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The PFC matrix has been developed by Dr. Zorayda E. Leopando in 2000 to help the residents
understand biopsychosocial approach using a clinical case that they encountered in their clinical rotations.
The matrix is founded by the 3 key components of BPS, namely, patient-centered, family-focused and
community-oriented approaches of health care.

1. Analyze family case reports
2. Evaluate family case presentation using rubrics.
3. Teach students and trainees understand the concept of biopsychosocial approach using a clinical case.

The Matrix

COMPONENTS Patient-centered Family-focused Community-oriented

Data  Relevant clinical  Assessment of family  Assessment of social determinants
histories psychodynamics using of health and building blocks of a
 Physical Findings family assessment health system relevant to the
 Context of psychosocial tools, family systems presented medical and
issues (individual) such assessment psychosocial issues of the case
as emotions attendant to (STFRED)
the health condition
including bioethical
Analysis  Salient clinical features  Salient features of the  Salient features of the assessments
and psychosocial, family dynamics on the social determinants and
bioethical issues, etc and/or family systems building blocks of a health system
Diagnosis/  Medical diagnosis  Summary statements  Summary statements of the issues
Conclusion/  Psychosocial diagnosis of the issues identified identified in the assessments done
Assumptions (using ICD V Codes) in the assessments (both enabling and barriers to care)
done (both enabling
and barriers to care)
Management/  Comprehensive medical  Family interventions to  Interventions (COPC based) to
interventions based on address both medical address the issues identified
Interventions evidence and standards and psychosocial (existing and proposed)
of care (encompassing issues identified
all levels of care)
 Individual psychosocial
interventions such as
approach (CEA),
motivational and
behavioral counseling
etc appropriate to
address the identified

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