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The prime aim of the undertaking entitled as "Healing facility MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" is to
digitalize every one of the procedures of the Hospital. This HMS bolsters effective digitalization of the
executives framework where doctor's facility spares their patients information and history. Traditionally,
the hospital staff were doing this manually. The prime function of this system is to register and store
patient details and to provide opportunities and technologies that encourage communication,
collaboration and status reporting among members of the Hospital. This system can handle Employee
and salary management, theatre and ward management, Laboratory and pharmacy management, OPD
and Emergency management. Our goal is to make a client satisfied system by fulfilling the client
requirements and improving the current manual system. The Hospital Management System can be
entered utilizing a username and secret key. It is available either by an overseer or assistant. No one but
they can include information into the database. The information can be recovered effortlessly. The
information are all around ensured for individual use and makes the information preparing quick.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


ABSTRACT ___________________________________________________ 2
Group members ________________________________________________ 5
CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION ______________________________________ 6
Introduction: ____________________________________________________________ 6
Product Perspective:- _____________________________________________________ 6
Product Functions: _______________________________________________________ 7

Receptionist: __________________________________________________________ 7
Client (patient): ________________________________________________________ 7
Doctor Prescription Task: ________________________________________________ 8

Nurse Assistance ________________________________________________________ 8

Accountant/Salary Manager ______________________________________________ 8

CHAPTER 2 REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ________________________________ 9

INTRODUCTION: ________________________________________________________ 9
HARDWARE SPECIFICATIONS: ____________________________________________ 9
HARDWARE FOR THMS: _________________________________________________ 9
SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION: _____________________________________________ 9

CHAPTER 3 ANALYSIS _________________________________________ 11

EXISTING SYSTEM:_____________________________________________________ 11
PROPOSED SYSTEM: ___________________________________________________ 11
SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION _____________________________________________ 11

HTML: ______________________________________________________________ 11
CASCADING STYLE SHEETS (CSS): _____________________________________ 11
Bootstrap: ___________________________________________________________ 12

CHAPTER 4 DESIGN ___________________________________________ 13

INTRODUCTION TO UML: ________________________________________________ 13
UML Documentation of Design _____________________________________________ 13

UML Diagram ________________________________________________________ 13

USE CASE DIAGRAM: _________________________________________________ 13
Class Diagram: _______________________________________________________ 14

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Sequence diagram: ____________________________________________________ 16

Collaboration diagram: _________________________________________________ 16
State chart Diagrams: __________________________________________________ 17

CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION ___________________________ 18

IMPLEMENTATION: _____________________________________________________ 18
Introduction: ___________________________________________________________ 18
LOGIN PAGE: __________________________________________________________ 18
Home Page: ___________________________________________________________ 19
Patient/Admission Tab ___________________________________________________ 21
New Patient____________________________________________________________ 21
Edit Patient ____________________________________________________________ 23
Admission / Discharge ___________________________________________________ 24
Patient examination _____________________________________________________ 25
OPD _________________________________________________________________ 26

Tasneem Hospital Management System



Syed Ahmed Hasan Ovais

Reg No: 2016-UET-NML-CS-25
BS Computer Science at Namal College Mianwali.
Muhammad Hamza Mubashir Nisar
Reg No: 2016-UET-NML-CS-28 Reg No: 2016-UET-NML-CS-05
BS Computer Science at Namal College BS Computer Science at Namal College
Mianwali. Mianwali.

Inbasat Fiza Usama Tehmas

Reg No: 2016-UET-NML-CS-02 Reg No: 2016-UET-NML-CS-21
BS Computer Science at Namal College BS Computer Science at Namal College
Mianwali. Mianwali.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


The purpose of this Hospital Management System which is suitable for small private hospitals Name
Tasneem Hospital at District Mianwali. The Tasneem Hospital Management system includes registration
of patients and store the patient’s data into the Hospital database, and also digitized the Doctor
Appointment form, Nurse Module, Accountant Module and Receptionist Module etc. Unique id is
assigned for the sake of manageing to every patient, Doctor, Nurse, technician, employees etc. and save
all the related data in the manageable Database.
Everyone with unique username and secret, secure password can enter in the System. Head or Admin
has the authority to include information into the database. The information can be recovered, refresh,
seek, and erase effectively. The interface is extremely easy to use. The information are all around secured
for individual use and makes the information preparing is quick.
Tasneem Hospital Management System is intended for various division that are referenced above in the
Tasneem healing facilities, and cover all exercises as indicated by the individual office. It is a coordinated
end-to-end Hospital Management System that gives applicable data over the healing facility to help
compelling basic leadership for patient consideration, clinic organization and basic money related
bookkeeping, in a consistent stream.
This report will clarify created parts of the THMS and the human interface with which a client can
associate with the product to store or get data from the database. The product framework itself and
supplements contain the screen captures of the human interface after the finish of the THMS.

Product Perspective:-
The perspective is to build an open source hospital management system which comprises five different
sub-projects that automate a hospital that is currently being manually handled (Tasneem Hospital).
Reception Management System is used to manage the patient’s appointment, Theatre & ward
Management, and outpatient & inpatient management and ambulance allocations.
Record Management System is a secure and efficiently organized data system. So the staff does not
need to spend time searching and updating files, also keeping the track of patients and medical
prescription details and allows them to review the details whenever needed easily.
Employee and Salary management, the doctor’s salary is dependent upon the number of patients
visited and the employee salary is based upon daily bases so after the monthly salary of each staff is

Tasneem Hospital Management System


prepared automatically by keeping the record of attendance, shifting of employees and their holidays,
and the schedule of doctors.
OPD management and emergency management this system will manage the outpatients and
emergencies. The appointments taken from the reception management system will be checked and
matched with the record from the record management system and patients will be treated accordingly. If
anyone needs to be admitted in the hospital, his status will be updated. Also, it’ll keep the record of the
emergency treatment unit, its tools, medicines and the patient’s info.

Product Functions:
The main and the important Stakeholder which are entertained are listed below,
 Receptionist
 Client (patient)
 Doctor Prescription Task
 Nurse Assistance
 Accountant/Salary Manager

 Respond to Telephone calls.
 Record the Patient in System.
 Helps patients in distress by responding to emergencies.
 Maintains patient’s accounts by obtaining, recording, and updating personal and financial
 Process payments from the patients for emergencies and uninsured visits.
 Obtain or send information or documents using internet or within the hospital he can use this

Client (patient):
 View appointment time and status with doctors on an unambiguous document
 View prescription details
 View medication from doctor
 View doctor list
 View operation history
 Manage own profile

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Doctor Prescription Task:

 Manage patient. medication and updating
 Recommendation for the tests
 Create prescription for patient
 Issue for activity of patients and makes task report
 Manage possess profile

Nurse Assistance:
 Manage tolerant. account opening and refreshing
 Allot bed, ward, lodge for patients
 Provide drug as indicated by patient remedy
 Keep record of patient activity, child conceived and passing of patient
 Manage claim profile

Accountant/Salary Manager

 Create receipt for installment

 Order receipt to quiet
 Take money installment
 Watch installment history of patients
 Manage possess profile

Tasneem Hospital Management System



To be utilized effectively, all PC programming needs certain equipment and programming parts to play
out our errand or for working. These pre-essentials are known as programming necessities and are
regularly utilized as a rule rather than a flat out guideline. Most programming characterizes two
arrangements of framework necessities: least and suggested. With expanding interest for higher handling
force and assets in more up to date forms of programming, framework prerequisites will in general
increment after some time.

The most widely recognized arrangement of necessities characterized by any working framework or
programming application is the physical PC assets, otherwise called equipment.


1. Processor
32-bit or 64-bit, four-core, 2.0 GHz minimum frequency or above.
2. RAM
4 GB or more
3. Hard Disk
30 GB of hard disk space in the internal system
500GB or more hard for Server Machine
4. Display
Monitor Resolution 1024 X 768 or higher
5. Internet Connection
Internet Connection Broadband (high-speed) net.


Programming Requirements manage characterizing programming asset necessities and pre-essentials

that should be introduced on a PC to give ideal working of an application. These necessities or pre-
imperatives are commonly excluded in the product establishment bundle and should be introduced
independently before the product is introduced.

Tasneem Hospital Management System



1. Operating Systems
Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10.
2. Database
MySQL Server
3. Web Browsers
Internet Explorer 8, and plus.
Mozilla Firefox (Latest Version).
Google Chrome (Latest Version).
Microsoft Edge.
4. Adobe Flash Player-Flash Player (Allows you to enjoy content with video, graphics, and
5. Front End
HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap
6. Back End

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Hospitals right now utilize a manual framework for the administration and maintenances of critical
information like test reports, sample documentation prescription of doctor etc. The present framework
requires various paper shapes, with information stores spread all through the Hospital administration
foundation. Regularly data is fragmented or does not pursue the management standards.. Structures are
frequently lost in travel between divisions requiring an extensive examining procedure to guarantee
that no indispensable data is lost. Numerous duplicates of a similar data exist in the clinic and may
prompt irregularities in information in different information stores.

The Hospital Management System is intended for Tasneeem Hospital to replace their current manual
paper based framework. The new framework is to control the data of patients.Facilitate the doctor and
specialist, digitalize the record for the administration, record of the patient history and helps in generating
patient invoices. These administrations are to be given in a productive, effective manner, with the
objective of decreasing the time and assets right now required for such tasks.



Hypertext Markup Language standard and most commonly used markup language for the purpose of
website development. HTML is composed of HTML segments, having different tags and labels
enclosed in <html> tag. Most of the HTML tags and labels are in the form of the set just like <h1> and
</h1>, there are also few of the labels which exist as a single tag, for example <img>. The principal
tag in a couple is the beginning tag, and the second tag is the ending tag (they are in like manner called
opening marks and closing names). Regardless of the way that not always fundamental, it is best
practice to append a slice to marks which are not coordinated with an end tag.

The main and the basic and foremost task of an internet browser is to receive all the HTML code and
form them into unmistakable or perceptible website pages. The browser is not allowed to show the
HTML labels, but rather utilizes the labels to decipher the substance of the page.
Cascading style sheets are utilized to organize the format of Web pages. They can be utilized to
characterize content styles, table sizes, and different parts of Web pages that already must be
characterized in a page's HTML.CSS helps Web designers make a uniform look over a few pages of a

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Web website. Rather than characterizing the style of each table and each square of content inside a page's
HTML, generally utilized styles should be characterized just once in a CSS record. When the style is
characterized in cascading style sheet, it very well may be utilized by any page that references the CSS

Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end system for creating sites and web applications. It
contains HTML-and CSS-based structure formats for typography, shapes, catches, route and other
interface segments, and in addition discretionary JavaScript expansions.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


UML Documentation of Design
In order to represent the product pictographically for the sake of better understanding and easy to build
the application model we use the standard Unified Modeling Language (UML). It is a graphical and
plan flow language, which gives tools and different modeling methods and set of semantics to design
your product according to the international standard. The centroid purpose of UML is to portray the
product physical demo of the system before developing so that errors are minimized. It is utilized to
comprehend, structure, design, keep up, and control data about the system.
The UML consist the following processes:
 Specifying
 Visualizing
 Documenting
 Constructing

UML Diagram
A diagram is the graphical introduction of a lot of components, frequently rendered as an associated
chart of vertices and curves. you attract a diagram to imagine a system from an alternate point of view,
so a diagram is a projection into a system. For everything except most minor systems, a diagram
speaks to an omitted perspective of the components that make up a system. A similar component may
show up in all diagrams, just a couple of diagrams, or in no diagrams by any stretch of the imagination.
In principle, a diagram may contain any blend of things and connections. By and by, nonetheless, few
basic mixes emerge, which are steady with the five most helpful perspectives that involve the design of
a product serious system. Consequently, the UML incorporates nine such diagrams:
1. Class diagram
2. Object diagram
3. Use case diagram
4. Sequence diagram
5. Collaboration diagram
6. State chart diagram
7. Activity diagram
8. Component diagram
9. Deployment diagram


The use case diagram is basically the graphical review of the use case examined in the requirement engineering
phase, in short it is the behavuiral diagram of the System which is being designed. It is the interaction disgram
between the system and all the stakeholders related to that system.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Use case diagram of our project:

Class Diagram:
Gathering and classification of things that resemble similar attributes is called a class in the system level. A
rectangle with three different compartments having different specification represents a class. First zone contains
the class name, center or middle zone contain the attributes of the certain class and the last zone contain what
are the functionality of the class. Class diagrams give the portrayal of engineers work. Class diagrams help on
the investigation side, as well.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Tasneem Hospital Management System


Sequence diagram:

Collaboration diagram:

Tasneem Hospital Management System


State chart Diagrams:

Tasneem Hospital Management System



Execution is the phase of the venture when the hypothetical plan is transformed out into a working
framework. Accordingly it very well may be viewed as the most basic stage in accomplishing a fruitful
new framework and in giving the client, certainty that the new framework will work and be powerful.

The execution organize includes cautious arranging, examination of the current framework and it's
requirements on usage, structuring of strategies to accomplish changeover and assessment of changeover

At whatever point a site get to that utilizes the inherent organization configuration is gotten to
out of the blue, the login page will be shown. This page gives a security component that keeps
unapproved clients from getting to the framework. So as to move beyond the login page, the guest
must give a substantial username and secret phrase.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


(1) - Username field: This is the place the client must enter a legitimate username. The default
username for the "Executive User" is "administrator".
(2) - Password field: This is the place the client must enter a substantial secret phrase. The default
secret phrase for the "Head User" is "distribute".
(3) - Sign in catch: Once a legitimate username/secret key mix has been entered, the client may
endeavor to sign in by squeezing this catch.
*Note: For now as the database isn't associated the so any one can get to.

Home Page:
The first page appear is the home page, it carries the general information related to the hospital,
number of quality doctors there name and contact. Extensions number of different departments etc.

As for now we have updated the data and information but the area is left for the text.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


As system would be working on the different computers this notification would help to contact with
each other as it can also show as that if the doctor is sitting in the office or not operation theater is free
or not etc.

The user would be able to manage his/ her profile it includes the Name, contact, profile picture etc.
each person would be given a sub domain for the hospital related stuff, all the email an be watch
through this panel.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


Patient/Admission Tab
By default the page shows Data table all the patients currently present in the system.

All the record is segregated according to the ward and the Admission status of the patient. Such that it
would be easy to search the patient data. If the emergency box is checked in then the patient in
emergency unit would be displayed and similarly with all the other three maternity nursery and surgery
whereas the total count of the number of patients currently displaying would be shown in the box.

New Patient
You can use this function to register a new Patient when she/he is admitted in the Hospital. Press New
Patient button in the Patients drop down menu to access the New Patient page showed below:

Tasneem Hospital Management System


To record a new patient, enter the following fields:

 First name: the first name (Mandatory)
 Last name: the last name or other names (Mandatory)
 Date of Birth: the age in year (Mandatory)
 Patient sex: Male/female(Mandatory)
 CNIC: national id card number required for the accidental cases (Mandatory)
 Address: the address where he/her comes from(Mandatory)
 Telephone: his/her personal number (Mandatory)
 City: the city where he/her comes from
 Next kin: his/her most closest relative(Mandatory in some cases)
 Blood Type: his/her blood if know before(Not Mandatory)
 Profile Picture: capture in run time on at the time of appointment(Mandatory)
 Note: It is a free text

Tasneem Hospital Management System


When you finish entering data in the Form you have the following choices:
 Send Data to confirm data and record the Patient
 Cancel to close the window and to return to the Patient Record without record the patient

Edit Patient
First of all to modify data of a Patient you have to highlight it in the Patient browser window. Once
you’ve done this, press the Edit Patient button. When the New Patient window showed below
appears, the record is available for changes. All data can be changed.

Delete Patient
First of all to delete a stored Patient you have to highlight it in the Patients browser window. Secondly
press the Delete Patient button. The name of the Patient will be showed in the Delete Patient window
below. The record can then be deleted. Deleted records won’t be available anymore. The patient will
not completely remove from the system and you can ask to the Administrator to rescue his/her data at

Tasneem Hospital Management System


any time.

Admission / Discharge
The admission functions include the managing of a patient admission, including surgery, delivery, and
Once a patient is registered, he/her can be admitted in a hospital ward. First of all to insert the
admission of a patient you have to highlight the patient in the Patients browser window. Once you’ve
done this, press the Admission button. The New admission window showed below appears (if the
patient is already admitted the Edit admission record window appears).

Tasneem Hospital Management System


To start an admission you have to enter the following fields (on the right side of the window):
 Ward: the ward where the patient is admitted
 From health Unit: (not mandatory) in case of referral you may type the facility where the
patient comes from
 Progressive in year: is the progressive number per year and per ward automatically set by the
system, anyway you may change it if needed
 Admission date: the date of admission, automatically set as today
 Admission type: the type of admission (i.e. Ambulance, Self, Referral, etc...)
 Malnutrition (not mandatory) in case of malnutrition you may check this box so you will
manage the malnutrition control from the Patient data window (see Malnutrition control
 Diagnosis IN: it is the diagnosis the patient has been admitted with

Patient examination
You can register patient general parameters such as weight, height, arterial pressure, heart rate,
Temperature and saturation. Open hospital also calculate automatically the patient BMI.
You have two ways to access the module. In the Patient browser window, highlight the patient and
click Examination. Or in the Admission window, click the Examination button bellow. The following
window will appear.

Tasneem Hospital Management System


The window is divided into two areas: The panel where you enter information at the left and area
where the examination history is displayed at the right.
Then enter following information:
 Date: Date of the examination
 Height: Patient height
 Weight: Patient weight
 Arterial pressure: Patient arterial pressure


To record a visit, enter the following fields:

 Type of attendance: This field is not meant to distinguish whether an individual is new or not
in the ambulatory (absolutely first time he/she enters the ambulatory). The NEW

Tasneem Hospital Management System


ATTENDANCE is devoted to cases when Patient (at his first or n-th time in the ambulatory it
does not care here) comes to the Ambulatory to report a new health issue / new disease for
which no care has already been addressed and recorded. The re-attendance is – on the contrary
– the case of records created when a Patient comes back to the Ambulatory in order to follow-
up a past new attendance when he/she received cares and previous instructions to recover.
Example: a Patient comes to the ambulatory because he/she reports a cut ==> this event is
recorded as NEW ATTENDANCE and Doctor sutures the wound and invites Patient to come
back ten days later; then same patient comes back after ten days to have his/her stitches
removed: a new OPD record is then created but with no NEW ATTENDANCE flag set.
 Date of the visit: Date in which Patient is met for recorded activity.
 Disease Type: By selecting a DiseaseType the first diagnosis list will contains only its related
diseases. Second and third list will still contain all diseases.
 Diagnosis: Maximum three diseases can be diagnosed per each attendance (“new
attendance” or “re-attendance” it does not care in this context). Normally patient
reports at least one visit reason but it may happen that during same visit the Doctor
finds other concurrent pathologies thus here possibility is given to record till maximum
three (the first being the only one mandatory).
 Patient age: Validity range is 0-100.
 Patient sex: Male/female

Tasneem Hospital Management System

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