2015 ME 89 Lab Report

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Refrigeration &Air Conditioning

Submitted to:
Ahmad Iqbal Shaikh
Submitted by:
Abubakar Khan

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Engineering &Technology, Lahore
Lab Session No. 1
To determine the coefficient of performance (COP) of a mechanical Heat Pump & Draw its
Performance Curve over a range of source and delivery temperatures.

 Mechanical Heat Pump R514
 Stop Watch

First we open the water supply to condensing and evaporating water tanks and give it time
to settle. Then we switch on the heat pump and allow the system to reach steady condition in terms
of temperature, pressure and flow rates and then start taking readings. Then we set flow rate of
condensing water and on this we note Temperatures in the table and then we observe time by help
of stopwatch for 240rev of disc (equals to 1kWh) which helps in find in input work. Similarly, on
different flow rate note the readings and then draw performance characteristics curves on graph.

Observation & Calculations:

240 revolution of disc = 1kWh = 3.6 × 106 J
Cp = 4.187 kJ/kg.K

T1 = Temperature from evaporator to compressor
m T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Time Qcondensor Win,compress. COPcooling
g/sec °C °C °C °C °C °C s W W
29 27.6 73.4 43.4 19.3 32.4 42.4 44.74 1214.23 335.27 3.62
32 27.5 72.8 42.6 18.5 32.5 41.2 46.16 1165.66 324.96 3.59
38 27.7 72 41.7 18.3 32 40.1 45.9 1288.76 326.8 3.94
40 27.6 71.9 41.3 18.1 32.2 39.9 46.7 1289.6 321.2 4.02
44 27.4 71.3 40.5 17.8 32.3 39 46.92 1234.33 319.69 3.86
T2 = Temperature from Compressor to Condenser

T3 = Temperature from Out of receiver

T4 = Temperature in throttle valve

T5 = Water Inlet in Condenser

T6 = Drain water Outlet from Condenser

Specimen Calculations:
As we know

Q = mCp∆T
For First Reading:
m= 29 g/s; T5 = 32.4°C; T6 = 42.4°C; time = t = 44.74 s
Now Qcondenser = mCp(T6 – T5)
Qcond. = 29 × 4.817 × (42.4 – 32.4)
Qcond. = 1214.23 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 335.27 W

COP cooling =

COP cooling =

COP cooling = 3.62

So COPheating = 3.62 +1
COPheating = 4.62
For Second Reading:
m= 32 g/s ; T5 = 32.5°C ; T6 = 41.2°C ; time = t = 46.16 s
Now Qcondenser = mCp (T6 – T5)
Qcond. = 32 × 4.817 × (41.2 – 32.5)
Qcond. = 1165.66 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 324.96 W

COP cooling =
COP cooling =

COP cooling = 3.59

So COPheating = 3.59 +1
COPheating = 4.59
For Third Reading:
m= 38 g/s ; T5 = 32°C ; T6 = 40.1°C ; time = t = 45.9 s
Now Qcondenser = mCp (T6 – T5)
Qcond. = 38 × 4.817 × (40.1 – 32)
Qcond. = 1288.76 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 326.8 W

COP cooling =

COP cooling =

COP cooling = 3.94

So COPheating = 3.94 +1
COPheating = 4.94
For Fourth Reading:
m= 40 g/s; T5 = 32.2°C; T6 = 39.9°C; time = t = 46.7 s
Now Qcondenser = mCp (T6 – T5)
Qcond. = 40 × 4.817 × (39.9 – 32.2)
Qcond. = 1289.6 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =
Win, compressor = 321.2 W
COP cooling =

COP cooling =

COP cooling = 4.02

So COPheating = 4.02 +1
COPheating = 5.02
For Fifth Reading:
m= 44 g/s ; T5 = 32.3°C ; T6 = 39°C ; time = t = 46.92 s
Now Qcondenser = mCp (T6 – T5)
Qcond. = 44 × 4.817 × (39 – 32.3)
Qcond. = 1234.33 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 319.69 W

COP cooling =

COP cooling =

COP cooling = 3.86

So COPheating = 3.86 +1
COPheating = 4.86

Error in results that plot the graph has deviation in it is due to the personal error as in note
the time we start late or stop the stopwatch late, may be note the reading too early not give proper
time to settle the temperature as it fluctuates we see but in hurry we take inappropriate value.
Deviation of some readings might also due to we consider some condition ideally but in
actual situation this is not happening like from 1-2 in compression process we consider isentropic
(reversible adiabatic) compression takes place but in actual compression process enthalpy change
is larger as compression is will neither reversible nor adiabatic as friction losses both viscous and
mechanical will have the heating effect and will increase the entropy, also valves and piston
leakages are throttling process and this also increase in entropy.
The results are faulty and in graph we have deviation also due to wrong measurements
comes in our data table and this is because of multiple reasons that cause inaccuracy or losses in
the system, such as mechanical or electrical losses in the fan or the compressor, or errors in
measuring devices, may be condensing is not properly done as the temperature of water is not
relatively low due to room and environment temperature condition so they not cool the refrigerant
From graph we observe that COP trend is decreasing as in this experiment we take
observation on different flow rate and for it we increase the flow rate due to which there is a less
time to heat exchange so as a result we get successive decrease in heat exchange rate which also
decrease COP value so we get a decreased trend of COP value.
From graph it is also clears that by increase flow rate more input is require so more work
is to be done also the power input increase due to heat of surrounding so by increase of power
input we get less COP and in this way our COP value continuously decreasing.
Lab Session No. 2
To compare practical & ideal vapor compression cycle on P-h diagram and to determine energy
balance for condenser and compressor.

 Mechanical Heat pump R514
 Stop Watch

First we open the water supply to condensing and evaporating water tanks and give it time
to settle. Then we switch on the heat pump and allow the system to reach steady condition in terms
of temperature, pressure and flow rates and then start taking readings. Then we set flow rate of
condensing water and on this we note mass flow rate of refrigerant correspondingly, temperatures
in the table, pressure and then we observe time by help of stopwatch for 240rev of disc (equals to
1kWh) which helps in find in input work. Now for energy balance first we find enthalpies h 1, h2,
h3 and h4 from P-h diagram by help of given temperature and pressure values. Then we find actual
work done and actual heat by help of these enthalpies and compare it to work done calculated by
help of meter and heat taken by condensing water.

Observation & Calculations:

240 revolution of disc = 1kWh = 3.6 × 106 J
Cp = 4.187 kJ/kg.K
mw mr P1 P2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Time h1 h2 h3=h4
𝒈 𝒈 𝒌𝑵 𝒌𝑵 𝒌𝑱 𝒌𝑱 𝒌𝑱
𝒔 𝒔 𝒎𝟐 𝒎𝟐 °C °C °C °C °C °C s 𝒌𝒈 𝒌𝒈 𝒌𝒈
38 7 410 1025 25.4 70.1 41.4 16.6 32.6 39.4 47.19 421 453 260
40 7.5 415 1020 25 70 41.1 16.7 32.4 39.4 46.94 425 465 260
37 7.4 410 1040 24.9 70.5 41.4 17.1 32.6 40.2 46.72 424.5 476.25 257
39 7.2 410 1010 25.3 70.2 40.8 16.4 32.7 39.7 46.9 418 452 258
30 7 405 1100 24 72.2 44 16.9 33.1 42.4 45.28 416 453 262
20 8 440 1220 23.2 73.8 48.5 18.5 33.9 48.8 43.2 420 455 260
Qc. Qc’ Win Win’
1351.00 1081.92 317.86 224.00
1537.50 1172.36 319.56 300.00
1622.45 1177.38 321.06 382.95
1396.80 1143.05 319.83 244.80
1337.00 1168.17 331.27 259.00
1560.00 1247.73 347.22 280.00
Specimen Calculations:
As we know
Energy Balance by Condenser:
Qcondenser = m × (h2 – h3)
Actual Heat given: Qcondenser’ = mw × Cpw (T6 –T5)
Energy Balance by Compressor:

Win,compressor =

Actual useful work done: W in,compressor’ = mref × (h2 – h1)

For First Reading:
mw = 38 g/s; mr = 7 g/s; P1 = 410kPa; P2 = 1025kPa; T1 = 25.4°C; T2 = 70.1°C; T3 = 41.4°C;
T4 = 16.6°C; T5 = 32.6°C; T6 = 39.4°C; time = t = 47.19 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 421

h2 = 453

h3 = h4 = 260

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7× (453 – 260)
Qcondenser = 1351 W
Qcondenser’ = mw Cp(T6 – T5)
Qcond’. = 38 × 4.817 × (39.4 – 32.6)
Qcond’. = 1081.92 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 317.86 W

Win, compressor’ = mr × (h2 – h1)
Win, compressor’ = 7× (453 – 421)
Win, compressor’ = 224 W
For Second Reading:
mw = 40 g/s; mr = 7.5 g/s; P1 = 415kPa; P2 = 1020kPa; T1 = 25°C; T2 = 70°C; T3 = 41.1°C
T4 = 16.7°C; T5 = 32.4°C; T6 = 39.4°C; time = t = 46.94 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 425

h2 = 465

h3 = h4 = 260

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7.5× (465 – 260)
Qcondenser = 1537.5 W
Qcondenser’ = mw Cp(T6 – T5)
Qcond’. = 40 × 4.817 × (39.4 – 32.4)
Qcond’. = 1172.36 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 319.56 W

Win, compressor’ = mr × (h2 – h1)
Win, compressor’ = 7.5× (465 – 425)
Win, compressor’ = 300 W
For Third Reading:
mw = 37 g/s; mr = 7.4 g/s; P1 = 410kPa; P2 = 1040kPa; T1 = 24.9°C; T2 = 70.5°C; T3 = 41.4°C
T4 = 17.1°C; T5 = 32.6°C; T6 = 40.2°C; time = t = 46.72 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 424.5

h2 = 476.25

h3 = h4 = 257

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7.4× (476.25 – 257)
Qcondenser = 1622.45 W
Qcondenser’ = mw Cp(T6 – T5)
Qcond’. = 37 × 4.817 × (40.2 – 32.6)
Qcond’. = 1177.38 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 321.06 W

Win, compressor’ = mr × (h2 – h1)
Win, compressor’ = 7.4× (476.25 – 424.5)
Win, compressor’ = 382.95 W
For Fourth Reading:
mw = 39 g/s; mr = 7.2 g/s; P1 = 410kPa; P2 = 1010kPa; T1 = 25.3°C; T2 = 70.2°C; T3 = 40.8°C
T4 = 16.4°C; T5 = 32.7°C; T6 = 39.7°C; time = t = 46.9 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 418

h2 = 452

h3 = h4 = 258

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7.2 × (452 – 258)
Qcondenser = 1396.8 W
Qcondenser’ = mw Cp(T6 – T5)
Qcond’. = 39 × 4.817 × (39.7 – 32.7)
Qcond’. = 1143.05 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 319.83 W

Win, compressor’ = mr × (h2 – h1)
Win, compressor’ = 7.2× (452 – 418)
Win, compressor’ = 224.8 W
For Fifth Reading:
mw = 30 g/s; mr = 7 g/s; P1 = 405kPa; P2 = 1100kPa; T1 = 24°C; T2 = 72.2°C; T3 = 44°C
T4 = 16.9°C; T5 = 33.1°C; T6 = 42.4°C; time = t = 45.28 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 416

h2 = 453

h3 = h4 = 262

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7× (453 – 262)
Qcondenser = 1337 W
Qcondenser’ = mw Cp(T6 – T5)
Qcond’. = 30 × 4.817 × (42.4 – 33.1)
Qcond’. = 1168.17 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 331.27 W

Win, compressor’ = mr × (h2 – h1)
Win, compressor’ = 7× (453 – 416)
Win, compressor’ = 259 W
For Sixth Reading:
mw = 20 g/s; mr = 8 g/s; P1 = 440kPa; P2 = 1220kPa; T1 = 23.2°C; T2 = 73.8°C; T3 = 48.5°C;
T4 = 18.5°C; T5 = 33.9°C; T6 = 48.8°C; time = t = 43.2 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
𝒌𝑱 𝒌𝑱
h1 = 420 , h 2 = 455
𝒌𝒈 𝒌𝒈

h3 = h4 = 260

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 8× (455 – 260)
Qcondenser = 1560 W
Qcondenser’ = mw Cp(T6 – T5)
Qcond’. = 20 × 4.817 × (48.8 – 33.9)
Qcond’. = 1247.43 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 347.22 W

Win, compressor’ = mr × (h2 – h1)
Win, compressor’ = 8× (455 – 420)
Win, compressor’ = 280 W
Error in results for Energy Balance is due to the personal error as in note the time we start
late or stop the stopwatch late, may be note the reading too early not give proper time to settle the
temperature as it fluctuates we see but in hurry we take inappropriate value.
Error in the result for energy balance as we see heat absorbed by condenser is more than
heat rejected as calculated by heat gain by water which is not possible so error in results due to
inappropriate working of apparatus may be in its pipe there is rust that disturbs our results, also
sensor of temperature (1,2 & 3) and pressure gauge cannot provide correct readings due to which
we did not get correct enthalpies from P-h diagram and consequently get more heat absorbed.
Error in the result of energy balance may also due to leakage of system as we see there
are some water leaks from pipe near expansion valve and also might be there is a problem in flow
meter reading may be it not work properly, also due to personal error in observing the reading of
flow as we must take reading of lower meniscus level might we not take that value correctly.
When we compare ideal and actual vapor compression cycle drawn on P-h diagram we see
there is pressure rise in condenser and drop in evaporator but in ideal it is constant that might be
due to inner apparatus problem like irreversibilities and corrosion inside. Friction inside apparatus
reduces the pressure which reduces velocity of fluid cause decrease in enthalpy and consequently
pressure drop in Evaporator.
Error might also due to the reason that temperature sensor is not installed exactly at inlet
and outlet of compressor, condenser and evaporator but in between the apparatus so we do not get
exact reading at inlet and outlets that we require as with interaction with environment there might
be a temperature change before going in the compressor, condenser or evaporator.
Lab Session No. 3
To draw Heat Pump Performance Curve base on R314A properties at a variety evaporating and
condensing temperatures.

 Mechanical Heat pump R514
 Stop Watch

First we open the water supply to condensing and evaporating water tanks and give it time
to settle. Then we switch on the heat pump and allow the system to reach steady condition in terms
of temperature, pressure and flow rates and then start taking readings. Then we set flow rate of
condensing water and on this we note mass flow rate of refrigerant correspondingly, temperatures
in the table and then we observe time by help of stopwatch for 240rev of disc (equals to 1kWh)
which helps in find in input work. Now for Performance curve based on variety of temperature of
evaporator and condenser first we find enthalpies h1, h2, h3 and h4 from P-h diagram by help of
given temperature and pressure values. Then we plot Q evap. , Qcond. , COP and Power Input against
condensing temperature.

Observation & Calculations:

240 revolution of disc = 1kWh = 3.6 × 106 J
Cp = 4.187 kJ/kg.K
mw mr P1 P2 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 Time h1 h2 h3=h4
𝒈 𝒈 𝒌𝑵 𝒌𝑵 𝒌𝑱 𝒌𝑱 𝒌𝑱
𝒔 𝒔 𝒎𝟐 𝒎𝟐 °C °C °C °C °C °C s 𝒌𝒈 𝒌𝒈 𝒌𝒈
38 7 410 1025 25.4 70.1 41.4 16.6 32.6 39.4 47.19 421 453 260
40 7.5 415 1020 25 70 41.1 16.7 32.4 39.4 46.94 425 465 260
37 7.4 410 1040 24.9 70.5 41.4 17.1 32.6 40.2 46.72 424.5 476.25 257
39 7.2 410 1010 25.3 70.2 40.8 16.4 32.7 39.7 46.9 418 452 258
30 7 405 1100 24 72.2 44 16.9 33.1 42.4 45.28 416 453 262
20 8 440 1220 23.2 73.8 48.5 18.5 33.9 48.8 43.2 420 455 260
Qevap. Qcond. Win,compress. COP
1127 1351.00 317.86 4.25
1237.5 1537.50 319.56 4.81
1239.5 1622.45 321.06 5.05
1152 1396.80 319.83 4.37
1078 1337.00 331.27 4.04
1280 1560.00 347.22 4.49
Specimen Calculations:
As we know


Qcondener = mref. (h2 – h3)

Qevaporator = mref. (h1 – h4)

For First Reading:
mw = 38 g/s; mr = 7 g/s; P1 = 410kPa; P2 = 1025kPa; T1 = 25.4°C; T2 = 70.1°C; T3 = 41.4°C;
T4 = 16.6°C; T5 = 32.6°C; T6 = 39.4°C; time = t = 47.19 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 421

h2 = 453

h3 = h4 = 260

So, Q condenser = mr × (h2 – h3)

Qcondenser = 7× (453 – 260)
Qcondenser = 1351 W
Qevaporator = mr × (h1 – h4)
Qevaporator = 7× (421 – 260)
Qevaporator = 1127 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 317.86 W

COP heating =

COP heating =

COP heating = 4.25

For Second Reading:
mw = 40 g/s; mr = 7.5 g/s; P1 = 415kPa; P2 = 1020kPa; T1 = 25°C; T2 = 70°C; T3 = 41.1°C
T4 = 16.7°C; T5 = 32.4°C; T6 = 39.4°C; time = t = 46.94 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 425

h2 = 465

h3 = h4 = 260

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7.5× (465 – 260)
Qcondenser = 1537.5 W
Qevaporator = mr × (h1 – h4)
Qevaporator = 7.5× (425 – 260)
Qevaporator = 1237.5 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 319.56 W

COP heating =

COP heating =

COP heating = 4.81

For Third Reading:
mw = 37 g/s; mr = 7.4 g/s; P1 = 410kPa; P2 = 1040kPa; T1 = 24.9°C; T2 = 70.5°C; T3 = 41.4°C
T4 = 17.1°C; T5 = 32.6°C; T6 = 40.2°C; time = t = 46.72 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 424.5

h2 = 476.25

h3 = h4 = 257

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7.4× (476.25 – 257)
Qcondenser = 1622.45 W
Qevaporator = mr × (h1 – h4)
Qevaporator = 7.4 × (424.5 – 257)
Qevaporator = 1239.5 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 321.06 W

COP heating =

COP heating =

COP heating = 5.05

For Fourth Reading:
mw = 39 g/s; mr = 7.2 g/s; P1 = 410kPa; P2 = 1010kPa; T1 = 25.3°C; T2 = 70.2°C; T3 = 40.8°C
T4 = 16.4°C; T5 = 32.7°C; T6 = 39.7°C; time = t = 46.9 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 418

h2 = 452

h3 = h4 = 258

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7.2 × (452 – 258)
Qcondenser = 1396.8 W
Qevaporator = mr × (h1 – h4)
Qevaporator = 7.2 × (418 – 258)
Qevaporator = 1152 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 319.83 W

COP heating =

COP heating =

COP heating = 4.37

For Fifth Reading:
mw = 30 g/s; mr = 7 g/s; P1 = 405kPa; P2 = 1100kPa; T1 = 24°C; T2 = 72.2°C; T3 = 44°C
T4 = 16.9°C; T5 = 33.1°C; T6 = 42.4°C; time = t = 45.28 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 416

h2 = 453

h3 = h4 = 262

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 7× (453 – 262)
Qcondenser = 1337 W
Qevaporator = mr × (h1 – h4)
Qevaporator = 7× (416 – 262)
Qevaporator = 1078 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J

Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 331.27 W

COP heating =

COP heating =

COP heating = 4.04

For Sixth Reading:
mw = 20 g/s; mr = 8 g/s; P1 = 440kPa; P2 = 1220kPa; T1 = 23.2°C; T2 = 73.8°C; T3 = 48.5°C;
T4 = 18.5°C; T5 = 33.9°C; T6 = 48.8°C; time = t = 43.2 s
Now, From Pressure Enthalpy diagram first we draw vapor compression cycle on it and we get:
h1 = 420

h2 = 455

h3 = h4 = 260

So, Energy Balance by Condenser and Compressor:

Qcondenser = mr × (h2 – h3)
Qcondenser = 8× (455 – 260)
Qcondenser = 1560 W
Qevaporator = mr × (h1 – h4)
Qevaporator = 8× (420 – 260)
Qevaporator = 1280 W
As 240 rev= 3.6 × 106 J
1 rev = 15000 J
Win,compressor =

Win, compressor = 347.22 W

COP heating =

COP heating =

COP heating = 4.49

Error in reading might due to personal error such as in observing the flow rate of water and
refrigerant we do not take reading from lower meniscus level and take from its upper level corners,
late in starting stop watch or stop it causes error in work input and ultimately COP and finally get
deviation in graph.
Error in the graph and readings also due to the faulty apparatus such as leakages of pipe
near expansion valve and Faulty Temperature sensor and Pressure gauges results in wrong value
of enthalpy and ultimately error in Qevap. , Qcond
Also we observe if we plot graph of Qcond. values which are calculated in means of heat
absorbed by water we do not get exact trend as we get increasing trend instead of decreasing so
error in this might be due to fault in flowmeter of water or Temperature sensor of water.
From graph we observe that COP trend is decreasing as in this experiment we take
observation on different flow rate and for it we increase the flow rate due to which there is a less
time to heat exchange so as a result we get successive decrease in heat exchange rate which also
decrease COP value so we get a decreased trend of COP value.
Lab Session No. 4
To observe effect of pressure ratio on Volumetric efficiency of compressor in mechanical heat

 Mechanical Heat pump R514

First we open the water supply to condensing and evaporating water tanks and give it time
to settle. Then we switch on the heat pump and allow the system to reach steady condition in terms
of temperature, pressure and flow rates and then start taking readings. Then we set flow rate of
condensing water and on this we note mass flow rate of refrigerant correspondingly, temperatures
in the table and then we observe time by help of stopwatch for 240rev of disc (equals to 1kWh)
which helps in find in input work. Now we find Specific Volume v 1 from P-h diagram by help of
given temperature and pressure value at inlet of compressor and further find volumetric efficiency
by find Volume rate from v1 and divide it by Swept volume. Then we plot graph of volumetric
efficiency against pressure ratio.

Observation & Calculations:

Swept Volume = 8.85 × 10-6 m3
Number of revolutions per second =2800
Specific Pressure Volumetric
mw mr P1 P2 T1 volume(v1) V1 Vs ratio (r) efficiency
𝒈 𝒈 𝒌𝑵 𝒌𝑵 𝒎𝟑 𝒎𝟑 𝒎𝟑
𝒔 𝒔 𝒎𝟐 𝒎𝟐 °C 𝒌𝒈 𝒔 𝒔 %
38 7 410 1025 25.4 0.055 0.000385 0.000413 2.5 93.22033898
40 7.5 415 1020 25 0.0556 0.000417 0.000413 2.45783 100.968523
37 7.4 410 1040 24.9 0.0493 0.000365 0.000413 2.53659 88.33414044
39 7.2 410 1010 25.3 0.05 0.00036 0.000413 2.46341 87.16707022
30 7 405 1100 24 0.044 0.000308 0.000413 2.71605 74.57627119
20 8 440 1220 23.2 0.044 0.000352 0.000413 2.77273 85.23002421

Specimen Calculations:
As we know

ɳv = × 100

V1 = mr × v1
V1 = Volume flow rate
v1 = Specific Volume
Swept Volume = vs = 8.85 × 10-6

Number of Revolution per second = 2800

× . ×
Vs =

Vs = 4.13 × 10-4

For First Reading:

mw = 38 ; mr = 7 ; P1 = 410 ; P2 = 1025
From P-h diagram of vapor compression cycle:
v1 = 0.055

So, V1 = mr × v1
× .
V1 =

V1 = 3.85 × 10-4


r = 2.5
ɳv = × 100

. ×
ɳv = × 100
. ×
ɳv = 93.22 %
For Second Reading:

mw = 40 ; mr = 7.5 ; P1 = 415 ; P2 = 1020

From P-h diagram of vapor compression cycle:
v1 = 0.0556

So, V1 = mr × v1
. × .
V1 =

V1 = 4.2 × 10-4


r = 2.46
ɳv = × 100

. ×
ɳv = × 100
. ×
ɳv = 100.97 %
For Third Reading:

mw = 37 ; mr = 7.4 ; P1 = 410 ; P2 = 1040

From P-h diagram of vapor compression cycle:
v1 = 0.0493

So, V1 = mr × v1
. × .
V1 =

V1 = 3.6 × 10-4


r = 2.54
ɳv = × 100

. ×
ɳv = × 100
. ×
ɳv = 88.33 %
For Fourth Reading:

mw = 39 ; mr = 7.2 ; P1 = 410 ; P2 = 1010

From P-h diagram of vapor compression cycle:
v1 = 0.05

So, V1 = mr × v1
. × .
V1 =

V1 = 3.6 × 10-4


r = 2.46
ɳv = × 100

. ×
ɳv = × 100
. ×
ɳv = 87.17 %
For Fifth Reading:

mw = 30 ; mr = 7 ; P1 = 405 ; P2 = 1100
From P-h diagram of vapor compression cycle:
v1 = 0.044

So, V1 = mr × v1
× .
V1 =

V1 = 3.1 × 10-4


r = 2.72
ɳv = × 100

. ×
ɳv = × 100
. ×
ɳv = 74.57 %
For Sixth Reading:

mw = 20 ; mr = 8 ; P1 = 440 ; P2 = 1220
From P-h diagram of vapor compression cycle:
v1 = 0.044

So, V1 = mr × v1
× .
V1 =

V1 = 3.5 × 10-4


r = 2.77
ɳv = × 100

. ×
ɳv = × 100
. ×
ɳv = 85.23 %

Error in reading might due to personal error such as in observing the flow rate of water and
refrigerant we do not take reading from lower meniscus level and take from its upper level corners
results in wrong value of V1 and also there may be an error due to wrong observing of P from
pressure gauges and finally get deviation in graph.
Error in graph might also due to wrong values observing corresponding due to our
observation taken as in graph our scale is not too much accurate so values taken that leads to error
in volumetric efficiency values so we must take values of specific volume from fluid property
calculator online software or from precise graph.
We can control to a certain extent how high or low the discharge and suction pressure will
get. If the discharge pressures (P2) can be kept low and the suction (P1) pressure can be kept as
high as possible without affecting the refrigerated product temperature, the compression ratio will
be low and the volumetric efficiency will be high. This will cause a higher mass flow rate of
refrigerant to flow through the compressor and system.
Lab Session No. 5
To demonstrate the vapor compression refrigeration cycle diagram under variance conditions.

 Refrigeration Unit

First we open the water supply to condensing and evaporating water tanks and give it time
to settle. Then we switch on the Refrigeration unit and allow the system to reach steady condition
in terms of temperature, pressure and flow rates and then start taking readings. Then we set
condensing pressure constant and then by varying V & I we vary cooling load of evaporator on
this we note mass flow rate of refrigerant correspondingly, temperatures in the table also to make
pressure absolute we add (101.325) in it and then we draw P-h diagram by help of given
temperature and pressure values.

Observation & Calculations:

Patm = 101.325 kPa

mw mr Vevap IEvap. VCond. ICond. Pcond. Pevap.

𝒈 𝒈
𝒔 𝒔 Volt Ampere Volt Ampere kPa kPa
14 1.8 68 1.9 190 2.6 1001.33 121.325
24 2.5 90 2.4 190 2.4 1001.33 159.325
2 18 74 2.3 198 2.7 1001.33 141.325
1.8 16 89 2.4 195 2.7 1001.33 141.325
2.2 19 90 2.4 195 2.7 1001.33 143.325
2.1 20 90 2.4 195 2.7 1001.33 146.325
2.2 22 95 2.7 196 2.8 1001.33 151.325
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
°C °C °C °C °C °C
-30.5 51.7 20.3 -38.5 16.7 -
27 55 21.1 -33.6 16.5 -
-21.2 47.3 35.1 -35.7 15.5 26
-19.9 46.5 20.6 -34.5 16.6 25.6
-187 52.2 21.2 -34.5 16.9 47.3
-18.3 53.8 21.1 -34.3 16.8 31.9
-18.3 54.9 21 -33.4 16.9 31.1
When we compare ideal and actual vapor compression cycle drawn on P-h diagram we see
there is pressure rise in evaporator and drop in condenser but in ideal it is constant so fault might
be due to inner apparatus problem like irreversibilities and corrosion inside. Friction inside
apparatus reduces the pressure which reduces velocity of fluid cause decrease in enthalpy and
consequently pressure drop in Condenser.
Error might also due to the reason that temperature sensor is not installed exactly at inlet
and outlet of compressor, condenser and evaporator but in between the apparatus so we do not get
exact reading at inlet and outlets that we require as with interaction with environment there might
be a temperature change before going in the compressor, condenser or evaporator.
Error in our P-h diagram might also due to faulty temperature sensor as in our temperature
senor T6 sensor does not give stable one value so it is faulty there might be possibility other
temperature sensors also not provide us exact values so we get fault in final result.
Error in our reading is also due to our wrong observation taken from apparatus as we take
the values of V & I first then change the load as I think first we change the load the we observe
the different values also the error might be due to we did not give proper time to stabilize the
reading as we do the experiment quickly.
Lab Session No. 6
To produce energy balance for a refrigeration laboratory unit.

 Refrigeration Laboratory Unit

1. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Refrigeration
Laboratory Unit apparatus.
2. Run the apparatus for a while until its reading is stable.
3. By using the knob provided for each set of readings, Evaporator input can be changed.
4. The water flow rate is changed accordingly to keep Condenser pressure constant.
5. Put all observed values in the table.

Observation & Calculations:

Power Factor = cos ф = 0.57
Cp = 4.187

Ff = 3 N
(Ff is Motor Load Cell reading with compressor suction valve closed i.e. Compressor not doing
work on the gas)
r = 0.165 m
For motor:
Vm = 232 W
Im = 3.5 A

mw mr Vevap. Ievap. Pcond. Pevap. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 N F

𝒈 𝒈
𝒔 𝒔 Volt A kPa kPa °C °C °C °C °C °C rpm N
19.8 2.5 100 2.7 950 65 -21.2 57.7 22.7 -30.7 17 26.1 466 5.6
17.5 2 85 2.3 900 42 -29.7 56.8 20.7 -34.1 17 22.9 466 6
20 2.8 105 2.9 900 78 -16.9 58.9 22.9 -29.3 16.9 26.7 465 6
12 2 72 2.7 900 20 -23.9 55.5 19.4 37.1 17.1 23.1 472 5
15 1.8 80 2.1 900 40 -22.5 55.1 20.1 -35.3 16.9 22.8 470 6.4

Evaporator Heat Input Qevap. = Vevap×Ievap.

R134a enthalpy change rate Qevap./ = mr×(h1 – h4)
Heat Transfer to water Qcond. = mw×Cp×(T6 –T5)
R134a enthalpy change rate Qcond./ = mr×(h3 – h2)
Shaft Power Ps = T×ω (where T = Fr)
𝟐𝛑 𝐍
Friction Power Pf = Ff×r×

Compressor Indicated Power Pi = Ps – Pf

Motor Input PeI = Vm×Im×cos ф

Specimen Calculations:
For first Set of Reading:
From P-h Chart:

h1 = 380

h2 = 435

h3 = h4 = 230

Energy Balance:
Evaporator Heat Input Qevap. = Vevap×Ievap.
Q evap. = 100 × 2.7
Qevap. = 270 W
R134a enthalpy change rate Qevap./ = mr×(h1 – h4)
Qevap./ = 2.5×(380 – 230)
Qevap./ = 375 W
Heat Transfer to water Qcond. = mw×Cp×(T6 –T5)
Qcond. = 19.5 × 4.187 ×(26.1 –17)
Q cond. = 754.414 W
R134a enthalpy change rate Qcond./ = mr×(h3 – h2)
Qcond./ = 2.5 × (230 – 435)
Qcond./ = 512.5 W
Shaft Power Ps = T×ω
. × . × × . ×
Ps =

Ps = 45.068 W
𝟐𝛑 𝐍
Friction Power Pf = Ff×r×
× ×
Pf = 3 × 0.165 ×

Pf = 24.14 W
Compressor Indicated Power Pi = Ps – Pi
Pi = 45.068 – 24.14
Pi = 20.924 W
Motor Input PeI = Vm× Im× cos ф
PeI = 232 × 3.5 × 0.57
PeI = 462.84 W
Heat losses from compressor in the form of radiated and convected heat is:
Qrad = Ps - mr×(h2 – h1)
Qrad = 45.068 – 2.5×(435 – 380)
Qrad = -92.43 W
In energy balance of evaporator heat due to enthalpy of refrigerant is more than evaporator
heat input which is due to some error as we get enthalpies from P-h chart that is print on A-4 paper
and it is not much precise w.r.t scale so there will be error in enthalpies value for this we must use
graph that is more precise or online enthalpy calculator. Error in its energy balance might also due
to some internal apparatus error as it is possible there is some rust inside the pipe that gives this
kind of variations.
In energy balance of condenser, the heat absorbed by water is too much less than heat given
by refrigerant this is due to some errors in system as temperature sensor of water outlet is not
proper working we take fist reading that appears on it when we switch this sensor as after a second
it drastically change also the calibration scale of water flow meter is erased so reading observed
from also leads to error and there might be some scaling in pipes that might also contribute in the
Error in our readings might also come as there are ice stick on outside of pipe due to very
low temperature in it so we must remove it before next value taken, also there might be a chance
we did not take reading of flowmeter from lower meniscus and not wait properly for settle the
temperature and whole system before take next reading.
In compressor energy balance first shaft power is measured by help of spring which does
not give proper reading as may be its stiffness ends so it must be replaced and for this we also
multiply the factor with this force so we get close to correct value also in end when we measure
heat loss from compressor we observe it is negative it means P s due to shaft is low than energy
given to compressor so force comes from this spring contributes in error and may be tachometer
is not give reading properly.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory

Name: Abubakar Khan Regd. No. 2015-ME-89 Date: 15-10-18

APPARATUS: Refrigeration Laboratory Unit.
1. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Refrigeration Laboratory
Unit apparatus.
2. Run the apparatus for a while until its reading is stable.
3. Adjust the condenser pressure at specified Evaporator Input by using the knob provided,
Evaporator input can be changed.
4. The heat input is increased in the range of 100-200W and note down the required parameters.
5. The condenser pressure will also change with the change in the load so as to keep Condenser
Pressure constant, water flow rate is adjusted accordingly.
6. Put all observed values in the table.

Evaporator heat input Qe= Ve×Ie
Condensing Evap. Cond. Evap. Evap Evap Refg
Saturation Sat. Sat. Sat. Volts Amperes Duty
Sr. Temperature *Pressure *Pressure *Temp
°C (kN/m2) (kN/m2) (°C) (V) (A) (W)
Tc Pevp Pcon Te Vevp Ievp Qe
1. 22.7 65 950 -36 99 2.7 267.3
2. 23.3 37 950 -44 75 2 150
3. 23.1 98 950 -25 118 3.2 377.6
*Absolute Pressure
For first set of reading:
Condenser Pressure Pc = 950 kN/m2
Condenser Temperature Tc = 22.7 °C
Evaporator Pressure Pe = 65 kN/m2
Evaporator Volts Ve = 99 V
Evaporator Amperes Ie = 2.7 A
Refrigerator Duty Qe= Ve × Ie
= 99 × 2.7
= 267.3 W


Refrigerator Duty vs Evap. Sat. Temp.

Evaporatiom Sat. Temperature °C

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

-40 -44
Refrigerator Duty (W)
Error in our readings might due to personal error as we did not take reading of flowmeter
from lower meniscus and not wait properly for settle the temperature and whole system before
take next reading and there will be a chance of error in apparatus as temperature sensor might not
work properly as we also observe last temperature (T6) we got not stable as we take the knob on
it, it does not stop and continuously increasing so it must be replaced with new one to get
appropriate readings.
Error in our readings might also come as there are ice stick on outside of pipe due to very
low temperature in it so we must remove it before next value taken and similarly there will be a
chance that there will be chance that pipe is also internally somehow blocked by ice or pipe is rust
or scaled from inner that also leads to faulty observation and results.
From graph it is clear that by increasing Evaporation Saturation Temperature there is an
increase in Refrigeration Duty.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory

Name: Abubakar Khan Regd. No. 2015-ME-89 Date: 15-10-18

APPARATUS: Refrigeration Laboratory Unit
1. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Refrigeration Laboratory
Unit apparatus.
2. Run the apparatus for a while until its reading is stable.
3. For each set of readings, by changing electrical input to evaporator the condenser Pressure is
changed by increasing it to 50 kNm-2.
4. The water flow rate is changed accordingly to keep Evaporator pressure constant.
5. Put all observed values in the table.
Shaft Power Ps = 0.165×F×(2π×n m)/60 (1)
Heat Transferred to Water Q c = mw×Cp×(T6 – T5) (2)
Heat Pump Coefficient of Performance COP = Q c / Ps (3)
based on shaft power


Evaporator Saturation Temperature -10 C 0 and Evaporating Pressure Pressure 300 kNm-2
Cond. Cond. Water Heat
Water Water Spring Comp. Motor Shaft Coefficient
Pres. Sat. Flow Transferred
Sr. Inlet outlet Balance Speed Speed Power of
kNm- Temp Rate 0 0 To water
No ( C) ( C) (N) (rpm) (rpm) (w) Performance
2 (0C) (g/s) (w)
P con TC mw T5 T6 F nc nm PS QC COP
1. 850 34 10 15.4 31.2 12.8 470 470 103.95 661.072 6.3
2. 900 36 14 16.2 22 12.8 463 463 101.4 339.74 3.32
3. 910 37 15 15.3 26.1 13.2 461 461 105.14 677.81 6.45
4. 950 38.5 16 15.4 32.1 13.2 461 461 105.14 1117.9 10.63

For first set of readings:
Shaft power P s = 0.165×F×(2π×nm)/60 (1)
P s = 0.165×12.8×(2π×470)/60
P s = 103.95 W
Heat Transferred to Water Qc = mw×Cp×(T6 – T5) (2)
Q c = 10×4.184×(31.2-15.4)
Q c = 661.072
Heat Pump Coefficient of Performance COP = Q c / Ps (3)
based on shaft power
COP = 661.072/103.95
COP = 6.36

Errors in our results might be due to faulty temperature sensor of water outlet as it is not
proper working we take fist reading that appears on it when we switch this sensor as just after a
second it drastically change and increases so it must be replaced for proper results.
Error in observation might come as the calibration scale of water flow meter is erased so
reading observed from leads to error and there can be a chance that due to some internal apparatus
error we get faulty observations as it is possible there is some rust inside the pipe or scaling in
pipes that gives errors and variations in readings.
Error in our readings might also come as there are ice stick on outside of pipe due to very
low temperature in it so we must remove it before next value taken, also there might be a chance
we did not take reading of flowmeter from lower meniscus and not wait properly for settle the
temperature and whole system before take next reading.
In shaft power measurement we use spring which does not give proper reading as may be
its stiffness ends so it must be replaced and for this we also multiply the factor with this force so
we get close to correct value and may be tachometer also not give reading properly. Moreover
error might also due to personal error as we not take values properly and not give time properly to
temperature sensors to settle down and also not note the reading of flow rate from lower meniscus
From above we observe that by increasing water flow rate at constant evaporation
saturation temperature and pressure but varying condenser conditions we have an increase in
coefficient of performance and one reading in between shows the wrong trend that might be due
to above mentioned error reasons.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory

Name: Abubakar Khan Regd. No. 2015-ME-89 Date: 22-10-18

LAB SESSION NO 9: Demonstration of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle and
evaluation of its coefficient of performance.
APPARATUS: Recirculating Air Conditioning Unit
1. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Recirculating Air
Conditioning Unit apparatus.
2. Run the apparatus for a while until its reading is stable.
3. The pre heater Input is changed for each set of readings.
4. Put the values in the table.

Sr No. Ref Ref temp Ref Evap Comp. Comp. Comp. Power Coefficie
flow at ex. temp at . Pressu Curren Voltag input to nt of
rate Valve Evap. Press re t e Compress Perform
(g/s) outlet outlet ure (I) (V) or ance
mr T4 T1 Pe Pc A V Pelec
1. 11 12.5 12.4 460 1125 6 205 701.1 2.29
2. 12 14 13.6 480 1150 6.1 205 712.8 2.492
3. 10.5 14 14.0 480 1080 6.1 210 730.2 2.128
4. 12 14 14.3 482 1050 6.2 211 745.7 2.382
*Absolute Pressure
Draw the state points on p-h diagram as follows:
(1) Is located by the intersection of
Pevap = 482 kNm-2 and T1 = 14.3 oC
and Read out h1= 410 kJ/kg
(4) Is located by the intersection of
Pevap = 482 kNm-2 and T4 = 14 oC
and Read out h4= 265 kJ/kg

Heat transfer at evaporator Qevap=mr(h1-h2)

= 12 (410 – 265)
= 1740 W
Electrical power input to compressor Pelec = VI cos𝜃
= 211 × 6.2 × 0.57
= 745.67 W
Coefficient of performance =Qevap/Pelec
= 1740/745.67
= 2.33

Ideal Ph-Cycle:
In this experiment we calculate enthalpies from P-h chart which gives us Q c and ultimately
we get coefficient of performance so COP we get might having error as we use chart that prints on
A-4 paper so scaling on it are not proper so we did not get accurate values of enthalpies and to get
accurate values instead of use chart we have to use table or some online P-h chart calculator with
which we get more appropriate results.
In this apparatus some temperature sensors are not properly working as they are not
remains stable on one point or may be that happens due to some other internal apparatus error as
we also observe flow rate of refrigerant does not increase or decrease properly it remains in some
specific range as we change conditions and also there might be a chance that personal error comes
as we on the pre heater or some other kind of unit that does not require in this experiment and we
get completely different set of readings.
Apparatus give faulty results as we see it not properly maintained as there is dust inside the
unit near fresh air comes and in duct so this might also lead to faulty results and there might also
be a chance that motor or compressor does not work properly so for ensure it we must have some
check on it.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory
Name: Abubakar Khan Regd. No.: 2015-ME-89 Date: 26-11-18

LAB SESSION NO. 10: To provide hot, cold, humid or dry condition under which article may be
APPARATUS: Recirculating Air Conditioning Unit
1. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Recirculating Air
Conditioning Unit apparatus.
2. Run the apparatus for a while until its reading is stable.
3. Turn on the component which is needed as per requirement.
4. Take out the readings.
5. Put the values in the table.
Intake Temp



Ref. Flow


Sr. No









td tw td tw td tw td tw mr 0.5 1.0 2.0
1. 27.1 19.4 41.1 32.9 24.9 21.7 35.7 27.3 14 2.5 5 4.4

2. 31.3 20.8 44.4 28.8 24.5 19.8 28.7 22.1 13 2.4 5.2 4.4

3. 27.2 19.9 41.1 32.2 24.9 21.9 35.7 27.3 14 2.2 5 4.4

Intake Orifice Fan Current Ref Temp at Ref Temp at Cond. Press. Evap. Press
Diff. Ex Valve Inlet Evap outlet (KN m-2) (KN m-2)
mmH2O (A) (℃) (℃)
Z If T11 T13 Pc Pe
4.6 0.8 46 18.1 1250 575

4.7 0.7 42 17.6 1090 575

4.6 0.7 46 18.3 1250 575


Heating B-C: (1st Set of readings)

Intake Temp: td = 27.1 ℃, tw = 19.4℃ , After Pre-heating Temperature: td = 41.1℃, tw = 32.9 ℃
Intake Orifice Diff. mm H2O = z = 4.6
Draw the points ‘B’ and ‘C’ on psychrometric chart and read out specific volume of air such that
point B is for Intake Temperature and C is for After pre-heating temperature.
So , At Point B: va= 0.865m3/kg ma = 0.0757 √𝐳/𝐯a
hB = 56 kJ/kg ma = 0.0757 √4.6/0.865
At Point C: hc = 101kJ/kg ma = 0.1877 kg/s

Enthalpy change rate = ma(hC-hB)

= 0.1877(101-56)
= 8.447 kW

Pre-heater heat transfer = VI

= 230(2.5 + 5)
= 1.73 kW

Steam Injection B-C: (2nd set of readings)

Intake Temp: td = 31.3 ℃, tw = 20.8℃ , After Pre-heating Temperature: td = 44.4℃, tw = 28.8 ℃
Intake Orifice Diff. mm H2O = z = 4.7
Draw the points ‘B’ and ‘C’ on psychrometric chart at and read out specific volume of air such that
point B is for Intake Temperature and C is for After pre-heating temperature.
So , At Point B: va= 0.875m3/kg ma = 0.0757 √𝐳/𝐯a
hB = 56.5 kJ/kg ma = 0.0757 √4.7/0.875
WB = 0.01 kg of moist. /kg of dry air ma = 0.1876 kg/s
At Point C: hc = 93.5 kJ/kg
Wc = 0.0192 kg of moist. /kg of dry air
Enthalpy change rate = ma(hC-hB)
= 0.1877(93.5-56.5)
= 6.94 kW

Pre-heater heat transfer = VI

= 230(2.4 + 5.2)
= 1.748 kW

Increase of moisture = ma(WC-WB)

= 0.1876(0.0192-0.01)
= 0.00172 kg

Cooling and Dehumidification C-D: (3rd set of readings)

After Pre-heating Temperature: td = 41.1℃, tw = 32.2 ℃, After Cooling Temp: td = 24.9 ℃, tw = 21.9℃
Intake Orifice Diff. mm H2O = z = 4.6
Draw the points ‘C’ and ‘D’ on psychrometric chart at and read out specific volume of air such that
point D is for After Cooling Temperature and C is for After pre-heating temperature.
So , At Point C: va= 0.93m3/kg ma = 0.0757 √𝐳/𝐯a
hC = 117 kJ/kg ma = 0.0757 √4.6/0.93
WC = 0.0298 kg of moist. /kg of dry air ma = 0.1746 kg/s
At Point D: hD = 61 kJ/kg
WD = 0.014 kg of moist. /kg of dry air ∆𝐇𝐚=ma(hD-hC)+ mwhw
Enthalpy change rate
mw = ma(wC-wD)
mw= 0.1746(0.0298-0.014)
mw= 0.00276 kg
hw = hsat. water at 25 oC = 95 kJ/kg from graph
∆Ha = 0.1746(61- 117) + 0.00276(95)
∆𝐇𝐚 = -9.515 kW

Psychometric Chart:

In this experiment we calculate enthalpies and specific volume from Psychometric chart
which gives us ma, enthalpy change rate and increase of moisture and in it we might having error
as we use chart that prints on A-4 paper so scaling on it are not proper so we did not get accurate
values of enthalpies and to get accurate values instead of use chart we have to use table and
formulas for calculations or some proper scaling calculator with which we get more appropriate
In this apparatus some temperature sensors are not properly working as they are not
remains stable on one point or may be that happens due to some other internal apparatus error as
we also observe flow rate of refrigerant does not increase or decrease properly it remains in some
specific range as we change conditions and also there might be a chance that personal error comes
as we on the pre heater or some other kind of unit that does not require in this experiment and we
get completely different set of readings.
Apparatus give faulty results as we see it not properly maintained as there is dust inside the
unit near fresh air comes and in duct so this might also lead to faulty results and there might also
be a chance that motor or compressor does not work properly so for ensure it we must have some
check on it.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory
Name: Abubakar Khan Regd. No.: 2015-ME-89 Date: 3-12-18

LAB SESSION NO 11: TO DETERMINE ‘Cp’ for air. (Where ‘w’ is constant)
APPARATUS: Recirculating Air Conditioning Unit.
1. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Recirculating Air
Conditioning Unit apparatus.
2. Run the apparatus for a while until its reading is stable.
3. Then take the readings.
4. For each set of readings, the pre-heater input is changed.
5. Put the values in the table.
Specific heat capacity of air C P=QB-C / ma (Tcd-TBd)
Sr Dry bulb Dry bulb Dry bulb Wet bulb Orifice Pre-heater Specific
No Temperature Temperature Temperature’ Temperature’ Differential input heat
before Pre- after Pre- before Orifice before Orifice Pressure capacity
_1 _1
heater heater ℃ ℃ (mm H2O) (kW) (kjkg k )
℃ ℃
1. 27.2 40.7 32 25.3 11.8 1.5 1.148

Draw the point on psychometric chart at
TDd = 32 ℃ and TDw = 25.3 ℃
and read out Specific volume of air at orifice which is: v D = 0.89 m3 kg-1
Now, after taking above point extend the line parallel to horizontal axis that passes through this
point and then Draw points “B” dry bulb Temp. before pre-heater and “C” dry bulb Temp. after
pre-heater on it and note the enthalpies which are:
hB = 71.5 kJ/kg, hC = 87 kJ/kg

Air mass flow rate (from orifice constant) ma = 0.0504 √h/VD

ma = 0.0504 √11.8/0.89
ma = 0.1945 kg/s
applying steady flow equation between B & C and ignoring the Fan power input,
Q = m(hc-hB)
Q = 0.1945(87 – 71.5)
Q = 3.015 kW
Also, Q = mCp(TCd-TBd)
C p= Q/m(Tcd-TBd)
C p= 3.015/0.1945(40.7 – 27.2)
C p = 1.148 kJ/kg.K

Psychometric Chart:
In this apparatus we measure differential pressure for its measurement the pressure gauge
must have mercury on it but in our apparatus we add water in it and add ink as previous one is
damaged for its replacement this technique is used so there might be a chance that we did not get
proper difference of pressure that leads to faulty mass flow rate of air.
While note the readings there might be a chance we do not set the condition of experiment
which is given and also there is a chance that we misread the temperature as there are many
temperature measurements in it.
While doing the experiment I notice that for every observation we did not give a proper
stable time and take the readings too quickly so this also leads to faulty results and we may have
error in our calculations as we take some values from psychometric chart that is on A-4 paper and
not properly scaled, from it we take approximate values not accurate and for accurate values we
must use some accurate chart or table with formulas.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory
Name: Abubakar Khan Regd. No.: 2015-ME-89 Date: 3-12-18

LAB SESSION NO. 12: To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient of performance of an
air conditioning unit.
APPARATUS: Recirculating Air Conditioning Unit
1. The stop is removed from the slot from the damper of air Recirculating unit.
2. Set the damper in the way so that it gives 100% recirculation.
3. After taking in consideration all necessary precautions, turn on the Recirculating Air
Conditioning Unit apparatus.
4. Turn on the 0.5kW pre-heater.
5. The fan is adjusted at a moderately high speed.
6. Run this unit until the air circulating temperature in the duct stabilizes.
7. Put the values in the table.
Overall heat transfer coefficient of performance U = V (I - If) / (Td - Ta) L Wm-1k-1 (I)
Where ‘L’ is the center line length of the duct.
L = 3.3 m
Ambient Temperature Voltage Current taken Current taken Overall heat
Sr. Temperature of Air in duct supplied by heater by fan transfer coefficient
No. (°C) (°C) (V) (A) (A) Wm-1k-1
Ta Td V I If U

1. 22 35.6 225 4.6 0.6 20.053

When the temperature stabilizes, the heat loss from the duct is equal to the energy input to the
heater and fan. So
U (Td - Ta) L= V (I - If)
Overall heat transfer coefficient of performance
U = V (I - If) / (Td - Ta) L (II)
U= 225(4.6 – 0.6)/3.3(35.6 – 22)
U= 20.053 Wm-1k-1

In this apparatus some temperature sensors are not properly working as they are not
remains stable on one point or may be that happens due to some other internal apparatus error as
we also observe flow rate of refrigerant does not increase or decrease properly it remains in some
specific range as we change conditions and also there might be a chance that personal error comes
as we on the pre heater or some other kind of unit that does not require in this experiment and we
get completely different set of readings.
While doing the experiment I notice that for every observation we did not give a proper
stable time and take the readings too quickly so this also leads to faulty results and we may have
error in our calculations as we take some values from psychometric chart that is on A-4 paper and
not properly scaled, from it we take approximate values not accurate and for accurate values we
must use some accurate chart or table with formulas.

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