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Job analysis is the process of internally assessing a job and establishing functional benchmarks against
which a job can be structured or restructured, titled and/ or advertised. The job analysis process is an
important step in the recruitment process in which the human resources department identifies employment
areas needing to be staffed. Job analysis determines in detail the particular job duties and requirements
and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. It also collects information about the duties,
responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job (Wilson, 2007).

Relationship between the three

The relationship between job analysis, job specification and job description is that job analysis is the
fundamental basis upon which job description and job specification are formulated. The HR department
has to formulate job positions based on the analyses conducted to determine the purpose and usefulness of
each position (Muchinsky & Paul, 2012). It can therefore be deduced that job description and job
specification are products of job analysis because without job analysis, it would neither be possible nor
necessary to compile job descriptions and job specifications.

Apart from a job description, other outcomes of job analysis include recruiting plans, position postings
and advertisements, and performance development planning within your performance management
system. According to Franklin (2005), job analysis may include these activities: reviewing the job
responsibilities of current employees, researching and viewing sample job descriptions online and offline
highlighting similar jobs, analyzing the work duties, tasks, and responsibilities that need to be
accomplished by the employee filling the position, researching and sharing with other companies that
have similar jobs, and articulation of the most important outcomes or contributions needed from the
position (Muchinsky & Paul, 2012).

Job description
A job description is the outcome of job analysis which entails the detailed functions of the position
requirements for the job. It documents the key responsibilities and duties the hired candidate is expected
to perform (Fine et al., 1999). A job description helps the human resources determine appropriate pay
ranges, recruit qualified candidates to fill vacancies and aids in appraising staff performance against set
standards. It is a powerful tool that is used to;
 communicate the job expectations to the employee
 focus recruitment efforts
 manage employee performance
 set employee and organization goals
 for workload management
 for succession planning
 to create training and development plans
 for the job evaluation and classification process
 establish fair, competitive pay rates for staff members
 develop career paths and opportunities for job growth
 help maintain compliance with federal regulations (Fine et al., 1999)

Job Specification
The job specification describes education, experience, skills, knowledge required to perform a job. It is a
very important document used by HR professionals to communicate the desired people requirements in
the organization. Job seekers generally only respond to a particular job after reading a job specification to
determine whether or not they meet the qualifications criteria. The job specification reduces the number
of applicants through its listing of qualifications and experience required which many interested
applicants will be lacking thereby making the task of HR much easier (Franklin, 2005). A job
specification is a statement which tells us minimum acceptable human qualities that helps to perform a
job. Job specification translates the job description into human qualifications so that a job can be
performed in a better manner. Job specification helps in hiring an appropriate person for an appropriate
position. The contents of a well-designed job specification would include;
 job title and designation
 Educational qualifications for that title
 Physical and other related attributes
 Special attributes and abilities
 Maturity and dependability
 Relationship of that job with other jobs in a concern.
Source: (Fleishman, 1964)

From the above advantages, we can justify the importance of job analysis and it is related products. Both
job description and job specification are important for personnel manager in personnel management
function. Therefore, job analysis is considered to be the primary tool of personnel management as it gives
birth to job description and job specification.

Baik deskripsi pekerjaan maupun spesifikasi pekerjaan penting bagi manajer personalia dalam fungsi
manajemen personalia. Oleh karena itu, analisis pekerjaan dianggap sebagai alat utama manajemen
personalia karena melahirkan deskripsi pekerjaan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan.

Analisis pekerjaan merupakan dasar mendasar untuk merumuskan deskripsi pekerjaan dan spesifikasi
pekerjaan. Deskripsi pekerjaan dan spesifikasi pekerjaan adalah produk dari analisis pekerjaan yang
mana analisis pekerjaan dianggap sebagai alat utama manajemen personalia karena tanpa analisis
pekerjaan, tidak akan mungkin dan tidak perlu untuk menyusun deskripsi pekerjaan dan spesifikasi

Job analysis is the fundamental basis upon which job description and job specification are formulated.
Job descriptions and job specifications are products of job analysis where job analysis is considered the
main personnel management tool because without job analysis, it will not be possible and there is no
need to compile job descriptions and job specifications.

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