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Feature Editor: Sharon Stall, MPH, RD, CSR

Considering Greek Yogurt for Chronic Kidney

Sharon Stall, MPH, RD, CSR

I T IS THE big time for Greek yogurt. It is

packed full of protein, it is lower in sodium
and sugar than regular yogurt, it is relatively easy
Greek yogurt requires careful consideration to
be included in the meal plan for a person on dial-
ysis. It is high in protein, phosphorus, and potas-
to eat, and it tastes good. Sales have skyrocketed, sium. Yogurt can be found on more than one ‘‘to
and three new yogurt plants are revitalizing the avoid’’ list for persons with chronic kidney disease
dairy industry of New York state, which will bring (CKD). However, dialysis patients need protein.
jobs to Batavia NY (the site of the annual Council The National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease
of Renal Nutrition conference in that region). Outcomes Quality Initiative protein recommen-
Remarkably, Chobani yogurt, which is the lead- dation for a person on hemodialysis is 1.2 g pro-
ing brand of Greek yogurt, was an official sponsor tein/kg body weight and for peritoneal dialysis
of Team USA for the London 2012 Olympics. patients it is 1.2-1.3 g protein/kg body weight.3
This shines the national spotlight on this new Dietary manipulation of phosphorus and phos-
food product and company, which arrived on su- phate binders is the foundation of treatment for
permarket shelves just 7 years ago. maintaining phosphorus levels trending toward
Part of the appeal of Greek yogurt is its simple normal.4 High serum phosphorus levels are asso-
and pure recipe. Traditionally, Greek yogurt is ciated with increased mortality and cardiovascular
made with three ingredients—milk, cream, and risk in persons with CKD.4 Strategies to control
live cultures—and is strained to get its signature phosphorus often end up in a tug of war of protein
texture and flavor. It is thick and tangy. As an ex- versus phosphorus.
ample, it takes 40 oz of milk strained 3 times to The phosphorus-to-protein ratio has been
make 16 oz of yogurt.1 This explains the other suggested as a metric to evaluate the phosphorus
draw—its appealing nutritional profile. There content of food for use in the CKD diet. This
are up to 18 g of protein in a 6-oz cup. However, ratio has been recommended by the Kidney Dis-
Greek yogurt is expensive. Much to the dismay of ease Outcomes Quality Initiative guidelines.5
purists, some manufacturers have turned to food Kalantar-Zadeh et al.6 further described the utility
technology to produce a product that mimics of this method in evaluating the protein versus
Greek yogurt produced the traditional way.2 For phosphorus dilemma. This ratio has been parti-
example, Yoplait adds thickeners such as milk pro- cularly powerful in demonstrating the effect of
tein concentrate and organic cornstarch to their phosphate additives in food. For example, the
formulation. This allows for production to meet phosphorus-to-protein ratio for cola soda might
market demand and it cuts cost. Although there be 50; there is no protein in soda. A guide to using
is a Standard of Identity for yogurt, there is no the phosphorus-to-protein ratio is the lower the
standard for Greek yogurt.2 value, the more appropriate the food for inclusion
in the diet. In the case of Greek yogurt with its
Unity Hospital Dialysis at Spencerport, Rochester, New York.
Financial Disclosure: The author declares that there are no relevant
powerful protein punch, the calculated 13-15
financial interests. mg phosphorus/g protein ratio is an improvement
Address reprint requests to Sharon Stall, MPH, RD, CSR, over the average ratio of 20 mg/g for dairy prod-
Unity Hospital Dialysis at Spencerport, 5 Land-Re Way, Rochester, ucts.7 Although it is suggested to consume foods
NY 14559. E-mail: sharonstall@aol.com. with a ratio of 10 mg/g or less, most organic phos-
Ó 2012 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc. All rights
phorus from animal proteins ranges between 10
1051-2276/$36.00 and 20 mg/g.7 It seems like the thoughtful dieti-
http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.jrn.2012.09.001 tian may consider Greek yogurt in the meal plan

Journal of Renal Nutrition, Vol 22, No 6 (November), 2012: pp e57-e62 e57


Table 1. Comparison of Dannon Nonfat Plain

†Chobani states in the FAQ section of the website ‘‘Every 6-oz cup of Chobani contains about 120 mg of potassium and 240 mg of phosphorus.’’8 Potassium and phosphorus is
*Calcium information is provided as a percentage of the DV. This has been converted to grams grams for ease of comparison; for example, 20% of the 1,000 DV for

Phosphorus information is provided as a percentage of the DV. This has been converted to grams for ease of comparison; for example, 20% of the 1,000 DV 5 200 mg.
Yogurt Versus Chobani Greek Nonfat Plain Yogurt

Fat (g)



Greek Yogurt
Yogurt Nonfat Nonfat Plain,
Nutrient Plain, Dannon Chobani




Amount 6 oz 6 oz
Calories 80 80
Protein (g) 9 18

CHO (g)
Phosphorus (mg) 250* 240†


Phosphorus- 28‡ 13‡
ratio (mg/g)‡

Sodium (mg) 120 80

300§ 200§

Calcium (mg)



Potassium (mg) 400 120†
Sugar (g) 12 6
Greek yogurt has almost 2 times the protein and less so-

dium, potassium, calcium, and sugar (carbohydrate).



*Phosphorus information is provided on the Nutrition
Facts label as a percentage of the DV. This has been con-
verted to milligrams for ease of comparison; for example,

20% of the DV of 1,000 mg for phosphorus 5 200 mg.



†Chobani states in the FAQ section of the website
‘‘Every 6-oz cup of Chobani contains about 120 mg of po-
tassium and 240 mg of phosphorus.’’8 Potassium and
Table 2. Plain Yogurt by Brand in Descending Order by Protein Content per Serving Size

Ratio (mg/g)
phosphorus information is not provided on the Nutrition

Facts label. N/A



‡Phosphorus-to-protein ratio: Dannon nonfat plain
yogurt: 250 mg phosphorus/9 g protein 5 27.7 5 28;
Chobani nonfat plain yogurt: 240 mg phosphours/18 g
protein 5 13.3 5 13.
Phosphorus (mg)

Calcium information is provided as a percentage of the
DV that appears on the Nutrition Facts label. This has been



converted to grams for ease of comparison; for example, N/A

20% of the 1,000 mg DV for calcium 5 200 mg.

for a person with CKD. Within the context of

healthy eating and wellness, perhaps the person
Protein (g)

with CKD might even feel like an Olympian.


Table 1. Shows the comparison of plain nonfat

CHO, carbohydrates; N/A, no information available.

yogurt with Greek nonfat yogurt. This highlights

the benefits of Greek yogurt, which is higher in
6 oz/170 g
7 oz/200 g
6 oz/170 g
7 oz/200 g
6 oz/170 g
6 oz/170 g

5.3 oz/150 g
5.3 oz/150 g

protein and lower in sodium, potassium, and sugar

Size (g)

than traditional yogurt. The calculations for the

not provided on the Nutrition Facts label.

phosphorus-to-protein ratio are provided for ex-

ample; notice the favorable ratio for Greek yogurt.
Table 2 lists the top-selling brands (Chobani, Fage,
Fage Total 0% nonfat yogurt

Oikos, and Yoplait) of plain Greek yogurt in de-

Stonyfield organic Oikos

scending order of protein. It is important to note

Dannon Oikos Greek

that the quantities of yogurt vary. The tables

Fage Total classic

calcium 5 2,000 mg.

were not standardized by amount; that is, the 7-

Chobani nonfat

Chobani lowfat
Yoplait Greek
Yogurt Brand

Fage 2% fat

oz Fage has more protein than the 6-oz Chobani

yogurt because it is a bigger portion. The thought
was that a person would eat a cup as packaged;
therefore, it would be best to provide the informa-

tion per serving size. Table 3 shows the flavored

Table 3. Yogurt by Brand: Chobani, Fage, Oikos (Dannon and Stonyfield), and Yoplait
Serving to-Protein Calcium Sodium Potassium Calories
Yogurt Brand Size (g) Protein (g) Phosphorus (mg) Ratio (mg/g) (mg)* (mg) (mg) CHO (g) (kcal) Fat (g)

Chobani nonfat plain 6 oz/170 g 18 240† 13 200 80 120† 7 100 0

Chobani nonfat vanilla 6 oz/170 g 16 240† 15 200 75 120† 13 120 0
Chobani nonfat honey 6 oz/170 g 16 240† 15 200 75 120† 20 150 0
Chobani nonfat lemon 6 oz/170 g 15 240† 16 150 80 120† 20 140 0
Chobani nonfat bloody 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 150 85 120† 21 140 0
Chobani nonfat 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 150 85 120† 21 140 0
Chobani nonfat 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 200 65 120† 19 140 0
Chobani nonfat peach 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 200 65 120† 20 140 0


Chobani nonfat apple 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 150 80 120† 20 140 0
Chobani nonfat 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 200 65 120† 20 140 0
Chobani nonfat black 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 150 70 120† 22 140 0
Chobani lowfat plain 6 oz/170 g 17 240† 14 200 70 120† 7 130 3.5
Chobani lowfat 6 oz/170 g 14 240† 17 150 65 120† 19 160 3
strawberry banana
Chobani lowfat mango 6 oz/170 g 13 240† 18 150 65 120† 21 160 3
Chobani lowfat 6 oz/170 g 13 240† 18 150 65 120† 21 160 2.5
Fage Total 0% plain 6 oz/170 g 18 N/A N/A 200 65 N/A 7 100 0
Fage Total 0% 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 45 N/A 17 120 0
Fage Total 0% 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 45 N/A 17 120 0
Fage Total 0% peach 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 45 N/A 17 120 0
Fage Total 0% cherry 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 50 N/A 17 120 0
Fage Total 0% 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 45 N/A 17 120 0
Fage Total 0% cherry- 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 50 N/A 19 130 0
Fage Total 0% 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 45 N/A 18 120 0\
blueberry acai

Table 3. (Continued)

Serving to-Protein Calcium Sodium Potassium Calories
Yogurt Brand Size (g) Protein (g) Phosphorus (mg) Ratio (mg/g) (mg)* (mg) (mg) CHO (g) (kcal) Fat (g)
Fage Total 0% mango 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 45 N/A 18 120 0
Fage Total 0% 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 50 N/A 17 120 0
strawberry goji
Fage Total 2% plain 7 oz/200 g 20 N/A N/A 200 65 N/A 8 150 4
Fage Total 2% 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 100 40 N/A 17 140 2.5
Fage Total 2% peach 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 100 40 N/A 17 140 2.5
Fage Total 2% cherry 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 100 40 N/A 17 140 2.5
Fage Total 2% honey 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 100 40 N/A 17 140 2.5
Fage Total 2% 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 100 40 N/A 18 140 2.5
Fage Total classic plain 7 oz/200 g 18 N/A N/A 200 70 N/A 8 190 10
Fage Total classic 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 18 170 6
Fage Total classic 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 17 170 6

Fage Total classic 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 17 170 6
Fage Total classic 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 17 170 6
Fage Total classic 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 29 210 6
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 15 N/A N/A 150 50 160 6 80 0
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 150 50 160 21 120 0
black cherry
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 150 50 160 20 130 0
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 150 45 135 19 120 0
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 150 50 150 21 130 0
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 150 45 170 20 130 0
Dannon Oikos fat-free 5.3 oz/150 g 12 N/A N/A 150 50 170 19 120 0
Dannon Oikos 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 150 55 170 18 160 4.5
traditional strawberry
Dannon Oikos 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 150 75 135 18 160 4.5
traditional key lime
Dannon Oikos 5.3 oz/150 g 11 N/A N/A 150 50 160 18 160 4.5
traditional raspberry
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 15 200‡ 13 200 60 230 6 80 0
Oikos plain
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 15 200‡ 13 200 60 220 12 110 0
Oikos vanilla
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 14 200‡ 14 150 65 210 14 110 0
Oikos honey fig
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 13 200‡ 15 150 70 190 16 120 0
Oikos blueberry
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 13 200‡ 15 150 50 190 18 120 0
Oikos honey
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 13 200‡ 15 150 60 210 19 130 0
Oikos peach mango


Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 13 15 150 80 190 16 110 0
Oikos strawberry
Stonyfield organic 5.3 oz/150 g 13 200‡ 15 150 80 190 18 130 0
Oikos super fruit
Yoplait Greek 100 key 5.3 oz/150 g 13 N/A N/A 150 55 N/A 10 100 0
Yoplait Greek 100 black 5.3 oz/150 g 10 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 14 100 0
Yoplait Greek 100 5.3 oz/150 g 10 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 14 100 0
mixed berry
Yoplait Greek 100 5.3 oz/50 g 10 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 14 100 0
Yoplait Greek 100 5.3 oz/50 g 10 N/A N/A 100 45 N/A 14 100 0
Yoplait Greek plain 6 oz/170 g 17 350‡ 21 450 115 N/A 12 120 0
Yoplait Greek honey 6 oz/170 g 14 300‡ 21 400 120 N/A 22 150 0
Yoplait Greek key lime 6 oz/170 g 14 300‡ 21 400 100 N/A 25 160 0
Yoplait Greek peach 6 oz/170 g 14 300‡ 21 400 100 N/A 25 160 0
Yoplait Greek 6 oz/170 g 14 300‡ 21 400 100 N/A 25 160 0
Yoplait Greek blueberry 6 oz/170 g 12 250‡ 21 350 100 N/A 26 160 0
*Calcium information is provided as a percentage of the DV. This has been converted to grams for ease of comparison; for example, 20% of the 1,000 DV for calcium 5 2,000 mg.
†Chobani states in the FAQ section of the website ‘‘Every 6-oz cup of Chobani contains about 120 mg of potassium and 240 mg of phosphorus.’’ 8 Potassium and phosphorus
information is not provided on the Nutrition Facts label.
‡Phosphorus information is provided on the label as a percentage of the DV. This has been converted to milligrams for ease of comparison; for example, 20% of the DV of 1,000

mg for phosphorus 5 200 mg.

yogurts organized by brand as well as within brand  Oikos-Dannon http://www.oikosyogurt.

in descending order of protein. Although the plain com/
yogurts have the highest protein content, the fruit-  Oikos-Stonyfield Organic (Dannon)
flavored yogurts are very popular. Most of the fruit http://www.stonyfield.com/
yogurts within a brand have similar nutrition  Yoplait http://www.yoplait.com/
breakdowns with a bit less protein than plain yo-
gurt, but still a worthwhile source of protein.
Although this product update discusses using
the phosphorus-to-protein ratio, the manufacturer References
does not always provide phosphorus information. 1. Groom DJ. Greek-style yogurt popularity means going the extra
The dietitian must use judgment in estimating the mile to find enough milk to keep up with demand. Syracuse, NY: The
phosphorus content and perhaps extrapolate data Post-Standard; 2012. Available at: http://www.syracuse.com/
from other similar products. In the calculations Accessed August 3, 2012.
provided, the phosphorus content was extrapolated 2. Charles D. High tech shortcut to Greek Yogurt leaves purist fum-
from the information provided as percent daily ing. Washington D.C.: The Salt NPR’s Food Blog; 2012. Available
value (DV) for phosphorus. The Chobani website at: http://www.npr.org/blogs/thesalt/2012/07/19/156997600/
responded to a question of ‘‘How much phospho- high-tech-shortcut-to-greek-yogurt-leaves-purists-fuming. Ac-
rus and potassium are in Greek yogurt?’’ with cessed August 7, 2012.
3. National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI Clinical practice
‘‘Every 6-oz cup of Chobani contains about 250 guidelines for nutrition in chronic renal failure. Am J Kidney
mg of potassium and 240 mg of phosphorus.’’ 8 In Dis. 2000;35(6 suppl 2):S40-S43.
both of these circumstances this is an estimate and 4. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis. Eval-
not an absolute value. In addition, if a yogurt con- uation, prevention, and treatment of chronic kidney disease-mineral
tains phosphate additives, then the phosphorus and bone disorder (CKD-MBD). Kidney Int. 2009;76(suppl 113):
content will be higher. As the Greek yogurt market S51-S53.
5. National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI Clinical practice
expands, the variety in yogurts and available por- guidelines for bone metabolism and disease in chronic kidney dis-
tion sizes will expand and the registered dietitian ease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2003;42(6 suppl 3):S66-S70.
will need to rely on the Nutrition Facts label, the 6. Kalantar-Zadeh K, Gutekunst L, Mehotra R, et al. Under-
ingredient list, and professional judgment for deter- standing sources of dietary phosphorus in the treatment of patients
mining inclusion in the diet. with chronic kidney disease. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010;5:
7. Noori N, Sims JJ, Kopple JD, et al. Organic and inorganic
Manufacturers Contact Information dietary phosphorus and its management in chronic kidney disease.
Iran J Kidney Dis. 2010;4:89-100.
 Fage http://www.fageusa.com 8. Chobani. Chobani Greek Yogurt FAQ. Available at: http://
 Chobani http://chobani.com/ chobani.com/products/faq/. Accessed August 9, 2012.

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