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Quality Management and Client Service


 The use of materials and supplies is personal. In this test you may use notes and a dictionary on
the second part of the test.
 Please include all your answers in the booklet or Word document.
 Section 1 no notes nor internet access.
 Section 2, use Excel with all traceable formulas
 Please work neatly.
 During the test, cellphones must remain off.
 Test time: 120 minutos
 Test date: 21/11/2017

Section I. Multiple choice. (1 pt each answer, 7 pts in total)

1) When studying Performance Measurement, Organizations need good measures to:

(a) Show a process’s precision.

(b) To operate the processes that make the organization work and continually improve.
(c) Calculates the number of defects per unit.
(d) All of the above.

2) The Balanced Scorecard includes information about:

(a) Customers and Markets.

(b) Supplier Performance.
(c) Product and Service Quality.
(d) All of the above.

3) When selecting measures and indicators:

(a) The more the better.

(b) Flow from bottom to top.
(c) Linked to factors of success.
(d) All measures lead to improvement

4) In the Importance-Performance Matrix:

(a) We are comparing the importance for the company and the importance for the customer.
(b) If in Excess or Appropriate, we need no further action.
(c) Urgent Action means the Customer and the Company are in disagreement.
(d) All of the above.

Quality Management and Client Service

5) Which of these steps is not part of Service Recovery?

(a) Acknowledge the problem.

(b) Accept the complaint.
(c) Discuss corrective action.
(d) Appeal to loyalty.

A good scorecard uses lagging and leading measures. The Lagging measures are
about: What has happened and the leading measures are about: What will happen

Put an option on each blank:

a) What the industry is doing.

b) The customer’s needs
c) What has happened.
d) The quality the suppliers are going to give us
e) What the market is doing
f) What will happen

Section II. SPC. (13 pts)

In an Excel Worksheet solve these problems, attach with your test this worksheet, but
transfer your results here:

7) At Linear Solutions Corp. they have a Mean Time to Failure of 10000 hours with an
exponential distribution, (3 pts total)
a) Please find the failure rate of their products. (1 pts)
b) What is the probability of failure in 5000 hours? (1 pts.).
c) What is the Reliability function? (1 pts.).

8) A component’s lifetime was profiled, if 200 units were tested for 1000 hours and at the end
of the test 30 failed in all. (4 pts total)
a) Please find the failure rate of the component. (1 pts)
b) What is the probability of failure in 5000 hours? (1 pts.).
c) What is the Reliability function? (1 pts.).
d) What is the Risk function? (1 pts.).

Quality Management and Client Service

9) A series of components were tested in an assembly and the reliability of each component
is as listed. Please find the reliability of the assembly. (4 pts)
Ra = 0.99; Rb = 0.96; Rc = 0.93; Rd = 0.9
a) Rb, Rc and Rd are in parallel and the sub-system is in series with Ra. (1 pts)
b) Ra, Rb and Rc are in parallel and the sub-system is in series with Rd. (1 pts)
c) Ra and Rd are in parallel, Rb and Rc are in parallel as well, and both sub-systems are
in series with each other (1 pts)
d) Please explain why the most reliable assembly is higher than the others. (1 pts)
The most reliable assembly is higher than the others because
the components aren’t so critical if we have many failure, also
because the system can work without them, that’s parallel

10) Taguchi’s Loss Function: The product has a target value of 1 cm and a tolerance of 0.01
cm. The cost of discarding the piece is $50. (2 pts)
a) Please find Taguchi’s loss function . (1 pts)
b) Please find the loss for a deviation of half the tolerance. . (1 pts)
L(0.005)= 12.5

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