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Part of
Word Speech Pronunciation Definition 1 Definition 2
a goal, object, or course of
terminus ad quem noun action : destination, purpose a final limiting point in time
of or relating to eschatology or
an eschatology (1.a branch of theology
concerned with the final events in the
history of the world or of humankind
2.a belief concerning death, the end of the
world, or the ultimate destiny of
humankind; specifically : any of various
Christian doctrines concerning the
\(,)es-,ka-tə-'lä-ji- Second Coming, the resurrection of the
eschatological adjective kəl, ,es-kə-\ dead, or the Last Judgment) of or relating to the end of the world or the events associated w

pseudepigraph(ical) noun \sü-'de-pə-,graf\ PSEUDEPIGRAPHON plural : apocrypha 

beginning to come into being or to

incipient adjective become apparent

characteristic of or
belonging or native to a particular people prevalent in a particular
endemic adjective \en-'de-mik, in-\ or country field, area, or environment

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lacking legal or moral

restraints; especially : disregarding sexual marked by disregard for
licentious adjective \lī-'sen(t)-shəs\ restraints strict rules of correctness

coming or having recently come into

nascent adjective \'na-sənt, 'nā-\ existence

Olivet Discourse
an inference that does not follow from the
premises;specifically : a fallacy resulting a statement (as a
from a simple conversion of a universal response) that does not
affirmative proposition or from the follow logically from or is
\'nän-'se-kwə- transposition of a condition and its not clearly related to
Non-sequitur noun ̇
tər also -,tur\ consequent anything previously said

the laboring class; especially : the class

of industrial workers who lack their own the lowest social or
means of production and hence sell their economic class of a
proletariat noun \,prō-lə-'ter-ē-ət, -ē-,at\ labor to live community

sagacious adjective \sə-'gā-shəs, si-\ obsolete : keen in sense perception of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment :discerning

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an intemperate or
immoderate indulgence in
something (as food or
surfeit noun \'sər-fət\ an overabundant supply : excess drink)

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Definition 3 Usage Example Origin Synonyms Subject/Field

New Latin, literally, limit to

any of various
pseudonymous or
anonymous Jewish religious
writings of the period New Latin, singular
200 b.c. to a.d. 200; especia of pseudepigrapha, from
lly : one of such writings (as Greek, neuter plural
the Psalms of Solomon) not of pseudepigraphos falsely
included in any canon of inscribed,
biblical Scripture —usually from pseud- +epigraphein t
used in plural o inscribe

Latin incipient-,
The project is still in incipiens, present participle aborning, budding, inceptive
its incipient stages. of incipere to begin , inchoate,nascent
<I have an incipient dislike
and distrust of that guy, and aboriginal, autochthonous, b
restricted or peculiar to a I only met him this orn, domestic,native, indigen
locality or region morning.> French endémique, from endémie
ous endemic disease, from Greek endēmia action of dwelling, from endēmos e

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concupiscent, goatish, horny

, hot,hypersexual, itchy, lasci
<a moralist who decried vious, lecherous, lewd, libidin
what she regarded as ous,lustful, lubricious (or lubri
thelicentious and corrupt cous), oversexed, passionat
culture of the entertainment Latin licentiosus, from licent e,randy, salacious, satyric, w
industry> ia anton
The actress is now focusing Latin nascent-,
on her nascent singing nascens, present participle aborning, budding, inceptive
career. of nasci to be born , inchoate,incipient
<one of the leading figures
in the nascent civil-rights

We were talking about the

new restaurant when she
threw in some non
sequitur about her dog. Latin, it does not follow

the Bolsheviks believed that rabble, rabblement, ragtag

Russia's and
discontentedproletariat mad bobtail, riffraff,rout, scum, tag
e that nation ripe for French prolétariat, from , rag, and bobtail (or tagrag
revolutio Latin proletarius and bobtail),trash, unwashed

Latin sagac-,
a sagacious critique of the sagax, from sagire to discerning, insightful, percep
caused by or indicating current social climate in our perceive keenly; akin to tive, prudent,wise, sage, sapi
acute discernment nation Latin sagus prophetic ent

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bellyful, fat, overabundance,
overage,overflow, overkill, o
Middle English surfet, from vermuch, overplus, oversupp
Anglo-French, ly, plethora,plus, redundancy
ended up with a surfeit of from surfaire to overdo, , superabundance, superfluit
volunteers who simply got from sur- + faire to do, from y, excess,surplus, surplusag
disgust caused by excess in each other's wa Latin facere e

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