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Mariya Dimitrova Dimitrova

32 Iris street

Sofia, Bulgaria

Dear Mrs. Kardasheva,

Head of Zlatarski International School

49 Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

Sofia, Bulgaria

Dear Mrs. Kardasheva,

I am a tenth grade student, who has the ambition to apply for the IB Full Diploma programme,
because I have an intention to pursue a Bachelor of Architecture or Design Degree and I plan to
follow up with a master`s degree after I graduate.

I want to apply for a full diploma because it gives more college opportunities than the certificates.
As a part of the course, I will develop many characteristics that in future may help me in the
college life. I am particularly interested in this diploma, because I believe it will expand my
curiosity and help me to organize my time and be as productive as I can. I elect Zlatarski
International School because it offers you high level of academic studier proven by past years and
recommended from ex-students.

During my courses of studying, I have participated in many projects organized by the Art club
under the supervision of my art teacher (Mrs. R. Yordanova). Some of my projects can be seen
on school events and holidays like 24th of May, Science fair, or even on the Christmas’ bazar
where I made a plethora of holiday cards sold for charity. I learned how to be patient and precise,
and finish my work before the deadline is reached. At home I spent a lot of time doing arts. In my
family no one buys gift cards because I made most of them. Even when working at high speed, I
do not neglect accuracy and would therefore be suitable for an IB student.

Since eighth grade my annual assessments had never been less than 6.00 because of my hard
work and ambitious to be one of the first. My strengths are Mathematics, Bulgarian Literature
and Physics. Based on results, I aimed a 6.00’s in all subjects in the first term but I am interested
particularly in Mathematics and Physics. In the Mock session we had in February I got 5.40 in
English, 5.50 in Bulgarian and 5.30 in Mathematics. I know I can perform better, but I am proud
of what I did. From my perspective, I would say that my only weakness is studying languages.
Bulgarian is one of my strongest subjects but I work hard to achieve these results. So I am
looking to improve in that area. I am principled and will never stop trying to improve myself in
the sphere of education and knowledge. Studying is my first priority after my family.

I envision for myself a career in the Art sphere particularly in Design. I think for my future and
for my opportunities. As an IB student I will be able to enroll for many universities and to be
competitive. I have intentions in being part from IED ( Institutio Europeo di Design) or, both in Italy. I am particularly interested in Italy because of its contributions to the
cultural heritage of Europe and the world remain immense.

I am enthusiastic about developing myself so I look forward to being a part of the IB programme.
For three years at Zlatarski I already became reflective because I understand my limits and how
to develop them by virtue of many projects based on scientific topics. Independently my crafting
skills, I keep my assessments high and have never stop being so dedicated in my work. I expect
from myself to handle the IB and to accomplish my aims. I want to become one of the best in the
Design sphere. I believe my dedication will help me in the future as well as IB programme skills I
will develop.

Yours sincerely,

Mariya Dimitrova Dimitrova

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