Klasifikasi Batuan Piroklastika, Fisher 1966: After Pettijohn 1975

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Klasifikasi batuan piroklastika, Fisher 1966

After Pettijohn 1975

Pyroclastic-Epiclastic Rocks (after Schmid, 1981)

clast size Pyroclastic Tuffites (mixed Epiclastic (volcanic and/or
in mm. pyroclastic-epiclastic) nonvolcanic)

Agglomerate, Tuffaceous
> 64 pyroclastic conglomerate, tuffaceous Conglomerate, breccia
breccia breccia

64 - 2 Lapilli tuff

2 -1/16 coarse Tuffaceous sandstone Sandstone

1/16 - 1/256 fine Tuffaceous siltstone Siltstone

Tuffaceous mudstone,
< 1/256 Mudstone, shale

pyroclastic 100% to 75% 75 % to 25% 25 % to 0%

Pyroclasts and Well-sorted Pyroclastic Deposits based on clast size (after

Schmid, 1981)

Pyroclastic deposit
Clast size Pyroclast Mainly consolidated
Mainly unconsolidated tephra
in mm pyroclastic rock
agglomerate bed of blocks or agglomerate
> 64 bomb, block
bomb, block tephra pyroclastic breccia
layer, bed of lapilli or lapilli
64 to 2 lapillus lapilli tuff
coarse ash
2 to 1/16 coarse ash coarse (ash) tuff
fine ash
< 1/16 fine ash (dust) fine (ash) tuff

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