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Name: Graeme Garland

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Who Did it? (Short Story unit) Grade: 10 Academic Date: March 7th 2019

Subject: English Strand: Oral Communication & Reading Location: English Classroom Time: (number of classes): 75 min class

Lesson Plan Description – (one/two paragraphs with general details about what you will do and how you will do it)

As we continue or short story unit, as students arrive the will get a card with a literary term on it with a number and
they need to figure out what their term is by talking to their classmates. Then students will be reading a short story
and answering questions in groups, followed by presenting the answers to the question. Then one group who was
identified at the beginning of class, will become characters from the novel and the other students will be guessing who
the killer was in the short story.

Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (numbers from documents and details)
Oral Communications
1. Listening to Understand: listen in order to understand and respond appropriately in a variety of situations for a
variety of purposes;
Reading and Literature Studies
1. Reading for Meaning: read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, informational, and graphic
texts, using a range of strategies to construct meaning;

Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations (numbers from documents and details) selected & listed from the Ont. Curriculum, refined when
necessary, has verbs that are observable & measureable, has realistic number of expectations (1 to 3) have expectations that match assessment
Oral Communication
1.5 develop and explain interpretations of oral texts, including increasingly complex texts, using evidence from the text
and the oral and visual cues used in it to support their interpretations
Reading and Literature
1.4 make and explain inferences about texts, including increasingly complex texts, supporting their explanations with
well-chosen stated and implied ideas from the texts
1.8 identify and analyse the perspectives and/or biases evident in texts, including increasingly complex texts, and
comment on any questions they may raise about beliefs, values, identity, and power
Learning Goals Discuss with students: What will I be learning today? (clearly identify what students are expected to know and be able to do, in language
that students can readily understand)

Today I will learn…

 How to interpret a text to answer key questions of a short story Oral 1.5
 Strategies to infer information from a Short Story. Reading 1.4
 How to identify different viewpoints within a short story. Reading 1.8
Success Criteria Discuss with students: How will I know I have learned what I need to learn? (clearly identify the criteria to assess student’s learning, as well
as what evidence of learning students will provide to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and thinking, in language that students can readily understand)

I can: interpret a text to answer key questions of a short story

I can: infer information from a Short Story.
I can: identify & relate to different viewpoints within a short story.
Assessment – how will I know students have learned what I intended?
Achievement Chart Categories (highlight/circle the ones that apply): Knowledge and Understanding; Thinking; Communication; Application

Assessment For, As, Of Learning (Complete the chart below)

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

Assessment Mode: Assessment Strategy Assessment Tool
Written, Oral, Performance Specific task for students Instrument used to record data
(Write, Say, Do) e.g., turn and talk, brainstorming, mind i.e., rubric, checklist, observation sheet,
map, debate, etc. etc.

Assessment For Learning Performance, oral Think, Pair Shares Observation

Group Work
Assessment As Learning
Assessment Of Learning
Prior Learning: Prior to this lesson, students will have
* Literary Terms
* Grade 9 Short Story Unit
* How to identify key parts of a Short Story.
Differentiation: Content, Process, Product, Assessment/Accommodations, Modifications

Giving students the ability to work together to find the solution to the problem.

Kinesthetic activities

Learning Skills/Work Habits

Highlight/circle ones that are addressed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, self-regulation

Highlight/circle ones that are assessed: responsibility, organization, independent work, collaboration, initiative, self-regulation

Resources and Materials /Technology Integration List ALL items necessary for delivery of the lesson. Include any attachments of student
worksheets used and teacher support material that will support communication of instruction. Include the use of Information Technology (ICT) in your lesson plan
where appropriate.
 Worksheets
 Character Bios
 Stories (full and shortened)
 Classroom
Learning Environment (grouping; transitions; physical set up)
Students are being numbered as they come into class so when they sit they are where they are needed to be.

Cross Curricular Links

Drama – Hot Seating

Lesson – Delivery Format

Write the lesson description with enough detail that another teacher could replicate the lesson without a personal discussion.
What Teachers Do: What Students do:
Minds on: Motivational Hook/engagement /introduction (5-15 min)
Establish a positive learning environment, connect to prior learning, set the context for learning, pre-determine key questions to guide lesson
Time: 0mins – 10mins (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Students will be asking each other to describe their term

Label students with terms that have been learned in order to find out what term they are. Once they figure
throughout the semester. These cards will also have out their term they will take a seat in the group
numbers on them to divide them up into groups (1-5) corresponding with the number or name.
and the last group will have names. (This flows into the

Action: During /working on it (time given for each component, suggested 15-40 min)
Introduce new learning or extend/reinforce prior learning, provide opportunities for practice & application of learning

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

Time: 11mins – 64mins (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Students will be reading the short story The Tuesday

Will be giving out the story that students will be Night Club. (students numbered 1-5 will have a
reading. shortened version of the story, students with names will
have the full story).
While the other students are reading the teacher will go Numbered students will answer the questions provided
to the group of students that were presented with while named students are finishing reading as well as
names and explain that they need to read a bio and be preparing to step into the role of the character they
ready to answer questions about themselves. were assigned.
Numbered students will present their answers to the
class group by group. Each group will only answer one
Teacher will be giving instructions: question.
We have 5 characters from the short story here, in your Students in the groups numbered 1-5 will get to ask each
groups you will have 2 minutes to interview them, in character questions to try to identify who committed the
order to identify the killer. After each group will present murder. After talking to each character the groups will
who they think did it and why. have to present who they think did it and why.
Consolidation & Connection (Reflect and Connect) (5-15 min.)
Help students demonstrate what they have learned, provide opportunities for consolidation and reflection
Time: 65 mins – 75 mins (Indicate time breakdown of instructional elements)

Students who were character will present the end of the

Teacher will fill in any blanks that might have been story. What happened, who did it.
missed by the characters presentation.

Extension Activities/Next Steps (where will this lesson lead to next)

Continue on the Short Story unit.

Personal Reflection (what went well, what would I change, what will I have to consider in my next lesson for this subject/topic)
The Lesson:

The Teacher:

Drafted by Lakehead University Orillia Faculty of Education Team-August 2013

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