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NOVEMBER 16, 2018
Activity 1
Link of the listening

Activity 2
Why is the ocean salty?

This is in pdf

Correct answers:

Activity 3
The next exercises are in:

2.They were short
4.Thefre were no girls there
5.No, there were good things too

Activity 4

1. Spain
2. They had drunk too much alcohol the night before
3. The next day
4. He said it was broken
5. His brother has a windsurfer

Activity 5

Activity 6
A person who is addicted to alcohol is called an alcoholic.
Someone who can’t stop eating chocolate is a chocoholic.

Activity 7
“My opinion about this video Deepwater Horizon “

April 20,2010

I will be chemical engineer, reason why I found very interesting and exciting this topic.

It has been the biggest tragedy talking about an oil platform in the history of USA.

Its very sad how the people here died, and I think that its very important the correct
supervision of the correct operation of valves and of course the responsibility is off all the
personal, not just of 3 or 4 engineers.

The pressure that was emitted by the ocean was amazing, and the valves and the pipes failed.
Here is an animation of one of tbe valve.

The flow was faster than other time because was pushed on by the pressure give by the
metane.And when it happen( the last picture) it have to found a way out, it was a several

This disaster had a lasting impact upon the smallest organisms in the Gulf of Mexico,
according to some studies.

Lingering oil residues have altered the basic building blocks of life in the ocean by reducing
biodiversity in sites closest to the spill, which occurred when the BP drilling rig exploded in
April 2010, killing 11 workers and spewing about 4m barrels of oil into the Gulf.

In fact exist a movie about it, I saw it and it’s a good animation because the actors and the
setting its good and amazing but I can´t imagine how felt the people when it happen in the
real life, the people that survive are fortunate ´cause they can talk about it in this moment.

Activity 8

Activity 9

Activity 10
“My opinion about the documentary a plastic ocean”

I have seen some good documentaries in Netflix about population and environment and of
course about how we have do a lot of things bad for the nature an example is this documentary
is really good but is a lot of difficult and sad to assimilate.

The beginning of this documentary seemed very exciting to me as it started talking about
how wonderful life is at sea, but this was ruined when the amount of garbage, oils and other
waste that make up the habitat of these wonderful animals was shown. I think the
documentary is very impressive because it shows scenarios that I would never have imagined
seeing, as it is the enormous amount of garbage that birds and whales swallow, it is very sad

to see how species die because of this, since they are that they can´t distinguish between their
food and plastics.

Cite the creator of the documentary, I think true the next frase”from the knowledge can
coming the care and from the care come the change”

,I believe that’s true, if all the people could had knowledge about the unrepairable damage
that we are doing our planet, maybe , 50 percent could be interested and ready to change
some bad habits like: the use of plastic bag or the bad habits of use just one time and put it
in the garbage.

I think the first alternative could be do conferences or maybe posters talking about this
problem, at least 10 people going to be interested to I change something in their life.

Activity 11

Activity 12
“My opinion about the documentary what the health?”

I saw this documentary in Netflix this is a good option if we want open our mind and if we
are disposed to change our feedings habits.
I found this documentary very interesting, I think it is very important to keep informed about
what we are consuming, I think it is important to keep up to date on whether it is possible to
avoid or at least delay diseases such as diabetes, some type of cancer or heart disease.

In my personal case, I have a sister of 12 years who has type I diabetes or mellitus for four
years and if I could have avoided this disease without her consuming milk since birth, I think
I would not mind stopping any food from animal origin, but unfortunately doctors do not
know what is the cause of this type of diabetes, on the other hand living with a person
suffering from this disease has allowed me to realize how important it is to have a balanced

This disease clearly shows how feeding us incorrectly causes an increase in blood glucose as
well as excessive weight gain. In addition to food I believe that a determining factor to keep
us healthy is to perform exercise and not just do it for vanity or aesthetics, but really for

For me it is admirable to know that there are vegan or vegetarian people, it is a very
respectable lifestyle and I consider it a good option to take it, although I don´t think its very

I think that a vegan or vegetarian person generally avoids conditions that affect the intestines,
like colitis or even gastritis, among others.


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