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Solidification of high speed steels

M. Boccalini and H. Goldenstein

high speed steels. That steel presented a great advan-

High speed steels are ferrous based alloys of the tage over high carbon steels, which had been largely
Fe–C–X multicomponent system where X applied so far in cutting tools, since it became hard
represents a group of alloying elements when air cooled from a temperature from which most
comprising mainly Cr, W or Mo, V, and Co. These steels required water quenching for hardening.2–4 The
steels are mainly used for cutting tools, since they most important development during the following
are characterised by their capacity to retain a high 30 years was the substitution of chromium for
level of hardness while cutting metals at high manganese, as a result of work conducted in Western
speed. The as cast microstructure of high speed
steels consists of dendrites surrounded by a more
Europe and the USA.3
or less continuous interdendritic network of The full capabilities of the alloy as cutting material
eutectic carbides. These are observed even under were however realised only after the work of Taylor
rapid cooling, at rates as high as 106 K s−1. The and White on its heat treatment, towards the end of
main features of the as cast microstructure are the the 19th century. Hardening the alloy from a temper-
distribution and morphology of eutectic carbides, ature close to its solidus temperature, they attained
owing to their decisive influence on mechanical uncommonly high hardness levels. Roberts3 empha-
properties, and on the service performance of the sised that, since high speed steel must combine wear
high speed steels, even after hot working. Hence, resistance with the essential property of red hardness,
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the most important improvements on the as cast the first milestone of the high speed steels’ history
microstructure that have been obtained through
progress in alloy design concern the type,
should not be the date when Mushet’s steel compos-
morphology, and volume fraction of the eutectic ition was first proposed, but the date when that
carbides, while improvements obtained by composition was combined with this particular heat
progress in solidification processing are, on the treatment.
other hand, mostly related to a significant The first alloy formally classified as high speed
reduction in the microstructure scale. The steel, patented by Crucible Steel Co. in the beginning
development of the microstructure in high speed of this century, contains 0·7C, 18W, 4Cr, 1V (AISI
steels through solidification is reviewed, T1 in the American designation terminology or S
emphasising the effects of the alloy chemical 18–0–1 in the German designation terminology).
composition and of the cooling rate. The formation During the following 40 years this basic alloy design
of the eutectic carbides and the techniques used to
control their morphology and distribution, both
was held, the most significant improvements being
under normal and rapid cooling, are discussed. the addition of up to 12%Co and the use of higher
Microstructures obtained through surface carbon and vanadium contents (1·5%C and 4%V,
remelting and surface alloying using laser and respectively), the latter being partially substituted for
electron beams are described, and the application tungsten.3
of highly alloyed high speed steels to the During World War II, a general shortage of metallic
manufacture of cast hot rolling mill rolls is raw material induced the development of alloy designs
reviewed. IMR/363 with a view to leaner alloy contents and cheaper
alloying elements, mainly substituting for tungsten
© 2001 IoM Communications Ltd and ASM International.
Dr Boccalini is at the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas –
and vanadium.4 This brought, in the 1950s, a high
IPT, São Paulo, Brazil and Professor Goldenstein is in the popularity to AISI M2 steel (S 6–5–2) 0·9C, 6W, 4Cr,
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São 5Mo, 2V, after some restrictions to its use from
Paulo, Brazil. European steelmakers were surmounted, leading to
the overtaking of T1 steel.5 In the USA, on the other
hand, molybdenum rich grades, such as AISI M1
Introduction steel (S 1–8–1) 0·8C, 1·5W, 4Cr, 8Mo, 1V, have been
High speed steels comprise a family of alloys mainly used since the 1930s.4,6 For studying purposes, con-
used for cutting tools. Their name – high speed steel ventional high speed steel grades have been divided
– is a synthesis of the following two features: (a) the into three series called tungsten, tungsten–
alloys belong to the Fe–C–X multicomponent system, molybdenum, and molybdenum high speed steels,
where X represents a group of alloying elements in according to their W and Mo contents.
which Cr, W or Mo, V, and Co are the principal In the 1970s, another wave of cost savings based
ones; ( b) the alloys are characterised by their capacity on the use of niobium as an alloying element was
to retain a high level of hardness even when submitted attempted.4,7–9 The main research line was based in
to elevated temperatures resulting from cutting metals the idea of partially substituting niobium, a cheaper
at high speed.1,2 and stronger primary carbide forming element, for
A steel developed by Mushet, in England, in the vanadium in the grades of the tungsten–molybdenum
latter half of the 19th century – Fe–2C–2·5Mn–7W and molybdenum series, thus allowing the vanadium
(wt-%)* – is considered the forerunner of the modern to be utilised at a lower level, predominantly for
secondary precipitation hardening. Although the
* Compositions are given in weight-% unless otherwise stated. research effort on niobium as a tool steel alloying
92 International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2 ISSN 0950–6608
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 93

element was developed world wide, the production of grades, including both the conventional grades (pro-
conventional niobium alloyed high speed steel grades duced through processing routes involving conven-
is currently restricted to South America and the tional solidification) and the P/M grades (produced
former Soviet Union countries.10,11 through powder metallurgy routes). Figure 1 is a
Despite the diversity of compositions resulting from panoramic sketch showing the evolution of the as
the alloy design development, the solidified micro- cast microstructure throughout the century of devel-
structure of high speed steels has maintained its opment of high speed steels.
characteristic basic feature, i.e. dendrites surrounded
by a more or less continuous interdendritic network Solidification sequence of high speed
of eutectic carbides. These microstructures have
evolved over time, however, mainly as a result of steels
changes in two main parameters: Most of the early experimental work on the solidifi-
1. Alloy composition. The most important changes cation path of high speed steels was based on the
caused by progress in alloy design concern the type, 18%W, 4%Cr section of the quaternary Fe–W–Cr–C
morphology, and volume fraction of the eutectic diagram published by Murakami and Hata23 in the
carbides. 1930s and modified by Kuo in the 1950s.24 This
2. Solidification process. When considering the role particular section received a lot of attention, as it has
of conventional solidification processing (cooling rate the same W and Cr contents as AISI T1 steel, largely
ranging from 10−3 to 102 K s−1) on the solidified applied so far as discussed above, Fig. 2.
microstructure, the changes in microstructure caused The following incorrect assumptions were made by
by changing cooling rate are mainly with regard to early users of the Murakami–Hata–Kuo temperature–
dendrite size and eutectic colony distribution, both concentration section (isoplet) for the analysis of the
being more homogeneous as a result of the application solidification of high speed steels:
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of electroslag remelting2,12–14 or refining treatments 1. The presence of up to 2 wt-%V causes only

through minor additions.15–17 With rapid solidifi- small changes in the general shape of the section,
cation processing (cooling rate ranging from 102 to apart from a slight shift of the whole diagram to
107 K s−1) the resultant microstructure is mainly higher C contents caused by the stoichiometric con-
characterised by its very reduced scale, the dendrite sumption of C by the formation of VC carbide,
arm spacing or cell size ranging from 0·01 to 1 mm, thermodynamically favoured over the W and Cr
i.e. two to four orders of magnitude smaller than that carbide (M C).24 This assumption is based on the
of normal solidified microstructures.2 Despite this hypothesis that the VC carbide precipitates directly
remarkable difference in size, the more or less contin- from the liquid, preceding all other solidification
uous interdendritic (or intercellular) network of eutec- reactions. This was soon reviewed by Hoyle and
tic carbides remains as a distinctive characteristic of Ineson,25 showing that vanadium carbides form at
the microstructure, even for cooling rates as high as the end of solidification, through the eutectic reaction
106 K s−1, since short range segregation still takes at temperatures lower than that of the formation of
place. For extremely high cooling rates of more than M C carbide. Additionally it was found that there is
108 K s−1, however, segregation is suppressed and a a substantial solubility of vanadium in the matrix as
featureless microstructure is observed, probably as a well as in M C carbides, i.e. not all V is consumed
result of diffusionless solidification.18 by the formation of MC carbides.
The application of rapid solidification techniques, 2. Tungsten and molybdenum have almost ident-
like powder metallurgy, spray deposition, and laser ical behaviour as alloying elements, as can be seen
remelting/alloying, allows as a consequence pro- by the similarity between Fe–W–C and Fe–Mo–C
duction of conventional high speed steel grades with ternary diagrams.26 On a weight fraction basis this
improved end user properties,19 as well as design of can be expressed by a ‘tungsten equivalent’ value
highly alloyed high speed steel grades with carbide given by Mo/W=1:2. Actually, that similarity is very
contents up to 50 vol.-%,18,20 thus ensuring superior limited, since, for the composition ranges typical for
wear resistance.21,22 high speed steels, the Fe–W–C diagram presents only
Table 1 gives the nominal chemical composition of M C carbide, while the Fe–Mo–C diagram presents
the most commonly used commercial high speed steel also Mo C.27

Table 1 Nominal chemical composition of the most commonly used commercial high speed steel grades
Chemical composition, wt-%
Alloy Series Processing† C Cr W Mo V Co
T1 Tungsten C 0·7 4 18 ... 1 . ..
T15 C; PM 1·5 4 12 ... 5 5
M1 Molybdenum C 0·8 4 1·5 8 1 . ..
M7 C 1 4 1·75 8·75 2 . ..
M42 C; PM 1·1 3·75 1·5 9·5 1·15 8
M2 Tungsten– C; PM 1·0 4 6 5 2 . ..
M35 molybdenum C; PM 0·8 (1·0) 4 6 5 2 5
ASP 60* PM 2·3 4 6·5 7 6·5 10·5
CPM Rex 45* PM 1·3 4 6·25 5 3 8
* Proprietary alloys.
† C produced through processing routes involving conventional solidification; PM produced through powder metallurgy routes.

International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2

94 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

1 Evolution of as cast microstructure of high speed steels

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2 Section of quaternary Fe–W–Cr–C phase

diagram at 17%W, 4%Cr (adapted from Ref. 24)

Despite those incorrect assumptions, experimental

results obtained by directional solidification, and con-
ventional and differential thermal analysis28–31 show, 3 Section of Fe–W–Mo–Cr–V–C phase diagram at
as a first approximation, good qualitative agreement 6%W, 5%Mo, 4%Cr, 2%V (adapted from Ref. 32)
with the temperature region relevant to solidification
in the diagram shown in Fig. 2, thus justifying its use
by generations of researchers. Years later, Horn and
Brandis32 obtained the temperature–concentration respectively, to the steels T1, M2, and M7, that typify
section Fe–6W–5Mo–4Cr–2V–C for the study of AISI the high speed steels series and hereafter are treated
M2 steel, reflecting the relative importance achieved as representatives of these.
by this particular alloy at that time, Fig. 3. Agreement between experimental and calculated
From 1990 onwards, isoplets of the Fe-rich corner isoplets is quite good, mainly in relation to the phase
of the Fe–Cr–W–Mo–V–C diagram have been calcu- stability fields (the tie lines are not in the plane of the
lated by means of the CALPHAD method, using the sections and, therefore, the amount and the compos-
ThermoCalc package (program and thermodynamic ition of the phases must be calculated separately).
data base).34–36 Figure 4 shows the calculated isoplets Most experimental diagrams do not make distinctions
Fe–4Cr–18W–1V–C, Fe–4Cr–6W–5Mo–2V–C, and between specific carbides resulting from eutectic reac-
Fe–4Cr–2W–9Mo–2V–C. These sections refer, tions, labelling all carbides under the common letter
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 95

Precipitation of primary delta ferrite from

(a) liquid (Ld)
In the composition region of the Fe–Cr–W–Mo–V–C
system relevant to high speed steels, carbon and, to
a lesser extent, molybdenum have a significant effect
on the liquidus temperature, which decreases accord-
ing to the increase of the carbon or molybdenum
contents.26,29,37 Table 2 gives liquidus temperatures
for steels T1, M7, and M2 calculated using
ThermoCalc and experimentally measured using ther-
mal analysis techniques (for cooling rates ranging
from 0·08 to 0·10 K s−1).
The partition of alloying elements between delta
ferrite dendrite and the liquid is more intense for C
than for all other elements, even though all liquid/
ferrite partition coefficients are smaller than 1. This
occurs due to the fact that C is the sole austenite
stabiliser among the alloying elements, with a small
(b) solubility in ferrite. Simultaneously, the high diffusion
rate in the ferrite lattice allows the almost complete
homogenisation of ferrite stabiliser alloying elements
during this step of the solidification (diffusion of
Temperature, °C
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alloying elements from the borderline to the core of

the dendrites).40–42 Fredriksson40 showed, for a M7
steel quenched from the melt just before the onset of
the peritectic reaction, that the W and Cr concen-
trations are homogeneously distributed throughout
the ferrite dendrite.

Formation of austenite through peritectic

reaction (L+dc)
The intense carbon segregation to the liquid during
the crystallisation of delta ferrite along with decreas-
ing temperature leads to the stabilisation of the
austenite, which precipitates at the d/L interface as
the product of the peritectic reaction. Actually, as
discussed below, in the section ‘Formation of
austenite–peritectic reaction’, the peritectic reaction
is a two-step process controlled by different
The temperature of the onset of the peritectic
reaction T is strongly affected by the chemical
composition26,28,29,40 and by the cooling rate during
solidification:40 it increases with increasing carbon
content and decreases with increasing V, Mo, and W
contents. These effects come from the nature of the
alloying element: carbon enlarges the austenite stabil-

Table 2 Liquidus temperature for steels T1, M2,

and M7
Carbon content, wt-% Carbon, Liquidus,
Steel wt-% Technique* °C Ref.
a Fe–4Cr–18W–1V–C; b Fe–4Cr–6W–5Mo–2V–C; c Fe–4Cr–
2W–9Mo–2V–C T1 0·76 DTA 1441 33
ThermoCalc 1441 35
4 Pseudobinary sections calculated using DTA 1441 38
ThermoCalc (adapted from Ref. 35) M2 0·76 DTA 1440 29
0·81 DTA 1433 33
0·81 ThermoCalc 1434 35
0·88 CTA 1427 39
C, while calculated diagrams show the carbides M C
6 M7 0·93 DTA 1408 33
and MC as stable ones. 0·93 ThermoCalc 1418 35
For carbon levels between 0·8% and 1%, typical 0·93 DTA 1408 38
of the high speed steels, the solidification sequences 0·97 DTA 1410 29
obtained from Figs. 2–4 are similar and can be 1·0 CTA 1400 39
described as follows. * CTA conventional thermal analysis; DTA differential thermal analysis.

International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2

96 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

ity field (in M2 steel C levels larger than 1·4% make

austenite the primary phase to solidify, suppressing
the formation of the d ferrite26), while V, Mo, and W
enlarge the ferrite stability field.26,28 Table 3 gives
values calculated using ThermoCalc, and values
experimentally measured using thermal analysis tech-
niques (cooling rate ranging from 0·08 to 0·10 K s−1),
of the temperature of the onset of the peritectic

Temperature, °C
reaction for steels T1, M7, and M2.

Formation of eutectic carbides through

eutectic reaction (Lc+C)
The residual interdendritic liquid, enriched with
carbon and carbide former elements, decomposes
through different eutectic reactions as it moves down 1250
a eutectic trough, leading to the formation of up to
three carbides: M C, M C, and MC. The resultant
2 6
microstructure contains a continuous network of
interdendritic carbides. 1200
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Table 4 gives values of the temperature of the onset fs
of formation of those eutectics experimentally meas-
ured using thermal analysis techniques (cooling rate 5 Volume fraction of solid phase (fs) as function
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

of temperature during solidification of T1, M7,

again ranging from 0·08 to 0·10 K s−1). The values of and Nb-containing M2 steels (adapted from
T correspond to instances where eutectic formation Ref. 33)
starts with c+M C and/or c+M C, while values of
2 6
T correspond to instances where c+MC eutectic
MC peritectic reaction is usually described, somewhat
appeared before the other eutectics, as discussed paradoxically, as the last step of the solidification
below, in the section ‘Effects of chemical composition process.31,33,38 This reaction occurs almost simul-
and cooling rate (conventional solidification)’. taneously with the eutectic reactions, developing an
austenite plus carbide eutectoid-like product.38
Delta eutectoid transformation
The solid state decomposition of the intradendritic Volume fraction of solid phases
residual delta ferrite not entirely consumed by the Although the solidification sequence described above
is basically the same for T1, M2, and M7 high speed
Table 3 Temperature of onset of peritectic steels, the evolution of the solid/liquid ratio during
reaction L+dc (T ) solidification is somewhat different, expressing the
p balance between austenite and ferrite stabilisers in
Steel Technique* T , °C Ref.
p their compositions. Figure 5 shows the evolution of
T1 ThermoCalc 1324 35 the volume fraction of solid phases as a function of
DTA 1323 33
DTA 1323 38
temperature during the solidification of T1, M7, and
M2 ThermoCalc 1318 35 Nb-alloyed M2 (similar to plain M2) high speed
DTA 1330 33 steels. The volume fractions were measured from
DTA 1310 29 directionally solidified specimens whose solidification
CTA 1350 39 was concluded by quenching.38 One can see how
M7 ThermoCalc 1354 35
DTA 1350 33
different the solidification ranges are, and also the
CTA 1322 39 fractions of the solidification time spent in the regimes
DTA 1294 38 of delta ferrite and austenite related to T1 steel, on
DTA 1290 29 one hand, and to M7 and Nb-alloyed M2 steels on
* CTA conventional thermal analysis; DTA differential thermal analysis. the other.

Table 4 Temperature of formation of c+M C, Dendrite spacing

c+M C, and c+MC eutectics The as cast dendritic microstructure is defined in a
Steel Technique* T †, °C T †, °C Ref. quantitative basis by the primary and secondary
MC e
T1 DTA 1333 1303 33
dendrite spacings, the latter being more widely used
DTA . .. 1286 38 as a parameter for correlating process variables and
M2 DTA . .. 1242 33 microstructure, since the primary dendrite spacing
DTA . .. 1240 29 intervenes only in the case of directional solidification.
CTA 1270 1255 39
The effects of the liquid phase thermal gradient,
M7 DTA 1234 1225 33
CTA . .. 1233 39 dendrite growth rate, and coarsening/coalescence
DTA . .. 1225 38 phenomena33,43 on the secondary dendrite arm
DTA 1240 1222 29 spacing (simply designated hereafter as the dendrite
* CTA conventional thermal analysis; DTA differential thermal analysis. arm spacing, DAS) have been well characterised
† See text. experimentally.
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 97

solidification. Table 6 gives the results for five different

Fe-base alloys, including M2 and M7 steels. It can be
Ref. 43
Ref. 39
seen that M2 and M7 steels present a far smaller
Ref. 33 variation of the DAS than other alloys compared,
Ref. 45 despite the larger interval for austenite solidification.
Boccalini45 shows that during the solidification of
DAS, µm

M2 steel, small changes in carbon level cause signifi-

cant changes in parameter A, while changes in
vanadium content do not affect A in the same way,
Fig. 8. This result was attributed to the effects of the
alloying elements on the constitutional supercooling.

Formation of austenite–peritectic
dT, K s_1
Classically, peritectic reactions are a two-step
6 Experimental dendrite arm spacing (DAS) 1. Nucleation and growth of the peritectic phase
versus dT /dt plots obtained by different (c-phase, in this case) occurs first, along the interface
researchers between the liquid and the properitectic phase
(d-ferrite), with partial consumption of the latter. This
step is relatively rapid, depending only on alloying
Traditionally the effects of the liquid phase thermal element diffusion in the liquid phase.40
gradient G and dendrite growth rate V (which are
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2. Independent growth of the peritectic phase then

independently controlled in directional solidification takes place. When the surface of the properitectic
experiments) on the DAS are related by an empirical phase is completely covered by the peritectic phase
relationship where both variables are lumped into (no simultaneous contact between the three phases
one single parameter, namely the cooling rate, as involved in the reaction), the growth of the peritectic
dT /dt=GV (Ref. 44) phase can only be completed through two different
DAS=A(dT /dt)−b . . . . . . . . . (1) and concomitant processes: dc and Lc, the kin-
etics of which are determined by volume diffusion of
where A and b are material-specific parameters. alloying elements through the peritectic phase. This
Figure 6 shows experimental curves DAS versus step is slower than the first and controls the reaction
dT /dt for M2 steel obtained by different researchers. as a whole.40,46 The properitectic phase, besides that,
Table 5 gives the A and b parameters used to construct may be incompletely consumed depending on the
the curves shown in Fig. 6. nature of the phase and on the thermal history during
The empirical relationship between DAS and cool- solidification.40
ing rate incorporates all thermally activated phen- Steps 1 and 2 are known respectively as the peritec-
omena, including coarsening/coalescence. According tic reaction and the peritectic transformation.40,46 In
to Fischmeister,33 parameter A in equation (1) order to avoid improper interpretations caused by
expresses the influence of coarsening/coalescence on the usual terminology, since both the overall process
DAS, since it correlates predominantly with the solidi- and its first step are called peritectic reaction, the first
fication range, which determines the time available and second steps will hereafter be named, respectively,
for coarsening. Experimental results show the preva- peritectic reaction step 1 and peritectic transform-
lence of coarsening and coalescence phenomena ation step 2.
during austenite growth, after the onset of the peritec- Austenite growth through peritectic reaction step 1
tic reaction (Fig. 7). and peritectic transformation step 2 is influenced by
Jernkontoret’s data39 suggest, though, that changes thermal parameters and by chemical composition.
in DAS during solidification are not directly related
to the solidification range after the peritectic reaction. Peritectic reaction step 1
This can be tested by comparing measurements of Fredriksson,40 using metallographic analysis of M2
the DAS on samples quenched from the melt immedi- samples quenched from the melt at different temper-
ately before the onset of the peritectic reaction with atures within the solidification range, showed that
that found on samples quenched just after the end of both carbon content and cooling rate during solidifi-
cation exert an influence on the peritectic reaction
Table 5 A and b parameters of equation (1), step 1: it is favoured by high carbon levels or high
DAS=A (dT /dt )−b cooling rates in conventional solidification.
The effect of carbon is explained by its austenite
Experimental method A, mm s K−1 b Ref.
stabilising character. The effect of the cooling rate is
Unidirectional growth, 32 −0·28 43 indirect: a low cooling rate allows back diffusion of
variable growth rate
Unidirectional growth, 35·7 −0·35 39
ferrite stabiliser elements during the crystallisation of
variable growth rate the dendrites (Mo, W, and V, mostly), delta ferrite
Unidirectional growth, 43 −0·38<b>−0·34 33 becoming more stable. Figure 9 shows the micro-
constant growth rate structure of M2 steel samples solidified under different
Unconstrained growth, 42·1 −0·32 45 cooling rates and quenched from the melt at temper-
variable growth rate
atures just below the beginning of the peritectic
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
98 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

A, µm s K_1

(a) (b)
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7 Correlation between parameter A and a total solidification range DT and b fraction of solidification
range after nucleation of peritectic austenite DT /DT (adapted from Ref. 33)
A, µm s K_1

Vanadium content, wt-%

$ 0·75%C; & 0·95%C; + 1·15%C
8 Effects of carbon and vanadium contents on
parameter A in M2 steel45

reaction step 1. Slowly cooled samples (Fig. 9a) show

properitectic ferrite regions still in contact with the
liquid (not completely covered by peritectic austenite).
These regions are not seen in the more rapidly cooled b
samples (Fig. 9b). a 0·07 K s−1; b 0·7 K s−1
9 M2 steel samples quenched from melt at
Peritectic transformation step 2 temperatures just below beginning of peritectic
reaction: arrow in a shows properitectic ferrite
During the peritectic transformation step 2, austenite
region is still in contact with liquid40
growth is accompanied by both the dissolution of the
properitectic ferrite (solid state dc reaction) and
the liquid phase reaction Lc. ferrite in ferrite stabiliser elements (notably W, V, and
dc transformation Mo). This partition stabilises ferrite, sometimes to the
Under kinetically favourable conditions (small cool- point of blocking the completion of the transform-
ing rates) the dc transformation is accompanied by ation. On the other hand, it promotes the formation
the partition of alloying elements between the austen- of a liquid phase layer at the d/c interface, which
ite and ferrite, with a progressive enrichment of the decomposes into an aggregate of solid phases resem-
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 99

bling that of the solidification product of the inter- (iii) smaller d-ferrite DAS with increasing cooling
dendritic residual liquid.38,40,47 It was the similarity rate, leading to higher d/c interface area and
between the two structures that actually led to the consequently to faster dc transformation.48
hypothesis that a liquid phase layer forms at those Lc transformation
interfaces, i.e. this formation was only indirectly
This step of the overall peritectic reaction is analogous
detected. In addition, Fredriksson,40 using a to the formation of austenite from other liquid phases.
semiquantitative approach to the solidification of a The cooling rate affects the morphology of the peritec-
ternary Fe–M–C alloy, M being a strong ferrite
tic austenite resulting from this transformation. For
stabiliser element, showed that it is possible for the low cooling rate, transformation occurs with a smooth
peritectic transformation to turn into a metatectic c/L interface, the ausenite thus ‘inheriting’ the den-
reaction (dL+c), thus explaining the forma-
dritic morphology from the primary ferrite.40 For
tion of liquid inside the solid phase. This liquid high cooling rate, the c/L interfaces become unstable
will solidify later through a eutectic reaction and dendrite arms start branching from the austenite
layer covering the primary ferrite dendrites. This
The presence of residual ferrite from incomplete branching is due to a large kinetic undercooling of
peritectic transformation in the as solidified micro-
the liquid promoted by the high cooling rate during
structure (actually ferrite transformed into
the Lc transformation.40
c+carbides through the d-eutectoid reaction) is
dependent on the cooling rate and the carbon content;
a low volume fraction of d-eutectoid corresponds to Formation of carbides – eutectic
low carbon content or low cooling rate.40 reactions
The influence of the carbon content is related to
the following factors: The literature on high speed steels often alludes to a
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particular eutectic microconstituent by means of the

1. Ferrite stability phase field in the phase diagram.
carbide formed: M C eutectic, M C eutectic, or MC
An increasing carbon content shrinks the delta ferrite 6 2
field, diminishing its volume fraction precipitated eutectic. Although lacking in precision, this termin-
ology describes the essential difference between the
from the liquid phase. Figure 5 shows that T1 steel
has, in relation to M2 and M7 steels, a higher volume eutectics and thus is also employed in this text. Care
fraction of ferrite at the temperature at which the must be taken, though, to distinguish whether an
author is referring to the eutectic constituent
formation of peritectic austenite starts. Consequently,
the as solidified microstructure of T1 steel presents a (c+carbide) or to isolated carbides, particularly when
discussing volume fractions.
higher d-eutectoid fraction than M2 and M7 steels.
Table 7 gives the compositions of the M C, M C,
2. Kinetics of the properitectic delta ferrite con- 6 2
sumption during the peritectic transformation. The and MC carbides in the as cast microstructure of the
T1, M2, and M7 high speed steels. It can be seen that
kinetics are controlled by the amount of liquid phase
the differences between the compositions of the car-
formed through the metatectic reaction, which favours
bides M C and M C refer to the levels of V, Cr ( both
the diffusion process that controls the peritectic trans- 2 6
being higher in the M C carbide) and, mainly, Fe
formation.47,48 The metatectic reaction occurs only 2
(significantly higher in the M C carbide). The chemi-
above a critical carbon content.40 It can thus, there- 6
fore, be assumed that the higher the C content, the cal composition of MC carbide is different from the
compositions of the M C and M C carbides by virtue
faster the formation of the peritectic austenite and 2 6
of its higher levels of V and low levels of Fe and Cr,
the lower the fraction of ferrite at the end of the
solidification. in addition to its wide range of variability.33
Regarding the effect of the cooling rate during the
solidification ( less residual ferrite with increasing cool- Characteristics of M C, M C, and MC
6 2
ing rate), the following effects are noted: eutectics
(i) a decreasing level of back diffusion of ferrite The main characteristics of the three types of eutectic
stabilisers into ferrite with increasing cooling that can be found in the as cast microstructure of
rate, reducing ferrite stability high speed steels are outlined as follows.
(ii) suppression of the formation of liquid phase
M C eutectic
at d/c interfaces by increasing cooling rate 6
The three-dimensional morphology of this eutectic is
characterised by the presence of a central platelet of
Table 6 Values of DAS from Fe-base alloys
quenched at different temperatures45 Table 7 Chemical compositions of M C, M C, and
6 2
DAS†, mm
MC carbides33
DT *, Variation
aust Chemical composition, at.-%
Alloy Nominal composition, wt-% K P E P–E /P, %
Steel Carbide W Mo V Cr Fe
AISI 1034 Fe–0·34C 55 50 90 80
... Fe–0·3C–1·5Cr–4Ni–0·5Mo 60 60 90 50 T1 M C 35·7 ... 6·6 6·9 50·3
... Fe–0·7C–13Cr 168 50 80 60 M2 M C 14·5 20·9 7·6 7·0 50
AISI M2 Fe–0·9C–6W–5Mo–2V–4Cr 82 35 40 14 M C 20·8 33·3 27·8 10·6 7·5
AISI M7 Fe–1·0C–2W–9Mo–2V–4Cr 89 35 35 0 MC 8·9 11·6 65·8 4·8 8·9
M7 M C 4·9 30·9 6·1 6·2 51·9
* DT solidification range after nucleation of peritectic austenite. 6
aust M C 4·1 50 27·9 11 7·0
† P samples quenched immediately before the onset of the peritectic 2
MC 1·8 14 76·5 4·7 3·0
reaction; E samples quenched just after the end of the solidification.

International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2

100 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

A new terminology was proposed for the classifi-

cation of the morphological types of the M C eutec-
tic,56 using the formal classification for all eutectic
systems proposed by Crocker et al.57 This was necess-
ary to describe the characteristics of this eutectic
more precisely and to avoid conflicting uses of the
same expression, as commonly observed in the litera-
ture.56 Figure 11 shows these morphologies and
related classification.
Strictly speaking, there are two types of M C
eutectic morphology: irregular and complex regular.
Irregular M C eutectic is characterised by a ragged
boundary that does not clearly outline the interface
between the matrix and the eutectic pool, suggesting
a a limited coupling between eutectic phases. In this
eutectic, M C carbide has a platelike morphology
and a tendency to assemble as radiating clusters (this
feature is often referred to as ‘fanlike’ or ‘feathery’).
It also shows extensive branching, which is respon-
sible for avoiding overgrowth by austenite and, conse-
quently, for maintaining M C carbide as the leading
phase.45 Complex-regular M C eutectic is charac-
terised by a smooth boundary that clearly outlines
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

the interface between the matrix and the eutectic

pool; it shows a regular distribution of M C eutectic
carbide over small areas, forming cells with macro-
facets.56 It was shown that complex-regular M C
eutectic grows as a spiral eutectic,58 though perfectly
developed spirals are rarely observed in the micro-
b structure of as cast high speed steel. Instead of this,
a optical: etching KOH+K Fe(CN) ; b SEM degenerate or interrupted spirals characterise the
3 6
10 Typical morphology of M C eutectic in as cast complex-regular M C eutectic, mainly due to the low
6 2
microstructure of M2 steels45 volume fraction of eutectic, as well as to the highly
branched dendritic structure in high speed steel.45
Irregular M C eutectic is chiefly promoted by low
M C carbide, from which arises secondary platelets 2
6 cooling rate or high vanadium content and the
of M C separated from each other by austenite. These
6 complex-regular M C eutectic by high cooling rate
secondary platelets are usually thicker at the end, 2
or low vanadium content.29,31,45,52 The effect of higher
interrupting the continuity of the austenite and form-
vanadium content is to decrease the volume fraction
ing a ‘wall’ of carbide around the eutectic colony.33,49 of M C carbide in M C eutectic,45 thus increasing
Optical microscopy reveals that the cross-sections of 2 2
the difficulty of keeping M C carbide as the leading
the platelets are lamella-like (a ‘fishbone’ morph- 2
phase in the eutectic, and an irregular structure then
ology). Figure 10 shows the typical morphology of arises. On the other hand, as the cooling rate
the M C eutectic as seen in optical and scanning
6 increases, the difference between the growth rates
electron microscopes. The morphology of the M C
6 of M C carbide (faceted phase) and austenite
eutectic is not influenced by chemical composition 2
(non-faceted phase) also increases and the eutectic
nor cooling rate (considering values as high as
morphology becomes strictly controlled by the
106 K s−1), except that at faster cooling rates the characteristics of the M C carbide growth ( hexagonal
distance between platelets is decreased.33,49 2
hopper crystals45,58), ensuring the formation of a
In the chemical formula for the M C carbide, the
6 complex-regular structure.
letter M corresponds to the elements W, Mo, V, Cr, A third type of morphology associated with faster
and, mainly, Fe. The elements W and Mo are dis- cooling rates and characterised by the presence
solved in the same proportion as they are present in
of rod-shaped M C carbide was identified by
the composition of the steel, which is not the case for 2
Fredriksson and Nica31 and Lichtenegger et al.59
V, whose low level of dissolution is a characteristic Fredriksson and Nica verified that this morphology
of the M C carbide.33 The M C carbide has a complex
6 6 predominated in the regions of the samples whose
fcc crystalline structure and its hardness is around directional solidification was concluded by quenching.
1500 HV.50
It is believed that this morphological type just corres-
M C eutectic ponds to a ‘broken complex-regular’ morphology that
Contrary to what occurs with M C eutectic, the comes from frequent interruptions of the spiral growth
morphology of M C eutectic is substantially influ- of the M C carbide caused by localised overgrowth
2 2
enced by various factors, namely, the chemical com- by austenite, leading to its rod-shaped appearance.45
position,29,31,49,51 the cooling rate,29,31,51,52 and minor The M C carbide dissolves all the principal
additions of certain elements such as aluminium and elements of the high speed steels. Moreover, the
nitrogen.53–55 composition of M C carbide presents great variability
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 101

Boccalini45 Other authors




11 Morphological types of M C eutectic45

Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

and is influenced by the cooling rate.33 M C carbide that austenite and carbide begin to grow with a
has a hexagonal crystalline structure and its hardness certain level of cooperation though the carbide is
is around 2000 HV.50 somewhat ahead, and at some point the austenite is
The M C carbide, being metastable, decomposes able to overgrow the carbide and close the halo
into MC and M C carbides when heated to between around it, possibly due to its greater volume fraction
900 and 1150°C, and it has been shown that the in the eutectic. The formation of the complex-regular
kinetics of this breakdown and the distribution of the MC eutectic can be understood in the same way, but
carbide products is influenced by the morphology of without the formation of the austenite halo (with the
M C.52,60 In the microstructure of the end products increase in the volume fraction of the MC carbide in
of M2 and M7 steel, therefore, M C carbide is not the eutectic, the austenite is no longer able to over-
found, since the manufacturing routes of these prod- grow it).45
ucts make use of heat and/or thermomechanical treat- The difference between the peritectic temperature
ments within that temperature range. and the temperature of eutectic formation determines
the prevailing MC eutectic type: the larger this differ-
MC eutectic
ence, the greater the tendency for the formation of
Within the range of chemical composition established
by the specifications of M2 and M7 steels, MC carbide the divorced eutectic;45 consequently, the higher the
cooling rate, the higher the tendency to the formation
precipitates out during the eutectic decomposition of
of less coupled MC eutectic.45
the interdendritic liquid. However, the addition of
alloying elements that are strong MC carbide formers, In the conventional high speed steels, the MC
carbide dissolves mainly vanadium. In Nb-alloyed
such as Nb, the use of high V or C contents, and the
presence of inoculants bring about a shift in the high speed steels, vanadium and the weaker carbide
precipitation temperature to levels above that of formers are partially replaced by niobium.33 The
composition of primary MC carbides shows variation
the primary ferrite, causing the formation of MC
carbides directly from the bulk liquid phase (‘primary from the centre outward, owing to their growth from
MC carbides’) and sometimes allowing for a complete a melt whose composition is continuously changing
during solidification.33
suppression of the formation of the MC
eutectic.4,33,52,61,62 MC carbide has a fcc structure and its hardness is
Three types of MC eutectic can be distinguished: around 3000 HV.50
divorced (MC carbide occurs as isolated massive
crystals), irregular (poorly coupled eutectic in which Effects of chemical composition and cooling
the MC carbide has a petallike morphology), and rate (conventional solidification)
complex-regular (coupled eutectic in which MC car- The total eutectic volume fraction, the volume fraction
bide has a branched petallike morphology). In the of each different eutectic, and the sequence by which
literature, the latter was improperly classified as reg- they precipitate depend on the chemical composition,
ular31 or lamellar.31,49 Figure 12 shows these morpho- the cooling rate, and the presence of residual
logies and related classification.45 elements.4,27,29,31,51–53,63,64
In the divorced MC eutectic, it is likely that the Generally, the total eutectic volume fraction
dendrites of peritectic austenite play the role of hetero- increases with increasing C content,29,31 mainly
geneous nuclei for the formation of the eutectic increasing W/Mo ratio,64 increasing V content,31,64
austenite, making it impossible to distinguish them and decreasing cooling rate.29,33,39 Table 8 gives the
metallographically. In irregular MC eutectic, it seems volume fraction of the M C and M C eutectics and
6 2
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
102 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels
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12 Morphological types of MC eutectic45

the volume fraction of the MC carbide for T1, M2,

and M7 steels solidified at different cooling rates.33
Figure 13 shows the total eutectic volume fraction in
M2 steel as a function of the C content and solidifi-
cation rate.29 The values of total eutectic volume
fraction in Fig. 13 were indirectly obtained through 0.05 cm min_1
the volume fraction of liquid that remained just before
the start of the formation of poorly or fully coupled
Volume fraction of coupled eutectic, %

eutectic in samples whose solidification was concluded

by water quenching, i.e. divorced MC eutectic was
not considered. This measurement method explains 0.5 cm min_1
the apparently increasing volume fraction with
decreasing carbon content from 0·90% to 0·75%: with
lower carbon content the peritectic reaction ceases
earlier, thus leaving a higher volume fraction of liquid
5 cm min_1
The volume fraction of each one of the three
eutectic types is determined, within this framework,

Table 8 Volume fractions of M C and M C

6 2
eutectics and MC carbide (Ref. 33)
Volume fraction, %
Cooling rate,
Steel K s−1 c+M C c+M C c+MC
6 2
T1 0·09 21·1 ... 0·1
0·41 18·3 ... 0·1
1·40 17·5 ... 0·1
M2 0·10 Trace 9·0 0·1
0·43 Trace 8·5 0·3 Carbon content, wt-%
1·48 Trace 8·0 0·5
M7 0·10 nd* 14·0 0·5 13 Volume fraction of coupled eutectic as function
0·45 nd* 11·3 0·5 of carbon content and solidification rate
1·63 nd* 9·9 0·7 (adapted from Ref. 29)
* Not detected.

International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2

Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 103

Free energy (G)


14 Correlation between effects of W, Mo, and V

contents, for constant W equivalent, on
formation of eutectics in high speed steels
(adapted from Ref. 64)

by competition between them. The following relation-

Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

ships arise:
1. M C eutectic is favoured with respect to M C
2 6
eutectic by increasing the Mo/W ratio,33,52,64 increas- (b)
ing the V content31,45,64 or the C content,29,31,45 and
by increasing the cooling rate.31,45,52 An interdepen-
dence of these variables must be considered in
a T ; b T <T ; DG M2C Gibbs free energy variation for formation
determining quantitative limits of their influence on 1 1 2
of M C eutectic (Ref. 36)
eutectic formation, as is shown in Fig. 14 for the V
content and Mo/W ratio.64 15 Driving force for formation of M C and M C
6 2
Different theories have been proposed to explain eutectic carbides (schematic): driving force for
the prevalence of the M C eutectic with increasing formation of M C eutectic carbide increases
2 2
cooling rate. Fredriksson and Brising29 proposed that with increasing undercooling (adapted from
Ref. 36)
increasing cooling rate causes increasing segregation
of vanadium in the residual liquid from the peritectic
reaction, thus favouring the formation of the M C V in the ratio of its overall content in the alloy33 and
eutectic because M C carbide is richer in vanadium that its thermodynamic stability increases with
than M C carbide. Later on, Fredriksson and Nica31 increasing V content.52 Then, increasing overall V
revised this explanation, since they observed that even content will shift down the free energy curve of the
with very low V content in M2 steel the precipitation M C carbide in Fig. 15, thus increasing the driving
of M C eutectic was promoted by increasing cooling force for its nucleation at a given undercooling. In
rate, and suggested that the precipitation of meta- other words, the larger the V content, the smaller the
stable M C eutectic should be kinetically favoured. minimum undercooling needed to allow the formation
Golczewski and Fischmeister34 also presented of M C in place of M C and the lower the minimum
2 6
different explanations over time. Their first proposal cooling rate needed for obtaining the same effect.
was also based on increasing segregation with increas- Additionally, for an undercooling large enough to
ing cooling rate; they calculated the composition of form both M C and M C eutectics, M C should
2 6 2
the residual liquid in the non-equilibrium solidifi- grow much faster than M C, since the former has a
cation of M2 steel and obtained C, Mo, and V structure full of defects and faults (Fig. 16).
contents as high as 5, 7, and 5 wt-%, respectively. 2. MC eutectic is favoured with respect to M C or
Later on, they proposed that the competition between M C eutectic by increasing the V content.31,33,64
M C and M C eutectics is related to the driving force Increasing the overall V content makes the residual
6 2
for nucleation, the eutectic with the largest driving liquid from the peritectic reaction richer in V, increas-
force prevailing over the other.36 Based on this, it was ing the driving force for MC eutectic formation, as
shown that the larger the undercooling of the residual well as increasing both the temperature of its forma-
liquid, as a consequence for instance of high cooling tion and its volume fraction; consequently, the frac-
rate, the higher the driving force for the nucleation tions of the M C or M C eutectics decrease.
6 2
of the M C eutectic, Fig. 15. It is important to note Generally, the volume fraction of MC carbide
that this is rather in accordance with the kinetic effect increases with increasing cooling rate (Table 8);33
previously suggested by Fredriksson. however, the opposite was observed in M2 steel with
Figure 15 helps us to make a reasonable hypothesis low V content ( less than 1·4 wt-%).31,65
to explain the effect of V in favouring the M C 3. Besides the effects of the nominal chemical alloy
eutectic. It is known that M C carbide incorporates composition, the competition between eutectics is
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
104 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels


Alloy content, wt-%

a (b)
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

Distance, mm
a 0·89C–1·44V; b 0·85C–3·15V
b (1) start of solidification; (2) start of peritectic reaction; (3) start of
M C eutectic; (4) start of MC eutectic; (5) start of M C eutectic;
6 2
16 Details from carbides a M C and b M C (6) end of eutectic reactions
2 6 17 Evolution of chemical composition of
showing high incidence of faults and defects
in former; SEM45 interdendritic liquid during directional
solidification of M2 steel (adapted from Ref. 31)
affected by the presence of minor alloying elements.
The formation of M C eutectic is favoured by sili- remaining from the peritectic reaction or from the
6 M C eutectic precipitation does not have a vanadium
con,31,53 niobium,33 rare earth metals,45 and yttrium,52 2
at the expense of M C eutectic, while the opposite content high enough to induce the precipitation of
2 MC eutectic.65
happens for additions of nitrogen,45,53 calcium,53 and
The order in which the precipitation of M C, M C,
2 6 Effect of processing route
and MC eutectics occurs is a function of the segre-
In terms of the as cast structure, the processing routes
gation profiles resulting from the ferrite and austenite of high speed steels can be divided into two groups:
formation and even of the eutectic decomposition
normal cooling (solidification is not sufficiently rapid
reactions themselves. Those profiles are also influ-
to suppress reactions predicted by the phase diagram),
enced by the overall chemical composition and cool- and rapid cooling (solidification may be sufficiently
ing rate.
fast to suppress reactions predicted by the phase
Figure 17 shows the influence of the V content on
the segregation profiles during the solidification of
M2 steel at 0·09 K s−1 and on the sequence of the
precipitation of the eutectics.31 It can be seen that the Normal cooling – ingot casting
higher the vanadium content, the higher the temper- The as cast microstructure of high speed steel gener-
ature of the MC eutectic formation. In the solidifi- ally consists of dendrites of austenite decomposition
cation of M2 steel with 1·44%V at higher cooling products (normally martensite with some retained
rates, however, no MC and M C eutectics were austenite) and a network of eutectic colonies with
observed and only M C eutectic was formed.31 For carbides. These colonies are distributed hetero-
low overall V content, the formation of the MC geneously in the interdendritic regions, tending to
eutectic depends on the previous formation of the form eutectic ‘pools’, and are thicker in the centre of
M C eutectic. Once M C eutectic is formed (low the ingot.66 Subsequent hot working breaks up this
6 6
cooling rate), the residual interdendritic liquid is network, diminishing the size and improving the
enriched with vanadium, since M C has a low distribution of carbides; nevertheless, even after
vanadium content, leading to the formation of the reductions greater than 90%, this distribution does
MC eutectic. If, on the other hand, the M C eutectic not become entirely uniform and the carbides are
is absent (as a result of a high cooling rate), the liquid arranged in stringers,2,6 the thickness of which is a
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 105

function of the size and the distribution of the eutectic

For products obtained by conventional processing
routes ( hot working of cast or remelted ingots), the
main target concerning the as cast microstructure
refers to well distributed small-size eutectic car-
bides,16,43,67 since the behaviour of the material during
subsequent plastic deformation or machining, as well
as the properties of the final product, are influenced
by these characteristics.67–69
The techniques for controlling the cast micro-
structure act on two basic microstructural
characteristics: a
(i) the dendritic structure (including secondary
interdendritic spacing, columnar or equiaxed
morphology and size of the macroscopic grains)
(ii) the morphology of the eutectic carbides.
Dendritic structure
The methods commonly used for controlling the
dendritic structure of high speed steels are based on
the influence of thermal parameters (cooling rate and
thermal gradient) and of the addition of refiners on
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

this structure. There is nothing in the literature con-

cerning manipulation of the basic chemical compos-
ition (probably because it is largely fixed according b
to other objectives, the performance of the end-use
a conventionally cast ingot; b ESR ingot
product in particular), while mechanical methods
18 Microstructure of central region of M2 ingots71
during solidification (vibration) have not achieved
significant results.2,13
Concerning the influence of thermal parameters,
the following can be noted: consequently, of thicker stringers in the micro-
1. The greater the cooling rate, the lesser the pri- structure after plastic deformation.6,70 In fact, the
mary14,33 and secondary interdendritic spacings and interdendritic network of eutectic colonies still exists
the lesser the volume fraction of the eutectic colon- in ingots produced by ESR process, and even pos-
ies.29,33,39 The combination of these results naturally sesses a strongly directional phase distribution as a
leads to a more homogeneous distribution of the result of a totally columnar macrostructure, in spite
interdendritic eutectic carbides. However, in conven- of attempted improvements by the addition of refiners.
tional ingot production the positive effects of the The effect of refiners is mostly to decrease the
cooling rate are limited to the regions lying nearer macroscopic grain size (dendrites of primary ferrite),
the surface, owing to the large dimensions of the notably through the formation of a higher fraction of
ingots. Although of limited effectiveness, there are equiaxed grains.2,15,17,33,50,54,72–79 The decrease in the
some methods aimed at increasing the cooling rate size of the dendrites of primary ferrite increases the
such as low pouring temperature and ingot moulds interdendritic solid/liquid interface and, therefore, for
with thicker walls.67,70 a given volume fraction of this liquid, the colonies
2. For a given cooling rate, the greater the thermal resulting from its eutectic decomposition are more
gradient in the liquid phase, the greater the fraction homogeneously distributed in the microstructure.
of columnar grains in the macrostructure.43 This effect There are two mechanisms by which the refiners work:
is verified in ingots produced by remelting consum- 1. The formation of compounds that play the role
able electrodes, particularly electroslag remelting (the of nuclei for the crystallisation of primary ferrite,
macrostructure of the ingots is made up entirely of allowing for the heterogeneous nucleation of the
columnar grains), whose main characteristic is an ferrite dendrites in detriment to the growth of the
elevated thermal gradient in the liquid phase through- same (which is reflected in the increase in the fraction
out the solidification process.2,12–14 The greater micro- of equiaxed grains and a decrease in the fraction of
structural homogeneity is characterised by the columnar grains in the macrostructure). These refiners
uniformity of the size of eutectic cells throughout the are strong carbide, nitride, and carbonitride formers,
cross-sections of the remelted ingot,70 which results such as Ti, V, Zr, and Nb.15,33,50,54,72,75–78 In fact,
from the unidirectional progression of the solidifi- these compounds have high temperature of formation
cation front during remelting,5,12,71 Fig. 18. and a crystalline structure similar to ferrite, which
High speed steels produced by routes utilising ESR are the basic, though not sufficient, requirements for
provide better end-use performance than those pro- an efficient nucleant.80 Some authors have shown that
duced from conventionally cast ingots.70 The great the efficiency of the addition of Ti, V, Zr, and Nb in
advantage of ESR steels is related to the absence of the nucleation of the ferrite increases if they are
regions exhibiting greater concentration of eutectic preceded by the addition of strong deoxidants such
colonies (as is typical in conventional ingots) and, as Al and Mg.17,50,76,77
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
106 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

The application of the concept of modification of

the morphology of the carbides through the addition
of surface active elements or elements with low solu-
bility in the eutectic phases is the subject of studies
in high speed steels,45,54,83 in a way similar to that
which occurs in the Fe–Cr–C alloys.84,85 Chaus and
Rudnitskii54 studied the influence of various surface
active elements, including Bi, Ca, Sr, and Sb, on the
as cast microstructure of M2 steel, observing the
modification of the morphology of the M C eutectic,
which transformed from irregular to complex-regular.
Lichtenegger et al.59 showed that the morphology
of the MC carbide in M2 steel depends on the
a presence or absence of non-metallic inclusions playing
the role of suitable sites for nucleation. Isolated
massive MC carbides form as a result of precipitation
on Ti(C,N) directly from the remaining liquid from
the peritectic reaction, not as a result of eutectic
decomposition of this liquid. The precipitation occurs
through a mechanism known as dual stage
nucleation,59,77 in which simple or mixed Al and Ca
oxides (deoxidation products) are nuclei for the pre-
cipitation of Ti(C,N), which are nuclei for the precipi-
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

tation of MC. If complex oxysulphide inclusions are

present instead of oxides, the first stage – hetero-
geneous nucleations of Ti(C,N) – is hindered and the
precipitation of massive MC carbides is avoided. In
b this case, MC carbide is formed through the eutectic
a plain M2 steel; b M2+0·05%N decomposition of the residual liquid and the petallike
19 Effect of addition of nitrogen on morphology or branched petallike morphology prevails.
of M C eutectic in M2 steel solidified at Tamura and Uchida83 showed that the addition of
1·5 K s−1; etching, electrolytic Cr O (Ref. 45) rare earth metals diminished the temperature of the
2 3
formation of MC eutectic, transforming it from irregu-
lar to complex-regular. Boccalini et al.66 also observed
that the MC eutectic precipitates along with the M C
2. Intense segregation in the liquid phase during 2
eutectic or the M C eutectic, forming a structure
the precipitation of the dendrites of primary ferrite, 6
they called duplex eutectic (Fig. 20). Curiously,
creating a ‘barrier’ that impedes the growth of these
Fredriksson and Nica31 have observed the formation
dendrites owing to the low solubility of the element
of duplex M C–MC eutectic when adding 1·5%Si to
in this phase; in this way, nucleation prevails, increas- 6
M2 steel.
ing the fraction of equiaxed grains. There is evidence
The studies unanimously affirm that the morph-
that the rare earth metals73,74 particularly cerium,74
ology modifying effect is due to the changes in eutectic
play this role.
growth brought about by the build-up of modifying
Eutectic morphology elements at the eutectic carbide/liquid interface.
The morphologies of the M C and MC eutectics are
influenced by the presence of minor elements. Rapid cooling
Additions of nitrogen and calcium promote the forma-
tion of the complex-regular M C eutectic, Fig. 19, Processes characterised by the use of very high cooling
2 rates in producing the as solidified microstructure of
while additions of aluminium give rise to the forma-
the high speed steels normally involve atomisation of
tion of the irregular M C eutectic.45,53,81,82 The nature
2 the liquid metal into droplets before solidification, so
of the effect of these elements is not well established.
In the case of nitrogen, for example, Fredriksson and as to obtain powder for subsequent consolidation of
the material by powder metallurgical routes, or spray
Brising29 proposed that its effect is due to the forma-
tion of carbonitrides of V at temperatures above those deposition of a layer onto a solid substrate – centrifu-
of the eutectic reactions, since this causes a decrease gal spray deposition or Osprey are examples of the
latter.2 High intensity focused heat sources ( laser and
in the level of V in the interdendritic liquid and,
consequently, favours the formation of the complex- electron beam) allow for the remelting of surface
layers on semifinished high speed steel parts, and
regular M C eutectic. This hypothesis was contra-
2 represent a third family of rapid cooling processes.1
dicted by Boccalini,45 who showed that nitrogen, in
addition, favours the formation of the M C eutectic Powder metallurgy
in relation to the M C eutectic (if the effect of a The major commercial rapid cooling process for the
diminished level of V predominated, the opposite production of high speed steel parts is powder metal-
should occur). According to this author, nitrogen lurgy, atomisation being the predominant process
increases the supercooling for the eutectic reaction, used.86,87 The subsequent consolidation of the powder
favouring the metastable eutectic M C. particles may be conducted by several routes, such as
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 107

a b
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

c d

a, b optical, etching KOH+K Fe(CN) ; c, d SEM

3 6
20 a, c duplex M C–MC eutectic and b, d duplex M C–MC eutectic in rare earth modified M2 steel45
6 2

hot pressing, or extrusion and sintering, injection Depending on the particle size, the morphology of
moulding and sintering, and hot isostatic pressing. the microstructure of the high speed steel powder
The products obtained by these routes exhibit particles is dendritic, cellular, or a mixture of both,
superior properties and performance to those manu- the fraction of cellular morphology being significant
factured by the classic route (i.e. by normal cooling), only in the very small sized particles, i.e. those solidi-
mainly with respect to toughness, isotropy of fied at higher cooling rates.92,93 The morphology
properties, size stability in heat treating and grind- changes to a globular one in the Nb-containing high
ability,70,88,89 owing to their fine scale micro- speed steels, which is explained by the presence of
structures.2,19,87 Moreover, the refinement of the primary NbC acting as nucleation sites for the pri-
eutectic carbides makes it possible to produce high mary solid solution phase.94
speed steels with higher alloying content, mainly The existence of undercoolings high enough to
carbon and vanadium, thus ensuring better wear promote the formation of a cellular morphology is
resistance of the products.18,86 attributed to the higher cooling rate and to the lesser
The cooling rate during the solidification of gas number of potential heterogeneous nucleation sites
atomised high speed steel particles in the size range for solidification of the particles.92 Figure 22 shows
below 500 mm is estimated to fall in the range micrographs of particles with dendritic and cellular
104–106 K s−1 (Ref. 87) – the smaller the particle size morphologies, as well as the relationship between the
the higher the cooling rate. Moreover, the solidifi- size of the particle and the fraction of the particles
cation of splat caps encasing some particles, formed with cellular structure for a high speed steel (Fe–1·2C–
as a result of in-flight collision between completely 4Cr–6Mo–4W–1V–1Nb–12Co).
liquid droplets and fully solidified particles, is esti- Except for its smaller scale, the solidified micro-
mated to occur at cooling rates exceeding 108 K s−1 structure of the high speed steel powders is not
(Refs. 87, 90). Since the resulting powder consists of significantly different from that of the slow cooled
particles of widely varying sizes, and since collisions high speed steel ingots, since it is unlikely that the
are a common feature of the process, a spectrum of particles are sufficiently undercooled to allow
size scale of the microstructure can be observed in a diffusionless solidification, owing to the large freezing
single atomised charge (Fig. 21).91 The as solidified range of those steels.95 Thus, the normal micro-
microstructure of the atomised particles is two to segregated structure constituted by solid solution
three orders of magnitude more refined than those dendrites (or cells) delineated by a more or less
obtained for conventionally cast ingots. continuous interdendritic (or intercellular) network of
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
108 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

a 840–2000 mm; b 354–420 mm; c 62–74 mm; d <37 mm

21 Microstructure of nitrogen atomised Rex25 high speed steel for various particle size ranges, SEM91

carbides also characterises the powder micro- The remaining interdendritic (or intercellular)
structure.18,91,93,95–97 However, for cooling rates of liquid decomposes through eutectic reactions
the order of 108 K s−1, as in the case of splat cooled (Lc+carbides) and the resultant eutectic austenite
material (splat caps encasing some powder particles, is partially transformed to martensite. In the case of
for instance), only supersaturated solid solution the P/M grades, the MC and M C eutectics precipi-
occurs as a solidification product; this is interpreted 2
tate, owing to the high carbon and vanadium contents
as a result of diffusionless solidification.18,97,98 and to the high cooling rate.91,93,95 The total volume
The rapid solidification sequence of high speed fraction of the eutectic carbides is insensitive to
steel powders is not clearly described in the literature, particle size (i.e. to cooling rate), but the volume
the available data allowing one to propose only an fraction of the MC carbide increases with decreasing
overall picture. This is probably a consequence of the particle size at the expense of the M C carbide.93,95
difficulty of observing the fine scale microstructure 2
For the conventional M2 and T1 steels, however, the
(the identification of the solidification products is literature shows conflicting data: M C or M C, mixed
performed through X-ray diffraction techniques), as 2 6
or not, were identified in powder particles solidified
well as of the impossibility of performing classical under similar cooling rates.90,96,97 After high temper-
solidification experiments, such as quenched direc- ature consolidation and final heat treatments of the
tional solidification and thermal analysis. material, all metastable phases disappear, yielding an
Body centred cubic phases – martensite or delta isotropic and very fine distribution of carbides in a
ferrite – and fcc phase – austenite – are identified in martensitic matrix.
the dendrites (or cells). The presence and the origin
of these phases depend on the chemical composition Laser and electron beam surface modification
of the high speed steel, mainly on its carbon content. Lasers and electron beams are direct sources of high
For carbon contents higher than roughly 1·3% (P/M intensity heat that can be used to heat treat, remelt
grades of high speed steels, like ASP30 and T15, for (glaze), or modify the chemistry of tool steel surface
instance), primary austenite is partially transformed layers.1 Laser remelting of surface layers of semifin-
to martensite during cooling, thus leading to a matrix ished high speed steel parts has been studied since
with retained austenite and martensite. For carbon 1969.99 The only further modifications possible on
contents lower than that (conventional T1 and M2 those layers are achieved by heat treatment, as it is
steels), delta ferrite is the primary phase and the not possible to work them mechanically. Adjusting
formation of peritectic austenite is partially sup- the power density and the traverse speed of contin-
pressed due to the high cooling rate; the resultant uous wave high power carbon dioxide lasers, it is
matrix has delta ferrite, retained peritectic austenite, possible to obtain different molten pool temperatures
and martensite.91,93,95–97 and shapes, resulting in cooling rates ranging from
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 109

amounts of retained austenite. It is noteworthy that

up to those extreme cooling rates the microstructure,
though very fine, is morphologically similar to the
conventional ingot structure.
Laser remelting can also be used to create a surface
layer with a different composition than the substrate.
This technique, known as ‘laser alloying’, can be used
to create a layer of high speed steel on the surface of
a lean alloy substrate100 or to create an alloy or
carbide enriched layer on the surface of a conventional
high speed steel part.103 A variety of alloying addition
techniques have been used, based on the replacement
of alloy additions, using foils, powder cored strips,
plasma spray powders, and pack boronising.1,100
Recent papers have concentrated on the simpler ‘one
a step process’, in which alloying elements are added
to the molten pool using an inert gas blow feeder, the
inert gas helping to protect against oxidation of the
alloy.101 Alloy additions of Co (Ref. 101), vanadium
and chromium borides,100 and various alloy carbides
(vanadium, titanium, niobium and molybdenum car-
bides) have been successfully demonstrated with this
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

The main goal of those experiments was to increase

the carbide volume fraction at the cutting edge of
high speed steel tools without incurring the precipi-
tation of coarse proeutectic and eutectic carbides that
deteriorate the toughness and hot workability of the
steel. The high temperatures achieved by irradiation
heating allows the complete dissolution of MC (Nb,
Ti, and V) and M C (Mo) carbide powder additions
on the molten pool, while the high cooling rate results
in a fine solidification structure. Figure 23 shows the
(b) microstructure maps obtained by laser alloying high
speed steel M2 with up to 20%Nb, up to 45%V, and
up to 50%Mo; all microstructure maps correspond
to conditions where the average cooling rate is
6×103 K s−1 (Ref. 105). Additions of more than
2 wt-%Nb and corresponding carbon to ingot cast
22 a Microstructures of powder particles with high speed steels promotes the formation of coarse
dendritic and cellular morphologies MC carbides directly from the melt. The micro-
(53–63 mm), SEM and b relation between structure map in Fig. 23a shows that for this cooling
particle size and fraction of particles with rate (6×103 K s−1) it is possible to add up to
cellular structure (data from Ref. 92) 4 wt-%Nb to the molten pool without precipitation
of proeutectic carbides. In a similar fashion, Fig. 23b
and c show that it is possible to add up to 7 wt-%V
103 to 106 K s−1 (Refs. 1, 100, 101), with little or no and 30 wt-%Mo by laser alloying.103,105
cracking and porosity formation. Although there are reports in the literature that
For the higher cooling rates, cellular/dendritic mor- laser alloyed high speed steel cutting tools can
phologies are obtained, with dendrite arm spacing increase life and wear resistance101,106 and that the
between 0·5 and 3 mm. Increasing the cooling rate process is considered stable, there is no commercial
leads to a substantial increase in the amount of utilisation of this process at the moment.
retained austenite and an increase of up to 130 HV
on the final hardness (after triple tempering of M42
steel solidified with 106 K s−1). This is due to the High speed steels for rolling mill rolls
increased solubility of carbon and carbide forming In most cases, work rolls for the finishing stands of
elements in the austenite.100 The amount of interden- hot strip mills are composite components made of an
dritic eutectic microconstituent is also greatly reduced outer shell of centrifugally cast wear resistant material
and its structure refined. and a core of ductile iron or steel (centrifugally or
Similarly, for electron beam remelted M2 steels the statically cast). The development of materials for the
amount of eutectic microconstituent decreases with outer shell has enjoyed rapid advances beginning in
increasing cooling rate, until it disappears altogether the early 1980s, culminating in the application of cast
for cooling rates in excess of 106 K s−1 (Ref. 102) alloys of the Fe–C–Cr–W–Mo–V system, which
resulting in intense segregation of substitutional replaced high chromium cast iron and Ni-hard cast
alloying elements on dendrites or cells and large iron with better performance.107–109 These alloys are
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
110 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels



Temperature, °C
(a) 0
0 M2 4 8 12 16 20
Niobium content, wt-%
Volume fraction (%)

50 Carbon content, wt-%

24 Isopleth Fe–5Cr–5W–5Mo–5V–C (wt-%)

calculated using ThermoCalc112
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

0 M2 10 20 30 40 those ranges.112 For carbon levels between 1·7 and
Vanadium content, wt-%
2·0%, the solidification sequence can be described by
the following reactions:
(i) primary crystallisation of austenite
(ii) eutectic decomposition of residual interden-
dritic liquid: liquidaustenite+carbides; this
reaction moves down a eutectic trough with
50 continuously changing phase compositions, so
as to form different eutectic carbides according
to the decreasing temperature.
The high carbon content leads to the primary crystal-
lisation of austenite and makes the composition of
(c) 0 the high speed steels for rolls less hypoeutectic than
0 M2 10 20 30 compositions of the high speed steels for tools ( lower
Molybdenum content, wt-%
volume fraction of proeutectic phase).
23 Microstructure maps obtained by laser alloying The residual interdendritic liquid decomposes
high speed steel M2 with a NbC, b VC, and through different eutectic reactions as it moves down
c Mo C: average cooling rate 6×103 K s−1 a eutectic trough, leading to the formation of up to
(adapted from Ref. 105) three eutectics: c+MC; c+M C or c+M C; and
6 2
c+M C . Although the isoplet in Fig. 24 predicts
7 3
generically termed high speed steels or, more rarely, the formation of the c+M C eutectic, this eutectic
multicomponent white cast iron.110,111 seldom forms since the solidification normally occurs
The idea of using these alloys for the manufacture under non-equilibrium conditions and the formation
of work rolls for hot strip mills resulted from an of the metastable c+M C eutectic is favoured.
insight into the requirements involved in this type of The c+MC eutectic always precipitates first, owing
application: fundamentally, the capacity to retain a to the high vanadium content of these alloys. The
high level of hardness even when submitted to high sequence by which c+M C and c+M C precipitate
2 7 3
temperatures, and also wear resistance. Both are depends on the overall chemical composition, the
fulfilled by the classical high speed steels. former being favoured by high W, Mo, or V contents
The alloy design of the high speed steels for rolls and the latter by high Cr or C contents.
is based on the composition of the M2 steel, the main The total volume fraction of eutectic carbides and
changes being the higher carbon and vanadium con- the volume fraction of each different eutectic carbide
tents. Thus, though the roll makers have developed depend mainly on the chemical composition, the effect
alloys specifically designed to the operational con- of the cooling rate being less significant.111,113,114
ditions of each hot strip mill plant, their chemical Table 9 gives the volume fraction of the MC, M C ,
7 3
compositions often fall into the following ranges: and M C eutectic carbides in high speed steels for
1·5–2·0%C; up to 5%W; up to 5%Mo; 3–7%Cr, rolls. The total volume fraction of eutectic carbides
and 4–8%V. ranges from 9% to more than 15%, which is one of
Figure 24 shows the calculated isoplet Fe–5Cr– their main characteristics (as cast conventional high
5W–5Mo–5V–C (wt-%), a typical composition inside speed steels for tools have up to 8%).
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 111
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

a Fe–5Cr–5W–5Mo–5V–5Co–C; b Fe–5Cr–2W–2Mo–5V–5Co–C; c Fe–5Cr–2W–2Mo–8V–5Co–C

25 Characteristics of eutectic carbides in microstructure of high speed steels for rolls (by kind permission
of Sasaguri et al.111)

Figure 25 shows the features of the eutectic carbides the overall microstructure of a typical high speed
in the microstructure of typical high speed steels for steel for rolls (Fe–5V–5Cr–5Mo–5W–2C).112
rolls with carbon contents ranging from 1·7 to 2·9%. The performance of work rolls for hot strip mills
The morphology of the eutectic carbides, mainly is basically evaluated by the extent of their life and
MC and M C carbides, are influenced by the chemical by the surface quality of the rolled products, both
composition.110,111 Figure 26 shows the relationship related to properties of the roll, including strength,
between the contents of the main alloying elements – toughness, and wear resistance. Work roll wear is a
C, V, Mo, and W – and the morphologies of the process characterised by the simultaneous operation
eutectic carbides. of several wear mechanisms, such as abrasion,
The as cast microstructure has a matrix with prod- oxidation, adhesion (‘sticking’), and thermal
ucts of austenite decomposition (normally martensite fatigue.114–117 These properties are determined by the
or bainite), globular secondary carbides precipitated microstructural characteristics of the high speed steels
in the matrix and eutectic carbides distributed both for rolls, principal ones being the type, morphology,
in the interdendritic or intercellular regions (M C, size, volume fraction, and distribution of the eutectic
M C , and nodular or flaky MC) and inside the carbides.114,118–122 Research on the development of
7 3
eutectic cells (coral-like MC). Figure 27 shows these steels for rolls has thus been focused on the
improvement of the microstructure by means of alloy
design113,114,118–122 and by improvements in the
Table 9 Volume fractions of MC, M C , and M C manufacture process.107,123–127
7 3 2
eutectic carbides in high speed steel for

Chemical composition
Volume fraction, % Summary
(main elements), wt-% MC M C *
7 3
This review has mainly examined the effects of the
1·95C–5·1V–1·6W–1·7Mo–5·5Cr 4·4 4·7 ... chemical composition and cooling rate on the devel-
2C–6·1V–1·8W–1·1Mo–5·6Cr 8·2 3·2 ... opment of the as solidified microstructure of high
2C–4V–1·8W–2·5Mo–5·5Cr 4·4 6·9 ... speed steels. The major observations are as follows.
2C–4·3V–6·5W–4·1Mo–5·6Cr 4·9 ... 10·6 1. The as cast microstructure of high speed steels,
* Small amounts of the M C eutectic carbide are included.
despite the diversity of compositions resulting from
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
112 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

(a) data base. The solidification sequence may be

described by the following reactions: (a) precipitation
of primary delta ferrite from liquid; ( b) formation of
Carbon content, wt-%

austenite through peritectic reaction; (c) formation of

eutectic carbides through eutectic reaction; and
(d) solid state delta eutectoid transformation, which
occurs at the end of the solidification.
2. The dendrite arm spacing (DAS) can be related
to the cooling rate by the classical power law
expression DAS=A(dT /dt)−b, with 32∏A∏43 and
−0·28∏b∏−0·38. Small changes in carbon level
cause significant changes in parameter A, while
changes in vanadium content have little effect on A.
Vanadium content, wt-% On the other hand, there are conflicting data about
the effect of the peritectic reaction on DAS.
3. The residual interdendritic liquid decomposes
(b) through different eutectic reactions, leading to the
formation of up to three eutectic carbides: M C,
Carbon content, wt-%

M C, and MC.
The morphology of the M C eutectic carbide is
characterised by the presence of a central platelet
from which arise secondary platelets (termed a fish-
bone morphology). This morphology is not influenced
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

by chemical composition nor cooling rate, except that

at faster cooling rates the distance between platelets
is decreased.
The morphology of the M C eutectic is substan-
tially influenced by chemical composition, by cooling
Tungsten equivalent (Weq), wt-% rate and also by minor additions of some elements.
In order to unify the many, often conflicting, different
a Fe–5Cr–2W–2Mo–5Co–V–C; b Fe–5Cr–5V–5Co–W–Mo–C
# divorced MC; C irregular MC; complex-regular MC; % morphological classifications found in the literature,
irregular M C; & complex-regular M C; c complex-regular M C
2 2 7 3 a new terminology based on Crocker’s general
26 Influence of V and C contents and W on type description of eutectics is proposed: M C eutectic can
eq 2
and morphology of eutectic carbides (adapted be either irregular or complex regular. In the former,
from Ref. 111) M C carbide has a platelike morphology and a
tendency to assemble as radiating clusters (often
referred to as ‘fanlike’ or ‘feathery’), with extensive
branching. Complex-regular M C eutectic shows a
regular distribution of the M C carbide over small
areas, forming cells with macrofacets. Complex-
regular M C eutectic grows as a spiral eutectic with
degenerate or interrupted spirals. A third type of
morphology characterised by the presence of short
rod shape M C carbides, associated with faster cool-
ing rates, was shown to be a ‘broken complex-regular’
morphology coming from frequent interruption of the
spiral growth. The formation of the M C eutectic is
a metastable reaction, not present in the equilibrium
diagram of most commercial compositions. The M C
carbide decomposes into MC and M C when heated
to between 900 and 1150°C.
Three types of MC eutectic can be distinguished:
divorced (MC carbide occurs as isolated massive
27 Overall microstructure of high speed steel crystals), irregular (poorly coupled eutectic in which
for rolls (Fe–5Cr–5W–5Mo–5V–2C): etching, the MC carbide has a petallike morphology), and
electrolytic Cr O (Ref. 112)
2 3 complex regular (coupled eutectic in which MC car-
bide has a branched petallike morphology). In the
alloy design development, maintains its basic features: literature, the latter has been improperly classified as
dendrites surrounded by a more or less continuous regular or lamellar. The difference between the peri-
interdendritic network of eutectic carbides. The solidi- tectic temperature and the temperature of eutectic
fication sequence of the high speed steels can be formation determines the prevailing MC eutectic type:
qualitatively described by isoplets of the Murakami– the larger this difference, the greater the tendency for
Hata–Kuo quaternary Fe–W–Cr–C diagram, or more the formation of the divorced eutectic; consequently,
accurately by isoplets of the Fe–Cr–W–Mo–V–C the higher the cooling rate, the higher the tendency
diagram calculated using Calphad’s thermodynamic to the formation of less coupled MC eutectic.
International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2
Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels 113

4. Generally, the total eutectic volume fraction while the MC eutectic precipitated along with the
increases with increasing C content (mainly), increas- M C eutectic or the M C eutectic, forming a duplex
2 6
ing W/Mo ratio, increasing V content, and decreasing eutectic. Most of the morphology-modifying effect of
cooling rate. The volume fraction of each of the three these solutes can be explained by the changes in
eutectic types is determined by competition between eutectic growth brought about by the build-up of
them. M C eutectic is favoured with respect to M C modifying elements along the eutectic carbide/liquid
2 6
eutectic by increasing the Mo/W ratio, increasing the interface.
V content or the C content and by increasing the 7. Except for its smaller scale, the solidified micro-
cooling rate (an interdependence of these variables structure of high speed steel powders is not signifi-
must be considered in determining quantitative limits cantly different from that of more slowly cooled high
of their influence on eutectic formation). MC eutectic speed steel ingots. Thus, the normal microsegregated
is favoured with respect to M C or M C eutectic by structure constituted by solid solution dendrites (or
6 2
increasing the V content. Increasing overall V content cells) delineated by a more or less continuous inter-
makes the residual liquid from the peritectic reaction dendritic (or intercellular) network of carbides also
richer in V, increasing the driving force for MC characterises the powder microstructure. Depending
eutectic formation, as well as increasing both the on the particle size, the morphology of the micro-
temperature of its formation and its volume fraction; structure of the powder particles is dendritic, cellular,
consequently, the fractions of the M C or M C or a mixture of both, the fraction of cellular morph-
6 2
eutectics decrease. Besides the effects of the nominal ology being significant only in the very small-sized
chemical alloy composition, the competition between particles. Body centred cubic phases (martensite or
eutectics is affected by the presence of minor alloying delta ferrite) and the fcc phase (austenite) are identified
elements. The formation of M C eutectic is favoured in the dendrites or cells. In the interdendritic or
by silicon, niobium, rare earth metals, and yttrium at intercellular regions, owing to the high carbon and
Published by Maney Publishing (c) IOM Communications Ltd

the expense of M C eutectic, while the opposite vanadium contents of the P/M high speed steel grades
happens for additions of nitrogen, calcium, and alu- and to the high cooling rate of the atomisation
minium. The order in which the precipitation of M C, process, the MC and M C eutectics precipitate.
2 2
M C, and MC eutectics occurs is a function of the 8. Laser and electron beams can be used to remelt
segregation profiles resulting from the ferrite and (glaze) or modify the chemistry of tool steel surface
austenite formation and even of the eutectic decom- layers, melting beads or pools at the surface of
position reactions themselves. Those profiles are also semifinished parts which are subsequently self-
influenced by the overall chemical composition and quenched, resulting in solidification at cooling rates
cooling rate. ranging from 103 to 106 K s−1. For the higher cooling
5. The as cast morphology can be modified or rates cellular/dendritic morphologies are obtained,
controlled during processing, by refining the grain with DAS between 0·5 and 3 mm. Increasing the
size or the dendritic structure, as well as through cooling rate leads to a substantial increase on the
modifying or refining the morphologies of the eutec- amount of retained austenite and an increase of up
tics. The first goal is achieved mainly by controlling to 130 HV on the final hardness after tempering. This
the cooling rate and the thermal gradient in the liquid is due to the increased solubility of carbon and
during solidification. For large sized ingots, remelting carbide forming elements in the austenite. The amount
consumable electrodes (ESR) can produce directional of interdendritic eutectic microconstituent is also
structures containing large oriented columnar grains greatly reduced and its structure refined. Laser remelt-
characterised by the uniformity of the size of eutectic ing can also be combined with laser alloying through
cells throughout the cross-section of the remelted the addition of alloying elements to the molten pool,
ingot. Refining elements are used also, mostly to using a powder inert gas blow feeder. Laser alloying
decrease the macroscopic grain size (dendrites of can be used to create a surface layer of high speed
primary ferrite), notably through the formation of a steel on the surface of a lean alloy substrate or to
higher fraction of equiaxed grains. The decrease in create an alloy or carbide-enriched layer on the
the size of the dendrites of primary ferrite increases surface of a conventional high speed steel part. The
the interdendritic solid/liquid interface and, therefore, increased solubility allows the addition of carbide-
for a given volume fraction of this liquid, the colonies forming alloying elements and carbon at levels that
resulting from its eutectic decomposition are more would embrittle ingot cast materials. As an example,
homogeneously distributed in the microstructure. it is possible to add up to 4 wt-%Nb, 7 wt-%V, or
6. The morphologies of the M C and MC eutectics 30 wt-%Mo to the molten pool, by laser alloying
are influenced by the presence of minor elements. with a cooling rate of 6×103 K s−1, without precipi-
Additions of nitrogen and calcium promote the forma- tation of proeutectic carbides.
tion of the complex-regular M C eutectic while 9. A recent development makes use of cast highly
additions of aluminium give rise to the formation of alloyed high speed steels as the material for the outer
the irregular M C eutectic. Applications of the con- shell of centrifugally cast or continuously poured
cept of modification of the morphology of the carbides composite hot strip mill rolls. These materials were
through the addition of surface active elements or developed with compositions near that of M2 tool
elements with low solubility in the eutectic phases steel, but with higher carbon and vanadium contents.
have been attempted with some elements, including For carbon levels between 1·7% and 2·0%, their
Bi, Ca, Sr, and Sb. The addition of rare earth metals solidification sequence can be described by the follow-
diminished the temperature of formation of MC eutec- ing reactions: (a) primary crystallisation of austenite;
tic, transforming it from irregular to complex regular, ( b) eutectic decomposition of residual interdendritic
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114 Boccalini and Goldenstein Solidification of high speed steels

liquid, leading to the formation of up to three eutec- 30. . c, . . , and . . : Metall.
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The total volume fraction of eutectic carbides in high 243–253.
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Goldenstein acknowledges partial support of his 139–146.
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International Materials Reviews 2001 Vol. 46 No. 2

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