2019 Mar 18 Book Report

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Matchbox Book Report:

Date assigned: Monday, March 18th

DUE DATE: Friday, April 19th

Kids – you have an entire month (not including Spring Break) to finish this book
report. PLEASE do not wait until the last minute to start – because this is a big
project grade! Please sign below to agree to put your best work into this book

Sign: ___________________________ date: ______________

*The attached rubric tells you exactly what you are expected and how to get the
grade you want.

*Pick a chapter book you WANT to read and read it! 

*For each chapter you read, you will summarize the chapter on one of the
“matchbooks” (flashcards)

*Each will be illustrated to show a visual of your summary on the front –

underneath will be your written summary (remember to use your best handwriting,
spelling, and punctuation – project grade!)

Materials needed:

 Flashcards
 Large manila folder
 Tools to color illustrations
 Age appropriate – on level – CHAPTER book

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