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JCU Sports Information

Christopher M. Wenzler, Assistant Athletic Director

20700 North Park Boulevard
University Heights, Ohio 44118-4581
Phone 216.397.4676
Fax 216.397.1806

February 7, 2019

To Whom It May Concern:

The purpose of this letter is to serve as a personal and professional reference for Eddie Marotta in his pursuit of
postgraduate employment. As his employer in the sports information office at John Carroll University for the past four
years, I feel I can accurately and emphatically speak on his behalf.

As someone with nearly 30 years of experience at John Carroll to look back upon, I would rate Eddie at the high end
of the scale in a number of areas. He has a tremendous work ethic, possesses a very outgoing personality, and is both
energetic and efficient in handling assignments.

But it is his character which I would place above all else. In his time at John Carroll, he has been given ample
opportunity to display the fortitude which will serve him well in any capacity.

Eddie came to me recommended by friends of our family, which truthfully has been a hit or miss proposition. Some
people are simply looking out for a friend’s son or daughter without taking into account what we do in sports
information. Thankfully, Eddie was a great fit. He had an interest in sports, and was willing to contribute in any way
he could.

Toward the end of his sophomore year, Eddie had experienced what I would consider a plateau moment. He was
happy doing what he was doing, but felt he could be doing more. He proposed a graphics strategy for our social media
efforts as well as an improvement for our game day programs. As an expert in photoshop, he was able to transform
our brand to glowing reviews throughout the athletic department as well as the university itself.

I reflect upon that moment, and see it as an example of what students can bring to a professional setting within the
confines of a college campus. He provided us an upgrade that we otherwise may have not been able to master

Eddie did not stop there. He has engaged our student staff in at least a half dozen graphics seminars to teach others
what he knows, from basic concepts like a graphics cutout to more ornate concepts like background templates. He has
easily instructed upwards of 15 to 20 students on the basics to where he know has a group that has assisted him with
graphics projects.

All the while, he has maintained his efforts with WJCU-FM (where he has called football and basketball games for
the campus radio station for four years) and has started up his own podcast.

Within the sports information office, Eddie has always been regarded by his fellow employees as one of the most
positive and energetic people on staff, and that is an opinion I share as well. He is constantly seeking to help people
learn, and has gone out of his way to illustrate the instructions through documents and presentations.
For our sports information office to have success, there needs to be a willingness amongst the student employees to
take on tasks that require confidence in verbal ability, quick thinking, and knowledge of the subject matter. Whether it
is broadcasting, public address announcing, graphics or even daily office work, Eddie has exuded both poise and
competency. He is not a “clock watcher” – he stays until he job is done, and he takes pride in doing a job well. He
ranks right up there with the hardest workers I have ever been privileged to employ.

What has always been a constant thread in Eddie’s four years at John Carroll has been that willingness to commit
fully to whatever he pursues. This will serve him well in any capacity.

For all the reasons listed above, I strongly advocate Eddie Marotta to be considered for any position to which he
applies. Please let me know if you can benefit from any further insights into Eddie’s experiences and character and I
thank you for your time.


Christopher M. Wenzler

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