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Chapter 1: Introduction to e-marketing atntroduction ‘SSOSTAC (Situation analysis, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions and Control); each stage is not discrete, ‘but there is some overlap during each stage of planning — previous stages may be revisited and re 1. Situation analysis: ‘where are we now?” 2. Objectives: ‘where do we want to be?’. What do we want to achieve through online channels, what are the benefits? The five ‘Ss’ are the main objectives of, reasons for, or benefits of being online, which you should exploit. 3. Strategy: ‘how do we get there?’, Strategy summarizes how to fulfil the objectives. What online value propositions (OVPs) should we create, and what positioning should drive the overall marketing mix and the promotional mix, right down the different contact strategies for different segments, and which digital media channels should be selected? |. Tactics: tactical tools and details of the marketing mix Actions: action plans and project management skills . Control: how do you know if your e-efforts are working, and what improvements can be made. lngp Where are we now? + Goal performance (5 Ss) © Customer insight + Emarketplace SWOT + Brand perception How do we monitor performance? * Internal capabilities and resources ‘+ 5 Ss+ web analytics ~ KPis * Usability testing/mystery shopper Customer satisfaction surveys Site visitor profiling Frequency of reporting Process of reporting and actions ‘The details of tactics, who does what and when ‘+ Responsibilities and structures + Internat resources and skills ‘© External agencies How exactly do we get there? {the details of strategy) E-marketing mix, including: the communications mix, social networking, what happens when? * Details of contact strategy + E-campaign initiative schedule ‘Where do we want to be? 5 Ss objectives: * Sell ~ customer acquisition and retention targets * Serve ~ customer satisfaction targets * Sizzle site stickiness, visit duration * Speak trialogue; number of engaged customers * Save - quantified efficiency gains, How do we get there? * OVP (online value proposition) ++ Sequence (credibility before visibility) “+ Integration (consistent OVP) and database + Tools (web functionality, e-mail, IPTV etc) 1.2 Situation: the connected world The connected world >The most common way of accessing the Internet remains the desktop computer or laptop. Upcoming ways are: interactive digital TV, mobile phones and mobile apps. The main platforms that the digital marketer needs to evaluate and manage: 1. Desktop, laptops and notebook platforms: a. Desktop browser based platform: traditional web access through the consumer's browser of choice whether Internet Explorer, Google Chrome (new ways to reach audience), or Safari. b. Desktop apps: Apple App Store (e.g.), opportunities for brands c. Email platforms d. Feed-based and API data exchange platform: RSS feeds, Twitter and Facebook e. Video marketing platform: often delivered through the other platforms, particularly through browsers and plug-ins, but it represents a separate platform. (IPTV) 2, Mobile phone and tablet platforms: similar to desktop, but can be used on different locations: mobile marketing/ location or proximity based marketing: 2. Mobile operating system and browser b. Mobile based apps: Apple 108, Google Android, RIM or Windows 3, Other hardware platforms: Gaming platforms: PlayStation, Nintendo, Xbox > ads or placements within games b. Indoor and outdoor Kiosk type apps: eg. interactive Kiosks and augmented reality options to communicate with customers c. Interactive signage: may incorporate different methods such as touch-screen, Bluetooth, or QR codes to encourage connectivity. d. Major social network sites as Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter: can be called both platforms or ecosystems (because of their supporting interfaces and tools).

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