NCRA 2019 PBI Global Agenda

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College of Education 1890 Main Campus Drive

Friday Institute for Educational Innovation Raleigh, NC 27606

P: 919.513.8500

NCRA 2019 – April 1, 2019

Project-Based Inquiry (PBI) Global: Engaging Readers Who Struggle

Welcome & Greetings (9:30-9:35 am)

Looking Up and Out (9:35-9:50 am)

 Reflection on a Reader Who Struggles
 Learning in an Ever-Changing World
 Inquiry with Readers Who Struggle

What is PBI Global? (9:50-10:05 am)

 Process & Design Features
 Research & Publications
 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
 PBI Global 2019 – PECIL and Wake STEM

Mini-PBI Global (10:05 am – 11:25 am)

Wrap Up & Plus/Delta (11:25-11:30 am)

Presenter Contact Info:

Dr. Hiller A. Spires Marie Himes Jessica Eagle

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