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Lesson Plan: Poisoned Talk by Raymond Wilson (Form 3)

Posted on February 1, 2018 GracePosted in Lesson Plan, Literature

Lately I’ve received some feedback from our readers to share more of what I do in
class. I’ve been hesitant to do it, but thought would give it a try.
I don’t go very fancy with my lessons but I like incorporating a little bit of ICT in them.
Plus, I think that’s what the learners are more attracted to these days.
Here’s how the lesson can be carried out:

1. Get students to write down the poem in their workbook. (I usually get them to
write in the middle of a two blank pages)
2. Shoot up the LCD, connect laptop to the internet, get your printer working in
the class.
3. As a class we go through the poem together, whatever they want to find out,
we search for it in Google Image.
4. They pick the pictures they prefer, copy and multiply them in smaller size
using words, print them out and distribute to them to stick around the poem.
*keep reminding them they are making their own special notes, they are the
boss while you’re just a clerk for them. I get them to pick the black&white
friendly pictures because I do not use coloured-cartridge
5. I literally let them take over on what to search and how much time they need
on certain words/phrase.
6. To save some ink, I sometimes get them to draw the simple and draw-able
ones. Especially if you have a group that loves to draw. Just make sure the
drawing doesn’t take too much time!
7. Once they are done looking for pictures, make sure they draw lines/label them
well for future reference.
8. In between, you do what you do, ask some questions to check their
understandings, once done. move on.
9. This poem is pretty straight forward, I still find pictures to be the best
reference for the learners.

If you think having a printer in the class and having to print so much is troublesome.
Here’s the alternative:

1. Print a set of jumbled up pictures with no labels. There are some pictures in
here to help you.
2. Get learners to cut and ready to paste.
3. Run similar sequence in Option A, use the internet to help them match the
pictures to the words in the poem. Let them find out which matches which.
4. This works well with weaker group who have shorter attention span.

Some sample works from my learners:

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