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The Ball Family

Who are the ball family and what have they done to impact people

Lonzo Ball
Plays for the Los
Angeles Lakers

Liangelo Ball
The Balls family Does not play for a
The ball family has been entertaining many sports and basketball fans since August 29, team right now,
2017. The ball family is a young basketball family with 3 kids at different points of their training for the NBA
career. The ball family had made many things impacting basketball including the big baller
brand, Ball in the Family and the JBA. There shows many problems that happen in there life
and how they have to deal with this. The balls family's father, Lavar, stirs up drama in the
family that can upset many people. Even though he does some arguable actions, he creates
many great things including the JBA (this is a basketball association that was created to
give many players a second chance). Another great thing they made was Ball in the Family.
“This show entertains many young kids and shows them what these kids do to go pro and
how the work out many problems coming with trying to make it” (Davis ). They also make
many charitable organizations to help players play the game they love. The focus on my
Lamelo Ball
paper is who are the ball family and what have they done?
Play for spire high
“Lonzo is gonna make HIM a better player!" (Lavar). Lonzo Ball has been playing basketball
ever since he could walk. Lonzo plays on the Los Angeles Lakers as a point guard. He is a
“role” player (shaq, a news reporter) with “outstanding defense and many offensive threats
including his passing”. Lonzo Ball is a very bright and hardworking player but also has an offseason career. He is one of
the stars on “Ball in the Family” and is starting to rap. On the tv show ball in the family, he has showed all the steps from
getting drafted 2nd in the 2017 draft to ending a relationship that lasted since high school. Lonzo has his own shoes and


many other apparel. At the begging Lavar said Lonzo Ball

will make Lebron James better. Lonzo has very high
expectations for his career.

“Lamelo Ball is on of the most overrated player in high

school” (Smith, a espn reporter). Lamelo Ball shoots to
many bad shoots. Lamelo Ball is one of the most
controversial player on espn top 100 players. Lamelo Ball is
a senior in high school 2019 recruiting class. He is ranked
13th in the espn ranks. He plays point guard for spire high
school. During ball in the family he is the family joker. He is
the childish prankster. He got a Lamborghini for his 16th
birthday. “Oh, I’m going for sure now. I actually talked to
USC two days ago, talking to KU.” Said Lamelo Ball.

Now for the middle child, the trouble one. Liangelo Ball has caused the biggest news out of the family. He even got kicked
out of the basketball season and ended up leaving UCLA. “LiAngelo Ball, one of three UCLA basketball players arrested in
Hangzhou, China, for shoplifting last month, was suspended indefinitely by the Bruins as a result of the incident.” (Dan
Guerrero, the director of sports at UCLA). Now liangelo is recovering from this incident having no college wants him, he
lost all of his trust. He has been to 2 other different pro teams to try to work out his hopes of making it to the nba. He
declared for the 2018 draft but was not selected. He now is looking into a g-league team, trying to keep his hopes alive.

Lastly the father, the brains and will power behind this team of young ballers. He started one of the most expensive
brands and his own tv show. “It seems like the goal as Ball and talented sons join the reality TV family pantheon
alongside “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” and “The Real Housewives of New York.””(Myron Medcalf). Lavar ball
created ball in the family, this show is encouraging young students and showing parents what will help their kids. Lavar
created the Big Baller Brand which sells shoes and shirts at extremely high prices. Lavar helps his wife, Tina, with many
things including helping her recover from a stroke.

In conclusion, the ball family has done many great things inside and outside of basketball. There family is made up of 3
potential NBA superstars and an excited, hard working parents. Lavar is the owner of many great things including a tv
show, a company and a basketball liege made to help younger players that made mistakes and are getting a second
chance. These few things are impacting many younger kids life and showing them what you have to do to be successful.


Lavar is the owner of the BBB brand with having Tina be in charge of
the women section. Tina is Lavar's right hand women doing
everything to help him in controlling a business. While she takes care
of Lavar, he keeps care of her. She had a stroke not that long ago and
she is recovering rapidly. These to are and "Elite pair".

The kids are working their hardest and making a living for them self. Lonzo is making his mark on the NBA showing that
he is an all star playmaker in the NBA. Liangelo is trying to become a pro player. Last but definitely not least, is trying to
bring a state championship to his high school. To sum everything up, the Ball family is trying their best to work and plan
out their future impacting as many people as they can.

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