itself is also one of components to develop IoT for making it intelligent. That’s
why my background has actually supported my future study plan. But somehow there is other field that I need to study more als o,
like the field about IoT network or IoT broker. IoT network or IoT broker is also one of components to develop IoT. For that
reason I plan to take courses related that topic too in my master program, like course of Information Security, course of Embedded
System, or others.

While for my future research, I am interested in embedding intelligent into IoT. IoT used to have censors providing data that can
be processed as the input of AI. This AI will have an output that can be used in many sectors like classification, forecastin g,
decision support system, etc. One of the implementation of this idea is like developing Intelligent Flood Alert.

In a big city of Indonesia, Jakarta, it used to happen such annual flood. By putting censor to read dam water level, rainfall level,
or ground absorption level, then putting IoT on it and proccessing it with Artificial Intelligence method. Therefore, Intelligent
Flood Alert can be created to warn the citizen.

While for activities outside campus, I plan to join Indonesian Students Association in Korea (PERPIKA). I will also actively
involve in Korean conference or seminar so that I can make relation to other researchers. I will also join a similar program that I
have been joining when I was exchange student in Korea, called “Wow Korea Supporters”, so that I will also gain more
experiences of Korean cultures. In a summer holiday, I plan also to have internship in one of IT companies in Korea so that I will
gain profesional practical learning in Korea.

Future Plan o Future plan in Korea or another country after study in Korea
after Study

After study from Korea I plan to be lecturer or academician in Indonesia. I want to share my knowledge by teaching at computer
science or engineering field. Beside that, I want to actively conduct research or projects in Indonesia, join seminar or conference
relate it, make the publication of it. As more as I have relation in Indonesia, as more as I have opportunity to be able to connect
them to my relation in Korea. So that collaborative research or project could be conducted. Benefial mutual partnership regarding
technology is also possibly happened.

Since the future of IoT in Indonesia is also very potential, I want to be a part of its development. One day when IoT has really
been a new era of internet. I want Indonesia can be one of countries that hold a part as the influencer too. Starting by my research
regarding Intelligent Flood Alert. I want to impelement it in Indonesia. So that it can help to minimize the bad impacts of flooding
and can encourage other technology agent or researchers in Indonesia to develop in sector which Indonesia is potential in.

Then after two or three years of being academician, I plan to continue study to doctoral program, so that I can upgrade my

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