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Colegio de San Juan de Letran-Manaoag

Manaoag, Pangasinan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in

English 9
December 10, 2018

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) identify the major themes of the story;
b) arrange the scenes in chronological order; and
c) recognize the relevance of the theme "tragic love" in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet to
the lives of teenagers.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Short Story of “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare.
Textbook: English Communication, Arts and Skills through Anglo-American and
Filipino Literature by Milagros G. Lapid and Josephine B, Serrano, page 50-54.
Materials: Handouts, Storyboards, and Slides Presentation.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a) Routinary Activities
 Opening prayer
 Checking of attendance
 Review

b) Motivation
Before we proceed with our topic for today, we will
first have an activity. I will divide the class into 3
groups. The 1st row will be the group 1, the second
row will be the group 2, and the last row will be the
group 3. (Students follow)
Do I make myself clear?
“Yes teacher”
Very good!

But first, listen to my instructions. Each group

should have one representative and each
representative will pick a phrase that I have
prepared. The 3 phrases are not complete so each
group will be given 40 seconds to complete the
sentence. If the group did not get the answer
correctly, the other groups can steal and thus get
the points.

Do I make myself clear?

“Yes teacher”
Okay, All representatives please come in front, and
pick your phrase. (Representatives follow)

At the count of 3, we will start the activity….

1, 2, 3 Go!

Forcefulness of ____________
Love as a Cause of ____________ Love
Individual versus __________ Violence

c) Lesson Proper

Today our topic is a story entitled, “Romeo and

Juliet” Have you heard it before? “Yes teacher”

Will you share with us your insights about the (answers may vary)

This is a tragedy story written by William

Shakespeare also known as the "Bard of Avon," He
is often called England's national poet and
considered the greatest dramatist of all time.
Shakespeare's works are known throughout the
world, but his personal life is shrouded in mystery.
“Romeo and Juliet” was among Shakespeare's most
popular plays during his lifetime. It is all about
young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately
reconcile their feuding families.

Do I make myself clear? “Yes teacher”

Okay, then who is the author of the story?

The author of the story is William
Shakespeare teacher.
Very good! You’re listening.

From the activity a while ago, I have given you 3

phrases right? “Yes teacher”

What are the three phrases again?

The three phrases are Forcefulness of love,
Love as a cause of violence and
Independent verses society teacher.
Very good!

As you can see in the slide, these three phrases are

the themes of the story.

Number 1 is Forcefulness of Love; it is a powerful

love that sometimes brings you down for the sake
of your love one.

Will you give me another meaning of forcefulness

of love? (answers may vary)
Number 2 is Love as a Cause of Violence; It
depicts the downfall of two lovers who are willing
to sacrifice things just for each other.

Will you give me another meaning of love as a

cause of violence? (answers may vary)
And Number 3 is the Independent verses Society,
which involves the lovers’ struggles against public
and social institutions that either explicitly or
implicitly oppose the existence of their love.

Do I make myself clear? “Yes teacher”

Ok then, let’s proceed to the main characters of the


But first, I have here a power point presentation in

order for you to see the pictures of the characters
and their descriptions. Please don’t forget their
characterization so it will be easy for us to identify
them as we read the story later. “Yes teacher”

(Characters will be shown in the slides)

All in all there are 11 main characters in the story. “Yes teacher”
Right class?

To see if you really listened a while ago.

Again, who are the characters in the story?  Juliet
 Romeo
 Paris
 Benvolio
 Mercutio
 Tybalt
 Lady Capulet
 Montague
 Capulet
 The Nurse
 Friar Lawrence
You’re listening. Very good!

We can now proceed in reading the story. But first,

let me distribute the handouts. (Students get each an handout)

To help you understand the story well, I have

prepared a film of “Romeo and Juliet” in order for
you to see the scenes or the actions while I read the

(The story is in the handout)

After reading the story,

 Why do you think Old Capulet wants Juliet
to marry Count Paris instead of Romeo?
Old Capulet does not want to let Juliet
someone coming from his enemy’s family.
Very good!

 Are you willing to sacrifice your life just

for the person you love?
(answers may vary)

 Do you consider your family when

choosing a partner- whether your family
will approve of your partner or not. Or do
you just pick someone without considering (answers may vary)
your family?

 If you were Romeo or Juliet and you were

caught in a similar situation, how would
you have handled or solved the conflict so
as not to have a tragic ending? (answers may vary)

IV. Evaluation
The class will be divided into 2 groups and each group will arrange the story in chronological
order. First, each group needs to find the storyboards inside the classroom. A storyboard is
a sequence of pictures used to plan the order of an action and events in a story. After that, they will stick
the storyboard in front with the proper arrangement of the scenes in the story. The storyboards of group 1
are in my left side of the room, while the storyboards of group 2 are in my right side of the room. Each
group will be given 10 minutes to find and arrange the scenes of the story.

V. Assignment
Select a motif from the play and explain what message or messages that helps you the most:
1. Dreams and Premonitions
2. Lightness/Darkness
3. Trust/Advice
4. Contrasting perspectives

Prepared by: Rose Angela M. Uligan

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