Blooms Taxonomy Test Outline

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Class:________ Date:___/___/_____

Spanish Nouns Test

1. Match the corresponding English nouns to these spanish nouns.
Escritorio y l​á​piz
a. Desk and Pencil
b. Desk and Teacher
c. Computer and Clipboard
d. Pencil and Pen

2. What does the bolded word mean

“Yo necesito ​una ​silla p
​ ara sentar y trabajar en la tarea.
a. Water bottle
b. Pen
c. Chair
d. Binder

3. What is the right way to say a female teacher?

a. Teachora
b. Profesora
c. Senora Teacher
d. Profesor

1. Are these nouns Male or Female Nouns. (Female nouns are A and Male nouns are B)
A. B. N​iño A. B. Enfermera
A. B. Catera A. B. Alumna

2. Change the following singular nouns to plural nouns

El ​café El Rey​ La Calculadora La Bandera
______ ______ ____________ _________

3. What is the category of the nouns. (People are A. and Objects are B.)
​A. B. Alumno A. B. Examen
A. B. Profesora A. B. Alumna

1. How would you use “mapa” in the following sentence?
“​Usamos mucho ______ en mi clase de historia”
A. Mapo
B. Mapa
C. Mapas
D. Mapos

2. How would you change “grapadora” to be plural?

A. La grapadoras
B. Las grapadoras
C. El grapadoros
D. Los Grapadores

3. How would you change and what would you add for “regla” to be plural?
A. -es
B. -s
C. -as
D. No change

Analyze (can be open ended)

1. Differentiate nouns used in school versus nouns used at home
2. Compare the following English nouns to the matching Spanish nouns
a. Pencil Case
b. Lunchbox
c. Cafeteria
d. Classroom

3. Analyze the following English sentence and describe how the word placement would be different in
I really like my blue binder because my Aunt Tina bought it for me in Australia.

1. Do you think you should change the noun in this sentence? Why?
“Yo tengo un ​perro​ porque yo quiero correr con mi ​perro​ nuevo.

2. Do you think the noun in this makes sense? Why or Why not?
“​Quiero ​una botella de agua​ para beber aunque no sea saludable”

3. Do you think that it is critical to learn another language? How could it help you?

Create (can be open ended)

1. Create a short story using 10 nouns.

2. Rewrite one question from this test but change all of the nouns.

3. Write a short paragraph describing 3 nouns around you.




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