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Functional Specification
for Integration of GroupID
with ServiceNow

Muhammad Asad Ali Amjad


1. Revision history 3

2. Objective 3

3. Need to integrate GroupID with ServiceNow 3

4. What administrators will be able to do from ServiceNow? 3

5. Requirements 4

6. What needs to be done in GroupID for integration with ServiceNow? 4

7. How authentication will work for ServiceNow? 5

8. Benefits of using existing authentication of STS for ServiceNow 6

9. Configuration of ServiceNow with GroupID 7

a) In MMC 7

b) In ServiceNow Application 8

10. Time Estimation 9

a) GroupID (Server-Side) 9

b) ServiceNow Application (Client-Side) 10

Overall Estimated Time 10


1. Revision history
Author Date Version Description
Muhammad Asad Ali Amjad 12/5/2018 1.0 Original Draft

2. Objective
The purpose of this document is to describe the need, functional details, requirements and
time estimate to integrate GroupID with ServiceNow.

3. Need to integrate GroupID with ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a multi-faceted solution to many problems faced by IT administrators and
organizations having a large number of clients. Administrators prefer to manage the
network and resources from a single interface or portal because this makes things easy to
manage and reduces complexity. Managing things from a single place will make result in
quick actions. So, supporting GroupID on ServiceNow interface will capture the interest of

4. What administrators will be able to do from ServiceNow?

In start, we are targeting following features:

 Administrators will be able to manage workflows from ServiceNow interface

 Administrators will be able to search groups and users in identity stores from
ServiceNow interface
 Administrators will be able to see groups listing, group details, join or leave groups and
expire or renew groups from ServiceNow interface

5. Requirements
Following are the requirements to accomplish the integration of ServiceNow as a client with

 To build, test, certify and publish app on ServiceNow store, we need to join
ServiceNow’s Technology Partner Program (TPP) which costs minimum $5K.
 We need a Git repository to store source code of application which will be developed on
ServiceNow platform. For this purpose, either we can purchase a private repository of
GitHub which costs $7/month or we can configure an on-premises Git server which
should be accessible on Internet.
 A machine accessible on the Internet is required to access GroupID services, debug and
test the calls coming from external application.

6. What needs to be done in GroupID for integration with

Following things need to be done in GroupID for integration with ServiceNow:

 An interface in GroupID MMC needs to be provided for configuration of ServiceNow.

There will be a single instance of ServiceNow service like GroupID Mobile Service.
Administrator will be able to manage IIS binding, linked identity stores, logging level and
configure design for ServiceNow application.
 A web service needs to be implemented with which ServiceNow application will
communicate and perform actions in GroupID.
 GroupID Security Service needs to support authentication for external applications and
returning security token to them in a secured way.

7. How authentication will work for ServiceNow?

 Administrator will open the login page of GroupID from ServiceNow instance which will
open up GroupID Security Service page in return in a new window where administrator
will authenticate himself with GroupID.

 After successful authentication, a security token will be returned to the ServiceNow

instance on redirect URL configured for ServiceNow application in GroupID.
 Afterwards GroupID application in ServiceNow instance will be able to make calls to
ServiceNow service running in GroupID with issued security token from GroupID
Security Service. Each ServiceNow user will login separately in GroupID application in

8. Benefits of using existing authentication of STS for ServiceNow

Using existing authentication of GroupID Security Service will allow us to focus on
implementing actual business instead of investing time on password authentication, second
factor authentication, second way authentication and enrollment. Moreover, ServiceNow
application will continue to work as expected even if any change is made in STS
implementation in future because authentication is totally separate from ServiceNow

9. Configuration of ServiceNow with GroupID

Administrators will be able to manage ServiceNow application from GroupID.

a) In MMC
There will be a ServiceNow node in GroupID MMC where administrators will be able to
configure IIS binding, linked identity stores, logging level and design for ServiceNow

b) In ServiceNow Application
Administrators will be able to configure the GroupID application in ServiceNow to
connect it with an instance of ServiceNow application service in GroupID. They will be
able to do so by logging into the ServiceNow instance and opening the configuration
page of GroupID application.

ServiceNow application service URL will be found in General tab of Server node of
ServiceNow application.

10. Time Estimation

Following is the list of tasks with their estimated time:

a) GroupID (Server-Side)
 Authentication mechanism for external client applications in GroupID Security
Service will take 5 days.
 Implementation of ServiceNow application node in GroupID MMC will take 15
o Registration of ServiceNow as a client application in GroupID will take 1
o Handling of where GroupID security token will be directed will take 2
o Adding Server node, UI components and wiring of these with ServiceNow
application, IIS binding, support and identity stores will take 6 days.
o Adding Design node, UI components and wiring of these with ServiceNow
application will take 6 days.
 From GroupID configuration tool, adding ServiceNow virtual application in
GroupID site, placing application service template and deploying ServiceNow
application service, mappings in server configuration file will take 4 days.
 Adding ServiceNow application service in GroupID installer and build-script on
TFS will take 4 days.
 Adding ServiceNow application service, authentication of incoming calls, request
and response structure will take 5 days.
 Implementation of workflows listing, workflow details and workflow actions will
take 5 days.
 Implementation of application design in ServiceNow application service will take
3 days.
 Implementation of directory search for linked identity stores will take 5 days.
 Implementation of groups listing, group details, approve or join and expire or
renew will take 8 days.
 Implementation of licensing for ServiceNow application will take 3 days.

Total days: 57

b) ServiceNow Application (Client-Side)

 Creation of application, configuration UI, configuration table and its connectivity
with GroupID will take 3 days.
 Implementation of user login, handling of security token and user identity,
associativity of ServiceNow user with GroupID user and configuration of ACLs
will take 8 days.
 Implementation of workflows will take 10 days.
o Designing UI screens for workflow listing, workflow details and workflow
actions will take 5 days.
o Wiring of UI screens with ServiceNow application service will take 5 days.
 Implementation of ServiceNow application design will take 4 days.
 Implementation of directory search will take 10 days.
o Designing of UI screens for objects listing and object properties will take 5
o Wiring of UI screens with ServiceNow application will take 5 days.
 Implementation of Groups will take 10 days.
o Changes required to be made in already prepared UI for directory search
objects will take 5 days.
o Wiring up the action buttons with ServiceNow application service will take
5 days.
 Implementation of licensing will take 3 days.

Total days: 48

Overall Estimated Time

There will be two resources working on this project, one on the server-end and
other one on the client-end. So, overall integration of GroupID with ServiceNow will
be completed in 57 days.

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