GD Topics

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1. Internet of Things
3. Industry 4.0
4. Leader vs Manager
5. Make India , then Make in India
6. BREXIT- Implications on EU and Rest of the world?
7. BREXIT- Implications on Britain?
8. US Rate Hike and Its Implications
9. Net Neutrality – Who is right ? customers or telcos?
10. Make in India or Make for India ?
11. Agile Supply Chain vs Efficient Supply Chain
12. Way forward for the e-commerce companies to reach rural India
13. The saga of smart cities- The challenges ahead
14. Why India can’t become China?
15. The Chinese Financial Crisis, and its implication on the Global Market and India.
16. IT in last mile delivery
17. Role of IT in effective supply chain management
18. Should a company invest in Supply Chain software?
19. Marketing Strategies for Rural India
20. Giants adopting the E-Tail/ E-Commerce Platform.
21. Can Brick & Mortar and E-Commerce co exist in India.
22. Who is the right fit to be a CEO- COO or a CMO?
23. Technology in the context of SCM
24. Push or Pull Supply Chain
25. Why will e-commerce succeed/fail in India?
26. Green Supply Chain?
27. Cold Supply Chain?
28. Top Line vs Bottom Line?
29. Single Vendor vs Multiple Vendor Strategy?
30. Outsource or In-House?
31. Role of emerging market channels in efficient supply chain
32. RFID Power play – how effective it is?
33. Should FMCGs implement RFID across their warehouses?
34. Is China the next frontier for Supply Chain Management?
35. Effectiveness of Supply Planning in Indian market.
36. Challenges in Logistics for a company with procurement from South India and manufacturing
in North India
37. Effect of GST implementation on Distribution Planning Model of FMCG
38. Effect of allowing FDI in retail on Indian Supply Chain industry – blessing
39. Global sourcing from China – a threat to India?
40. A poor country like India should stop it's space programs and use the funds for upliftment of
the poor
41. If production controls are completely removed distribution will take care of itself
42. Should essential services like electricity and water be privatised?
43. Effect of allowing FDI in retail on Indian Supply Chain industry – blessing
44. India 2050
45. Corruption is the grease that allows the wheel of capitalism to go around smoothly
46. Marriage is an outdated social institution
47. If Indian economy is to improve, it’s education system must change
48. The culture of consumerism has made us less human and moral
49. We live in a unipolar world
50. Management colleges produce MBA’s not managers
51. Exposure of the female anatomy in advertisements should be banned
52. In India, should minorities be given the first right to resources?
53. The only way to reduce crime is to increase the severity of punishments.
54. Women's Reservation bill will enhance the gender divide.
55. Capital Punishment-Right or Inhumane?
56. If life is a competition, success is the final quest, then victory is all that matters.
57. The major reason behind the success of Capitalism is not greed-based but success-based
58. Positive discrimination is the price we are paying in the present for the past.
59. Reverse auctions – intelligent or an unwise move in Indian scenario?
60. Effect of Transportation Crunch on consumer goods industry.
61. Importance of Logistics growth in a country’s GDP.
62. Effectiveness of Supply Planning in Indian market.
63. Challenges in Logistics for a company with procurement from South India and manufacturing
in North India.
64. Motorola’s war on Supply Chain complexity
65. Role of Supplier Evaluation in strategic purchasing
66. Strategic partnerships – role in global supply chain environment
67. Initiating the change in Supply Chain of a FMCG/Pharma company- how, Should I start from
distribution or supplier end to improve my supply chain?
68. Strategic procurement vs Outsourced manufacturing?
69. Role of emerging market channels in efficient supply chain

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