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3915_ing_Y2017_Əyani_Yekun imtahan testinin sualları Fənn : 3915 İngilis dili

1. Find the antonym of the underlined word: You find an invaluable and variable tool of communication.

• worthy
• great
• cheap
• costly
√ worthless

2. Choose the correct answer. What ____ did you have when you rejected the offer?

• community
√ consideration
• considered
• consider
• common

3. Choose the correct synonym. “To accept”.

• accepted
• suggest
• vary
√ to come to terms
• appear

4. Choose the correct synonym.“To take into consideration”.

• consideration
• terms
√ to take into account
• account
• ordinary

5. Choose the correct synonym . “Common”.

• short
• term
• community
• ordinary
√ general

Fill in the gaps: The new understanding transmitted at the meeting came 38 percent from their …, and 55 percent from the … …
6. accompanying them.

• secret, intonation
• fault ,motives
• intonation, move
• courage, body movements
√ intonation, body movements

7. Fill in the gaps: “Words failed me”, we say when we describe incoherence of … , … or passion.

• goodness, shock
• desire, shock
• happiness, goodness
• love, shock
√ anger, shock
Fill in the gaps: A researcher found that at an … meeting only 7 percent of the understanding reached derived from the … words
8. spoken.

• clear, actual
• informally, actual
• informal, formal
√ informal, actual
• proper, informal

Fill in the gaps: We all make and translate dozens of such simple gestures each day, giving and reading them correctly within the …..
9. of our speech and actions.

• gestures
√ context
• derivations
• safety
• talk

Fill in the gaps:Running along with our spoken words is a secret and mostly silent language which illustrates, fills out and … what we
10. say.

• running
√ annotates
• jumps
• writes
• runs

11. Find out synonyms of the underlined words: The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.

• sincerity
√ dishonesty
• insistence
• calmness
• clarity

12. Find out synonyms of the underlined words: Political language has to consist largely of euphemisms and sheer cloudy vagueness.

• gentle
√ complete
• moral
• heavy
• gradual

13. Find out synonyms of the underlined words: In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible.

• defensible
√ faulty
• incredible
• indelible
• excusable

14. Find out synonyms of the underlined words: It enforces a dangerous way of looking at the world-in black and white.

• manages
• doubts
√ implements
• agrees
• takes

Find out synonyms of the underlined words: In the USA diplomats , journalists, and others such as university teachers have been
15. increasingly asked not to use certain words and expressions because they might cause offense.
• doubtful, crime
√ definite, abuse
• absolute, doubtful
• clear, profitability
• crime, doubtful

Find out synonyms of the underlined words: There are a lot of arguments supporting it, and still there are some who dismiss it as an
16. irrelevance.

• accept, inconsequence
√ banish, inconsequence
• inconsequence, banish
• say, inconsequence
• appoint, cable

Find out synonyms of the underlined word: Political correctness seems to have originated with US college students in the late 1980s and
17. early 1990s.

• terminated
√ derived
• gone
• end
• given

18. Find out synonyms of the underlined word:It affronts the right of an individual to establish his or her own beliefs.

• appeases
√ abuses
• gives
• allows
• compliments

Find out synonyms of the underlined words: The younger generation is known to have contributed some monstrous words to the New
19. Vocabulary.

• abhorrent, subtracted
√ invested, abhorrent
• subtracted, great
• helped, small
• helped, abhorrent

Find out synonyms of the underlined word:While celebrated by promoters as a list of objectively offensive things one may not say,
20. “Political Correctness” is really a subjective list.

• delightful
√ disagreeable
• polite
• thrust
• pleasant

21. Choose the right variant: Political correctness” nowadays sees everything in terms of ….. .

• class
√ race, class and gender
• race
• gender, class
• gender

22. Choose the right variant:But political correctness and the banning of words does not drive out….. :it merely hides it.
• goodness
√ prejudice
• view
• secret
• avoidance

23. Complete the sentence: “Gringo”, “savages” and “redskin” are among the words preferably …

• To be accepted
√ To be avoided
• To be considered
• To tell
• To be written

24. Complete the sentence: The word group like “birth defects” are best replaced by …..

• main defects
√ congenital disabilities
• redskin
• known disabilities
• mailman

Fill in the gaps: The opponents say that “political correctness” is a lacking sense but dangerous thought and speech code that threatens
25. the free speech and … … of so many students and their teachers at colleges across the USA.

• intellectual property
√ Intellectual curiosity
• different curiosity
• interesting curiosity
• serious curiosity

26. Fill in the gaps: Political correctness seems to have originated with … in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

• Russian colleges
√ US colleges
• German colleges
• African colleges
• Turkish colleges

27. Fill in the gaps:… developed a diplomatic vocabulary , principles of international conduct and elements of international law.

• The Russian
• The English
• The Turkish
• The French
√ The Greek

28. Fill in the gap: No arrest of a person is possible without a court …

• maintenance
√ authorization
• authoritative
• authority
• negotiation

29. Fill in the gap:A fundamental belief is that the poor tend to be idle and …

• responsive
• bad
• casual
√ irresponsible
• responsible

30. Fill in the gap: The conduct of the talks will require the … of all the staff.

• including
• negation
√ involvement
• relation
• relationship

31. Fill in the gap:His … opinion was taken into consideration.

• appointed
• authority
• authorized
• authoritarian
√ authoritative

32. Fill in the gap:The … value of political alliances is to be estimated.

• native
• responsive
• relate
• involved
√ relative

33. Fill in the gap:No democracy can exist under an … rule.

• involvement
• authoritative
• appointment
• responsible
√ authoritarian

34. Fill in the gap: Diplomats must be flexible in handling diverse …

• responses
• relations
• interests
√ responsibilities
• involvement

35. Fill in the gap:Learning a language may… difficulty when there is low or no motivation.

• represent
√ present
• describe
• attract
• look

36. Fill in the gap: Rapid communication now enables a ….. to remain in constant touch with the government throughout negotiations.

• negotiation
√ negotiator
• appointee
• authority
• negotiate

37. Fill in the gap: The new appointment will … moving from place to place.
• gain
√ involve
• involved
• accept
• keep

38. Fill in the gap: The trade union leaders waited for the authorities’ … to their demands.

• respond
√ response
• responsible
• responsive
• responsibility

39. Fill in the gap: … of peace is conducted by the UN forces.

• grouping
√ maintenance
• keeping
• relation
• responsibility

40. Fill in the gap: An … to a diplomatic post must possess certain important qualifications.

• negation
• appointment
√ appointee
• authority
• appointed

41. Choose the right variant. Church has always lived on ____.

• contribute
√ contribution
• various
• certainly
• certain

42. Fill in the gap: Relations between the two countries should … at the same friendly level.

• saved
√ be maintained
• maintained
• safe
• kept

43. Choose the right variant:Japanese can hardly be called a ____ language.

• consider
√ contributory
• contribute
• common
• appoint

Find the right logical endings of the sentences: Take a hundred or a thousand insignificant gestures together, and you find an invaluable
44. , and infinitely variable, …

• tool of speech
√ tool of communication
• speech rule
• tool of installation
• speech code

45. Find the right logical ending of the sentence: Mankind” is no good , “Gringo”, “savages” and “redskin” are among the words ….

• to be accepted
√ preferably to be avoided
• to be contributed
• to be undertaken
• preferably to be accepted

46. Find the right logical ending of the sentence: Political correctness and the banning of words does not drive out prejudice: ….

• it keeps it
√ it merely hides it
• it sends it
• it offers it
• it writes so

47. Find the right logical ending of the sentence: Journalists are urged to avoid referring to African “tribes’’, because this ….

• praises many blacks

√ offends many blacks
• treats many blacks
• keeps many blacks
• saves many blacks

48. Find the right logical endings of the sentences: We all acknowledge this from time to time when our emotions rise to a certain ….

• grade of intensity
√ level of intensity
• level of direction
• advanced level
• level intensity

49. Find the antonym of the underlined word:The English as a nation have felt secure for centuries.

• sure
√ certain
• confident
• reassured
• insecure

50. Find the antonym of the underlined word: It is considered that the English always prefer practical compromise to theoretical exactness.

• abstract
√ applied
• ideal
• doctrinal
• academic

51. Find the antonym of the underlined word: It is so considerate of you to have been looking after my cat all this time.

• interesting
√ thoughtless
• considerable
• concerned
• attentive
52. Find the antonyms of the underlined words: At last we could relax. It was so pleasant to lie after a dull journey.

• distasteful, wearying
√ distasteful, interesting
• uninteresting, wearying
• interesting, uninteresting
• wearying, distasteful

53. Fill in the gaps: A master of the old diplomatic art of ….., of veiling his purpose under a cloud of ….., was Metternich.

• courage, eloquence
• intrigue, collapse
• goodness, eloquence
• calmness, eloquence
√ intrigue, eloquence

54. Fill in the gap: Many other ministries are engaged in our bilateral ….. .

• form
√ relationship
• connect
• negotiate
• relative

55. Fill in the gaps: The ….. value of political alliances is to be ….. .

• relative, said
• strange, estimated
• relative, weak
√ relative, estimated
• estimated, relative

56. Fill in the gaps: Many career diplomats ….. that their job is too ….. .

• save, challenging
• emphasize, easy
√ emphasize , challenging
• maintain, easy
• show, easy

57. Fill in the gaps: A diplomat is not to publish any writing on international …

• communication
• ties
• economy
• policy
√ politics

58. Fill in the gaps: Diplomacy as a … system based on … accepted rules and directed by … hierarchy appeared in 19th century.

• uniform, generally, diplomatically

• generally, usual, uniform
• uniform, diplomatic, generally
• generally, diplomatic, uniform
√ uniform, generally, diplomatic

59. Fill in the gap: His …were a pragmatic mixture of socialism, radical Liberalism and trade union demands.

• politician
• economics
• political
• policy
√ politics

60. Fill in the gaps.… is a plan of action taken by a government , … party, business, etc.

• Politics, political
• Economy, political
• Policy, politic
√ Policy, political
• Political, politics

61. Complete the sentence:During the 15th and 16th centuries “the French system of diplomacy “began to emerge and …

• harm international relations.

√ dominate international relations
• based on relations
• disappear
• spend international relations

62. Complete the sentence: Tradition leading to the present world system of international relations originated …

• in ancient Russia
√ in ancient Greece
• in Russia
• in ancient Azerbaijan
• in Germany

Complete the sentence:Diplomacy as a uniform system based on generally accepted rules and directed by diplomatic hierarchy having a
63. fixed international status is of ….

• quite decrease
√ quite modern growth
• increase
• quite help
• decrease

Find the antonyms of the underlined words: Nation-states, through authorized agents, maintain mutual relations, communicate with each
64. other, and carry out political, economic and legal transactions.

• uneconomical, illegal
√ uneconomic, illegal
• mutual, illegal
• economical , illegal
• illegal, uneconomic

Find the antonyms of the underlined words: It appeared as a process of exalted haggling, conducted with an utter disregard of the
65. ordinary standards of morality.

• limited, common
√ limited, unusual
• hard, unusual
• unusual, limited
• common, limited

66. Find the antonyms of the underlined words:The tasks of the new multilateral diplomacy have been broadened.

• increased, until
• bilateral, decreased
√ unilateral, decreased
• unilateral, increased
• decreased, unilateral

67. Replace the underlined word or with suitable word: Foreign Office is waiting for an answer to its note.

• responsive
√ response
• responsibility
• facility
• a question

68. Replace the underlined words with a suitable word:The situation in all fields of industry and agriculture is steadily improving.

• economics
√ economy
• style
• economical
• economic

Replace the underlined word combinations with suitable word: The one for the post stated that he was determined to learn the language
69. of the country.

• appointment
√ appointee
• officer
• official
• employer

Replace the underlined words or word combinations with suitable words:Russia insists on all countries receiving a permission or
70. approval of the UN to any use of force in the region.

• authority
√ authorization
• authorities
• appoint
• economics

71. Fill in the gap: Diplomacy is “the art of ….. international negotiations”.

• helping
√ conducting
• making
• develop
• doing

72. Fill in the gaps: Diplomacy now involves not only presenting ….. and participating in the diplomatic ….. .

• circuits, credentials
√ credentials, circuits
• time, circuits
• circuits, envoys
• credentials, around

Fill in the gaps: The history of diplomacy dates back to ancient times when ….. , ..... and other communities sought ways of
73. communicating and establishing relations with one another.

• states, countries
√ tribes , city-states
• household , city-states
• capitals, city-states
• nations, capitals

Fill in the gaps: The French diplomacy developed several key features of … diplomacy – resident ambassadors, the art of conducting
74. secret negotiations, …duties and protocol.

• old, ceremonial
√ contemporary, ceremonial
• contemporary, old
• contemporary, poor
• golden, ceremonial

75. Fill in the gap:...... was the first European state to establish a modern foreign ministry in 1626.

• England
√ France
• Germany
• Russia
• Sweden

76. Fill in the gap: Resident … in other countries, staffed by secretaries, can be regarded as the … of the modern embassies.

• missions, runners
√ missions, forerunners
• capacity, forerunners
• forerunners, missions
• runners, missions

77. Fill in the gaps: Diplomacy was then a game of ….. played in a narrow circle, and etiquette took an ….. amount of time.

• wits, , great
√ wits, incredible
• great, etiquette
• elimination, incredible
• heart, incredible

78. Fill in the gap: During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries “the French system of diplomacy “began … and … international relations.

• to put and emerge

√ to emerge and dominate
• to come and go
• to clean and write
• to appear and collapse

79. Choose the correct variant:An ……….. to handle such matters is to be established.

• authoritative
• authorized
• authorization
• authoritarian
√ authority

80. Choose the correct variant:The ambassador’s ……….. dominates in the embassy.

• authoritative
√ authority
• authorization
• authorized
• authoritarian

81. Choose the correct variant:The signing of the resolution is to be ………. by Parliament.
• authority
• authoritarian
• authoritative
√ authorized
• authorization

82. Fill in the gap: The career of diplomat poses a number of ….. .

• difficult
• challenging
√ challenges
• challengers
• commitment

83. Fill in the gap: The defence secretary is ….. for the armed forces.

• polite
• write
• call
• response
√ responsible

84. Fill in the gap: The links between people or states are referred to as …... .

• appointed
• appointment
• relation
• relative
√ relationship

85. Fill in the gaps:In the organization each had his … place and function.

• appointee
• total
• general
• appointment
√ appointed

86. Fill in the gap: One of the arts a future diplomat must possess is the art of … people.

• appealing
• acquiring
• gaining
√ handling
• to handle

87. Fill in the gaps: Curriculum Vitae is a … account of one's previous … and qualifications especially in reference to a job application.

• time, bibliography
√ bibliography, career
• accepted, career
• half, career
• great, career

88. Fill in the gaps: A diplomat shouldn’t be emotionally … in his behavior.

• versatile
√ effusive
• patience
• favorite
• incredible

89. Fill in the gaps: … are a formal paper authorizing a diplomatic agent as one who is ... to act for his government or head of state.

• credentials, put
√ credentials, appointed
• negations, authorized
• credentials, shortened
• enquiry, authorized

90. Fill in the gaps: The success of the policy of a foreign minister in a … state must ultimately rely on the support of … opinion.

• last, public
√ democratic, public
• public, ultimate
• public, democratic
• happy, social

91. Fill in the gap: It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of a … knowledge of languages for a diplomat.

• clear
√ thorough
• easy
• mixed
• bad

92. Fill in the gaps:A diplomat must possess ….. and ….. .

• mixture, initiative
• personality, right
√ initiative, personality
• manner, egoism
• versatile, personality

93. Fill in the gaps: Diplomatic corps is the collective heads of foreign diplomatic … and their … in the capital of a country.

• people, staff
√ missions, staff
• mission, community
• missions, state
• staff, collection

94. Fill in the gaps:Ambassador is a top-ranking ….. who is appointed to a foreign state as a resident ….. .

• office, representative
√ official, representative
• police, representative
• man, present
• official, represent

95. Choose the synonyms of the underlined words: It often has a particular colorful and vivid quality which the ordinary expressions lack.

• general, peculiar, distinct

√ peculiar, distinct, miss
• general, dark, miss
• special, dark, miss
• peculiar, distinct, come
Choose the synonyms of the underlined words: The only necessary consequence of the growth of the power of the public opinion on the
96. art of diplomacy has been to extend the sphere of its application.

• significance, shorten
√ significance, spread
• fault, spread
• significance, contact
• spread, importance

Choose the synonyms of the underlined words: Bismarck, whose statesmanship was at least as cynical as that of Metternich, was a
97. master of the art of taking the world into his confidence.

• reliance, ironic
√ ironic, reliance
• ironic, sneering
• crusial, trilal
• sneering, doubt

Choose the synonyms of the underlined words:One of the main problems of modern international intercourse is the increasing
98. responsibility of diplomacy to public opinion.

• basic, advanced
√ advanced, social
• basic, social
• special, important
• out-of-date, social

99. Put correct prepositions:Traditional diplomacy actively engages … one government … another government.

• with , with
√ -, with
• on, in
• into, on
• in, with

Put correct prepositions: … average, you can probably assume that about 60 percent … the information you obtain is read … the body
100. movements.

• in, of, from

√ on, of, from
• of, on, from
• with, out, from
• at, of, in

Put correct prepositions:Running … with our spoken words is a secret and mostly silent language which illustrates, fills … and
101. annotates what we say.

• along , at
√ along, out
• on, out
• out, along
• upon , out

102. Put correct prepositions: Talk is every modern man’s remedy …every problem, his tool … communication … every situation.

• at, for, in
√ for, of, in
• of, of, of
• for, in, of
• for, up, on
Put correct prepositions: When a US performing artist is … tour sponsored … the US government, US diplomats in the cities will
103. publicize his tour.

• on, with
√ on, by
• in, up
• at, with
• in, by

Put correct prepositions:Nation-states , … authorized agents , maintain mutual relations, communicate … each-other and carry …
104. political, economic transactions.

• through, out, with

√ through, with, out
• on, with, out
• through, with, -
• out, through, with

105. Choose the correct variant:……….. are to be held at a very high level.

• negotiating
• negotiate
• negotiators
• negotiated
√ negotiations

106. Choose the correct variant:The two countries have been ……….. peace for a long time.

• negotiators
√ negotiating
• negotiations
• negotiate
• negotiated

107. Choose the correct variant:The ……….. are expected to start work early next week.

• negotiate
• negotiated
• negotiating
√ negotiators
• negotiation

108. Choose the correct variant:Their willingness to ……….. was doubtful.

• negotiations
• negotiators
√ negotiate
• negotiating
• negotiated

109. Choose the correct variant:The terms of the contract are yet to be ………...

• negotiating
• negotiators
• negotiations
• negotiate
√ negotiated

110. Choose the correct variant:A foreign office is responsible for the ………. of foreign affairs.
• maintains
• main
• maintain
• maintained
√ maintenance

111. Choose the correct variant:………… of the equipment is going to be costly.

• maintained
• main
• maintains
• maintain
√ maintenance

112. Choose the correct variant:………… of peace is conducted by the UN forces.

• maintain
• main
• maintains
√ maintenance
• maintained

113. Choose the correct variant:Relations between the two countries should be ………. at the same level.

• maintain
√ maintained
• maintenance
• main
• maintains

114. Choose the correct variant:Many career diplomats ……….. that their job is too challenging.

• maintained
√ maintain
• maintenance
• main
• maintains

115. Choose the correct variant:The issue ……….. is to be considered later.

• involve
√ involved
• involves
• include
• involvements

116. Choose the correct variant:The organization denied its ……….. in the the terror act.

• involve
√ involvement
• involves
• include
• involved

117. Choose the correct variant:The task is too ………. for him to manage it alone.

• involve
√ involved
• involves
• include
• involvement

118. Choose the correct variant:The job of a diplomat ………. traveling a lot.

• include
• involved
√ involves
• involvement
• involve

119. Choose the correct variant:To know the language well ………. a lot of practice.

• involve
√ involves
• involvement
• include
• involved

120. Choose the correct variant:The organization was deeply ……….. in wordly affairs.

• involve
√ involved
• involves
• include
• involvement

121. Choose the correct variant.Any ………. to a diplomatic post must possess important qualifications.

• appoint
√ appointee
• appointed
• point
• appointment

122. Choose the correct variant:You can be received only by ……….

• appoint
√ appointment
• appointed
• point
• appoints

123. Choose the correct variant:The ………. to the Cabinet are made by the Prime minister.

• appoint
√ appointments
• appointed
• point
• appointee

124. Choose the correct variant:British Prime-minister is officially ………. by the Queen.

• appoint
√ appointed
• appointee
• point
• appointment

125. Choose the correct variant:No democracy can exist under an ………… rule.
• be authorized
√ authoritarian
• authorization
• authoritatively
• authority

126. Choose the correct variant:No arrest of a person is possible without a court ………..

• authorized
√ authorization
• authoritative
• authoritarian
• authority

127. Choose the correct variant:It was ………. claimed that the taxes would not be raised.

• authorized
√ authoritatively
• authorization
• authoritarian
• authority

128. Choose the correct variant:His ……….. opinion was taken into consideration.

• authorized
√ authoritative
• authorization
• authoritatively
• authority

129. Choose the correct variant: The ……….. of the community refused to consider our needs.

• authorized
√ authorities
• authoritative
• authoritarian
• authorization

130. Choose the correct variant:I’d like you to show me your …….. to act

• authorized
√ authority
• authoritative
• authoritarian
• appointee

131. Choose the correct variant:Non-professional diplomats are referred to as political ……….

• appointed
• appoint
• appointment
• point
√ appointees

132. Choose the correct variant:The Prime minister has the power to ……….. ministers.

• appointed
√ appoint
• appointee
• appointment
• point

133. Choose the correct variant:One can get to his office only by …………

• appoint
• point
• appointed
√ appointment
• appointee

134. Choose the correct variant:In the US the ………. to a diplomatic post often receives financial support.

• appoint
• appointment
√ appointee
• appointed
• point

135. Choose the correct variant:The way diplomats are ……… in the US is often criticized.

• point
• appointee
• appointment
• appoint
√ appointed

136. Choose the correct variant:The real power of ……….. ministers lies with the president.

• appointee
• point
• appoint
• appointment
√ appointed

137. Choose the correct variant:The communist dictatorship was different from the other ……….. regimes.

• authority
• authoritatively
• authorization
• authorized
√ authoritarian

138. Choose the correct variant:…….. agents of a foreign ministry conduct variuos jobs abroad.

• authorized
• authoritatively
• authorization
√ authoritative
• authority

139. Choose the correct variant:The editor refused to ………. the publication.

• authority
√ authorize
• authoritative
• authoritarian
• authorization

140. Choose the correct variant:One has to have an ………… to take pictures in the palace.
• authorized
√ authority
• authoritative
• authoritarian
• appointee

141. Choose the correct variant:Discipline and ……….. rule were most important factors.

• authorized
√ authoritarian
• authorization
• authoritatively
• authority

142. Choose the correct variant:Everyone waited for an ……….. opinion of the chairman.

• be authorized
√ authoritative
• authorization
• authoritatively
• authority

143. Choose the correct variant:The governors had almost absolute ……….

• authorized
√ authority
• authoritative
• authoritarian
• authorization

144. Choose the correct variant:A fundamental belief is that the poor tend to be ……….

• responsibility
• response
√ irresponsible
• responsively
• respond

145. Choose the correct variant:Teachers are happy to have ……….. students, willing to learn.

• respond
√ responsive
• responsibility
• irresponsible
• response

146. Choose the correct variant:The question remains: who is ……….. for the deal?

• respond
√ responsible
• responsively
• irresponsible
• response

147. Choose the correct variant:The attack was a ……….. to the death of two Israeli soldiers.

• respond
√ response
• responsibility
• irresponsible
• responsive

148. Choose the correct variant:Diplomats must be flexible in handling diverse ………….

• respond
√ responsibilities
• responsive
• irresponsible
• response

149. Choose the correct variant:The authorities were not certain how to ………. to the criticism.

• response
√ respond
• responsibility
• irresponsible
• responsive

150. Choose the correct variant:The ……….. value of political alliances is to be estimated.

• relate
√ relative
• related
• relationship
• relations

151. Choose the correct variant:The ministers of the two states are engaged in bilateral ………..

• relate
√ relationship
• related
• relatively
• relates

152. Choose the correct variant:English is ……….. simple to learn at the beginning.

• relate
√ relatively
• related
• relationship
• relations

153. Choose the correct variant:The purpose of diplomacy is to promote good ……….. between states.

• relate
√ relationships
• related
• relatively
• relates

154. Choose the correct variant:He was asked to ………. the events in their sequence.

• relations
√ relate
• relationship
• relatively
• related

155. Choose the correct variant:All these problems are ………. to the economic ones.
• relate
√ related
• relationship
• relatively
• relations

156. Choose the correct variant:This involved problem needs ………

• negotiate
√ negotiating
• negotiators
• negotiated
• negotiations

157. Choose the correct variant:All the ………. for the decision is to be laid on the leader.

• responsive
• respond
• response
• irresponsible
√ responsibility

158. Choose the correct variant:The defence secretary is ……….. for the armed forces.

• responsive
√ responsible
• response
• respond
• irresponsible

159. Choose the correct variant:They waited for the authorities to ………. to their demand.

• response
• irresponsible
• responsibility
√ respond
• responsive

160. Choose the correct variant:The uprising was people’s ………... to the government reforms.

• respond
• responsive
√ response
• responsibility
• irresponsible

161. Choose the correct variant:The links between persons or states are referred to as …………

• relatively
• relationship
• related
• relate
√ relations

162. Choose the correct variant:These two events are hard to …………

• relationship
• relatively
• relations
• related
√ relate

163. Choose the correct variant:The Senator was accused of having given the posts to his ………..

• related
• relate
• relationship
• relation
√ relative

164. Choose the correct variant:The decision was delayed by an ………… dispute over the procedure.

• relate
• relationship
• related
√ unrelated
• relations

165. Choose the correct variant:This issue can be studied abroad on a ………… larger scale.

• relate
√ relatively
• related
• relationship
• relations

166. Choose the correct variant:There was an intricate ………… between the state and church.

• relate
√ relationship
• related
• relatively
• relations

167. Choose the correct variant:Those were two main ideas closely ……….. to each other.

• relate
√ related
• relationship
• relatively
• relations

168. Choose the correct variant:The revolution was accomplished with ……….. little bloodshed.

• relate
√ relatively
• related
• relationship
• relations

169. Choose the correct variant:After the end of the war Europe experienced a century of ……….. peace.

• relate
√ relative
• being related
• relationship
• relations

170. Choose the correct variant:These two stages of the development were closely ………..
• relatively
• relations
√ related
• relationship
• relate

171. Choose the correct variant:Diplomacy is the art of conducting international ………..

• negotiate
√ negotiations
• negotiating
• negotiated
• negotiators

172. Choose the correct variant:………… skills are very necessary for a diplomat.

• negotiate
√ negotiating
• negotiators
• negotiated
• negotiations

173. Choose the correct variant:The ……….. were dominated by the mediator’s authority.

• negotiate
√ negotiations
• negotiating
• negotiated
• negotiators

174. Choose the correct variant:The treaty is ……….. before being signed.

• negotiate
√ negotiated
• negotiators
• negotiating
• negotiations

175. Choose the correct variant:In the ……….. both parties demonstrated their willingness to cooperate.

• negotiate
√ negotiations
• negotiating
• negotiated
• negotiators

176. Choose the correct variant:Communication enables a ……….. to remain in touch with the government.

• negotiate
√ negotiator
• negotiating
• negotiated
• negotiations

177. Choose the correct variant:……….. help to improve state-to-state relations.

• negotiate
√ negotiations
• negotiating
• negotiated
• negotiator

178. Choose the correct variant:In some instances regional interests are also …………

• involve
√ involved
• involves
• include
• involvement

179. Choose the correct variant:The arrested denied any ……….. in the robbery.

• involve
√ involvement
• involves
• include
• involved

180. Choose the correct variant:The new appointment ……….. moving from one place to another.

• involve
√ involves
• involvement
• include
• involved

181. Choose the correct variant:The job is monotonous and ……….. attention.

• involve
√ involves
• involvement
• include
• involved

182. Choose the correct variant:The conduct of the talks will require the ……….. of all the staff.

• involve
√ involvement
• involves
• include
• involved

183. Choose the synonym of the word settle:

• elaborate
• prosper
• convince
• search
√ solve

184. Choose the synonym of the word thrive:

• talk
√ prosper
• elaborate
• convince
• consider

185. Choose the synonym of the word persuade:

• preserve
• consider
• talk
√ convince
• elaborate

186. Choose the synonym of the word delay:

• feature
• transaction
√ postpone
• talks
• consider

187. Choose the synonym of the word contemprorary:

• consequence
• talks
• transaction
• feature
√ modern

188. Choose the synonym of the word terms:

• transaction
• talks
• feature
• contemporary
√ conditions

189. Choose the synonym of the word incredible:

• contemporary
• consequence
• invoice
• feature
√ unbelievable

190. Choose the synonym of the word complicated:

• feature
• consequence
• talks
√ difficult
• transaction

191. Choose the synonym of the word ignorance:

• feature
√ disregard
• talks e
• consequence
• transaction

192. Choose the synonym of the word result:

• feature
√ consequence
• transaction
• talks
• contemporary

193. Choose the synonym of the word deal:

• feature
√ transaction
• talks e
• negative
• contemporary

194. Choose the synonym of the word negotitations:

• feature
√ talks
• transaction
• negative
• contemporary

195. Choose the synonym of the word proposal:

• demand
√ suggestion
• request
• command
• order

196. Choose the synonym of the word tendency:

• attendance
• tension
√ trend
• trick
• ability

197. Choose the synonym of the word achievement:

• broadcast
√ breakthrough
• proposal
• affection
• advertisement

198. Choose the correct variant:The leaders of all major political parties were ………..

• presentation
√ presented
• represent
• representative
• presence

199. Choose the correct variant:The community is composed of the ………. of other countries.

• present
√ representatives
• presence
• represent
• presentation

200. Choose the correct variant:The issue is whether the ………. abroad should reflect a countries economy.
• present
√ presentation
• represent
• presently
• presence

201. Choose the correct variant:The pride of ………. your country abroad is a great reward.

• present
√ presenting
• represent
• representative
• presence

202. Choose the correct variant:Foreign service work is similar to the functions of ………..

• present
√ representatives
• presence
• represent
• presentation

203. Choose the correct variant:He was an official ………… of the country.

• present
√ representative
• presence
• represent
• presentation

204. Choose the correct variant:The ……….. for the failure of the reform is to be laid on the government.

• respond
√ responsibility
• responsive
• irresponsible
• response

205. Choose the correct variant:In ………. to the criticism some arguments were produced.

• respond
√ response
• responsibility
• irresponsible
• responsive

206. Choose the correct variant:All of you should share the ……….. for what has happened.

• respond
√ responsibility
• responsive
• irresponsible
• response

207. Choose the correct variant:Considerate people are always ………… to other’s misfortunes.

• respond
√ responsive
• responsibility
• irresponsible
• response

208. Choose the correct variant:………. students do not need to be forced to study.

• respond
√ responsibile
• responsively
• irresponsible
• response

209. Choose the correct variant:The career of a diplomat poses a number of ………..

• challenger
• challenging
• challenged
• unchallenged
√ challenges

210. Choose the correct variant:Public diplomacy is necessary to maintain ……….. with other countries.

• relationship
√ relations
• related
• relate
• relatively

211. Choose the correct variant:They decided to wait for the new ……….. who was recommended to them.

• appoint
• point
• appointed
√ appointee
• appointment

212. Choose the correct variant:The ……… of international organizations broadened the tasks of diplomacy.

• feature
• transaction
√ establishment
• contemporary
• consequence

213. Choose the correct variant:An ………. for search must be given by court.

• authoritarian
• authoritative
• appointee
• authorized
√ authorization

214. Choose the correct variant:The conduct of ………. in old diplomacy was on bilateral bias.

• relationship
• relatively
• relate
• related
√ relations

215. Choose the correct variant:The ……… secretaries are responsible for foreign affairs.
• appointment
• point
• appointee
• appoint
√ appointed

216. Choose the correct variant:Diplomatic agents try to maintain mutual ……….

• relate
• relatively
• relationship
√ relations
• related

217. Choose the correct variant:Britain was one of the first states to start diplomatic …….. with Russia.

• relate
√ relations
• relationship
• relatively
• related

218. Choose the correct variant:Secret ………. have always been a key feature of diplomacy.

• negotiate
√ negotiations
• negotiating
• negotiated
• negotiators

219. Choose the correct variant:Public bills include measures relating to public ……….

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

220. Choose the correct variant:……….. is the activity through which people make, preserve and amend rules.

• political
√ politics
• economist
• economics
• politician

221. Choose the correct variant:His ………. was to choose whatever course would benefit Britain.

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

222. Choose the correct variant:He has been thinking for some time getting out of ……….

• economical
• politician
√ politics
• economist
• political

223. Choose the correct variant:One of the main ………. of the government is to reduce unemployment.

• political
√ politics
• economist
• economy
• politician

224. Choose the correct variant:He is much concerned with the specific details of public ……….

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

225. Choose the correct variant:All employees should follow the company’s ………. regarding dress code.

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

226. Choose the correct variant:I don’t share his ……….., because he is a democrat.

• economy
√ politics
• economist
• economical
• politician

227. Choose the correct variant:An ideal diplomat must share his government’s ……….

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

228. Choose the correct variant:Foreign ……… includes the activity of the country in other parts of the world.

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

229. Choose the correct variant:……….. is a plan of action taken by a government or political party.

• political
√ policy
• economist
• economical
• politician

230. Choose the correct variant:His ……….. was a mixture of socialism and radical liberalism.
• economy
√ politics
• economist
• economical
• politician

231. Choose the correct variant:He has chosen a career in ……….

• policies
√ politics
• economist
• economical
• politician

232. Choose the correct variant:………. is the art and science of governing a country.

• policies
√ politics
• economist
• economics
• politician

233. Choose the synonym of the word advertising:

• presentation
√ promotion
• achievement
• flourishing
• popularity

234. Choose the synonym of the word implement:

• prosper
√ carry out
• elaborate
• consider
• convince

235. Choose the correct variant:His twice-extended term in ……….. is due to expire next year.

• officials
• officer
• official
• often
√ office

236. Choose the correct variant:They communicate their views on political issues to a foreign …………

• offers
√ official
• officers
• often
• offer

237. Choose the correct variant:Foreign offices are staffed with the ……….. of different ranks.

• office
• often
• offers
√ officers
• official

238. Choose the correct variant:He can ……….. the opportunity with considerable skill.

• handled
• handles
√ handle
• handling
• hand

239. Choose the correct variant:…………. various responsibilities is one of the challenges of a diplomat.

• hand
• handles
• handled
• handle
√ handling

240. Choose the correct variant:Diplomats must be flexible in ……….. diverse responsibilities.

• handles
• hand
• handle
• handled
√ handling

241. Choose the correct variant:Any government must …………. the immigrants with extreme caution.

• handles
• hand
• handling
• handled
√ handle

242. Choose the correct variant:The responsibilities were such that he was not able to ………….

• handled
• hand
• handling
√ handle
• handles

243. Choose the correct variant:In his job a foreign service officer has to …………. a lot of things.

√ handle
• hand
• handled
• handles
• handling

244. Choose the correct variant:A diplomat must possess the feature of ……….. people.

• handled
• handles
• hand
√ handling
• handle

245. Choose the correct variant:A ……….. of diplomacy is that it is more open to the public.
• distinctive
• distinctly
• distinguished
• distinguish
√ distinction

246. Choose the correct variant:Public diplomacy is …………. from Public Affairs.

• distinguish
• distinctly
• distinct
√ distinguished
• distinction

247. Choose the correct variant:Brevity is a ………… feature of the author.

• distinguish
• distinctly
• distinction
√ distinctive
• distinguished

248. Choose the correct variant:The employee has a ……… record of service.

• distinction
• distinctly
• distinguish
• distinguished
√ distinct

249. Choose the correct variant:There are some examples of the ……….. between British and American English.

• distinct
• distinctly
• distinguish
• distinguished
√ distinction

250. Choose the correct variant:The Financial Times is ………. from the Times by its colour and content.

• distinct
√ distinguished
• distinction
• distinguish
• distinctly

251. Choose the correct variant:The new diplomacy is ………… from the old one.

• distinction
• distinguish
• distinct
• distinctly
√ distinguished

252. Choose the correct variant:A diplomatic interpreter should speak in a ………. voice.

• distinguish
• distinctly
• distinction
√ distinct
• distinguished

253. Choose the correct variant:Honesty and dignity are the ……… features of a good diplomat.

• distinguish
• distinguished
• distinctly
• distinction
√ distinctive

254. Choose the correct variant:It is hard to ………… between those two notions.

• distinguished
• distinctly
• distinct
√ distinguish
• distinction

255. Choose the correct variant:There are a number of ………… diplomats in the world.

• distinct
• distinctly
• distinguish
• distinction
√ distinguished

256. Choose the correct variant:………… is to be made between “economic” and “economical”.

• distinct
• distinctly
• distinguish
• distinguished
√ distinction

257. Choose the correct variant:……….. from a foreign office worker, a diplomat working abroad is on duty in the front line all the time.

• distinction
• distinctly
• distinguish
• distinguished
√ distinct

258. Choose the correct variant:The dominant position of the English language is successfully ……….

• challenges
• unchallenged
• challenger
√ challenging
• challenged

259. Choose the correct variant:Britain could not guarantee to meet all the possible ……….. by itself.

• challenging
• unchallenged
• challenger
√ challenges
• challenged

260. Choose the correct variant:All diplomats admit that their profession is …………
• challenger
• unchallenged
• challenges
• challenged
√ challenging

261. Choose the correct variant:A distinction is made between the informative and persuasive functions of ….……

• adviser
• achievement
• advertise
• advertised
√ advertising

262. Choose the correct variant:The pressure is put on the consumer to buy the ……... product rather than other goods.

• advertising
√ advertised
• advertise
• advertisement
• adviser

263. Choose the correct variant:…………. can be used as a weapon of competition.

• achievement
• advertised
• adviser
√ advertising
• advertise

264. Choose the correct variant:………… is necessary to maintain demand at a sufficiently high level.

• achievement
• advertise
√ advertising
• adviser
• advertised

265. Choose the correct variant:The ……….. of consumer goods is entirely persuasive in character.

• advertised
• adviser
• advertise
• achievement
√ advertising

266. Choose the correct variant:The goal of ……….. is to get the message to people as cheaply as possible.

• adviser
• advertised
• achievement
• advertise
√ advertising

267. Choose the correct variant:The revenue from ……….. is generated in peak time from 6 to 11 p.m.

• advertise
• advertised
• adviser
• achievement
√ advertising

268. Choose the correct variant:At present ………… run for two and a half minutes.

• advertisement
• adviser
• advertising
√ commercials
• advertise

269. Choose the correct variant:Some reporters try to ………… other people’s personal secrets.

• advertisement
√ advertise
• adviser
• commercial
• advertising

270. Choose the correct variant:The speaker had no difficulty to ………… his viewpoint.

• expressed
√ express
• expressing
• being expressed
• expresses

271. Choose the correct variant:In spite of the late hour they went on ………… the issue.

• discuss
√ discussing
• discusses
• being discussed
• discussed

272. Choose the correct variant:Direct democracy involves ………… decisions through referendums.

• take
√ taking
• took
• being taken
• taken

273. Choose the correct variant:The two countries stopped to ………… diplomatic relations.

• maintained
√ maintain
• maintenance
• main
• maintains

274. Choose the correct variant:After a career in secret service, he went on ……….. fame as an author.

• being achieved
• achieved
√ achieving
• achieves
• achieve

275. Choose the correct variant:They say that the treaty requires ………..
• review
√ reviewing
• reviews
• being reviewed
• reviewed

276. Choose the correct variant:Being appointed as an embassador means facing new …………

• challenging
√ challenges
• challenger
• unchallenged
• challenged

277. Choose the correct variant:A diplomat can’t forget to ………... diplomatic circuits.

• attending
√ attend
• attends
• being attended
• attended

278. Choose the correct variant:Accreditation means ……….. official appointment to a diplomatic envoy.

• give
√ giving
• gave
• given
• gives

279. Choose the correct variant:The Prime minister considered ………… him ambassador.

• appoint
√ appointing
• appointed
• point
• appointment

280. Choose the correct variant:I appreciate being ………. to the post of the vice president.

• appoint
√ appointed
• appointees
• point
• appointment

281. Choose the correct variant:They ……….. discussing the last issue till the next meeting.

• postpones
√ postponed
• having postpone
• being postpone
• postponing

282. Choose the correct variant:They suggested to ………... the meeting on the issue.

• postpones
√ postpone
• having postpone
• being postpone
• postponing

283. Choose the correct variant:The government had to ………. introducing the bill.

• postpones
√ postpone
• having postpone
• being postpone
• postponing

284. Choose the correct variant:The ……….. doesn’t mind facing challenges of the service.

• offices
√ officer
• offers
• offering
• officials

285. Choose the correct variant:A foreign service ………. has to carry out a lot of responsibilities.

• offices
√ officer
• offers
• offer
• officials

286. Choose the correct variant:The mansion was an ………. residence of the Prime minister.

• office
√ official
• officials
• often
• officer

287. Choose the correct variant:……….. of the press is in the hands of the large publishing groups.

• owns
• own
• owner
• owning
√ ownership

288. Choose the correct variant:Until 1986 various changes had been made in the ………… of the newspaper.

• owns
√ ownership
• owner
• own
• owning

289. Choose the correct variant:Murdock is the largest single newspaper …………

• own
• owning
• owns
√ owner
• ownership

290. Choose the correct variant:The editor outlined the major story and ………… its importance.
• emphasize
• emphasis
√ emphasized
• emphatic
• stressfull

291. Choose the correct variant:In the report the ………… was laid on the need to economize the budget funds.

• stressfull
• emphatic
• emphasized
• emphasize
√ emphasis

292. Choose the correct variant:The president sounded ……….. in his apppeal to the audience.

• emphasis
• full of emphasis
• emphasize
• emphasized
√ emphatic

293. Choose the correct variant:Editors will choose which side of the story needs to be ………….

• emphasis
• stressfull
• emphatic
• emphasize
√ emphasized

294. Choose the correct variant:A newspaper is published in several ………….

• edit
• edited
• editor
√ editions
• editorial

295. Choose the correct variant:………….. is a printed copy or a number of copies issued at the same time.

• edit
√ edition
• editor
• edited
• editorial

296. Choose the correct variant:One of the most important articles in any newspaper is an ………….

• edit
√ editorial
• editor
• edited
• edition

297. Choose the correct variant:The ………… conference will take place in their office.

• edit
√ editorial
• editor
• edited
• edition

298. Choose the correct variant:The people in charge of the newspaper content are called …………..

• edit
√ editors
• editorial
• edited
• edition

299. Choose the correct variant:This issue is …………. with environmental problems.

• being concern
√ concerned
• concerns
• concentration
• concern

300. Choose the correct variant:Their opinion varied on the issue …………

• concervative
• concern
√ concerned
• concerning
• to be concerned

301. Choose the correct variant:His victory caused ………… for both opposition parties.

• to be concerned
√ concern
• concerning
• concervative
• concerned

302. Choose the correct variant:The country is one of the strongest …………. in GDP terms.

• compete
√ competitors
• competitive
• competitiveness
• competition

303. Choose the correct variant:The situation is certain to result in tense …………. between them.

• compete
√ competition
• competitive
• competitiveness
• competitor

304. Choose the correct variant:These two newspapers ………… with each other for their readership.

• competition
√ compete
• competitive
• competitiveness
• competitor

305. Choose the correct variant:Different types of ……….. contain informative and persuasive elements.
• advertisement
√ advertising
• adviser
• advertised
• advertise

306. Choose the correct variant:…………… gives the necessary information to consumers about the product.

• advertisement
√ advertising
• adviser
• advertised
• advertise

307. Choose the correct variant:Brand identity is communicated to the public via …………...

• advertisement
√ advertising
• adviser
• advertised
• advertise

308. Choose the correct variant:The first television ……….. was appeared in 1941.

• advertisement
√ commercial
• advertising
• adviser
• advertise

309. Choose the correct variant:The first newspaper ………… was published in the Boston News Letter in 1704.

• advertise
√ advertisement
• adviser
• commercial
• advertising

310. Choose the correct variant:Sponsors of ………… are often businessmen who wish to promote their products or services.

• advertisement
√ advertising
• adviser
• advertised
• advertise

311. Choose the correct variant:A widely ……….. product makes the producer maintain high quality.

• advertisement
√ advertised
• advertising
• adviser
• advertise

312. Choose the correct variant:A ……….. is often made between the informative and persuasive functions of advertising.

• distinguish
√ distinction
• distinct
• distinctly
• distinguished

313. Choose the correct variant:The government has recently ……….. political and economic reforms.

• elaborated
• prospered
• convinced
• considered
√ implemented

314. Choose the correct variant:Diplomats are not only the ……….. of their country, but also the contributors of the global communication.

• presence
√ representatives
• presentation
• present
• represent

315. Choose the correct variant:The …………. of ambassadors is the responsibility of Foreign Secretary.

• appoint
• point
• appointed
√ appointment
• appoints

316. Choose the correct variant:…………. policy must be studied carefully in this situation.

• economy
• economical
√ economic
• economics
• economically

317. Choose the correct variant:The US dominates all other countries not only politically, but also ……….

• economics
• economical
• economy
• economic
√ economically

318. Choose the correct variant:…………. influences politics at every level.

• economics
• economically
• economies
• economical
√ economy

319. Choose the correct variant:The recent ……….. crisis embraced many countries.

• economical
• economically
• economics
• economy
√ economic

320. Choose the correct variant:The ………… situation of the country is stabilizing at present.
• economy
• economically
• economics
√ economic
• economical

321. Choose the correct variant:The ambassador communicated with people on the ……….. situation.

• economy
√ economic
• economics
• economically
• economical

322. Choose the correct variant:They are very ……….. in their expenditures.

• economics
• economy
• economically
• economic
√ economical

323. Choose the correct variant:A negative judgment of something or somebody is called ……….

• appraisal
√ criticism
• reliance
• publicity
• disappointment

324. Choose the correct variant:This press agency is known for its …………

• rely
√ reliability
• reliable
• relate
• reliance

325. Choose the correct variant:………… on the mass media can lead to false conclusions.

• rely
√ reliance
• reliability
• relate
• reliable

326. Choose the correct variant:It is not always easy to check the ………… of the news.

• relate
• reliance
√ reliability
• reliable
• rely

327. Choose the correct variant:One can hardly ……….. on the articles of this newspaper.

• reliance
√ rely
• reliability
• relate
• reliable

328. Choose the correct variant:Mass media uses the most ………. sources of information.

• rely
√ reliable
• reliability
• relate
• reliance

329. Choose the correct variant: Your ……….. on the objectivity of the press has no ground.

• rely
√ reliance
• reliability
• relate
• reliable

330. Choose the correct variant:The newspaper ……….. an apology for its unchecked facts in the article.

• publisher
√ published
• publicity
• publicize
• publication

331. Choose the correct variant:The earliest known newspaper in Britain was …………. in 1513.

• publisher
√ published
• publicity
• publicize
• publication

332. Choose the correct variant:By ………… their style of life famous people try not to be forgotten.

• publish
√ publicizing
• publication
• publicity
• publisher

333. Choose the correct variant:Some distinguished politicians try to avoid unwanted …………

• publish
√ publicity
• publication
• publicize
• publisher

334. Choose the correct variant:The newspaper ceased …………. for a month.

• publish
√ publication
• publicity
• publicize
• publisher

335. Choose the correct variant:Newspapers often ……….. the readers with unknown or hidden facts.
• provided
√ provide
• providing
• provision
• provides

336. Choose the correct variant:Subscription for a periodical ……….. it with financial support.

• provide
√ provides
• providing
• provision
• provided

337. Choose the correct variant:The media ……….. information about the world news.

• provide
√ provides
• providing
• provision
• provided

338. Choose the correct variant:There were a number of newspapers in the country ……….. by individuals.

• owner
√ owned
• owns
• owning
• ownership

Complete the sentence with the words given below:All Americans understand that in time of war safeguards must be provided to some
339. information, including special military plans and _____ kinds of intelligence data.

• concern
• conduct
√ certain
• press
• wrong

Translate the sentence into English:Многие, в большой степени, полагаются на мнение экспертов при оценке происходящих
340. событий.Bir çoxları baş verən hadisələrin qiymətləndirilməsində ekspertlərin fikirinə çox güvənirlər.

• Many people rely on expert opinion to a large extent when evaluating events.
• Many people rely on expert opinion much more when evaluating the happening events.
• People rely on opinion of experts at assessment of the taking place events.
√ Many people, to a large extent, rely on opinion of experts at assessment of the taking place events.
• Many people heavily rely with expert opinion when evaluating events.

Translate the sentence into English:Дипломаты не должны избегать общения с представителями СМИ и должны уметь работать с
341. ними. Diplomatlar KİV-in nümayəndələri ilə ünsiyyətdən çəkinməməlidir və onlarla işləməyi bacarmalıdırlar.

• Diplomats should not avoid communication with the media and be able to work with them.
• Diplomats shouldn't avoid communicating with media and being able to work with them.
• Diplomats should communication with members of the media and be able to work with them.
√ Diplomats should not avoid dialogue with the representatives of media and have to be able to work with them.
• Diplomats shouldn't avoid communication with members of the media and be able to work with them.

Translate the sentence into English:В настоящее время именно телевидение, а не газеты обеспечивают людей необходимой
342. информацией.Hal-hazırda qəzetlər deyil, məhz televiziya insanları lazımlı informasiya ilə təmin edir.

• Currently the television, but not newspapers provide people with information.
• Currently the television and newspapers provide people with the necessary information.
• At the moment it is television, newspapers and not provides people with the necessary information.
√ Nowadays particularly the television, but not newspapers provide people with necessary information
• At the moment television and newspapers provide people with the necessary information.

Translate the sentence into English:Борясь за свободу высказывать свое мнение, журналист не должен забывать о журналистской
343. этике.Öz fikrini söyləmək azadlığı uğrunda mübarizə apararkən jurnalist jurnalist etikasını unutmammalıdır.

• Fighting for freedom to express the opinion, the journalist should forget about journalistic ethics.
• Fighting for the freedom of expressing own opinion, journalists must not forget the ethics.
• Fighting for the freedom to express their opinion, journalists should not forget about the ethics.
√ Fighting for the freedom to express their opinion, journalist should not forget about the journalistic ethics.
• Fighting for the freedom their opinion, journalists must not forget about the journalistic ethics.

Translate the sentence into English:Пресс- секретарь отвечает за правильное освещение деятельности министра и министерства в
344. СМИ.Mətbuat katibi KİV-də nazirin və nazirliyin fəaliyyətinin düzgün işıqlandırması üçün cavabdehdir.

• The press secretary’s responsibility is the correct coverage of the activity of minister.
• It is press secretary’s responsibility to highlight the minister and the ministry in media.
√ The press Secretary is responsible for the correct coverage of the activity of minister and the ministry in the media.
• The press secretary responsible for the correct publice of the minister and the ministry in media.
• The press secretary is responsible for the publicizing of activity of the minister and the ministry in media.

Translate the sentence into English:Одно из главных задач ООН – создание хороших рабочих отношений со средствами массовой
345. информации. BMT-ın əsas məsələlərindən biri – kütləvi informasiya vasitələrləri ilə yaxşı işçi münasibətlərin yaradılmasıdır.

• One of the main tasks of the UN – creation of good labor relations.

• One of the main tasks of the UN to cultivate good labor relations with media.
√ One of the main tasks of the UN is to cultivate good working relations with media.
• The main task of UN is to create good relations with mass media.
• The main task of the UN is to cultivate good working relations with media.

Translate the sentence into English: Деятельность ООН освещается журналистами многих стран. BMT-ın fəaliyyəti bir çox
346. ölkələrin jurnalistləri tərəfindən işıqlandırılır.

• Activity of the UN is lit with journalists of many countries.

• The activities of the UN are lit by the journalists of many counties.
• The activities of the UN are highlighted with the journalists of the many countries.
• The activities of UN are lighted with the journalists of different countries.
√ The activities of the UN are highlighted by the journalists of the many countries.

Translate the sentence into English:Известно, что средства массовой информации играют главную роль в формировании
347. общественного мнения.Məlumdur ki, kütləvi informasiya vasitələrləri ictimai rəyin formalaşmasında əsas rol oynayır.

• All know that mass media play a major role in formation of opinion.
• It was known that the mass media plays major role in shaping the public opinion
• It is known that mass media play a major role in formation of public opinion.
• Everybody knows that mass media play a major role in formation of public opinion.
√ It is known that the mass media plays major role in shaping the public opinion

Translate the sentence into English:Все газеты уделяют огромное внимание развлекательным материалам, стремясь увеличить
348. тираж.Bütün qəzetlər tirajı artırmağa çalışaraq əyləncə materiallarına böyük diqqət ayırır.

• All newspapers pay huge attention to entertaining materials, seeking to increase circulation.
• All the newspapers pay huge attention to the entertaining content seeking to raise the volume.
• The newspapers pay attention to the entertaining materials trying to increase the volume of newspapers.
√ All newspapers attach great significance to the entertaining content seeking to increase the circualation
• The newspapers pay attention to the entertaining materials trying to increase the circulation.

Translate the sentence into English:Свободные средства массовой информации призваны правдиво освещать деятельность
349. правительства.Azad kütləvi informasiya vasitələrləri hökumətin fəaliyyətini düzgün işıqlandırmağa çağırılır.
• Available funds of mass information are designed to light truthfully activity of the government.
• Free media are called to light activity of the government.
• Media is appointed to illuminate truthfully the government activity.
√ Free media are called for illuminating faithfully the government activity.
• Mass information is designed to light truthfully activity of the government.

Complete the sentence with the right word-combinations:Diplomats should not _____ what the media say or show, though should work
350. with them.

• work
• thrust out the microphones
• under the UN aegis
• take close-ups
√ rely to a large extend on

351. Complete the sentence with the word-combination:The summit was held ______.

• thrust out the microphones

• to rely to a large extend
• take close-ups
• handle
√ under the UN aegis

352. Complete the sentence with the right word-combination:It would be unwise ______ too much to the opinion poll.

√ to rely on
• handle
• shape world opinion
• thrust out the microphones
• take close-ups

Complete the sentence with one of the given word-combinations:As soon as the UN Secretary General appeared in the lobby he
353. ___________ .

• shape world opinion

• to rely to a large extend on
• thrust out the microphones
√ was beset by a crowd of reporters
• cultivate good relations

Complete the sentence with the given word-combinations:Another important skill in multilateral diplomacy is the ability to _____ the
354. media.

• shape world opinion

• take close-ups
• to rely to a large extend on
• thrust out the microphones
√ handle

355. Complete the sentence with the right word-combination:In the UN lobby reporters elbow their way to _______ of distinguished people.

• shape world opinion

• to rely to a large extend on
• thrust out the microphones
√ take close-ups
• cultivate good relations

356. Complete the sentence with the right word-combinations: The American media seek to ______ on many important issues.

• take close-ups
• to rely to a large extend on
• thrust out the microphones
√ shape world opinion
• cultivate good relations

357. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:the very wording of the questions asked

• именно содержание задаваемых вопросов(məhz verilən sualların məzmunu )

• сами задаваемые вопросы(verilən sualların özləri )
• формулировка задаваемых вопросов(verilən sualların formulu )
√ сама формулировка задаваемых вопросов(məhz verılən sualların qisaca ifadə edilməsi )
• способ изложения вопросов (sualların ifadəsinin üsulu )

358. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following: to rely to a large extent (on)

• полагаться в значительной степени (önəmli dərəcədə güvənmək)

√ полагаться в большой степени на (kiməsə böyük dərəcədə güvənmək )
• опереться в большой степени (böuük dərəcədə arxalanmaq)
• доверять в значительной мере (yetərincə etibar etmək )
• полагаться в большой степени (kiməsə güvənmək)

359. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following: to be beset by a crowd of reporters

• зажатый репортерами (müxbirlər tərəfindən sıxılmış)

• быть охваченным толпой репортеров (müxbirlər tərəfindən mühasirəyə alınmaq)
• окруженный толпой репортеров (izdiham tərəfindən əhatəyə alımış olmaq)
• преградить дорогу (yolu kəsilmək)
√ быть окруженным толпой репортеров (müxbirlərin izdihamı ilə əhatəyə alımış olmaq)

360. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:to attach great significance

• уделять значение(əhəmiyyətli dərəcədə qiymətləndirmək)

• придавать огромное внимание (qiymətləndirmək )
• уделять огромное внимание (böyük diqqəti vermək )
• придавать значение (qiymət vermək )
√ придавать большое значение (böyük əhəmiyyət vermək)

361. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following: to cultivate good working relations with

• хорошие рабочие отношения с (yaxşı işçi münasıbətləri )

• развивать рабочие отношения с (işçi münasıbətləri inkişaf etdirmək)
• создать хорошие отношения ( yaxşı münasibətlər yaratmaq )
√ развивать хорошие рабочие отношения с ( yaxşı işçi münasibətləri inkişaf etdirmək )
• установить рабочие отношения(işçi münasibətləri qurmaq)

362. Choose the correct variant:The ………. system of international relations is rather satisfactory.

• presentation
• represent
√ present
• presence
• representative

363. Choose the correct variant:Different veiws on public diplomacy is ……….. by individuals.

• presentation
• presence
• representative
• represent
√ presented
364. Choose the correct variant:Textbooks ……….. science as a noble search for truth.

• represent
• representative
• presence
• presentation
√ present

365. Choose the right variant:She used to say sharp and ____ words to him.

• having wounded
√ wounding
• wounds
• wound
• wounded

366. Choose the right variant:____ in the reception room he thought over what he would say when ____ into the office.

• waited … asking
√ waiting… asked
• waited … was asked
• was waiting … asked
• having waited … having been asked

367. Choose the right variant:Fruits ____ in hothouses are not so rich in colour, taste and vitamins as fruits ____ in natural conditions.

• having grown … grown

√ grown … growing
• had grown … growing
• having grown … having grown
• growing … having grown

368. Choose the right variant:____ their meal they went for a stroll in the park.

• finishing
√ having finished
• had finished
• was finishing
• finished

369. Choose the right variant:____ by his elbow, Mary listened to their talk.

• supporting
√ supported
• had supported
• was supporting
• having supported

370. Choose the right variant:When we, ____ from our day’s outing, came into the kitchen, we found dinner _____.

• returning… serving
√ having returned … served
• returned … serving
• returned … have served
• eturning…having served

371. Choose the right variant:She had a good practical knowledge of French ____ as an interpreter for many years in France.

• working
√ having worked
• had worked
• have worked
• worked

372. Choose the right variant:She stayed _____ in her room, _____ to come downstairs.

• having locked … refused

√ locked… refusing
• locked …refused
• have locked … refused
• locking …having refused

373. Supply the right missing conjunctions:The assistant left a message where he could be found ____ needed.

• until
√ if
• as though
• unless
• while

374. Supply the right missing conjunctions:____ proofread several times the text still contained a number of misprints.

• while
√ when
• as though
• unless
• as

375. Supply the right missing conjunctions: The man stood still for a minute ____ debating with himself.

• when
√ as though
• as
• unless
• while

Supply the right missing conjunctions:_____ so occupied, he vaguely gathered the impression of somebody walking slowly along the
376. road.

• when
√ as
• as though
• unless
• while

377. Supply the right missing conjunctions:I was about to take a decision, which, _____ mistaken, might lead to further complications.

• when
√ if
• as though
• unless
• while

Translate the sentence into English:Обсуждаемые вами вопросы не имеют ничего общего с основной темой.Sizin tərəfinizdən
378. müzakirə edilən məsələlərin əsas mövzuyla ümumi heç bir əlaqəsi yoxdur.

• The question being discussed by you have nothing in common with the main subject.
√ The issues being discussed by you have nothing in common with the main subject.
• The discussed questions have a lot in common with the main theme.
• The being discussed questions has nothing in common with the main subject.
• The issues you have nothing to do with the main theme.

Translate the sentence into English:Законопроект, который обсуждается сегодня в Думе, вряд ли будет принят.Bu gün Dövlət
379. Dumasında müzakirə edilən qanun layihəsi çətin ki, qəbul edilsin.

• The bill, which is currently discussed in the State Duma, is unlikely to be adopted.
• The bill which discussed in the Duma today will be hardly adopted.
• The bill which is discussed in the Duma currently will be adopted.
• The bill, which is discussed in the State Duma, is likely to be adopted.
√ The bill which is being discussed in the State Duma today will be hardly adopted.

Translate the sentence into English:Политик, избегающий журналистов, может стать мишенью для их критики. Jurnalistlərdən
380. çəkinən siyasətçi onların tənqidləri üçün hədəf ola bilər.

• The politician who avoids journalists could be a target in criticism.

• The politician avoids journalists could become target for their criticism.
• The politician avoiding journalists becoming a target for their criticism.
√ The politician avoiding journalists can become a target for their criticism.
• The politician avoids journalists could become a target for their criticism.

Translate the sentence into English:Статья, анализирующая это событие, весьма предвзята.Bu hadisəni təhlil edən məqalə olduqca
381. qərəzlidir.

• The article analyze the event is very biased.

• The article analyzes the event, very biased.
√ The article analyzing this event is very prejudiced.
• The article analyzes the event, very prejudiced.
• The article analyzed this event is very prejudiced.

Complete the sentence with the words given below:This effort seems to be ill advised because American people should have _____ to
382. information about the terrorist and his views.

• broadcast
• conduct
√ access
• to maintain
• provided

Complete the sentence with the words given below:The five _____ television news organizations agreed jointly to abridge future
383. videotaped statements.

• to maintain
• conduct
• broadcast
√ major
• provided

Complete the sentence with the words given below:The White house expressed ____ about giving the terrorists unchecked outlets for
384. their propaganda.

• provided
√ concern
• certain
• conduct
• to maintain

Complete the sentence with the words given below:The White House urged the network executives not to _____ in full the prerecorded
385. statements of Osama bin Laden and his aides.

√ broadcast
• a ) tell
• provided
• conduct
• to maintain

386. Complete the sentence with the words given below:So far the Bush administration has struggled _____ the appropriate balance.

√ to maintain
• certain
• concern
• conduct
• provided

387. Complete the sentence with the words given below:As the US learned in Vietnam, the military cannot successfully ____ wars.

• concern
• certain
• public
√ conduct
• provided

Complete the sentence with the words given below:But much other information, including matters the government might like to hide to
388. .... debate, belongs to the press.

• help
• concern
• conduct
• broadcast
√ avoid

Complete the sentence with the words given below:_____ are mindful of that danger and act accordingly in deciding what to print or
389. ____.

• press; concern
• they; conduct
• people; endanger
√ news agencies ; broadcast
• news; steal

Complete the sentence with the words given below:The safety of American troops and security of spying methods must not be
390. compromised by the careless disclosure of sensitive _____ information.

√ classified
• conduct
• certain
• concern
• provided

391. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:For electoral purposes Britain is divided into 659 ______ .

• constitute
√ constituencies
• constitution
• constituent
• constitutional

392. Fill in the space with an appropriated word:Decontrol alone does not _____ an adequate oil policy.

• constitutional
√ constitute
• constituent
• constituency
• constitution

393. Fill in the space with an appropriated word:A person can be slim or fat, which implies his ______ .

• constitut
√ constitution
• constituent
• constituency
• constitutional

394. Fill in the space with an appropriated word:The aim of the rebels was to overthrow the _____ authorities.

• constitute
√ constitutional
• constituent
• constituency
• constitution

395. Fill in the space with an appropriated word:A ____ order does not always guarantee democracy.

• constitute
√ constitutional
• constituent
• constituency
• constitution

396. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:His _____ of mind was of an extraordinary kind.

• constitute
√ constitution
• constituent
• constituency
• constitutional

397. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:Terrorism _____ a menace to all of us.

• constitutional
√ constitutes
• constituent
• constituency
• constitution

398. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:There is to be ______ among all elements of power.

• accord
√ accordance
• accordingly
• according to
• according

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:____ to the American view, Truman lectured Molotov about the need to carry out the Yalta
399. accord.

• accord
√ according
• accordingly
• according with
• accordance
Fill in the spaces with an appropriate word:The head of the delegation was replaced by a junior minister and the protocol of the
400. welcome procedure was changed ______.

• accord
√ accordingly
• accordance
• according to
• according

401. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:Your mind and soul should be in _____ with your body.

• according
√ accord
• accordingly
• according to
• accordance

402. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:____ to the protocol, due respect is accorded to the head of the country.

• accord
√ according
• accorded
• according with
• accordance

403. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The Security Council took decision in ____ with the Charter.

• accord
√ accordance
• accordingly
• according to
• according

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:In developed countries most citizens have ______ to the Internet while in depressed areas the
404. Internet seems inaccessible .

√ access
• accession
• accede
• accessible
• inaccessible

405. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The restriction will be reviewed in the light of successive ______ to the European Union.

• inaccessible
√ accession
• accede
• accessible
• access

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The restrictions proposed could result in foreign companies being denied ______ to the US
406. market.

• access
• avoid
• accessible
√ accession
• inaccessible

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The number of cases in the Court can only increase when new member states ____ to the
407. EU.
• accession
• access
• accessible
• inaccessible
√ accede

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:One must ____ to Bernard Shaw’s words that “you may occupy towns and win battles, you
408. cannot conquer a nation”

• accession
• inaccessible
• accessible
√ accede
• access

409. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:discord, accession, to be subject (to)

• согласие, присоединение, подлежать fikir ayrılığı, qoşulmaq, aid olmaq

• соответственно, разногласие, подвластный fikir ayrılığı, qoşul, aid olmaq
• разногласие, присоединиться, подлежать müvafiq olaraq, fikir ayrılığı, tabe olan
√ разногласие, присоединение, подлежать fikir ayrılığı, birləşmə, aid olmaq (lazım olmaq)
• разногласие, присоединиться, подлежать razılıq, birləşmə, aid olmaq

410. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:to govern, constituted authorities, legislation

• управлять, конституционные органы, законодательство idarə etmək, konstitusiya orqanları, qanunvericilik

• законные власти, руководство, законодательная власть qanuni hakimiyyət, rəhbərlik, qanunverici hakimiyyət
• управленческий, законные власти, законодательство idarə, qanuni hakimiyyət, qanunvericilik
√ управлять, законные власти, законодательство idarə etmək, qanuni hakimiyyət orqanları, qanunvericilik
• управление, законодательные органы, законодательство idarə etmə, qanunverici orqanlar, qanunvericilik

411. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:to succeed, to constitute, to confer powers (on)

√ наследовать, составлять, возлагать полномочия на(irsən almaq, tərtib etmək, səlahiyyətləri həvalə etmək)
• наследовать, полномочия, составляющий (dalınca getmək, yaratmaq, səlahiyyətləri qoymaq)
• возлагать полномочия на, наследование, составляющий (dalınca getmək,səlahiyyətləri qoymaq, varis olmaq)
• возлагать полномочия на, осуществлять контроль, наследовать (irsən almaq, ibarət olmaq, səlahiyyətləri ötürmək)
• полномочия, наследовать, составлять (irsən almaq, təyin etmək, səlahiyyətləri ötürmək)

412. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:to adopt, to execute, judge

• исполнять, судить, принятие (qəbul etmək,icra etmək, hökm vermək)

• исполнять, казнить, судить (qəbul etmək,icra etmək, hökm)
• исполнение, судья, принятие (mənimsəmək, edam , hökm vermə)
√ принять, казнить, судья (qəbul etmək, edam etmək, hakim )
• принять, исполнение, судить (mənimsəmək, edam etmək, hakim)

413. Give Russian (Azerbaijan) equivalents to the following:to accede, to govern, power

• исполнять, управлять, власть (icra etmək, idarə etmək, gü

• вступать в, управлять, полномочия (birləşmək, icra etmək, səlahiyyət)
• вступать в, исполнять, полномочия(ittifiqa daxil olmaq, başçılıq etmək)
• управлять, исполнять, власть (idarə etmək, razılaşmaq, hakimiyyət)
√ вступать в, управлять, власть(ittifaqa daxil olmaq, idarə etmək, hakimiyyət)

414. Choose the right variant:She looked at the scene ____ to the innermost of her heart.

• shaken
• was shaking
• has shaken
√ shaking
• having shaken

415. Choose the right variant:I admired the grounds and trees ____ the house.

• surrounded
• have surrounded
• was surrounding
√ surrounding
• having surrounded

Complete the sentence with the given words: ______ of a number of Eastern European countries to the European Union may weaken
416. the latter.

• access
• accessible
√ accession
• accede
• accessory

Complete the sentence with the given words: Many thought all the countries of the world would eventually _____ to the
417. examples of the United States or Great Britain.

• accessible
• accession
• accessory
• access
√ accede

418. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The Congress passed ____banning race discrimination.

√ legislation
• legislator
• legislate
• legislative
• legislature

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:For all of the ____ activity in the US, some blacks became impatient with the pace of
419. progress.

√ legislative
• legislate
• legislator
• legislature
• legislation

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:_____ are normally appointed from practicing lawyers and are not subject to ministerial
420. direction.

• jury
• judgment
• judiciary
√ judges
• judicial

421. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The ____ judged that the defendant was not guilty.

• judicial
• to judge
• judgment
√ jury
• judiciary

422. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The _____ determines common law and interprets statutes.

• jury
• judge
• judgment
√ judiciary
• judicial

423. Fill in the space with an appropriated word:Payments were withdrawn from anyone who _____ not to be genuinely seeking work.

• judiciary
• judicial
• judgment
• jury
√ is judged

424. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The House of Lords consists also of life peers created to assist the House in its ____ duties.

• judiciary
• jury
√ judicial
• judgment
• judge

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The presidential election of 1900 enabled the American people to pass _____ on the
425. administration.

• jury
• judicial
• judge
• judiciary
√ judgment

426. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The ____ is to hear all cases arising under the Constitution.

• judicial
• jury
• judgment
• judiciary
√ judge

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:Truman’s ______ how to respond to the Soviet Union had an important impact on the early
427. Cold War.

• judge
• jury
• judicial
√ judgment
• judiciary

428. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The ____ appointed by the council were landowners.

√ governors
• governmental
• govern
• (un) governable
• government
Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The only law which could _____ the relations of sovereign states with each other was the
429. law of the jungle.

• (un) governable
• governmental
• governor
√ govern
• government

430. Fill in the space with an appropriated word:In this respect the society was becoming _____ .

• govern
• governmental
• governor
√ (un) governable
• government

431. Fill in the spaces with an appropriated word:The new _____ agency is responsible for cultural ties.

• government
• governor
• govern
• (un) governable
√ governmental

432. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:Both in Britain and the USA the winning party becomes a ______ party.

• government
• governor
• govern
√ governing
• governable

433. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:In the definition of a ____ structure the main question is “who governs ?”

• government
• governor
• governs
• governable
√ governmental

434. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: In the federal structure of the US each state is governed by a ____.

• is governed
• governmental
• government
√ governor
• governable

435. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The organs of ____ overlap but can be clearly distinguished.

• govern
• governmental
• governor
√ government
• governable

Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The transport union _____ yesterday announced a stepping up of the campaign to defend
436. fair fares.
• to execute
• executioner
• execution
• execute
√ executive

437. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The _____ bodies are responsible for the execution of laws.

• executioner
• to execute
√ executive
• execution
• execute

438. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:George Washington pledge _____ the duties of the president faithfully.

• execute
• executioner
• executive
√ to execute
• execution

439. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:America, like all countries, which use death penalty, has ______ innocents.

• execution
• executioner
• execute
√ executed
• executive

440. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:The public _____ has always had to lurk in the shadows.

• to execute
• executioner
• execute
• execution
√ executive

441. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:What are the ______ bodies of the executive?

• c )constitution
• e )constituency
• constitute
• b )constitutional
√ constituent

442. Complete the sentence with the given words: The Lord Chancellor heads the _____ in England and Wales.

• judgment
√ judiciary
• judges
• judicial
• judge

443. Complete the sentence with the given words: In Britain _____ are normally appointed from practicing lawyers.

• judge
√ judges
• judiciary
• judicial
• judgment

444. Complete the sentence with the given words: The Queen is the supreme _____ of the Church of England.

• govern
√ governor
• governmental
• is governed
• government

Complete the sentence with the given words: The study of _____ structures must proceed hand in hand with the investigation of real
445. political processes.

• govern
√ governmental
• governor
• is governed
• government

446. Complete the sentence with the given words: Monarchy used to be the most common form of _____.

• govern
√ government
• governor
• is governed
• governmental

447. Complete the sentence with the given words: Britain is governed by Her Majesty’s ______.

• govern
√ government
• governor
• is governed
• governmental

448. Complete the sentence with the given words: The industry lacks highly professional _____.

• execute
√ executives
• have executed
• executive
• execution

449. Complete the sentence with the given words: ______ of the laws is exercised by executive bodies.

• execute
√ execution
• executive
• executives
• have executed

450. Complete the sentence with the given words: England is the first country to _____ her king.

• execute
√ have executed
• executive
• executives
• execution
451. Complete the sentence with the given words: Ministers _____ laws and are responsible to parliament.

• execution
√ execute
• executive
• executives
• have executed

Complete the sentence with the given words: ______ secular, but mostly Hindu, India has the world’s second largest population of
452. Moslems.

• constitute
√ constitutionally
• constituent
• constitution
• constituted

Complete the sentence with the given words: The majority of delegates agreed on a series of ______ amendments to limit Republican
453. influence.

• constitute
√ constitutional
• constituent
• constitution
• constituted

454. Complete the sentence with the given words: The ______ parts of the power mechanism are as follows.

• constitute
√ constituent
• constitutional
• constitution
• constituted

455. Complete the sentence with the given words:The prime-minister and his Cabinet ______ the British government.

• constituted
√ constitute
• constitutional
• constitution
• constituent

456. Complete the sentence with the given words: Such policy has been considered the prerogative of properly ______ governments.

• constitute
√ constituted
• constitutional
• constitution
• constituent

457. Complete the sentence with the given words: It is important not to be ______ yourself.

• accordingly
• to be in accord
√ in discord with
• to find accord
• in accordance with

458. Complete the sentence with the given words: Members of the British Parliament act _____ precedent.
• to find accord
• to be in accord
√ in accordance with
• accordingly
• in discord with

459. Complete the sentence with the given words: There were some remarks to the report, and it was changed _____.

• to find accord
• in discord with
• to be in accord
√ accordingly
• was accorded

460. Complete the sentence with the given words: _____ to some sources, the election results were rigged.

• to find accord
• in discord with
• to be in accord
√ according
• was accorded

461. Complete the sentence with the given words: All the UN resolutions are ______ with the UN Charter.

• was accorded
√ to be in accord
• to find accord
• according
• in discord with

462. Complete the sentence with the given words: It was important _______ among the members of the team.

• to be in accord
• was accorded
• according
• in discord with
√ to find accord

463. Complete the sentence with the given words: A hearty welcome _______ to the delegation.

• according
√ was accorded
• to be in accord
• to find accord
• in discord with

Complete the sentence with the given words: Terrorists can easily access all means of communication, cyber space becoming
464. ______ as well.

• accessory
• access
• accede
• accession
√ accessible

Complete the sentence with the given words: Besides the powers conferred on the president he also acquires some _______ ones, not
465. unimportant, which go with the post.

• accede
• accessible
• access
√ accessory
• accession

466. Complete the sentence with the given words: One must ______ to the judgment made by the commission.

• accession
• accessible
• access
√ accede
• accessory

467. Complete the sentence with the given words: After her _______ to the throne Elizabeth I accepted Philip’s alliance hand.

• access
• accessible
√ accession
• accessory
• accede

Complete the sentence with the given words: Governments can be changed by elections, through dynastic ______, as a result of coup
468. d’etat and so on.

• succeeds
√ succession
• unsuccessful
• succeeded
• succeeding

Complete the sentence with the given words: Nowadays we forgot that Western Europe made two ______ attempts to expand before
469. she eventually succeeded.

• succeeds
√ unsuccessful
• succeeded
• succession
• succeeding

470. Complete the sentence with the given words: In ______ years the queen gained more and more powers.

• succeeds
√ succeeding
• succeeded
• succession
• unsuccessful

471. Complete the sentence with the given words: In Britain traditionally it is the elder son of the monarch who _____ to the throne.

• succeeding
√ succeeds
• succeeded
• succession
• unsuccessful

472. Complete the sentence with the given words: The decision taken ______ is subject to reconsideration.

• are subjected
√ subjectively
• was subjected for
• subjection
• subject to

473. Complete the sentence with the given words: In any legal system a complete ______ of lower courts to higher courts is implied.

• are subjected
√ subjection
• was subjected for
• subject
• subject to

474. Complete the sentence with the given words: Every _____ is proposed or “motioned” by an MP.

• are subjected
√ subject
• was subjected for
• subjection
• subject to

475. Complete the sentence with the given words: The decision ____ the parliament’s consideration.

• are subjected
√ was subjected for
• subject
• subjection
• subject to

476. Complete the sentence with the given words: State organs ____ each other ___ reciprocal controls.

• are subjected
√ subject... to
• subject
• subjection
• was subjected for

Complete the sentence with the given words: The governing elites _____ often not _____ to effective restraints on the exercise of
477. their power.

• subject to
√ are ..... subjected
• subject
• subjection
• was subjected for

478. Complete the sentence with the given words: The UN was ______ to prevent the invasion.

• powers
√ powerless
• power
• confer powers
• to gain power

479. Complete the sentence with the given words: Nuclear _____ is to be used for peaceful purposes.

• powers
√ power
• powerless
• confer powers
• to gain power

480. Complete the sentence with the given words: The supreme ______ in Britain is exercised by the Queen.
• powers
√ power
• powerless
• confer powers
• to gain power

481. Complete the sentence with the given words: The USA and Russia are the greatest nuclear _____.

• to gain power
√ powers
• powerless
• confer powers
• powerful

482. Complete the sentence with the given words: These are the most _____ countries in the world.

• powers
√ powerful
• power
• confer powers
• to gain power

483. Complete the sentence with the given words: The Speaker possesses wide _____ in the House of Commons.

• to gain power
√ powers
• powerless
• confer powers
• powerful

484. Complete the sentence with the given words: Dictators use force _____ despotic political _____.

• power
• confer powers
• powerless
√ to gain ... power
• powerful

485. Complete the sentence with the given words: For years a trend has been to ____ ____ directly on ministers.

• powerless
• power
• to gain power
√ confer powers
• powerful

Complete the sentence with the given words: As a result of a long process of evolution the monarchy’s absolute _____ has been
486. progressively reduced.

• powerless
• powerful
• to gain power
√ power
• confer powers

487. Complete the sentence with the given words: The _____ record of the administration was inadequate.

• to legislate
• legislation
√ legislative
• legislate
• legislature

488. Complete the sentence with the given words: The Queen is head of the executive and an integral part of the _____.

• legislation
• legislate
√ legislature
• legislative
• to legislate

489. Complete the sentence with the given words: During debates the Government’s ______ proposals are criticized.

• legislation
• legislate
• to legislate
• legislature
√ legislative

490. Complete the sentence with the given words: _____ requires agreement of all three elements of power.

√ legislation
• to legislate
• legislature
• legislate
• legislative

491. Complete the sentence with the given words: The loss of power arose from political ______.

• judiciary
• judicial
• judge
√ misjudgement
• judgments

Complete the sentence with the given words: The Lord Chancellor recommends all_____ appointments to the Crown, except the
492. highest.

• judiciary
• misjudgement
• judgments
• judge
√ judicial

493. Complete the sentence with the given words: All the House of Lords legal _____ are published on the\

√ judgments
• misjudges
• judicial
• judge
• judiciary

494. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: In ..... years the queen gained more and more powers.

• successive
• succession
• successor
• succeed
√ succeeding
495. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The ______ to Edward the Confessor was the Saxon Harold.

• succeed
√ successor
• successive
• succession
• success (full)

496. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Two ..... attempts to overcome the barrier failed.

• succeed
√ successive
• succession
• successor
• success (full)

497. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: As the American colonists were English ______ as well, the Bill applied to them, too.

• be subjected to
√ subjects
• subjection
• subjective
• be subject to

498. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: In any legal system a complete ..... of lower courts to higher courts is implied.

• to subject to
√ subjection
• to be subject to
• subjective
• to be subjected to

499. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The pension reform is to be the main ______ for discussion at the opening session.

• to be subjected to
√ subject
• subjection
• subjective
• to be subject to

500. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The _____ of lower instances to the higher bodies is to be taken for granted.

• subject
√ subjection
• be subject to
• subjective
• be subjected to

501. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Those critical remarks couldn’t be taken into consideration, they were too _____.

• subject
√ subjective
• be subject to
• subjection
• be subjected to

502. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The schedule is not final, it ______ change.

• subject
√ is subjected to
• subjection
• subjective
• be subject to

503. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Every ..... is proposed or ‘motioned’ by an MP.

• be subjected to
√ subject
• subjection
• subjective
• be subject to

504. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The parliament _____ the new taxation bill to revision.

• subject
√ subjected
• subjection
• subjective
• be subject to

Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The European powers had completed their overseas expansion, and now were threatened
505. by the rising ____ of Germany.

• powers
√ power
• powerless
• empowered
• powerful

506. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The House of Lords is _____ to decline a bill, it can only delay it for some time.

• power
√ powerless
• powerful
• empowered
• powers

507. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Legislative _____ in Britain are vested in Parliament.

√ powers
• empowered
• powerful
• power
• powerless

508. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: In a monarchy a monarch exercises the supreme _____ of government.

• powers
• powerless
√ power
• powerful
• empowered

509. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Britain used to be the most _____ nation in the 19th century.

• power
• powers
• empowered
• powerless
√ powerful

510. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The Green parties protest gainst new nuclear ______ plants.

• powerless
• empowered
• powers
• powerful
√ power

511. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Eisenhower’s inclination to play a modest role in public often led to ______ stalemate.

• legislation
• legislate
• legislator
√ legislative
• legislature

512. Fill in the space with an appropriate word:..... requires agreement of all three elements of power.

• legislative
• legislate
• legislator
√ legislation
• legislature

513. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Truman faced fierce opposition from conservative _____.

• legislator
• legislate
• legislative
• legislation
√ legislature

Complete the sentence with the given words: In his inaugural address Lincoln refused to recognize the ______ of seven states
514. considering it against the law.

• recession
• receded
• cede
• seceded
√ secession

Complete the sentence with the given words: In 1824, the federation adopted a constitution, but in 1838 Costa Rica, Honduras, and
515. Nicaragua ______ from the federation.

√ seceded
• receded
• cede
• secession
• recession

516. Complete the sentence with the given words: A sovereign state would ______ its territory only under extreme circumstances.

• seceded
• secession
• receded
√ cede
• recession
Complete the sentences with the given words: Middle-class voters who had supported prime-minister Charles Grey in 1832 lost
517. confidence in his ______.

• successfully
• unsuccessful
• successive
• succeeded
√ successor

518. Complete the sentences with the given words: Two ______ attempts to overcome the barrier failed.

• successfully
• succeeded
• unsuccessful
√ successive
• succeeding

Complete the sentence with the given words: Mrs. Thatcher said, “No other nation has so _______ combined people of different
519. races and nations within a single culture”.

• succeeding
• succession
• succeeded
√ successfully
• unsuccessful

Complete the sentence with the given words: This document _____ for protection against unjust punishment and the loss of life,
520. liberty, and property except established law.

• was subjected
√ had originated
• had provided
• maintain
• origin

521. Complete the sentence with the given words: The ____ of the monarch was limited, not absolute.

√ power
• governor
• provided
• maintain
• legislatures

Complete the sentence with the given words: In 1689 the English Parliament, which _____ in the 1200s, passed the English Bill of
522. Rights.

• had originated
√ was established
• to rule
• maintain
• conduct

523. Complete the sentence with the given words: The EU legislation takes _____ over the national legislation in the member-states.

• precedent
√ precedence
• unprecedence
• proceeding to
• precede

524. Complete the sentence with the given words: The party hardly has any...... of winning the election.
• precedent
√ prospect
• proceeding to
• perspective
• unprecedented

525. Complete the sentence with the given words: ______ constitutes the basis of the Common law system.

• precedent
√ procedure
• unprecedence
• proceeding to
• precede

526. Complete the sentence with the given words: The _____ questions are proceeding to the questions on the agenda.

• precedent
√ procedural
• unprecedence
• proceeding to
• precede

527. Complete the sentence with the given words: After the terrorist acts the precaution measures taken were _____.

• precedent
√ unprecedented
• unprecedence
• procedure
• precede

Complete the sentence with the given words: ______ of this autonomous territory from the state would certainly constitute a
528. precedent.

• had ceded
√ secession
• recession
• make concessions
• acceded

529. Complete the sentence with the given words: The new commercial treaty _____ considerable _____ upon French wines in Britain.

• had ceded
√ make ..... concessions
• secede
• recession
• acceded

Complete the sentence with the given words: As a result of the conflict in 1844 China had to _____ the island of Hong Kong to
530. Britain.

• acceded
√ cede
• recession
• concede
• secede

Complete the sentence with the given words: At the end of the Seven Years’ War, France had _____ to Spain the territory west of the
531. Mississippi River.
• acceded
√ ceded
• recession
• concede
• secede

532. Complete the sentence with the given words: Most people _____ that little can be done at the political level.

• cede
√ concede
• secede
• recession
• acceded

533. Complete the sentence with the given words: The idea could easily _____ if properly explained.

• cede
• recession
• secede
√ concede
• acceded

534. Complete the sentence with the given words: The economy of the state was in a deep _____.

• cede
• secede
√ recession
• acceded
• concede

535. Complete the sentence with the given words: When we are abroad school and home seems ______ from us.

• cede
• acceded
• concede
• secede
√ recede

Complete the sentence with the given words: In the seven states that had _____, the people responded quickly to the appeal of the
536. new president.

• recede
• concede
• cede
• secede
√ acceded

537. Complete the sentence with the given words: One of the Royal prerogatives is _____ territories.

• accede
• concede
• recede
√ to cede
• secede

Complete the sentence with the given words: According to Wilson, the US constitutional democracy was “simply an _____ of English
538. constitutional system of government.

• subjected
• legislature
• provides
√ adoption
• electorate

Complete the sentence with the given words: Majority opinion in a modern mass _____ is mobilized and expressed through political
539. parties.

• provides
• legislature
• exercise
• be subjected
√ electorate

540. Complete the sentence with the given words: State organs and offices must _____ reciprocal controls.

• provides
• legislature
• be subjected
• electorate
√ exercise

541. Complete the sentence with the given words: The existence of a constitution effectively controls the _____ of the political power.

√ exercise
• provides
• are subjected
• legislature
• electorate

542. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: In Britain traditionally it is the elder son of the monarch who...... .

• (un) success (full)

• successor
• succession
√ succeeds
• successive

Fill in the space with an appropriate word: Mass entertainment tends to be similar in all the cultural media: westerns, detective
543. stories, _____ stories, situation comedies.

• succeed
• success (full)
• successor
• succession
√ successive

Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The monarchy is hereditary, and provisions of the Act of Settlement of 1701 secured
544. the Protestant ____.

• succeed
• succession
• successive
√ successor
• success (full)

545. Fill in the space with an appropriate word: The Americans ______ in avoiding ethnic troubles with the diversity of settlers.

• success
• successor
• succession
√ succeeded
• successive

546. Choose the right variant.The big corporations ..... their power too much

• waste
√ abuse
• thanks
• tell
• eliminate

Complete the sentence with the given words: And in Congress the liberal and ______ wings of the two parties often cooperate with
547. each other against the other wings.

• cooperate
√ conservative
• common
• majorities
• against

Complete the sentence with the given words: The Democrats, unlike the Republicans, ____ to favour some Government
548. intervention, but both parties have liberal and conservative wings.

• conservative
• common
• electors
√ tend
• successive

Complete the sentence with the given words: It is very easy to confuse the ideological platforms of the Democratic and Republican
549. parties, as both parties _____ the free enterprise capitalist system.

• confuse
√ defend
• governs
• dominate
• opposed

Complete the sentence with the given words: The Republican party, which was _____ with the anti-slavery party and whose symbol
550. is an elephant, was founded in 1854.

• opposed
√ identified
• dominated
• accepted
• confused

Complete the sentence with the given words: The Democratic party _____ with a donkey has existed in one form or another since
551. the beginning of 1800s and has been accepted by the Federalist, the Whig and Republican parties.

• accepted
√ associated
• confused
• dominated
• opposed

552. Complete the sentence with the given words: Since then the two major parties have ______ political life.

• cooperate
√ dominated
• oppose
• accept
• associated

Complete the sentence with the given words: Differences over the role of the federal ______ led to the first national parties - the
553. Federalists and the Republicans.

• dominated
√ government
• power
• governors
• officials

Complete the sentence with the given words: In practical effect it is: either a Democrat or a Republican has been in _______ every
554. year since 1852.

• government
√ power
• officials
• governors
• dominated

Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: ______ emperors and kings often assumed that their duty was to initiate
555. reforms.

• consciousness
√ conscientious
• consciously
• conscience
• to be subconscious (of)

556. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: David Lloyd George was _____ of the need for free trade.

• conscience
√ conscious
• subconscious (of)
• (un) conscientious
• consciousness

Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: Parties necessarily suppress freedom of thought and politics of individual
557. _____.

• conscience
√ consciousness
• consciously
• (un) conscientious
• subconscious (of)

558. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: Those citizens who attend polling stations are referred to as ______

• conscience
√ conscious
• consciously
• (un) conscientious
• subconscious (of)

559. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: Such slogans as “Nanny States” are easily accepted by popular _____.

• conscience
√ consciousness
• consciously
• (un) conscientious
• subconscious (of)

560. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: Freud argued that much of what we do happens on the ______ level.

• consciously
√ subconscious
• consciousness
• conscience
• consent

561. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word: Young W. Churchill ______ prepared his own political career.

• subconscious (of)
√ consciously
• conscience
• conscientious
• consciousness

Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of the words: The emergence of a new social ______ among students was activated
562. by the civil rights movement.

• conscience
• (un) conscientious
• consciously
√ consciousness
• /subconscious

Complete the sentence with the appropriate form of the words: At the lower levels ideology may amount to little more than slogans
563. that have entered popular _____.

• conscience
• subconscious
• conscientious
• consciously
√ consciousness

564. Complete the sentence with the given words: The pension reform is to be the main ...... for discussion at the opening session.

• ruler
• rule
• power
√ subject
• representatives

Complete the sentence with the given words: The English colonists in North America were willing _____ to the example of the
565. people of England in sharing their rights.

• sharing
• experienced
• provided
√ to accede
• be subject

Complete the sentences with the given words: The Bill of Rights, a landmark in the development of democratic _____, was very
566. important to the American colonists.

• rule
• legislatures
• representatives
√ government
• power
Complete the sentence with the given words: The people should not be _____ to cruel and unusual punishments or to excessive
567. fines and bail.

√ subjected
• accede
• conduct
• provided
• elect

Complete the sentence with the given words: The people have a right to petition the _____ and to have a fair and speedy trial by a
568. jury of their peers.

• ruler
• power
• government
√ legislatures
• representative

Complete the sentence with the given words: The monarch must have Parliament’s consent to suspend laws, levy taxes, or ____ an
569. army.

• to rule
• elect
• establish
• rule
√ conduct

Complete the sentenceswith the given words: Monarchs do not have a divine right to rule, they are elected with the consent of the
570. people’s _____ in Parliament.

• rule
• conduct
• time
√ representatives
• power

571. Complete the sentence with the given words: The rights in the Magna Carta were ______ applied only to the nobility.

• sharing
• accede
• ruler
√ originally
• experienced

572. Match the explanation with one of the given words. Outlook, viewpoint

√ perspective
• attack
• aim
• activity
• demand

573. Match the explanation with one of the given words. To make some changes

• to tackle
• to obtain
• to launch
√ to alter
• to upset
574. Complete the sentence.A coup d’etat can be defined as a forced removal from office of leaders of states by______ .

• perceptions
• conditions
• effects
• communist
√ rivals

575. Complete the sentence.The 1917 Russian Revolution_____ the perceptions which many of the Russian people had.

• wrote
• raised
√ altered
• gave
• have

Complete the sentence.The revolution in Russia______ communist revolutionaries in other states to launch and sustain struggles against
576. their own governments.

• established
√ inspired
• changed
• structured
• replaced

577. Complete the sentence.When a revolution______ in a state, it can have a knock –out effect and alter the perceptions of the population.

• goes
• inspires
• surrounds
√ occurs
• stops

578. Complete the sentence.Society must be able to protect itself from ------- tyrants and ------ leadership.

• creative; changeable
• light; heavy
• protect; reflect
• defined; great
√ abusive; oppressive

579. omplete the sentence.The church required that people should accept the ..... of power, instead of upsetting the stability of society.

• foundation
• transform
• necessary
√ inequalities
• ideas

580. Complete the sentence.Throughout many centuries efforts were ..... to find means of opposing revolution.

• underdone
• gave
• change
√ undertaken
• favored

581. Complete the sentence.In order to ..... a revolution there is to be a firmly established code of beliefs in society.

• consider
• effort
• establish
√ hinder
• maintain

582. Complete the sentence.Many people consider revolution as a very .... force.

√ destructive
• maintenance
• planned
• stability
• active

583. Complete the sentence.Revolution are defined as ..... or planned popular uprisings.

• occur
• established
• challenge
√ spontaneous
• intention

584. Choose the right word.The people suffered from the .... regime of the dictator.

• suppression
• repress
• suppress
• oppress
√ oppressive

585. Choose the right word.The rebellion was bloody and its ... even bloodier.

• repress
• repression
• oppress
√ suppression
• oppressive

586. Choose the right word.The company’s investments proved to be ..... .

• securely
• abuse
• sustain
√ insecure
• security

587. Choose the right word.As a deeper level it is questionable whether the USA has the economic resource .... its global role.

• sustained
• secure
• suppression
√ to sustain
• suppress

588. Choose the right word. The prime minister .... the reform movement ,which was a serious over-reaction.

• repression
• repressive
• perceptive
• perceptible
√ repressed
589. Choose the right variant.In the absence of effective outside assistance the Irish revolt was easily ....

• suppression
• abusive
• abuse
√ suppressed
• suppress

590. Choose the right derivative.The British opposed abandoning the pound .... the new single European currency known as the “Euro”.

• favor
• unfavorable
• favorable
• favorite
√ in favor of

591. Choose the right derivative.At that time the British continued to .... the welfare state.

• favorable
• unfavorable
• favorite
√ favor
• in favor of

592. Choose the right variant. The safe seemed to be .... locked.

• security
• suppressed
• secure
• suppress
√ securely

593. Choose the right variant.The takeover was followed by a ..... phase up to 1822.

• securely
• secured
• repress
• repression
√ repressive

594. Choose the right form of the derivatives. Revolution is considered to alter the people’s .... of the social order.

• perceived
• perceptible
• perceive
• perceptive
√ perceptions

595. Choose the right variant. Revolution can secure freedom from .... leadership.

• oppression
• perceive
• repression
√ oppressive
• enjoy

596. Choose the right variant. Kant .... the idea that a revolution was a natural step.

• favorite
• oppressed
• unfavorable
√ favored
• favorable

597. Choose the right variant.The Environmental Protection Agency was created to bring .... ..... under control.

• abusive tyrants
• oligarchic character
• corporate abuses
• right society
√ nature abuses

598. Choose the right variant.One of the basic arguments for capital punishment is that it______ others.

• deterrence
√ deters
• eliminate
• elimination
• deterrent

599. Choose the right variant.The Prime Minister is quite conscious of the_______ problems.

• depressing
√ pressing
• impressed
• suppress
• expressing

600. Choose the right variant...... any button to start the program.

• suppress
√ press
• oppress
• pressing
• depress

601. Choose the right variant.The discussion focused on the economic situation in the ______areas.

• impressed
√ depressed
• expressed
• expressing
• impressive

602. Choose the right variant.The Beatles were the best _____of the youthful “pop” culture of the sixties.

• repression
√ expression
• impression
• expressed
• depression

603. Choose the right variant.The changes in the country were ..... .

• expressing
√ impressive
• impressionable
• depress
• press
604. Choose the right variant.The footsteps________ distinctly in the sand.

• pressed
√ depressed
• impression
• express
• impressed

605. Choose the right variant. The Great .... of the 1930 s actually began with the collapse of the American financial markets.

• depressed
√ depression
• depress
• expression
• impression

606. Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. A coup d’etat can be defined as a ..... ..... from office of leaders of states by rivals.

• global politics
√ forced removal
• revolutionary attack
• clear understanding
• military elite

Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. The revolution in Russia inspired communist revolutionaries in other states to launch
607. and______ ... struggles against their own governments.

• avoid
√ sustain
• hinder
• put
• secure

Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. When a revolution occurs in a state, it can have a knock-out effect and alter the______ of
608. the population.

• choose
√ perceptions
• challenge
• prompt
• uprising

Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. The church required that people should accept the inequalities of power, instead
609. of_______ the stability of society.

• apologizing
√ upsetting
• change
• lift
• transform

610. Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. Throughout many centuries efforts were undertaken to find means of______ revolution.

• understanding
√ opposing
• emphasize
• help
• estimating
611. Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. In order to hinder a revolution there is to be firmly established_______ in society.

• sense of humor
√ code of beliefs
• religious authority
• hostile nature
• sense of time

Complete the sentence with a suitable variant. Revolutions are defined spontaneous or planned popular uprisings which ..... with the
612. intention of deposing an existing government.

• order
√ occur
• government
• protect
• political

613. Match the explanation with one of the given words. To give courage, to push to

• to build
• to enroll
√ to inspire
• to sustain
• to hinder

614. Match the explanation with one of the given words. Understanding, feeling

• access
• idea
• abuse
• favor
√ perception

615. Match the explanation with one of the given words. To prevent

• to revert
• to give up
• to protect
√ to hinder
• to collapse

616. Match the explanation with one of the given words.To work out

• to convince
• to choose
• to secure
• to force
√ to elaborate

617. Match the explanation with one of the given words.To start

• to blame
• to exist
• to reverse
√ to launch
• to settle

618. Match the explanation with one of the given words.By itself, sudden

• great
• marvelous
• quick
• oppressive
√ spontaneous

619. Match the explanation with one of the given words.To keep up with all means

• to revolt
• to perceive
• to challenge
• to build
√ to sustain

620. Match the explanation with one of the given words.To go back

• to support
• to remove
• to limit
• to prevent
√ to revert

621. Match the explanation with one of the given words.To disturb the functioning

• to undertake
• to establish
• to order
√ to upset
• to favor

622. Match the explanation with one of the given words.A sudden and violent change

• belief
• struggle
• power
√ upheaval
• freedom

623. Match the explanation with one of the given words. To replace, force from office

• to accept
• to find means
• to attempt
• to struggle
√ to depose

624. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Both nations funded smaller wars to promote their interests.

√ sustained
• altered
• changed
• spotted
• tormented

Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. This policy was known as “ Mutually Assured Elimination” or “the Policy of
625. Prevention”.

• principle
• halt
• structure
√ deterrence
• abolish

626. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Both nations saved enough arms to guarantee the elimination of the planet.

• terrify
• surfed
• put
• held
√ stockpiled

627. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.The two superpower nations competed for domination.

• weapon
• guarantee
√ supremacy
• dominant
• challenging

628. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Both wars made untold demands upon the resources of the warring nations.

• unpleasant, rushing
• stable, conflicting
√ unprecedented, conflicting
• attached, passing
• understandable, clearing

629. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Nuclear Weapons have the potential to ruin our planet.

• to construct
• to rush
• to violate
√ to destroy
• to flourish

630. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.The 20th century ended with the invention of nuclear weapons.

• accepted
• stayed
• regarded
• challenged
√ climaxed

631. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. The supporters of dogmatic ideologies are willing to launch war.

• to eliminate
• to take
• to allow
√ to wage
• to stand

632. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.The rich industrial countries developed ruinous technology.

• spread
• improved
• giant
• great
√ destructive

633. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.The supporters of dogmatic ideologies fanatically believe in them.
• rebels
• drivers
• liberties
√ adherents
• wishes

634. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.There are those who say that the acceptance of an ideology would stop war.

• threat
• basis
√ adoption
• talent
• false

635. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.Either Man will eliminate war, or war will eliminate Man.

• think
• absent
√ abolish
• stay
• halt

636. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.Wars are often considered as “ motor of history”.

√ regarded
• changed
• talked
• helped
• had

637. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.Putting the combating parties at the negotiating table helped ...... war.

• bring
• to aim
√ to prevent
• to accept
• to sign

638. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.Throughout centuries many wars have been .... by religious differences.

√ unleashed
• defended
• protected
• driven into
• join in

639. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.The war brought a lot of ..... to ordinary people.

√ grievance
• aim
• ideology
• encouragement
• support

Complete the sentences with the appropriate word. The competition between the great European powers led to the ..... of World War 1
640. in 1914

• ruin
• funds
• collapse
• elimination
√ outbreak

641. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.The terrifying ..... of the two wars shouldn’t be forgotten.

• sickness
• accept
• prevention
√ aftermath
• help

642. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.The goal of the UNO is to rid the mankind of the ..... of war.

• revolution
• end
• alteration
• enable
√ outbreak

643. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.Few countries managed to avoid .... war with Germany.

• declaring
• preparing
• changing
√ fighting
• altering

644. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.Britain was ..... another war for which it was ill-prepared.

• fight
• set
• taught
• manage
√ driven into

645. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.The two World Wars were ..... by approximately the same coalition of powers.

• mount
• terrify
• done
• defeated
√ unleashed

646. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.China did not ..... war on Japan until after Pearl Harbor.

• guarantee
• ruin
• unleash
• fight
√ declare

647. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.Both countries perceived the dangers of being .... war.

• declare
• win
• perceived
√ dragged into
• criticized

648. Complete the sentences with the appropriate word.Britain avoided giving binding commitments ..... any war.
• to be defeated
• to lose
• to win
√ to join in
• an outbreak of

649. Choose the right variant.The major ..... is a man’s mind

• abolition
• deter
• deterrent
• elimination
√ deterrence

650. Choose the right variant. Those ........ to communist ideas were pursued.

• adherence
√ adherent
• explode
• magnificent
• terrified

651. Choose the right variant.The new technology ...... the informational market.

• exposed
√ exploded
• spent
• apart
• magnified

652. Choose the right variant.The sign wouldn’t .... to the surface.

• magnify
√ adhere
• terror
• accept
• magnitude

653. Choose the right variant. Churchill ..... to the idea that democracy was the best government structure.

• adherent
√ adhered
• existed
• adherence
• exploded

654. Match the explanation with the right word.To come to an end

• to seem troubled
√ to wear thin
• to catch
• to splash
• to prevent

655. Match the explanation with the right word.Reckless, far from being clever

√ foolhardy
• causing
• calm
• smart
• broken fire

656. Match the explanation with the right word.Talks without any result

• bargain
√ fruitless negotiations
• decisive
• rage
• economic wreckage

657. Match the explanation with the right word.Simple and reliable

• dangerous
√ foolproof
• accepted
• conditional
• untidy

658. Match the explanation with the right word.A period of long peace.

• peacekeeping forces
√ a durable truce
• show good faith
• implied peace
• foolproof

659. Match the explanation with the right word.To make continue negotiating

• fruitless negotiations
√ to keep at a bargaining table
• to find way-out
• to break negotiations
• to follow contracts

660. Match the explanation with the right word.Economic ruin

• economic updown
√ economic wreckage
• bargaining
• broken fire
• to wear thin

661. Match the explanation with the right word. To sound encouragingly.

• to sound sad
√ to have a reassuring sound
• to seem gloomy
• to stick to the point
• to be brave

662. Match the explanation with the right word. To demonstrate good will.

• to wear thin
√ to show good faith
• to have a talent
• to seem troubled
• durable truce
Complete the sentence with the right variant. The Cold War is over. The world is learning to live without the threat of ...... war that had
663. conditioned our lives for 40 years.

• nuclear
√ cold
• full-scale
• conventional
• civil

664. Match the type of war with its explanation. A war where nuclear arms are not used.

• full- scale
√ conventional
• guerrilla
• civil
• nuclear

665. Match the type of war with its explanation. A war where nuclear weapons are used.

• civil
• cold
• conventional
√ nuclear
• devastating

666. Match the type of war with its explanation. A war between East and West that lasted from 1945 to 1989.

• civil
• conventional
• full-scale
• guerrilla
√ cold

667. Match the type of war with its explanation. That isolated clashes might develop into

• devastating
• nuclear
• cold
√ full-scale
• guerilla

668. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Spielberg’s films are graphic and unacceptable for younger students.

• skilled
• challenging
• unpredictable
• inevitable
√ inappropriate

669. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. If we succeed in getting rid of nuclear weapons, our work will not be completed.

• saved
• inspired
• strengthen
√ accomplished
• cured

670. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Both nations funded smaller wars to promote their interests.

• to agree
• to cause
• to inspire
• to persuade
√ to advance

671. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents.The United Nations aims to stop war and to keep peace.

• to alter
• to dominate
• to keep
• to stay
√ to halt

672. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. If we succeed in getting rid of nuclear.

• splashing
• changing
• having
• understanding
√ disposing

673. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Both nations stockpiled enough arms to guarantee the elimination of the planet.

• prevention
• villain
• victim
√ destruction
• warfare

674. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. It is nuclear weapons that pose the gravest danger.

• show
• value
• estimate
√ cause
• drag

675. Replace the underlined words by their equivalents. Both nations stockpiled enough arms to guarantee the elimination of the planet.

• to fund
• to raise
• to help
• to occur
√ to secure

676. Choose the right variant.No one expected him ...... so violently to criticism.

• to demonstrate
√ to explode
• to adhere
• to magnify
• to terror

677. Choose the right variant.This kind of policy could ...... the country to a hard blow.

√ expose
• adherent
• exposure
• violent
• explode
678. Choose the right derivative. ....... groups often use the threat of indiscriminate attacks on civilians.

• terrible
√ terrorist
• terrorize
• terror
• terrify

679. Choose the right derivative.The states may use threat of ..... against civilians to intimidate adversaries.

• violate
• violently
• violent
√ violence
• violation

680. Choose the right derivative.Sherlock Holmes examined the inscription with his ...... glass.

• magnified
• magnitude
√ magnifying
• magnification
• magnificence

681. Choose the right derivative.The ...... of Taj Mahal cannot be overestimated.

• magnify
• magnificent
• magnitude
• magnification
√ magnificence

682. Choose the right derivative.One couldn’t help admiring a ...... perspective from the hotel window.

• magnitude
• magnificence
• magnify
• magnification
√ magnificent

683. Choose the right derivative.He protested against accusations ...... .

• violate
• violence
• violation
• violent
√ violently

684. Choose the right derivative. His ..... nature couldn’t but bring him trouble.

• violence
• violation
• violate
√ violent
• violently

685. Choose the right derivative.The ..... of the measures taken is to be estimated later.

• magnify
√ magnitude
• magnificent
• magnifying
• magnification

686. Choose the right derivative.They have a political creed of ...... .

• violently
√ violence
• violation
• violate
• violent

687. Choose the right derivative. ..... of the provisions of the contract will lead to sanctions.

• violate
√ violation
• violent
• violently
• violence

688. Choose the right derivative. Electrically detonated ...... gave terrorists a new mobility.

• explode
√ explosives
• exploded
• explanation
• explosion

689. Choose the right derivative. This policy ...... the international law.

• violation
√ violates
• violent
• violently
• violence

690. Choose the right derivative. The ....... of the victory in the war was hard to overestimate.

• magnify
• magnification
√ magnitude
• magnificent
• magnificence

691. Choose the right derivative.The conflict is ...... difficult to resolve.

• terrify
√ terribly
• terrible
• terror
• terrorism

692. Choose the right derivative.Effective ...... requires attention to all areas.

• terrorism
√ counterterrorism
• terrify
• terrorist
• terror
693. Choose the right derivative.Terrorism is the use of ...... methods of governing or resisting a government.

• terrorize
√ terrorizing
• terrify
• terrorized
• terribly

694. Choose the right derivative.Terrorism’s public impact is greatly ..... by the media.

• magnification
√ magnified
• magnificent
• magnificence
• magnitude

695. Choose the right derivative........ of events often takes place in popular press.

• magnify
√ magnification
• magnificent
• magnificence
• magnitude

696. Choose the right variant.Terrorist acts until then had been ..... but quick.

• fine
√ terrible
• explode
• terror
• magnify

697. Choose the right variant.The Americans ..... severe setbacks for months after independence was declared.

• abolition
√ suffered
• praised
• caused
• suffering

698. Choose the right variant.Any problem can be ...... if it is covered by mass media.

• magnification
√ magnified
• terror
• terrify
• magnificent

699. Choose the right variant.The arrested young people were accused of ..... to a nationalistic group.

• adherent
√ adherence
• measures
• investigate
• adhere

700. Choose the right variant...... to the democratic ideas organized a meeting against the authorities.

• terrorists
√ adherents
• exposure
• violations
• brave

701. Choose the right variant.When ....... to light the film became black.

• exploded
√ exposed
• terrify
• adhere
• terror

702. Choose the right variant.Two successive ...... occurred in the area for the last week.

• exposition
• explosive
• opinion
• magnify
√ explosions

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