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0, CLASS 16-
This PDF was based on this video:

 Use a dictionary in order to read the instructions for the exercises

 Use um dicionário para ler as instruções para os exercícios
 Utilice un diccionario para leer las instrucciones de los ejercicios

Watch the video and complete these sentences:

I__________________________ at the bakery.

I__________________________in the park.

I__________________________in the parking lot.

I__________________________at the church.
I___________________________at the gas station.
I__________________________at the movie theater.
I________________________at school.
I________________________at the bus station.
I_________________________at the hotel.
I____________________________at the zoo.
I use the bridge to ______________________.
I____________________________at the candy shop.
I____________________________ at the bookstore.
I_____________________________at the coffee shop.
I_______________________________at the laundromat.
I______________________________at the beach.
I________________________________at the museum.
I buy bread and milk at the bakery.
I walk in the park.
I park my car in the parking lot.
I pray at the church.
Natasha prays at the church.
She doesn’t pray at the church.
Does she pray at the church?
I buy gasoline at the gas station.

I watch movies at the movie theater.

I study at school.
I get the bus at the bus station.
I stay at the hotel when I travel.
I see animals at the zoo.
I use the bridge to cross the river.
I buy sweets at the candy shop.
I buy books at the bookstore.
I drink coffee at the coffee shop.
I wash my clothes at the laundromat.
I swim at the beach.
I see old things at the museum.


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