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crystal momentum space.

This, however, is NEUROSCIENCE

not important, as a similar effect should be
observed in Weyl semimetals, where oppo-
site-chirality fermions exist at distinct points
in momentum space. The way that the chiral
The unknowns of
anomaly manifests in Na3Bi is through mag-
netoresistance (a dependence of the electri-
cal resistance of the material on an applied
cognitive enhancement
magnetic field). The physical picture of the Can science and policy catch up with practice?
chiral anomaly, when applied to a Dirac or
Weyl semimetal, implies a magnetic field– By Martha J. Farah der (ADHD), in which executive function
dependent contribution to the resistance, is impaired, they are assumed to enhance

which is negative (the resistance is reduced an is not going to wait pas- executive function in healthy individuals
and the material becomes a better conduc- sively for millions of years as well. However, the current evidence sug-
tor when the magnetic field is applied) and before evolution offers him gests a more complex state of affairs. The
quadratic in the field (10, 11). The effect also a better brain.” These words published literature includes substantially
exists only when the current is aligned with are attributed to the 20th different estimates of the effectiveness of

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the direction of the field (the magnetoresis- century Romanian psycho- prescription stimulants as cognitive en-
tance is longitudinal), survives up to a tem- pharmacologist Corneliu Giurgea, an early hancers. A recent meta-analysis suggests
perature of about 90 K, and is large (quickly advocate of cognitive enhancement—that that the effect is most likely real but small
rising to more than 100% as the temperature is, the use of medications or other brain for executive function tests stressing inhib-
decreases below 90 K). These features are un- treatments for improving normal healthy itory control, and probably nonexistent for
usual and cannot be explained by any other cognition. Contemporary attempts at cogni- executive function tests stressing working
known mechanism but the chiral anomaly. tive enhancement involve an array of drugs memory (5).
What makes the observed effect important, and devices for modifying brain function, Why, then, do these drugs continue to
apart from the analogy to particle physics, is such as pills taken by students to help them be used for enhancement? One possibility
that the chiral anomaly is a purely quantum study, or electrical stimulators focused on is that there are important individual dif-
mechanical phenomenon without any clas- prefrontal cortex by electronic game play- ferences in people’s response to them, with
ers (“e-gamers”) to sharpen their skills. some people benefiting (2). In addition,
What is known about current methods of stimulants have other effects for which they
cognitive enhancement? What specifically may be used. In a report entitled “Just How
“…the chiral anomaly is a do they enhance, for whom, and with what Cognitive Is ‘Cognitive Enhancement’?,” so-
purely quantum mechanical risks? We know surprisingly little. ciologist Scott Vrecko interviewed students
In the United States, stimulants such as who used Adderall and found that they em-
phenomenon without amphetamine and methylphenidate (sold phasized motivational and mood effects as
any classical analogs. Yet under trade names such as Adderall and
Ritalin, respectively) are widely used for
reasons for using the drugs for schoolwork
(6). Subsequent research confirmed the
the observed longitudinal nonmedical reasons (1). However, it is not role of these noncognitive factors for stu-
known how many of these users are seek- dents enhancing with Adderall; although
magnetoresistance is a ing cognitive enhancement, as opposed to they differed minimally from nonusers on
macroscopic effect…” getting “high,” losing weight, or some other attention task performance, they exhibited
effect—there is simply a lack of epidemio- substantially greater differences in moti-
sical analogs. Yet the observed longitudinal logical data. Student surveys suggest that vation and worse study habits, along with
magnetoresistance is a macroscopic effect, cognitive enhancement with stimulants is more depressed mood (7).
seen in a large sample. Such macroscopic commonplace on college campuses, where There is, of course, a close relation be-
quantum phenomena are typically observed students with prescriptions sell pills to tween cognitive performance, on the one
only at very low temperatures. The fact that other students, who use them to help study hand, and motivation, on the other. Even
the chiral anomaly manifestation in Na3Bi and finish papers and projects (2). Similar if one’s laboratory-measured executive
is observed at temperatures as high as 90 use by college faculty and other profession- function is not appreciably increased,
K makes it especially interesting and poten- als to enhance workplace productivity has one is likely to get more done, and of bet-
tially useful technologically. ■ been documented, but prevalence is un- ter quality, if one is feeling cheerful and
known (3, 4). “into” the tasks at hand. Unfortunately, the
These practices have been interpreted mood- and motivation-boosting abilities of
1. J. Xiong et al., Science 350, 413 (2015).
2. S. L. Adler, Phys. Rev. 177, 2426 (1969). as paradigm cases of cognitive enhance- stimulants are related to their well-known
3. J. S. Bell, R. Jackiw, Nuov. Cim. A 60, 4 (1969). ment (which is distinct from treatment dependence potential, and that potential
4. H. Nielsen, M. Ninomiya, Phys. Lett. B 130, 389 (1983). for a cognitive disorder) generally aimed is a major concern. How likely is it that
5. X. Wan, A. M. Turner, A. Vishwanath, S. Y. Savrasov, Phys.
Rev. B 83, 205101 (2011). at improving executive function—the abil- cognitive enhancement use of stimulants
6. A. A. Burkov, L. Balents, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 127205 (2011). ity to marshal cognitive resources for flex- will lead to dependence? The prevalence of
7. Z. K. Liu et al., Science 343, 864 (2014). ible multitasking or focusing, as needed. drug dependence among enhancement us-
8. S.-Y. Xu et al., Science 349, 613 (2015).
9. L. Lu et al., Science 349, 622 (2015).
Because these drugs are widely used to ers is not currently known.
10. D. T. Son, B. Z. Spivak, Phys. Rev. B 88, 104412 (2013). treat attention deficit hyperactivity disor- Another drug used for cognitive en-
11. A. A. Burkov, Phys. Rev. B 91, 245157 (2015). hancement is modafinil (trade name Pro-
Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, vigil). Best known for its ability to preserve
10.1126/science.aad2713 Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. E-mail: alertness and cognitive function under

SCIENCE 23 OCTOBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6259 379

Published by AAAS

and advice on how to build and other practices. Without knowing more
use tDCS systems. An initial sur- about the prevalence, risks, and benefits of
vey with a convenience sample these brain interventions, it is difficult to
(a sample not expressly cre- formulate useful policy.
ated to be representative of Why are we so ignorant about cogni-
particular types of people) tive enhancement? Several factors seem
recruited from the Inter- to be at play. The majority of studies on
net sites indicates that enhancement effectiveness have been car-
cognitive enhancement ried out on small samples, rarely more
is the most common rea- than 50 subjects, which limits their power.
son for personal use of Furthermore, cognitive tasks typically lend
headset tDCS (12). Subscribers themselves to a variety of different but rea-
Electrical to the main tDCS in- sonable outcome measures, such as overall
stimulation for terest website num- errors, specific types of errors (for exam-
cognitive cortex ber in the thousands, ple, false alarms), and response times. In
enhancement but actual prevalence addition, there is usually more than one
and related information possible statistical approach to analyze the
about tDCS use is unknown. enhancement effect. Small samples and
The true cognitive benefit of flexibility in design and analysis raise the
tDCS in normal healthy users is likelihood of published false positives (15).
also unknown. As with research on In addition, pharmacologic and electric
pharmaceutical enhancement, the enhancements may differ in effectiveness
published literature includes a mix of depending on the biological and psycho-
New trends. Transcranial electric stimulation for findings. One recent attempt to synthesize logical traits of the user, which complicates
cognitive enhancement in healthy individuals is the literature with meta-analysis concluded the effort to understand the true enhance-
becoming more popular, yet little is known about the that tDCS has no effect whatsoever on a ment potential of these technologies. In-
effectiveness or long-term safety of these devices. wide range of cognitive abilities (13). How- dustry is understandably unmotivated to
ever, the methods of this analysis have been take on the expense of appropriate large-
conditions of sleep deprivation, it may also criticized as unnecessarily conservative and scale trials of enhancement, given that the
enhance aspects of cognition in rested in- even biased (14). Newer transcranial elec- stimulants used are illegally diverted and
dividuals. As with amphetamine, studies tric stimulation protocols involving alter- transcranial electric stimulation devices
have produced conflicting results. A recent nating current stimulation (tACS), random can be sold without such evidence. The
literature review of the cognitive effects noise stimulation (tRNS), and pulsed stim- inferential step from laboratory effect to
of modafinil found a range of outcomes: ulation (tPCS) have different physiological real-world benefit adds another layer of
enhancement, null effects, and occasion- effects and hence potentially different psy- challenge. Given that enhancements would
ally impairment. Enhancement was the chological effects, although the empirical likely be used for years, long-term effec-
most common finding, especially in com- literature is still developing. tiveness and safety are essential concerns
plex cognitive tasks requiring multiple Transcranial electric stimulation is ex- but are particularly difficult and costly to
components of executive function to be panding beyond home users, with new determine. As a result, the only large-scale
used together, although effect sizes were companies selling compact, visually ap- trial we may see is the enormous but un-
not synthesized through meta-analysis to pealing, user-friendly devices. These have controlled and poorly monitored trial of
yield a quantitative summary measure of been exempted from regulation as medical people using these drugs and devices on
effectiveness (8). A recent study reported devices by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin- their own. ■
a “striking increase in task motivation,” istration. One company,, markets its
suggesting that this may contribute to systems to e-gamers to improve attention
1. Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and
modafinil’s value as a cognitive enhancer and performance. Thync, which began sell- Health: Summary of National Findings (Substance Abuse
in the workplace (9), but motivational ef- ing its system in June of this year, targets and Mental Health Services Administration, Rockville, MD,
fects are inconsistent across studies (8). a broader set of lifestyle uses, comparable 2013).
2. M. E. Smith, M. J. Farah, Psychol. Bull. 137, 717 (2011).
Modafinil’s dependence potential is be- to coffee for work and meditation for re- 3. B. Maher, Nature 452, 674 (2008).
lieved to be low, although some would not laxation. At present, there is little to no 4. A. Schwarz, “Workers Seeking Productivity in a Pill Are
discount the risk (10). scientific evidence for or against the ef- Abusing A.D.H.D. Drugs.” New York Times, 18 April 2015.
5. I. P. Ilieva, C. J. Hook, M. J. Farah, J. Cognit. Neurosci. 27,
The newest trend in cognitive enhance- fectiveness of these specific systems, nor 1069 (2015).
ment is the use of transcranial electric stim- is there evidence concerning the physio- 6. S. Vrecko, AJOB Neurosci. 4, 4 (2013).
ulation (11). In the most widely used form, logical and psychological effects of regular 7. I. P. Ilieva, M. J. Farah, J. Atten. Disord. 1087054715591849
called transcranial direct current stimula- use over months or years in humans or in 8. R. M. Battleday, A. K. Brem, Eur. Neuropsychopharmacol.
tion (tDCS), a weak current flows between animals.

10.1016/j.euroneuro.2015.07.028 (2015).
an anode and a cathode placed on the head, It remains difficult to say what cognitive 9. U. Müller et al., Neuropharmacology 64, 490 (2013).
10. N. D. Volkow et al., JAMA 301, 1148 (2009).
altering the resting potential of neurons in benefits these various practices offer in
11. V. Dubljević, V. Saigle, E. Racine, Neuron 82, 731 (2014).
the current’s path. The simplicity and low the laboratory, let alone in the classroom 12. A. Jwa, J. Law Biosci. lsv017 (2015).
cost of tDCS devices have enabled broad or workplace, and their attendant risks are 13. J. C. Horvath, J. D. Forte, O. Carter, Brain Stim. 8, 318
use of the technology for research and, in- even harder to gauge. Although surveys (2015).
14. A. R. Price, R. H. Hamilton, Brain Stim. 8, 663 (2015).
creasingly, for home use. No epidemiologi- have estimated the number of college stu- 15. J. P. A. Ioannidis, PLOS Med. 2, e124 (2005).
cal data exist on the use of these devices, dents using stimulants for enhancement,
but the Internet abounds with discussion little is known about other people and 10.1126/science.5893

380 23 OCTOBER 2015 • VOL 350 ISSUE 6259 SCIENCE

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The unknowns of cognitive enhancement
Martha J. Farah
Science 350, 379 (2015);
DOI: 10.1126/science.aad5893

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