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DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY 23:133–138 (2006)

Research Article
Thilo Deckersbach, Ph.D.,1 Karen K. Miller, M.D.,2 Anne Klibanski, M.D.,2 Alan Fischman, M.D., Ph.D.,3
Darin D. Dougherty, M.D.,1 Mark A. Blais, Psy.D.,1 David B. Herzog, M.D.,1 and Scott L. Rauch, M.D.1

Factor-analytic approaches to human personality have consistently identified

several core personality traits, such as Extraversion/Introversion, Neuroticism,
Agreeableness, Consciousness, and Openness. There is an increasing recognition
that certain personality traits may render individuals vulnerable to psychiatric
disorders, including anxiety disorders and depression. Our purpose in this study
was to explore correlates between the personality dimensions neuroticism and
extraversion as assessed by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) and
resting regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRglu) in healthy control
subjects. Based on the anxiety and depression literatures, we predicted
correlations with a network of brain structures, including ventral and medial
prefrontal cortex (encompassing anterior cingulate cortex and orbitofrontal
cortex), insular cortex, anterior temporal pole, ventral striatum, and the
amygdala. Twenty healthy women completed an 18FFDG (18F-fluorodeoxyglu-
cose) positron emission tomography (PET) scan at rest and the NEO-FFI
inventory. We investigated correlations between scores on NEO-FFI Neuroti-
cism and Extraversion and rCMRglu using statistical parametric mapping
(SPM99). Within a priori search territories, we found significant negative
correlations between Neuroticism and rCMRglu in the insular cortex and
positive correlations between Extraversion and rCMRglu in the orbitofrontal
cortex. No significant correlations were found involving anterior cingulate,
amygdala, or ventral striatum. Neuroticism and Extraversion are associated
with activity in insular cortex and orbitofrontal cortex, respectively. Depression
and Anxiety 23:133–138, 2006. & 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: neuroimaging; personality; neuroticism; extraversion

Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts
P ersonality is a key concept in both psychology and
Neuroendocrine Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Boston, Massachusetts
psychiatry. Personality typically refers to an integrated 3
pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving that varies Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
among individuals but is stable within each individual
Correspondence to: Thilo Deckersbach, Ph.D., Psychiatric
over time [Sugiura et al., 2000]. The Five-Factor
Model (FFM) of personality has recently emerged as Neuroscience Division, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts
the dominant model of normal personality [Liveley, General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Bldg. 149, 2611 13th
Street, Charlestown, MA 02129.
2001]. According to the FFM, all the phenotypical
variation present in overt behavior can be explained by
five higher-order factors [Extraversion, Neuroticism, Received for publication 22 March 2005; Revised 20 July 2005;
Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness; Accepted 27 September 2005
Goldberg, 1992]. Despite the ascendance of the FFM, DOI 10.1002/da.20152
only two factors, Extraversion and Neuroticism, have Published online 7 February 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.
achieved near universal acceptance, whereas consider-

r 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

134 Deckersbach et al.

able debate persists among theorist regarding the play an important role in mediating anxiety. These
importance, nature, and definition of the other three include posterior medial orbitofrontal, anterior tem-
of the factors [Depue and Lenzenweger, 2001]. poral, anterior cingulate, and insular cortex (i.e.,
Individuals scoring high on Extraversion are often paralimbic cortex). These regions are linked with deep
upbeat, optimistic, behaviorally active, and enjoy social limbic structures, such as the amygdala [Mesulam,
contact; they also report more positive emotions in 1985]. Contemporary models of threat assessment and
everyday life than do introverted individuals [McCrae the normal fear response focus on the role of the
and Costa, 1999]. Individuals scoring high on Neuroti- amygdala [Aggleton, 1992; LeDoux, 1996]. The func-
cism, on the other hand, worry frequently, often appear tions of the amygdala include preliminary threat
anxious and apprehensive, and report more negative assessment, facilitation of fight-or-flight responses, as
emotions than individuals who score lower on Neuro- well as enhancement of arousal and plasticity, so that
ticism [McCrae and Costa, 1999]. the organism can learn from the current experience to
In addition to being present in virtually all self-report guide responses in future similar situations. Conver-
inventories, Neuroticism and Extraversion each have sely, medial frontal cortex (i.e., anterior cingulate and
high heritability, reaching up to .46 and .51, respec- orbitofrontal cortex) provide important feedback to
tively [Plomin and Caspi, 1999]. Extraversion is and critical ‘‘top-down’’ governance over the amygdala
considered to be the product of a behavior activating [Aggleton, 1992; LeDoux, 1996]. This includes the
system based on incentive motivation that functions to medial frontal cortex (e.g., anterior cingulate and
facilitate positive reinforcement, whereas trait Neuro- orbitofrontal cortex), which appears to enable attenua-
ticism is the expression of a behavior inhibiting system tion of the fear response once danger has passed or
based upon anxiety and harm avoidance [Depue and when the meaning of a potentially threatening stimulus
Lenzenweger, 2001; Gray, 1992]. High trait levels of has changed. In addition, neuroimaging studies in
Neuroticism and/or low Extraversion have been linked obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) have identified
to increased vulnerability to major depression and abnormalities in the OFC and the striatum, and
anxiety [Watson and Clark, 1997]. posterior cingulate abnormalities may predict response
Neuroimaging studies that explored the neurobiolo- to treatment with fluvoxamine in OCD [e.g., Rauch
gical underpinnings of personality traits such as et al., 2002; Stein et al., 2000]. Likewise, there is
Extraversion and Neuroticism have found associations converging evidence implicating territories in the PFC
with brain structures that are known to be involved in and temporal lobe structures in the pathophysiology of
anxiety and affective disorders, including the amygdala major depression, including the anterior cingulate and
[Canli et al., 2002], subgenual prefrontal cortex [PFC; orbitofrontal cortex, as well as the amygdala [for a
Keightley et al., 2003], orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), review, see Davidson et al., 2002]. Based on these
insular cortex [Johnson et al., 1999; Sugiura et al., findings, we hypothesized associations between NEO-
2000], and temporal lobe [Turner et al., 2003]. For FFI Neuroticism and medial prefrontal cortex (including
example, Johnson et al. [1999], who conducted one of subgenual and pregenual anterior cingulate cortex
the few cerebral blood flow (CBF) studies employing [ACC]), posterior insulate cortex, insular cortex, tem-
the NEO-FFI (a short form the NEO Personality poral pole, and amygdala). For NEO-FFI Extraversion,
Inventory—Revised [NEO-PI-R] that is frequently we hypothesized associations with rCMRglu in the pre-
used in personality research [Costa and McCrae, genual and subgenual ACC, ventral striatum, and OFC.
1992]), found that Introversion was correlated with
blood flow in the lateral extent of the frontal cortex, the
insular cortex, and the right temporal cortex. Extra- METHODS
version was correlated with blood flow in the anterior
cingulate gyrus, right insular cortex, and bilateral Participants
temporal lobes, as well as bilateral decreases in the Study participants were 20 normal volunteers (all
frontal lobe. females; age: M 5 25.26, SD 5 3.66) recruited through
Given the prominence of Neuroticism and Extraver- the Neuroendocrine Unit at the Massachusetts General
sion in the normal personality literature, the purpose of Hospital. Participants were without history of signifi-
this study was to explore the correlates of regional cant head injury, seizure, neurological condition, or
cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRglu) at rest with current medical condition. Subjects were eligible to
the personality dimensions Neuroticism and Extraver- participate in the protocol if they had no current or
sion as assessed by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory past Axis I psychiatric disorder as confirmed by the
[NEO-FFI; Costa and McCrae, 1992]. We utilized the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV [SCID;
limited personality neuroimaging literature and the First et al., 1995], and no psychotropic medication use
more extensive anxiety and depression neuroimaging or hormonal therapy within the prior 6 months. These
literature to define a priori candidate brain regions that individuals were recruited as healthy control partici-
may be associated with the personality dimensions pants for a study that compared rCMRglu in female
Neuroticism and Extraversion assessed by the NEO- individuals with anorexia nervosa [Miller et al., 2004]
FFI. More specifically, limbic and paralimbic circuits with that of normal control subjects. Participants had a
Depression and Anxiety DOI 10.1002/da
Research Article: Glucose Metabolism Correlates of Personality 135

mean of 16 years’ education (M 5 16.47, SD 5 1.62) (P 5.005). A posteriori observed correlations were
and were of average or above average intelligence as considered statistically significant if at least five
measured by the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of contiguous voxels exceeded z 5 3.72 (P 5.0001). This
Intelligence (WASI; M 5 118.94, SD 5 10.50). Beck a posteriori significance threshold reflects the correc-
Depression Inventory [BDI; Beck et al., 1961] scores tion for multiple comparisons based on the number of
confirmed the absence of any substantial symptoms of resolution units included in the whole search volume.
depression (M 5 1.21, SD 5 1.51). All subjects had For correlations exceeding the statistical threshold in
regular menstrual periods and were studied during the SPM analysis, we extracted data using MarsBaR
the early follicular phase (i.e., the first week) of their software creating spherical regions of interest (ROIs)
menstrual cycles. The protocol was approved by the with a 2 mm diameter around the maximum voxel.
Subcommittee on Human Studies at the Massachusetts Data were then imported into SPSS software to
General Hospital, and written informed consent was examine deviation from the normal distribution and
obtained from all subjects. All subjects completed an to search for outliers. Only correlations in which
FDG (18F-fluorohydroxyglucose) positron emission statistical assumptions for correlational analysis were
tomography (PET) scan at rest and the NEO-FFI met are reported. Locations of all statistically signifi-
inventory. The NEO-FFI inventory was completed cant correlations are reported using the 3D coordinates
before the PET scanning, prior to injection of the of the MNI [x indicates right (1) or left ( ); y indicates
radioactive tracer. anterior (1) or posterior ( ); z indicates superior (1)
or inferior ( ) to the anterior commissure].
PET Image Acquisition and Analysis
FDG (approximately 185 MBq, 5 mCI) was
injected intravenously in a quiet, dedicated waiting There were no significant correlations between age,
room, where the subject was instructed to remain education, depression (BDI) and any of the personality
sitting quietly, in accordance with a nominal ‘‘resting scores (all Ps4.10).
state.’’ After a 45-min uptake period, the subject was Neuroticism. Within our a priori search territory, a
led to the adjacent imaging suite. After entering the significant negative correlation was observed between
scanner, each subject was fitted with a thermoplastic, NEO-N scores and rCMRglu in the left insular cortex
custom-molded face mask to restrict head movements. (r 5 .63, P 5.003; MNI: x 5 32, y 5 22, z 5 16; see
The subject was positioned within the PET camera so Fig. 1). A post hoc significant correlation between
that the head was aligned in the scanner relative to the NEO-N scores and rCMRglu was observed in the left
canthomeatal line. Emission data were acquired with superior temporal gyrus [Brodmann’s area (BA22);
an HR1 PETcamera (CTI; Knoxville, TN), which has r 5 .77; Po.001; MNI: x 5 48, y 5 48, z 5 20].
an in-plane and axial resolution of 4.5 mm FWHM Extraversion. A priori significant correlations be-
(full width at half-maximum intensity), 63 contiguous tween NEO-E scores and rCMRglu were observed for
slices of 2.5 mm separation, and a sensitivity of two areas in the left and right OFC (BA11; left OFC:
200,000 cps/microcurie/mL [two dimensional (2D)] r 5 .57, P 5.009; MNI: x 5 14, y 5 68, z 5 12; right
and 900,000 cps/microcurie/mL (3D). OFC: r 5 .63, P 5.001; MNI: x 5 20, y 5 18, z 5 12;
The PET images were corrected for head movement see Fig. 2).
and transformed to the coordinate system developed No above threshold correlations were observed post
and distributed by the Montreal Neurologic Institute hoc in brain regions beyond those predicted a priori
(MNI) implemented in the SPM99 software package with NEO-E scores.
(Welcome Department of Cognitive Neurology;
London). All images were smoothed and scaled using
a 15-mm FWHM 3D Gaussian filter. At each voxel the
PET data were normalized by the global mean and fit We set out to explore correlations of the NEO-FFI
to a linear statistical model by the method of least personality traits with rDMRglu. Consistent with our
squares. The scores for the NEO Neuroticism (NEO- a priori predictions, based on studies in healthy as well
N) and NEO Extraversion (NEO-E) were incorpo- as psychiatric samples, Neuroticism was correlated
rated as covariates of interest (correlational analysis). with rCMRglu in the insular cortex. Extraversion was
Means (7standard deviations) for the NEO subscales correlated with glucose metabolism in the OFC. The
were as follows: Neuroticism, 40.30 (78.5); Extraver- interpretation of these results principally relies upon
sion, 60.35 (79.18). The linear association between knowledge about the mediating anatomy of normal
rCMRglu and each personality dimension was tested emotional function. Likwise, whereas the implications
on a voxel-by-voxel basis using the SPM covariates of these findings most directly relate to normal
option. SPM t-statistics were transformed into SPM personality, there is hope that these results will also
z-scores. A priori defined regions of interest were have implications for understanding personality traits
inspected first and were considered significant if at least as vulnerability factors for developing psychiatric
five contiguous voxels (kZ5) exceeded z 5 2.58 diseases. Indeed, OFC and insular cortex are brain
Depression and Anxiety DOI 10.1002/da
136 Deckersbach et al.

40 The insular cortex, lying deep in the temporal lobe,

has been conceptualized mainly as viscerosensory
cortex. Electrical stimulation of the insular cortex in a
variety of mammals elicits changes in blood pressure,
30 heart rate, respiration, and gastrointestinal activity
[Cechetto and Chen, 1990]. Functional neuroimaging
(fMRI) studies have linked the anterior insula to

attention and sensitivity to interoceptive cues as well

as the perceived aversiveness of stimuli [Critchley et al.,
2004; Jackson et al., 2005]. For example, Critchley and
colleagues [2004] found that anterior insular activation
10 (as assessed by fMRI) predicted how accurately
individuals judged their heart rate in a heartbeat
detection task. Jackson et al. [2005] found that insular
activation is associated with the degree to which
0 normal individuals perceive and assess social situations
50 60 70 80 as painful. This aspect of insular function may thus
INSULA rCMRglu contribute to Neuroticism as a personality trait
Figure 1. Scatterplot for the correlation between NEO- characterized as a proneness to worry frequently, be
Neuroticism scores and rCMRglu in the left insula (P o.005). anxious and apprehensive, and report more negative
emotions than individuals who score lower on Neuro-
ticism [McCrae and Costa, 2003]. Consistent with
Orbitofrontal Cortex(BA11) this view, increased insular activation has been reported
Left: x=-14, y=68, z=-12 Right: x=20,y=18, z=-12 in individuals with PTSD and/or animal phobia
[Liberzon et al., 1999; Wright et al., 2003]. In this
context, it is noteworthy to emphasize the distinction
between baseline insular activity as assessed by resting
FDG and insular activation (i.e., change in activity level
between two conditions, as assessed with cognitive
activation paradigms). Neuroticism may be associated
with increased insular activation, because these indivi-
duals might be hypersensitive to interoceptive cues,
thereby enhancing susceptibility to anxiety states.
Therefore, it is possible that individuals with lower
baseline levels of activity in this region may be more
sensitive to these minor changes in interoceptive
signals, thereby accounting for the negative correlation
between NEO-N and resting insular activity (as
assessed by FDG in the present study). To further
explore this possiblity, it would be valuable to assess the
relationship between personality traits and regional
brain activity (e.g., resting FDG) as well as activation
NEO Extraversion

NEO Extraversion

40 40 (e.g., change in rCBF) in the same subjects.

We also found a correlation between Extraversion
30 30 and rCMRglu in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex.
This finding is largely consistent with the results of a
20 20 previous study [Johnson et al., 1999] that investigated
42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 the correlation between rCBF and Extraversion.
However, it should be noted, that Johnson et al. found
Figure 2. Correlations between NEO-Extraversion scores and a negative correlation between rCBF and Extraversion
rCMRglu in the orbitofrontal cortex (P o.005) in the left and that the locus (BA11) was slightly more lateralized
orbitofrontal cortex (A) and right orbitofrontal cortex (B) OFC than the areas of correlations in the OFC found in our
superimposed on averaged MRIs. study. It is possible that differences in imaging
modalities (blood flow vs. rCMRglu) or sample
differences may account for this disparity in findings.
regions that have been implicated in various psychiatric Specifically, our sample consisted exclusively of female
disorders, including anxiety (e.g., OCD, posttraumatic participants, whereas that of Johnson et al. included
stress disorder [PTSD]), and affective disorders (in- male and female participants. Thus, caution is advised
cluding major depressive and bipolar disorders). when extrapolating from our sample of exclusively
Depression and Anxiety DOI 10.1002/da
Research Article: Glucose Metabolism Correlates of Personality 137

female participants to male individuals. Replication and as the ACC, amygdala, and striatum participate in
extension of our findings in mixed and/or male samples functions relevant to personality traits such as Neuroti-
are warranted. The ventromedial PFC, including the cism or Extraversion. However, it may be that
OFC, among other brain structures, is believed to play associations of smaller effect went undetected due to
a crucial role in inhibitory functions [e.g., Davidson these power constraints. In general, effects based on
et al., 2000]. Functional neuroimaging studies that used intersubject correlations may be more pronounced in
emotion induction paradigms have commonly found studies that include individuals with psychopathology
that the ventral prefrontal cortex is recruited during as well as healthy controls. Alternatively, it may be that
anger states [e.g., Blair et al., 1999; Damasio et al., resting metabolic activity is not the most salient
2000]. PET FDG studies have demonstrated that measure for detecting their relevant roles. For instance,
patients with impulsive aggression, unlike healthy measures of responses (condition-related changes in
individuals, do not show rCMRglu increases of the activity) may be critical to appreciating their participa-
ventromedial prefrontal cortex in response to admin- tion in the networks that mediate these personality
istration of fenfluramine [Siever et al., 1999; Soloff traits. Consequently, future studies should employ
et al., 2000] or metachlorophenylpiperazine [New paradigms to test for relationships between activation
et al., 2002]. These findings support the view that that of the amygdala, striatum, and ACC, and Neuroticism
the ventral PFC plays a crucial role in constraining and Extraversion. More specifically, such tasks might
impulsive acts or behaviors [Davidson et al., 2000]. Our include those that entail responses to threat-related or
study extends these findings by suggesting that OFC novel stimuli [amygdala; e.g., Schwartz et al., 2003;
metabolism at rest may reflect not only psychiatric Whalen et al., 2004], reward [ventral striatum; e.g.,
pathology but also interindividual differences in Delgado et al., 2005], and attention/response suppres-
personality traits (i.e., Extraversion) in normal indivi- sion, error monitoring, or reward-based decision
duals. In healthy individuals, the OFC appears to making [ACC; e.g., Bush et al., 2002; Holroyd et al.,
mediate autonomic responding [Critchley et al., 2000], 2004; Williams et al., 2004].
in particular, skin conductance, in the service of
guiding motivational behavior and decision making.
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