A You Should Put On A Jumper. B You Shouldn't Sit So Close To

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Teacher Jaime Urrutia

I.- Complete the sentences with Should or Shouldn´t

a) It's cold. You _____________________ a jacket. (wear)

b) She's always tired. She _____________________ to bed late every night. (go)
c) _____________________________ now? (we / leave)
d) You __________________________ some fruit or vegetables every day. (eat)
e) The students __________________________ their mobile phones in the exam.
f) You __________________________ the teacher to help you if you don't
understand the lesson. (ask)
g) People ______________________________ fast in the town centre. (drive)
h) ______________________________the dress or the skirt? (I / buy)

II. Match the statements to the advice. Type the letter in the space.

a) I've got a headache. ____ A You should put on a jumper.

b) I'm cold. ___ B You shouldn't sit so close to
The TV
c) The game starts at three o'clock. ___ C He shouldn't stay up so late.
d) He's always tired in the morning. ___ D We should leave at two-thirty.
e) I don't feel well. ___ E You should stay in bed.
f) I want to lose weight. ___ F You should do some exercise.
Teacher Jaime Urrutia

III. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences with Should or Shouldn´t

a) It’s almost eight o’clock. You ___________ go to work now.

b) A: ___________ Alex cook dinner? B: Yes, he ___________.

c) My friend ___________ try to quit smoking.

d) We should stay at home. We ___________ go out.

e) A: ___________ they watch TV all day? B: No, they __________.

f) Stewart looks very sick. He ___________ see a doctor.

g) You ___________ drive a car without wearing your seatbelt.

h) What ___________ we eat for dinner tonight?

i) There’s a fire in the kitchen! What ___________ we do?

j) Please be quiet! You ___________ make so much noise in the library!

k) When ___________ I take this medicine?

l) A: ___________ I press the red button? B: No, you ___________!

m) It’s very late. We ___________ go to bed.
n) How much money ___________ I bring with me to the store?
o) You ___________ cross the street until the light is green.
Teacher Jaime Urrutia

IV. Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences using Could or Couldn´t, Can or

a) I ___________ go to the party last night because I was sick.

b) A: ___________ Noel cook Italian food? B: Yes, he ___________.

c) My sister ___________ swim last year, but now she ___________.

d) They ___________ go shopping yesterday because the store was closed.

e) A: ___________ you read when you were four years old? B: Yes, I __________.

f) Ellie ___________ ride a bicycle. She rides it to school every day.

g) I’m very tired, so I ___________ go out to the park to play.

h) A: ___________ you see the moon last night? B: No, I ___________.

i) When ___________ I talk to you about the company report?

j) Most dinosaurs walked on land, but some ___________ fly or even swim.
k) Excuse me, I ___________ hear you right now. The music is too loud.

l) I ___________ drive a truck when I was only sixteen years old.

m) Douglas hit the tree because he ___________ stop his car.

n) How many hot dogs ___________ you eat at one time?

o) I ___________ read without my reading glasses. Where are they?

Teacher Jaime Urrutia

V. Make suggestions for each situation using Should.

1. I want to quit smoking. What should I do?


2. I won 100,000 dollars and I don't know how to spend it. What should I do?


3. I gained a lot of weight in last few years. I want to lose at least 10kg. What should I


4. I have just lost my job. I haven't told my husband/wife yet. How should I tell


5. I found a wallet which had 2,000 dollars in it. Should I spend it?


6. My son doesn't want to go to school. He says that his teacher and all other
students hate him. What should I do?

Teacher Jaime Urrutia

7. My child wakes up very often in the middle of the night. He sleeps usually during
the day. I haven't had any good sleep for weeks. What should I do?


8. I have a headache. What should I do?


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